Strength in Numbers

Today was a lot of running around, pap smear, errands, shopping.
Needed to post this now while the light is good outside. Will add a back ground and try to make a few copies of it tomorrow. I'm naming it "Contagious Laughter". It is my niece Meghan with her new hubby Andrew. Thank you for letting me use you as my models. This is 14" X 17" done in ink and pencil. I haven't even shaded it yet. Once completely done will look different than you see it here. Like I said we will be really busy tomorrow and right now is a good time with the lighting outside, but you will get the jest of it. Hope you like it.

Julie, Great job on cardio only from Cardio & Weights. You did it, well done. I know what you mean when you think you needed to do better. Yep, we need to tighten up and buckle down together to lose a little weight. YUCK, but it has to be.

Pam, This yoga is hard to get and like I said VHS, but if you can get it and burn it on a DVD, you won't be sorry. It's that good. So afar I haven't had any cookies. Yea! Many hours since the last cookie. I know you are concerned about this weekend, but just knowing you are a little worried, seems to me you will be careful about your food.
Great job on Athletic Step and no equip. abs. Good luck on signing up for Camp Gladiator. Sounds like a lot of fun and seems different. Your body will always experience good things with variety. And only for $6.00 can't beat that.

Take care everyone,


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Last night was supposed to be workout 4 from Get Glutes but I decided to do Bootcamp-Everything But the Core premix. It was tough but I made it through with only a few breaks. Decided to take today off from work to have a nice 4day weekend. Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday weekend!

Pam Great job on Athletic Step and NE Abs! Camp Gladiator sounds fun and $6 for as much as you want for the month is a deal you can't pass up. Like you said even if you only go once in the month I think you got your money's worth. Have a great time at the beach!

Janie Glad you got a lot done yesterday and are still doing good with no cookies. Your picture is beautiful as always.

Have a great day!
Today was scheduled a beach clean up. Windy, rainy, but not too cold. After 2 hours I was done. The ball of my foot started to ache so I felt I needed to quit. It was enough anyway. Got soaked, and with all of us volunteers our beach is much cleaner. Yea! Hoping to do a yoga tonight. We'll see.

, Yep, no cookies. But they are calling for me in the freezer! LOL I'll leave them for my hubby. Great job on Bootcamp-Everything but Core premix. Happy you made it through. You are getting so strong. Enjoy your 4 day weekend.

Take care,

Rolly and I on beach for about an hour and tonight yoga. Started to yet another drawing in my mind, can't wait to get it on paper.

Janie Your contagious laughter drawing is beautiful, I bet your niece is thrilled with it! Great job on continued cookie resistance!! I know that can be very difficult. I am very happy because I made it through the weekend without gaining any weight. Yippee!!

Julie Great job on the Bootcamp premix and only needing a few breaks! Your cardio will recover quickly! I'm glad you took and extra day to get a 4 day weekend. I ended up doing that too so that I could get prepared for the beach and we could get in a ski before we left on Friday.

Janie Oh boy, the beach clean up sounds like quite the challenge. I'm glad you called it a day when your foot started aching. How is your foot doing now? Great job on your long beach walk and yoga. I saw your description of your new drawing on facebook, what a cool idea! I can't wait to see it.

Friday morning for me was disc 27 bis, tris and shoulders. Then as I said, we went for a ski on Friday afternoon and then headed to the beach. No Cathe workouts while we were at the beach, but I did get 4 long walks in and of course did some swimming. Last night when we got home I did disc 8 chest and back, and this morning was Hit 30/30 and Core Max pre-mix number 2. I was nervous to get on the scale this morning but I was only up .2 pounds so I consider that success. Have a great day ladies!

Friday was a nice relaxing day but I did do some yard work (yuck!). I have a pear tree that I planted about 5 years ago and it is producing fruit now. I had a ton that I picked a few weeks ago but a ton more that fell to the ground and needed to be picked up and pitched. It was yucky work given the pears were bug eaten, stinky, and it was hot out. Saturday I did a Get Glutes workout with a tabata added on then spent time with my family for the holiday. Sunday was another GG plus tabata and then a niece’s birthday party. Monday was a complete rest day. Now it is back to work.

Janie Great job on your walk with Rolly and your beach clean-up! Doesn’t sound like a good day weather wise to have to do it but I guess it has to be done. Great job on yoga. You are so creative, I bet you have so many drawings floating around in your head. I love that you share your drawings with us.

Pam Great job on disc 27 before you left! Sounds like you had a great time at the beach. Swimming and long walks sound like great workouts to me. I can’t swim but I admire people who can. Great job on disc 27 and today’s 30/30 and CM! I would say that is a very successful weekend for only .2 pounds and some of that may have been water weight from the heavy chest and back workout the day before.

Have a great day!
Walked the beach for an hour and a half with Rolly. Later in the day did Aerobic Yoga. Tonight I hosted my art group (UFO) Unfinished Objects. A total blast. I even played and sang Harvest Moon and Mad World. Wow! Voice was shaky in spots, because it was my very first time singing in front of anyone other than my Joey. It was so much fun! Want to do it again!

Pam, Congrats for not gaining weight over the weekend. Yea! Foot is doing much better. Hmmmm can't figure it out, sometimes it hurt and needs to heal and then it's ok just to get injured yet again. Very touchy. I can't wait to do another drawing. I deleted it because I felt I was bragging. But it's inspirations for me to get off my butt and do it. A reminder if you will. Not sure if anyone gets that, so deleted it. Great job on disc 27, tris and shoulders. And a lovely skiing day as well. Fun! Also for the long walks on the beach and swimming. For last nights disc 8 chest and back and this morning Hitt 30/30 (OOooo!) and Core Max pre-mix #2. Congrats on only .2 pounds this morning. Got to stick together! YahOO!

Julie, Great job on Friday's relaxing day and yard work. I consider yard work exercise. I love pears. You can also dehydrate and can them. I bet they were delicious. Also great job on Get Glutes with tabata added on. And having fun with family for the holiday. That's always so nice. And for doing another GG and tabata on Sun. Whew! I'm thinking your niece's birthday party was a success? Good you finally had a rest day on Monday.

Take care all,

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Julie Oh yuck is right, pcking up rotten pears in the heat doesn't sound like much fun at all! I bet you are glad to have that job finished! Great job on GG+tabata Saturday and Sunday. I hope you had fun at the birthday party! Well, even though I said I was swimming, there wasn't an awful lot of actual swimming. It was more bobbing around, riding waves and boogie boarding.

Janie Great job on your long beach walk and aerobic yoga. It sounds like your UFO group is so much fun! I'm glad you are having such a good time. I would be so nervous singing for other people like that, but I also have a terrible voice :rolleyes: Isn't that annoying when you have something like what is going on with your foot?! I guess you just need to keep listening to your body and babying it when it tells you to! Oh, you shouldn't have deleted your drawing, it is good to be proud of your work!! And you have every right, your work is beautiful!!! Some people have commented to me about my posts from workout manager being bragging, but it keeps me accountable. And the private emails that I have gotten about how it really helps and inspires some of my friends when they see that make the others tolerable.

This morning was disc 29 plyo legs. I was kind've hoping that this was the one that doesn't have the 1/2 turn jumps, but no such luck :rolleyes: Oh well, I made it through and was dripping with sweat at the end. I love the plyo legs workouts! Have a great day!

Good morning ladies, I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. I really like these 4 day weeks! This morning for me was supposed to be MMA KB. Since I'm not a big fan of the MMA workouts I did PRS #1 instead. I had only done that one a couple of times before a long time ago, so I felt like it was the first time doing it and it was a lot of fun. Now I need to remember to do abs tonight. Have a great day!

I was going to post on Wednesday but when I tried the site was down and then I got so busy at work I forgot. I also forgot to post yesterday too. I did do my last workout from month 11 of Get Glutes on Tuesday. Wednesday I did the step only premix from Insanity … I mean Intensity but it felt like insanity. I had to take a break in the middle. I really need to work on my cardio and endurance so that is what my focus is going to be in September. Last night I did High Step Challenge and only had to take a few breaks. This weekend I have to stay at my parents and watch their dog while they are out of town. I’ll have to take low impact/low equipment workouts with me.

Janie Great job on your walk and Aerobic Yoga! I bet you were beautiful singing to your UFO group. I wish I could be more outgoing and fearless like you. You are an inspiration. Hopefully you figure out what is triggering your foot to act up.

Pam Great job on disc 29 and all those ½ turn jumps! Also great job on PRS #1! I have yet to do either of those step workouts. Not sure what my problem is but I know now is not the time to try them when I can’t even make it through a half hour of Intensity.

Have a great day!
Julie Yea, I had trouble with the workout manager on Wednesday too. Great job finishing month 11 (!) of GG and the step premix of Insane Intensity. That step part is really hard. Great job on HSC without many breaks! Have you picked out a rotation for September, or just playing it by ear? CCC is a low equipment workout.......;) :eek: Not so much on the low impact part though..... Wow, I can't believe you haven't tried either of the new step workouts. I do have to say, that after doing them when I first got them they were never pulling at me. There were a couple of times that I looked and them and said nah, but it was a nice change for me this week. Believe me though, they are not as intense as intensity!! There can be that frustration factor though of learning new stuff.

Last night I did the tough core premix of Core Max and this morning was disc 30 shoulders, biceps and triceps. My biceps were feeling really weak this morning but I made it. I was really feeling the burn when I was finished! I am so excited for this weekend. Tomorrow we are driving to Virginia to see Aerosmith in concert. I have wanted to see them FOREVER but their tickets were always crazy expensive so I wouldn't buy them. Then I finally broke down a few years ago and bought tickets. That was the year that Steven Tyler fell off the stage and broke his leg during a show, so ours was cancelled. I have been watching and watching for them to come back and they haven't, so we finally just decided to drive to the closest place since who knows if they will ever tour again. I sure hope it is worth the wait :rolleyes: Have a great weekend!

Walked on the beach and did yoga today. I'm having big problems with this group relating to my posts. My other group is fine, but this one won't do things that I'm use to doing. Trying to manipulate other things so I can post to all of you.
I think my foot hurts sometimes because I have fragile bones. I'm going in for a bone density check up. The last one I did showed bone loss. ugh!

Pam, Great job on 29 plyo legs. Good job on the 1/2 turn jumps. I know...

Pam, Great job on PRS #1. Remember to do abs! LOL

Julie, Great job on doing your last workout from month 11 of Get Glutes! Yea! You are sooooo good and do very well. Also great job on step only premix from Intensity. Breaks are just fine. But you already know that. Also for High Step Challenge. Have fun at your parents watching their dog.

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Pam, Great job on the tough core premix of Core Max and also the next day disc 30 shoulders, biceps and triceps. Yea! Congrats on the DOM's. How was Aerosmith? How cool is that?!!! Love Steven Tyler.

Take care,
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Yoga again tonight. It was in the low 90's today and was way to hot to go to the ocean, so I played my guitar a lot today. Starting to learn a couple new songs.

Joey and I rode are bikes through the neighborhood and had the best time. We were out about 45 min. I plan on walking the beach with Rolly later, and later still do some yoga.
The starting of yet another zentangle/doodle drawing. This person is looking at her reflection in a hand held mirror.

Janie Sorry you were here alone again. I hope you weren't too lonely!! I wonder why you are having so many problems with this group? Do you think it's time for us to start a new thread? Maybe this one is getting too big? Oh ugh is right on the bone density loss!! Take your calcium!!!! Great job on yoga and your guitar playing. What fun to go for a nice bike ride with Joey.
This new zentangle sounds like it will be really cool!!

So I guess karma was getting back at me for teasing Julie about CCC because that was what was on my calendar for Saturday. I made it through and was a dripping mess at the end. After that I got food ready for our tailgate before the concert. We left about 1:00 to drive to Virginia for the show, got there and got checked into our hotel and then went over and had a really nice dinner on the grass outside. Our tickets were the middle of the center section in row T which we thought were pretty good seats. When we got to our seats though, we found out that there were no rows A-R in the center section, so we actually had 2nd row!!! We were about 10 feet away from Steven Tyler for most of the show and it was so so so so so so good! I just cannot believe how much energy that man has at 66 years old! We didn't sit down for the entire show. Then yesterday morning we got up and drove home, had lunch, and I had a bread baking class at 2:00. It was quite the weekend. The bread class was really fun and we each had 7 rolls and a small baguette that we made in the class and brought home to bake. When they came out of the oven DH and I each had a roll and they were so good that we each had another! That ended up being dinner :rolleyes: We sure can't do that every day. This morning for me was disc 31 chest and back. I am not going to get through meso 3 in 4 weeks unfortunately as I just got told to book travel to go to New Zealand next week, so I'll be leaving Friday morning. Now I'll have to figure out what to do as far as finishing meso 3 but also trying out Camp Gladiator.....hmmmm... In any case, Happy Monday!

The weekend flew by again. Friday night, went to my mom’s to dogsit for her over the weekend. Her do likes to attack my older dog Maggie so most of the weekend involved keeping them apart and/or blocking my dog from my mom’s dog’s view. I think Maggie is so relieved to be home now. Saturday I was able to get Cardio Supersets in and Sunday I did Travel Fit.

Janie Great job on yoga and your beach walk. 90s is way too hot. It was in the 70s here on Saturday so DH and I thought we would take the dogs to the park for awhile. There was no clouds so the sun was just beating down on us. Ended up having to go home. That is a very creative idea for a zentangle. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it. I am sure it will be amazing. I am sorry that there are problems with this group. Is there something you need from me that I am not giving to you? Please let me know what I can do.

Pam Great job on disc 30 and CM Tough Core! No rotation picked out. Just kind of winging it on trying to increase the intensity slowly. I will still do 1-2 weight workouts a week that are Get Glutes inspired just to keep some strength focus in there. Great job on CCC! Better be careful what you wish on others, he he! The pics and video on FB you shared were amazing. I saw Aerosmith in concert 20 years ago when they were younger. Your seats sounded like they were in the perfect spot. Mmmm … fresh baked bread sounds delicious. Great job on disc 31! Sorry you have to travel on such short notice. New Zealand sounds amazing to visit but what a long travel time and the big time zone difference.

Have a great day!
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Took a rest day today to get some art in.
Progress on the drawing: Made a few change in the drawing from the real model. Eyes, nose, forehead are the same, lips are fuller on the bottom, made longer eyelashes and darker around the eyes too so it looks like she has make up on. Other than that, this looks like Amanda (my model)
I'm calling it "Passing Through". You are some beautiful lady! I want to thank you personally for being my model.

Pam, I will take more calcium, I guess it wasn't enough. Great job on completing CCC on Sat. wringing sweat mess. Yahoo! How cool being about 10 feet away from Steven Tyler. Wow! I'm jealous, and so glad you have so much fun! I love baking bread from scratch, but my gut won't allow it. Something I will always miss, but my GERD does not allow it. Sigh. Great job on this mornings disc 31 chest and back. I'll have to look up Camp Gladiator. You'll figure out the perfect exercises to do, you always do.

Julie, Good job babysitting your Mom's dog over the weekend. Sounds a little nerve racking though. I bet you all are relieved to be back home. Also for doing Sat. Cardio Supersets and for doing Sun. Travel Fit. Yea! The internet seems good today. I don't know why it sometimes on the fritz. I think just riding it out might work.

Take care everyone,

Julie I know what you mean about the weekends flying by. I was sitting at home Sunday night thinking I could use 2 more days off! Oh no, that isn't good that your mom's dog likes to attack Maggie, that must have been stressful for all of you! Great job on CSS and TF! Your plan for more cardio while still getting some GG workouts in sounds good. Yep, my teasing you about CCC came back to bit me! ;) I took about 200 pictures and 3-4 videos at the show - I might have been a little excited :p Yes, 17 hour time difference between here and NZ. I think I will be out of whack for awhile. And we have a wedding to go to the day after I get back :rolleyes:

Janie Wow, I am loving how your drawing is progressing. It's very interesting to see the different stages! Amanda looks like a beautiful girl! You come up with the best names for your work too. That is a shame that you can't eat bread, it's so good. I don't think I need to make it very often though, it won't be good for our waistlines! OK, so now Julie's post has me concerned. Are you not getting what you need from us, or are you having technical difficulties with the forum? I had originally thought the latter, but now I'm wondering. Do please let us know!!!

This morning for me was 40/20 and pilates abs. I was so tired last night I was sitting in the chair reading and I kept dropping my kindle because I was falling asleep :rolleyes: I got a great sleep last night though so I'm feeling much better today. Have a great day! Hi to Cheryl if you are still out there!!

OH MY! Let's be perfectly clear! I LOVE THIS GROUP!!!!!!!!!!! With all my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It IS NOT the group I'm having problems with, it's Cathe's site. It won't let me post the normal way, and it's hard to manipulate it in order to do so. Just takes a little longer is all. I have another group on Cathe's and all is fine there technically. For now though everything is AOK. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't ever for get that!!! Sometimes I just seem not to be able to communicate what I want to say. Ugh!

Pam, Great job on 40/20 and pilates abs. LOL! I'm beginning to watch TV and falling asleep too. What a weird feeling! LOL! Joey has been doing this every since I've met him and been teasing him all these years, now...LOL

Take care everyone, please know you mean the world to me,


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