Strength in Numbers

Last night I did Leaner Legs. I forgot how skimpy the warmup is. I need to make a note to remind myself to do another warmup before doing LL. I have to lead an all-day workshop tomorrow so I probably won’t be able to post tomorrow. Will be back Friday.

Pam Great job on XT Bis & Tris! That’s always fun when your muscles start singing later. It can make a workout go from eh to oh.

Cheryl Great job on RWH Plyo 2 + core 1! Poor Taylis! I know it is hard to be away from your babies and now this is twice in such a short time period. Hopefully they can get it cleared up quickly so he can come back home soon.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job pn RWH Plyo 2 and core 1. That one is tough even when you have energy so you did a great job pushing through without it. Aw poor Taylis, I hope he is home and feeling better soon.

Julie Great job on LL. I don't remember what the warmup is like on that one. I hope that your workshop goes well!

This morning was Cycle Max for me. As usual I didn't really feel like cycling, but I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do, so I did it. It kicked my butt! I always struggle for breath at the beginning when I cycle but eventually find my rhythm. It's like that when I run too. Have a great day, I'm off to the dentist o_O.

Julie Good job on Leaner Legs. It has been a long time since I have done that one and I can't remember the warm up. Good luck with your all-day workshop tomorrow.

Pam Good work on cycle max. I wish I had a spin bike but I just don't have the room. I hope it was just a check up at the dentist.

This morning was Afterburn. It had been a while since I had done that one. After that I went grocery shopping. Then in the afternoon I stopped in on Taylis. Poor little guy will be there again tonight. Hopefully he poops everything out by tomorrow morning. Because of his kidney disease he can't keep himself hydrated so his poop gets hard and then he gets constipated. It looks like we will have to start giving him fluids by using a needle and I guess it will be like a saline solution a couple of times a week. I am going to have to get over my needle phobia really fast :eek:.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl Yep, just my 6 month cleaning at the dentist. I still hate it though! Great jobon Afterburn. Oh poor Taylis having to stay again, that is no fun at all. We were going to be doing the fluids with Butters when he got sick, but he didn't make it to his first treatment. :( I was pretty nervous about the shole thing, but DH had no problem with it at all :confused:I'm sure that it will be scary at first but you will get used to it.

This morning was Cardio Leg Blast and Core 2. I really like that one and hadn't done it in awhile. We are leaving in the morning for Pennsylvania for my MILs wedding, so I probably won't get a workout in and won't get to post for a few days. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Been doing my workouts and sorta kinda keeping up with the gang. Hmmm. I have hopes yet.

You guys are so good not being MIA. I feel awful about it, but I swear, don't know what happens to the time. Ugh...

Take care everyone,

Pam I am pretty nervous about the fluid thing too but I have to get past it. Poor guy had to stay there tonight too :(. Good work on Cardio Leg Blast and Core 2. Enjoy your time at your MILs wedding.

Janie Way to go in keeping up with your workouts. I know what you mean about where the time goes. You would think with being retired that you have all the time in the world but I seem busier than when I was working :confused:.

This morning was S&H Bis, Tris and abs. I like the format of these workouts. Doing it slow really makes the weight feel heavy. So Taylis had to stay another night at the vets. He still hasn't pooped and I know he has a lot in him. I am hoping that he will get it out tonight. I went to see him this afternoon and was talking to the vet. They are petting him and giving him cuddles whenever they can. It makes me feel a bit better about him having to stay there as they are taking really good care of him, but darn it I wish he would poop as I would prefer him at home.

Have a great day everyone.

So Wednesday night I did Live Shock Circuit. It was ok. It didn’t seem that intense and not really thought out. Thursday was my all day workshop. Everything went smoothly but it was exhausting. I got home at a decent time but I was just pooped out so I didn’t work out. So happy it is the weekend and it is a short week next week!

Pam Great job on Cycle Max even though you weren’t really feeling like doing it. Great job on CLB + Core 2! Have a great time at the wedding!

Cheryl Great job on AB! Oh no poor Taylis! I hope he lets you give him the shot, sounds like he needs it. Great job on S&H Bis & Tris. I’m so sorry you are having to miss Taylis. It does sound like they are taking good care of him but there is nothing like your love.

Janie Please do not feel awful about being MIA. You are keeping busy and enjoying life and that is what matters.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good work on Live Shock Circuit. I am glad that your workshop went smoothly. I understand about being too exhausted to get a workout in. Enjoy your weekend.

This morning was 4DS Higher Intensity Step just the cardio portion. Ten I called the vet to see how Taylis was doing. He was very happy though he still hadn't pooped o_O. We went to see him this afternoon and we could see that he wanted to poop but we were wondering if the litter wasn't up to his standards and if the box they had for him was too small. So we went back home and brought him his own litter and box from home along with a few toys. Between the time we left him and came back he had pooped 'YEAH' but he still has about another 4 inches left inside him. We are hoping that tonight will be the night and we can bring him home tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone.

So Saturday morning I did S&H Legs and Shoulders and then went dragon boating. It was an awesome day on the water. There was a baby seal who was quite interested in us and came up right beside our boat and it looked like he was considering jumping in with us. They never get that close to us and we were wondering where his mother was. They are always curious but usually keep their distance. Saturday afternoon we could finally pick up Taylis from the vets. He is now on a high fiber food and he needs to go back next week for an evaluation to see if we also need to give him fluids. Sunday morning I decided to do yoga relax because I was a bit stiff. Then I walked down to our local farmers market.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Saturday I did Cycle Max Extreme and then chores around the house. Sunday I did my own heavy lifting total body workout. It felt good to do some really heavy lifting again. Then it was lazy day and lounging with my furbabies.

Cheryl Great job on 4DS HIS Cardio! Aw maybe Taylis just needed to see you to start to feel comfortable. Great job on S&H Legs & Shoulders and dragon boating. That is so cute about the baby seal. I am glad Taylis is back home with you. Great job on Yoga Relax!

Have a great day!
Janie Great job keeping up on your workouts. Don't worry about being MIA. The last thing you need from this group is stress. This is all about support, not stress!!! Checkin when you can.

Cheryl Poor Taylis had a rough time of it. I'm so glad that he finally got to come home. That was really smart thinking on your part about the litter and litter box. Great job on S&H Bis. tris and abs. Great job on HIS too, S&H legs and shoulders and dragon boating. How fun to have a baby seal coming up beside the boat!! Great job on YR too!

Julie Great job on CME and your heavy lifting total body workout!

Friday morning I didn't workout because we got up and drove to Pennsylvania. There was a party at my SIL and BILs house that night which was a lot of fun. Saturday morning my SIL and I went to her gym and did a circuit workout which was a lot of fun. Her personal trainer teaches the class and about halfway though he said to me "you aren't even sweating, you're a machine!" :D That made me happy. We did a ton of pushups though, which I wasn't so happy about. o_O Sunday when we left it was snowing like crazy and really really windy. It was a tense ride for the first few hours, but then about halfway through it cleared up and wasn't as windy. This morning I was supposed to do ICE Bootcamp circuit, but I thought I needed something more intense so I Drill Max. I tripped over my dumb bells when I was doing fast feet around the bench and went down on my butt, but luckily I didn't really hurt myself. I suspect I will have a couple of bruises on my butt though:eek:. I'm happy to have a short work week this week! Have a great day!

Julie Good work on Cycle Max Extreme and your heavy lifting workout. It is so nice to lounge around with your furbabies.

Pam Sounds like you had a great time at the wedding. That was a nice compliment from the personal trainer to you. Why do trainers always love to put push ups in o_O. So crazy about the snow. Glad that you got home safely. Good job on Drill Max. I am glad that you are OK after your little trip over your weights.

This morning was S&H Chest and Back. This evening I went to a meeting for our dragon boat team. It looks like I have some time off until February when the boat will get back into the water and we will start with Saturday morning practices until it get lighter out in the evenings then we will add on Tuesday evening practices.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I had to work late so I just did some stretching when I got home. My back was so sore from my made up workout on Sunday.

Pam Sounds like you had a good time in PA except the drive home. The wind is what can make it bad. Snow can be ok if it isn’t windy and blowing everywhere so you can’t see. Great job on that gym circuit workout. That would make me happy to have someone call me a machine. Great job on DM! I am so glad you are ok from your fall. I think it was 3 years ago that I broke my foot during fast feet shuffles in 30/30 by landing on my barbell that I thought was far enough out of the way. I still get nervous doing fast feet shuffles around the step.

Cheryl Great job on S&H C&B! That’s a bummer that you are done dragon boating until February. I know you enjoyed it so I am sure you will be counting down the days until you can get back at it.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on S&H chest and back. Bummer that dragon boating is over for awhile, but February will be here before we know it!

Julie I thought my dumbbells were far enough away too. I saw them as I was going around the step and was even trying to be extra careful not to trip on them. At least I only got a few bruises though. Great job getting some stretching in!

This morning was LIHI Back, shoulders and biceps. My forearms and biceps are really feeling it! I hope everyone has a great day.

Julie It sounds like you really needed some stretching. I hope your back is doing better now.

Pam Way to go on LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps.

This morning was RWH LI HiiT 1 and core 2. Then we did some errands. It was pouring rain out and the traffic was really bad. I was glad when we finally got home.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did Legs & Glutes. It seemed to fly by but was and I definitely felt a burn in my inner and outer thighs. Getting ready for a long weekend. May not post again until Monday but I will be getting some workouts in and of course eating!

Pam Great job on LIHI BSB! I love when my forearms are sore. I feel like they are probably one of my weakest muscles. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Cheryl Great job on RWH LIH 1 and core 2! I hate driving in the rain. I struggle with the headlights hitting the raindrops and magnifying. I feel blinded.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on LI Hiit 1 and core 2! What a pain running around in the pouring rain. Our traffic here is always insane when it rains.

Julie Great job on Legs and glutes! You gotta love it when the tough workouts fly by!

This morning was supposed to be ride and I subbed IMAX. I'm looking forward to the long weekend! Thanksgiving dinner is here tomorrow, but there are so many people out of town that we are only going to have 10 people. I am only making the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a dessert. I made the dessert today and I hope it tastes better than it looks! It is an upside down Apple pie cheesecake and I had a little disaster when I flipped it over so I had to stuff parts underneath :eek:. At least there will be anoth dessert and vanilla ice cream too :p. Have a a great day!

Julie Good job on Legs & Glutes. It is nice when you feel the burn.

Pam Good work on IMAX. Simple dinners are always the best and I am sure your apple pie cheesecake will taste amazing.

This morning I did Athletic Training. It had been a long time since I had done that one and it felt like a brand new workout. Then I went to get groceries. Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend. Try not to eat too much :p. I will catch up with you on Monday.

Oh dear, I did it again. I'm exercising, but forgetting to post it. You all are so good really. I ate everything in sight at Thanksgiving. So getting back to exercising will be great.

Seems everyone got through the holiday just fine. I'm still full. LOL!

Take care everyone,

Janie Don't worry about being MIA. Way to go with getting your exercising in. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

So Thursday I did GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps. In the afternoon I went downtown to meet up with some old co-workers for drinks and appys. Friday I did Cardio Supersets and then got housework done. Today was GS Legs. Wow my legs were like rubber after that one. Then it was a lazy day. I wanted to go for a walk but it was raining really hard out so I sat on the couch instead :rolleyes:.


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