Anyone use a sports therapist?


Well, I'm about at my wits end with an injury in my leg (IT band) that just won't go away and stay away. Just when I think I have a handle on it, the soreness, etc. returns. SO, I'm wondering if I should pony-up money and see a sports physical therapist. But I'm worried it won't make a difference, and I'll be out hundreds of dollars.

Has anyone used a PT for a sports-type injury? I know everyone's experience is different, but who knows, it may still help me decide.

Thanks in advance for any input. Have a great night!

I used a certified sports therapist for an IT band and knee issue and she only charged $20 a session (this was through a sports clinic at a hospital). I got assessed by a doctor, and then they handed me over to her for therapy. She was great. Totally recommend it. I'm considering going back, actually, now that I have added more cardio to my routines.

If it is an issue with a tight IT band, in the meantime I recommend doing Cathe's STS Extended Stretch, as it includes pigeon pose and some other stretches that will help. It is too hard to describe them in writing. Try this website as well: they have a video that shows a couple of them -

And this one gives some written instructions:
Hi, I'm also dealing with ITB problems. It's gotten considerably better since I got a foam roller and religously "roll" for 3-5 minutes a day plus ITB stretching and ice. At first the foam roller was PAINFUL but now it actually feels good and I'm seeing a lot of improvement with my running. I used to only be able to run 1 mile before the pain got really bad, and the other day I ran 5 miles with no pain (some stiffness and swelling after but no pain). I'd definitely check out a PT though if you're doing these things and it's still not getting better.

Deborah - I used a PT who specialized in sports injuries when I had my knee surgery a few years ago. It was a very good experience. A good PT will ask you to identify what your goals are (what activities you want to get back to) and help create a course of action to get you there.

I was fortunate in that my PT let me work pretty aggressively in my rehab and assigned me some tough "homework". That in itself was a pretty good workout.
Deborah...I have used a PT for a few of my running injuries with very GOOD results. Luckily when I had ITB issues, I was able to get through them without seeing a PT. Sports PT's are sure worth the money IMO. I also agree with Sandra about the benefits from a foam roller, especially for ITB. Something else, have you ever tried massage for your ITB? Many MT's can help with injuries too....HTH

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