Search results

  1. DeborahG

    Container for taking smoothie to work, anyone?

    Has anyone found a container that will keep a smoothie relatively cold for transport? I'd like to have the option of taking one to work for lunch. Any ideas are greatly appreciated! Have a great day, Deborah
  2. DeborahG

    Vegan/vegetarian kids?

    Can anyone recommend any books/resources regarding vegan and/or vegetarian diets for children? My 6- and 8-year-olds do not eat meat, and they eat almost no dairy. I do not eat meat or dairy either, but I want to read up on the differing nutritional needs of kids in this regard. Any...
  3. DeborahG

    Just an FYI: STS Tower $68 + free shipping

    I know most of you who had any interest in the Tower probably already own one, but, just in case there's anyone still interested out there, I thought I'd let folks know that Amazon has the Altus Turbo Tower (same as STS Push/Pull Tower) for $68 with free shipping. Seemed like a pretty good...
  4. DeborahG

    What size stability ball??

    Hey everyone. I didn't realize (until I just looked) that Cathe's stability balls come in three sizes, 55, 65, and 75. Does anyone know which would be best for a 5'4" gal like myself? Thanks in advance for any input. Have a great day! Deborah
  5. DeborahG

    Does STS Push/Pull Tower = Altus Turbo Tower?

    Does anyone know if the STS Push/Pull Tower sold on Cathe's website is the same as the Altus Turbo Tower sold at sporting goods stores? They look identical and I know Cathe has coordinated with Altus on some of her fitness accessories. Thanks for any insight. Have a great day! Deborah
  6. DeborahG

    Anyone living in Atlanta area?

    It looks like I may be relocating to Atlanta in a few months, and I am not that familiar with it. If anyone is, I wondered if you could tell me whether I'm on the right path. I'm looking at the East Cobb area because it seems to have good public schools and doesn't seem too miserably far from...
  7. DeborahG

    Drinking (alcohol) in front of kids - Help me draw the line

    Help! I am really in need of input (esp. from a smart bunch like you guys). My in-laws are visiting next week. I have 2 daughters, ages 5 and 7. Both in-laws drink quite a bit, but esp. my mother-in-law. I am totally OK with people drinking in moderation in front of my girls, but am...
  8. DeborahG

    Is an R.S.V.P. too much to ask?

    Can I vent? I'm so frustrated. I gave out 24 invitations to a joint b-day party I'm having for my 2 daughters a week and a half ago. I requested an R.S.V.P. and provided a phone # and an e-mail address. Only 2 PEOPLE have responded so far. I have to let the party place know a head count by...
  9. DeborahG

    Could running be worked in w/Insanity?

    Any opinions? I live in the South and like to run in the fall/winter after the dreadfully hot summers are over. I'm thinking about buying Insanity, but I'm wondering if it is already so cardio-intensive that adding or subing in running wouldn't really work. Any input is greatly appreciated...
  10. DeborahG

    My CC instrumental links expired!

    I'm so bummed! I ordered all 8 a few weeks ago and only now got around to attempting to download them. But the links say they are expired! I had no idea they expired. Has this ever happened to anyone? I hope Sean will send new links. Otherwise, I just wasted $40! I'm an idiot! Have a...
  11. DeborahG

    Disney World help needed

    Hello, folks. We're taking our DDs to Disney World for a few days over Halloween weekend. They'll be 5 and 7 when we go. Can anyone recommend a good travel guide or other source of info. on the parks/area/etc.? I haven't been since probably the 1970's, so I'm totally clueless. I went to the...
  12. DeborahG

    Baby gift ideas

    Does anyone have any ideas for a baby gift? The woman is a neighbor, and though we are not close friends, we get our girls together on occasion, and I like her a lot. I'm thinking I'll just get her a gift card, as it's her 3rd girl (so I assume she has many of the basics already), and I don't...
  13. DeborahG

    Disturbing experience with stray dog owner

    I am so disturbed. My husband and I found an old dog in hobbling in the street at 10:00 p.m. last night. She's a big skinny dog, clearly old (I found out later she's 13), and had much trouble walking. We took her home, because she'd surely be hit by a car, not to mention she could barely...
  14. DeborahG

    Any opinions on buying a used treadmill. . .

    from a gym? Has anyone done that and had a good/bad experience? My husband's gym is replacing all of their Precor treadmills and is selling them off for $300. On the one hand, that's pretty cheap, but on the other hand, we're talking about treadmills that have a LOT of miles on them. Any...
  15. DeborahG

    Lost a small pet today. . .Feeling bad

    She was just a lizard, but I still feel sad when I see her empty tank. We got her at a big pet store and relied on the advice of the store employees on how to set up her house and how to feed her. I learned after she became very sick/disabled that much of the advice we were following was not...
  16. DeborahG

    Anyone use a sports therapist?

    Well, I'm about at my wits end with an injury in my leg (IT band) that just won't go away and stay away. Just when I think I have a handle on it, the soreness, etc. returns. SO, I'm wondering if I should pony-up money and see a sports physical therapist. But I'm worried it won't make a...
  17. DeborahG

    Runners!! I have a question. . . .

    How many of you guys/gals rely on running for all of your cardio, versus cross-training with other forms of cardio? If you cross-train, how often and with what types? Finally, do you know if there are advantages/disadvantages (other than the obvious one of overtraining/injury) to running less...
  18. DeborahG

    Does STS come in one package or two from UPS?

    Can one of you lucky ones answer this? I'm asking because, when I originally ordered STS, SNM told me the purchase did not go through, so I ordered again. I just got my UPS shipping notice, and it says I will be receiving 2 packages. I want to make sure I'm not receiving a double-order by...
  19. DeborahG

    Poopy workouts

    One of my dogs, who is housebroken, has started pooping in my workout area every day! He must do it at night while I'm sleeping, because I've never caught him, but there's always a pile waiting for me when I go to workout in the morning. What gives? Do you think he's trying to send me a...
  20. DeborahG

    Would this bug you???

    I need your opinions, if you have a minute. So my 6-year-old daughter was invited to a neighbor's house on Monday afternoon to play with her friend from school. Just before she left to go over, the mom called and said she decided to take the girls to a movie instead, if that was OK with me...