Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Wow Laura! Hang in there. So good to hear your Mom is back home and making good progress.

This morning I did RWH Plyo two (with the step) and then tacked on 2 combos of Low Max. I know those HIITs are designed to be a full workout but I always want to do a little more at a lower pace to lower the HR before cool down.

In other news I made a checklist of all my Cathe workouts. I'm going to try to do them all - straight through so to speak. Like one big long Cathe rotation while I wait for the new w/o's! ;)
Change of plans again. DH is coming home today, but I will be shipping out on Monday for a couple of weeks.

Talk to everyone in Sept! Best wishes.
Today I could not seem to get my heart rate up enough for a decent calorie burn. My calories were all around lower on all of the workouts that I did. Maybe my heart rate monitor needs a new battery. I am getting the feeling that those batteries start failing much faster than they should. I started with Ripped with Hiit Low Impact #2, 30 minutes, 168 calories. Heart rate avg. 111/max 136. I then did Ice Chiseled upper body going heavier on the weights (up to 15# on some moves) 42 minutes, 158 calories. I wanted to do arms so I did Ice Muscle Meltdown biceps, 15 minutes, 80 calories and Pyramid Upper Body Triceps only with the stretch, 13 minutes 47 calories. Total time was 1 hour 40 minutes and calories burned 453.
muscle meltdown biceps 12 reps 5 exercises 3 rounds
bicep curls 20's; 17.5's; 17.5's
standing hammer curls 20's; 20's; 20's
preacher curl 15's; 15's; 15's
incline hammer curls 15's; 15's; 15's
concentration curl 15; 17.5; 17.5
Pyramid triceps 12,10,8,10 12 reps
kickbacks 10's; 12's 15's
overhead extensions 15, 20, 25#
I am house cleaning today and just took a break. I need to run to the grocery store before all of the weekend shoppers are out so I will come back and respond. Poor Gertie, I called her this morning wondering why she wasn't doing her usual greeting. My husband I got my new Kelly Coffey Live Cardio workouts in the mail today. I will be doing those tomorrow and maybe the Muscle Melt Down back since I have not hit the back alone yet this week.

Laura, I am glad that your mother is home now and doing better. It sounds like you and your husband are going to be exhausted from all of this. Both mentally and physically. It seems you are getting some things taken care of? So, you and your husband are just touching base and you leave again. I will keep you in my prayers. I am glad your husband got his mother moved. There is always so much paper work and phone calling for things like that.

Doreen, I never feel like the 30 minutes or less of Hiit is enough , but I have never had a desire to do both plyo hiit workouts together. I don't think I have even tried it and I generally do all of the premixes at some point. I am afraid my knees would be screaming at me. I did that once. I just started working through all of my workouts. It is kind of nice to revisit them. Although when I did that I started hitting a point where I would look at the next in line and think I really did not want to do that one.
Hey girls,

I did my workouts earlier, just getting around to post. I did P90X2 R.A.P Upper and Tracie Long Focus Series Power Up. I also walked 4 miles.

Laura - I am so happy your mom is home. You and your husband went through a lot the last few week. I will keep you both in my prayers.

Diane Sue - nicely done today. Let us know what you think about KCM new workout. Looks like a lot of fun.

Doreen - great plan :)

Good night, everyone.
I finished Kelly Coffey Live Amped Up Cardio, 56 minutes, 357 calorie. I think it was more than tat. I wore the same monitor that I had yesterday and there were times that I was sweating and breathing hard and it showed 107?? I wore my 1# weighted gloves. Kelly and the rest onstage wore some sort of gloves. I wanted to check the heart rate because by my perceived exertion I felt I was off by about a count of 10bpm. I got out the Bluetooth and I was correct. I then went back and did the Drills only mix from the same workout, 21:48 minutes including the warm up ad stretch,133 calories. The drills are a more intense set of things like frog jumps 10 reps followed by a plank for all but one wit different variations like hop in 2 times and step out and plank jacks. I really enjoyed the workouts. There is a lot of variety, a modifier, and even a few old school floor moves added. I then did Ice Muscle Meltdown Back, 21 minutes, 102 calories and finished off with Kelly's Athltic conditioning stretch, 26 minutes, 62 calories. Workout without stretch was 99 minutes, 592 calories. Not bad considering allergies and headache I woke up with this morning. Amped up cardio was fun. Kelly get silly at times and I enjoyed it. The premixes for Amped Up Cardio is both combined, 1 without drills, 2 without drills, drills
Muscle Meltdown back Giant sets 5 exercises 12 reps 3 rounds
1 arm row 30, 30,30
pullover 2 dumbbells 20's, 20's 20's
1 arm wide row 25,25,25
1 arm pullover 17.5, 17.5, 17,5
deadlift 2 dumbbells 30's. 30's, 30's

Belinda, I kind of liked the PAP workouts from P90X2. I would like a mix of Tony's warm ups and cool downs.
Today is my rest day but I did do budokon strength and balance this morning. It was family day and then home to take care of some household tasks.

Belinda, I gave my Zumba Exhilarate to my granddaughter. I just did not feel worked and did not enjoy it much. I have two left feet when it comes to dancing workouts.
Diane Sue - you should try Zumba again :) I am telling you they are a lot of fun. I love dancing and dance workout. Usually it takes me a few times to get the steps down. I got about 98% of the Zumba today, still had a lot of fun. The moves I had trouble with, I ended up doing my own thing:p After Zumba I ended up doing nothing all day...I guess it's a rest day. Good job today!
Hey girls,

I did Chris Fretyag's Shortcut to Big Weight Loss :) Very good workout, got my HR up. I also did P90X2 V Sculpt, really like this one.

Have a great workout, everyone.

I will be back tomorrow.
A couple more off my checklist! Yesterday I did To the Max triple tabata premix (I'm allowing a premix to qualify as having done a DVD) and 4DS higher intensity step. This morning I did Day 11 of Jillfit's 20x20 challenge - Shoulders and Stairs and then finished up with X10's Fat Burn Circuit as a finisher. (My plan is to do all the x10s as finishers this time through).

Have a great afternoon everyone!
Today I did MMA Boxing, 49 minutes, 307 calories. I then did the heavy bag bonus, 20 minutes, 125 calories. I finished off with Iso Strength Chisel for my total body workout for the week, 36 minutes, 178 calories. I will work in body parts the rest of the week. That has been sort of my plan lately. Total time was 1 hour 45 minutes, calories burned 610.
Iso Strength chisel all 10 reps with 10 sec hold 3x
sumo squat 15 # dumbbells
full push ups with 10 second bottom hold
Bulgarian split squat 20#
pull ups/door tubing which I used
side step up with 15# dumbbell and hold
1 arm row 20#
c curve sit up with hold 15#
lateral raise 8# dumbbells

Belinda, my youngest daughter used to go to a Zumba class with some of the teachers after work a lot. I don't know why but it just never was something I really wanted to pull out. I went through all of them. I kind of liked playing with the one with all the different types of dances. But I never counted it as a workout. I never used the shake weights. They were so light. I gave them to my granddaughter with the workouts.
I have a teen tracey Anderson dance and Amy Ross Hip Hop Walk and I think I have not done either one more than twice. I get frustrated with foot work.

Doreen, using X10 as your finisher is a great idea.
Diane Sue - I can't say much either :) I kinda forgot I had them, I think the problem is I have have way to many dvd's. I never think about doing them :( I am glad I am going through all of them at least once. Good job with your workouts today.

Doreen - one premix :D you have to do them all:p That is one tough workout.
Belinda, I have some workouts loaned out as well. I keep running across worksheets I had made for Supreme 90 and I let my granddaughter and son in law use them. I really just loaned those and the teen Tracey Anderson one. I think another Tracey that had a loop band like a firewalker band. I really never did those because I tried right after knee surgery and it hurt too much. I got my Brazil Butt Lift Masters back from my daughter and have not done them since I got them back. I think that there are better workouts than those. But they would be a change.
Diane Sue - I have TA workouts and S. Wiesenberg never done any :( Just couldn't get myself to do them? I have to pull them out. I will pull my Brazil Butt Lift out soon. We are in the progress of remolding my workout room in the basement. I need workouts I can do without a lot of equipments.
Good morning,

Zumba Rush =23min (3210 steps, burned 700 cal according by my FitBit ) + P90X2 Chest, Shoulder and Tric is done.

Diane Sue - I would say Zumba is a workout :) My HR got up there and I got a good step count.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Today I did Kelly Coffey's Amped Up Cardio Live combined workouts, no drills. This was 44 minutes and I burned 281 calories. I then did Gym Style Triceps adding on the warm up and stretch 32 minutes, 94 calories. I added on Amy Ross drop set strength triceps , 7 minutes, 28 calories, and finished with Cathe's Yoga Relax 28 minute premix, 45 calories. I used the Bluetooth heart rate monitor today. It did not seem to drop out or sky rocket. 452 calories total, 1 hour 49 minutes. I was tired and not really feeling it today. I put in multiple workouts after Kelly's and would start and take them back out. Not much sleep has been happening here lately. I told my husband going to bed at night is more of a struggle than anything else. Just trying to get comfortable when the joints hurt, coughing and sneezing , and then add on nightmares. I am awake half of the night. I started Tart Cherry juice again at night along with my protein powder before I go to bed. The claims are that it helps get a good night sleep. I am waiting for that to happen. I added spirulina to my greens along with the butterbur capsule. It is supposed to be a histamine blocker. I just mixed it into my greens drink this morning. Hopefully that helps.

Belinda, maybe I will get a better calorie readout when I get to use my Fit Bit. Most of these workouts that I have been pulling out are showing way lower readings than they did the last time I did them. I know Yoga Relax is a slower paced stretch but I seriously thought that I should be burning more calories than 45 in almost a half hour. I would be getting that doing nothing.
Diane Sue - nice mix of workouts today. So sorry to hear not getting any sleep. I went through no sleep last year, found out I had a thyroid problem. I am on meds for that, now I am sleeping like a baby. Sometimes my fitbit shows lower reading too? Don't get? I really don't care as much as I used too :) When I am drenched in sweat I know I got a good workout in. The WM gives me very low readings :(
Belinda- you are a slave driver! I'd never do some if I had to do the entire thing! No time!:)

This morning I kept getting interrupted! Had to deal with looking for a remote, getting the guy that lives with us (he has autism) into the shower, cleaning up a board game the kids left in the middle of my workout floor... I did the JillFit #20x20 Challenge, Squat lunge madness. It was supposed to only take 20 minutes but took me 45 with all the interruptions. Blah.

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