Strength in Numbers

Had a guitar lesson yesterday. Seems so long in-between them. Any hoo, I've seemed to have impressed my teacher. Wow, did that make me feel good! We played together a few songs, but playing Greenfields together was very memorable. I almost was able to catch up with him. He gave me a couple new songs to practice. Getting there and having a blast doing so.
Walked the beach with Rolly for a very long time. It seemed long anyway, maybe about an hour and a half. LOL It was so beautiful!
Will continue, "again" on my weight workouts starting Monday.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes. Good for you keeping up with adding a tabata at the end of your workout. Yea!

Pam, Great job on disc 23 legs. Yeah six weeks is a long time, but worth it. I hope you get together with Eunice. Tell her hi for me and give her a hug too.

Pam, Oh Oh, hope you don't catch anything and be sick. Right now take some honey and put into it some cinnamon oil and taste it. If it's really hot then it's perfect. Just take very very very small amounts of it during the day. It does work. You'll be better in no time. Great job on the new and improved PCCC. It's OK to do a workout for cardio and make the weight really really light. Have fun!

Take care everyone,

Janie That is so awesome that you are impressing your guitar teacher! I had a feeling you would though, I bet he isn't used to having such a dedicated student. How fun that yo played Greenfields together too. Great job on your big long beach walk with Rolly too!Well I didn't see your recommendations in time and the bug did hit me over the weekend. Errrr!
Great job on Aerobic yoga!

Friday night we went to the lake and skiied. It was a gorgeous night and we had a lot of fun. I woke up in the middle of the night though with a sore throat, headache and chills. I just could not get warm. Saturday morning the headache, sore throat and chills were all gone, but I decided to hold off on the last meso 2 workout since I got a terrible sleep. We also were moving Carl into school that morning. That was fun, we got him all moved in and took him out for lunch. He was excited to try the famous BLT place :) and you saw how good they look on FB Janie. They are at least as good as they look! That afternoon we went and skiied again and again had a really nice time. Sunday morning I got up and did disc 24 so finally officially finished meso 2!! Then I did some running around and then went to visit my mother for the afternoon. Seem to have a full blown cold now and it is making me really tired, but I got up and did Step Blast this morning. I decided that if it didn't feel good I would stop, but it felt pretty good. Somehow it is Monday again though, I'm not sure how that happened!! Have a good one.

Hello ladies! Over the weekend I did Get Glutes on Saturday and again on Sunday. Saturday my sister and I went to my mom’s and did some cleaning for her birthday present. I think she loves that more than any store bought gift we could give her.

Janie Great job on impressing your teacher! I knew you would. I agree with Pam I am sure your teacher is not used to having such a dedicated student. Great job on your long walk with Rolly and Aerobic Yoga!

Pam Great job on finishing up meso 2 with disc 24! Such a bummer about getting sick! Great job for doing Step Blast! I hear you about being the week again. I don’t know how the weeks go so slow and the weekends fly by. I am really hoping one day all business go to a 4 day work week, although I still want to only work 8 hour days :)

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your GG over the weekend. That is such a nice birthday present for your mom, I bet she really does prefer that gift. The good news about my cold is that it didn't get too bad and seems to be going away already. When I was in France I was talking to one of the women that works there. A couple of years ago they changed their work days from 7 hour days to 8 hour days. To make up for the extra hours, they gave them 9 more vacation days per year! This was on top of the 6 weeks or some crazy amount that they already got. Now they are talking about switching back to 7 hour days and she is worried that they will lose those extra 9 days. :rolleyes: I would love their vacation days!

This morning I did the step and circuits of Body Max, but I didn't use any weight during the circuits. That was weird! It sure made them a lot easier! Happy Tuesday ladies!

Yesterday Walked the beach with Rolly today. We have a family friend Dar here whom I've known all my life (that's a long time). She will be here until Thursday. Lucky us! Will post later tonight. Hopefully do a yoga tonight with company.

Pam, The honey and cinnamon is still good to take, will lesson your symptoms and have a shorter period of the crud. That's what I hear anyway. I take it periodically for preventive measures anytime I'm in contact with people. Haven't been sick for awhile, seems to be working. Nice job on skiing. But at night? Seems like it would be somewhat wonderful and scary too. Smart of you to hold out on your exercises until you feel better. You need the energy to fight off what you have. Awe, moving Carl to school must have been mixed emotions. Yumm, would love to try the BLT also. By Saturdays, sounds like you are feeling much better and skiing your hearts out. Good, I'm glad. Great job on Sun. disc 24. Congratulations for finishing Meso 2! Yea! Glad you enjoyed family( mom) and got errands done. You poor thing. You need to rest your body and doing Step Blast I have to take my hat off to you, but please rest your body so you can get rid of that cold.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes on Sat and Sun. How nice to do some cleaning for your mom on her birthday. I bet she appreciated that. I too would have loved that instead of a store bought gift.

Pam, Great job on the step and circuits of Body Max. You did good not using weight. I know it must have felt odd, but you did right for active recovery.

Take care everyone,

Walked the beach, went to the casino, (which I never have before) with Dar and Joe. Joe is the only one who made money. $1.00. LOL Had lunch there and went home played 10,000 (a game we learned from our parents) and went to my UFO Group. OMG! It was soooooo much fun tonight. We were all comedians. My laughing jaws still hurt! The only thing I did was cast on a crochet hook. Really, that was all! LOL

JanieGreat job in your beach walk with Rolly. You have been getting lots of fun visitors lately, enjoy your visit with your friend! Well I still haven't remembered to try the cinnamon and honey, but luckily my cold seems to be almost gone. Well, we didn't really ski at night. By night, I really meant after work. We were finished by about 7 pm, once it starts getting dark we really can't ski. We have joked about getting some big lights for the lake!
Great job on your beach walk, it sounds like the casino was fun. Congratulations to Joe on his BIG WIN! :D So great that you had a such a good time at your UFO group! It sounds like you have a wonderful group! So funny that you only casted on! :p

This morning for me was Rhythmic Step, one I always go to during active recovery. I never get tired of it. Have a great day.

Happy Thursday ladies, although it feel like it should be Friday! I did Core Max 3 last night and Imax this morning. Active recovery is almost over, I'm ready for Meso 3! have a great day.

Will post my workout later tonight. Update: Walked the beach as usual and took some photos. Made gluten free cookies, practiced my guitar and worked on my art drawing.

Pam, So glad your cold is almost gone. Grat job on Rhythmic Step. I need to do that one soon. Love it! Also good for doing Core Max 3 last night and this morning Imax.

Take care,

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Janie Great job on your beach walk. I saw your pictures on facebook, it looks so nice! This morning was Intensity. I forgot how goo that workout is, but wowee, it is a sweatfest! That I did the abs from Muscle Endurance. Happy Friday!

Can't believe it has almost been a week since my last post. :eek: Work has just been crazy with no signs of letting up and if I don't post first thing when I get to work, it doesn't get done. Anyway, I have been doing Get Glutes Tuesday, Thursday, Sat., and Sun. I am still loving the workouts but think I might switch things up when I finish Month 11 in another two weeks. I'm going to try to peruse Cathe's rotations and see if anything strikes my fancy.

Pam Great job on BM step and circuits! No weights on the circuits would be weird but also nice and easy, well easier. Great job on Rhythmic Step! Such a classic goodie. Great job on Imax and CM 3! Great job on Intensity too! That one is a sweatfest for sure! I love it when the step portion is over. That section kills me more than the hiit portion.

Janie Great job on your walk with Rolly! Glad you had a good time with your friend! Love that Joey won some money from the casino. It still counts as a win even if it wasn’t much! Mmmm, cookies!

Have a great day!
Julie I was wondering what happened to you, glad to see you back. Great job keeping up with all of your workouts despite the crazy work schedule. I know that can be tough, but it can also help to keep you sane, at least that is how it is for me. I'm glad you are still enjoying GG, but have fun perusing other rotations. That could be a nice change. The no weights on the circuits was really strange, but at least that part is short! I agree that the step part of Intensity is worse than the hiit. That last combo with all of the plie jacks kills me every time!

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday :eek:. Saturday I did Step Fit. I've only done that one a few times because I always forget about it, but it's really fun. Sunday was my rest day and I spent it doing yard work and starting to do some work in the bedrooms upstairs. Since the kids are all gone now I figured I should do something with those rooms. That will be my winter project I guess. Yesterday was the first meso 3 workout - disc 25 chest and back. It still amazes me how fast these workouts go. This morning was Hiit P. That is my least favorite of the hiits, I think because of all of those 1/4 jump turns. I was planning to do abs this morning too, but I fell back asleep for a little while after my alarm went off so I will have to do those tonight. have a great day!

Says I haven't posted since the 21st. Been posting everyday except for this weekend. Something is wrong here.

Hope you all see this and don't think I've abandoned you.

Did Aerobic Yoga and Rolly and I walked the beach for an hour. Been eating to many cookies and have gained more weight. Ugh!

I am trying to get better at posting more frequently. I did Get Glutes last night. I have another week and half of month 11 and then I think I am going to do some Cathe workouts for a few weeks. I am also going to try to start working out 5-6 days a week again. I have gained strength with Get Glutes only 4 days a week but I think I am also gaining fat which is not what I want.

Pam Great job on Step Fit and your yard work! Oh a winter project of redecorating and repurposing rooms sounds fun. I love doing things like that which is probably weird. Great job on disc 25 and DWP! Those quarter turn jumps are nasty and they are done 4 times which doesn’t seem right to me.

Janie Definitely did not think you abandoned us. Thought you were just having fun! Great job on yoga and your walk with Rolly. I can relate to the bad eating. Mine hasn’t been cookies just eating way too much even of healthy stuff has caused some fat gain. Now I have to work, work to get it off.

Have a great day!
Janie That is strange, I wonder what is going on with the forum?! Glad to hear from you though, I didn't think you had abandoned us! Great job on aerobic yoga and your beach walk with Rolly! Bummer about the cookies, it happens to all of us. I have really cracked down on my eating the last couple of weeks because my weight had crept up to a number that was making me very unhappy. It's coming down slowly, but I still have a way to go. My big accomplishment was making it through last weekend without gaining any weight :rolleyes: The weekends are always my downfall.

Julie Of course we love to hear from you as often as possible, but I don't want you to feel stressed about posting either. Great job on GG. Have you picked out a new rotation yet? I'm considering doing another STS rotation as soon as I finish this one....I agree, it is wrong that those 1/4 turn jumps are in hiitP 4 times!!

Last night I did Core Max Balanced core pre-mix and this morning was disc 26 plyo legs. Sometimes when I do the plyo legs I feel like Cathe is stalling too much between the sets but not this morning! This morning I was wishing for more time on several of them! :rolleyes: Not sure why it was so tough today but I made it. I was happy when it was over though :D Happy Wednesday!

Here is the yoga I did today. It was at one time a VHF and Joey burned it into a DVD for me. I love this yoga sooooo much. It's old but very good. Something is still wrong with Cathe's site. But I'm copying your posts here and deleting what I don't want. O well.

  • Julie, Great job on Get Glutes last night. I'd do some Cathe too. It's good to change things around anyway. Keeps your muscles guessing. I promised someone I'd stop eating cookies. So I did. LOL (I hope). LOL
Pam, I promised like I said to Julie that I promised I wouldn't eat anymore cookies. Yea, it's been a few hours and still haven't any. LOL I hear you on gaining weight. So not good, I know, I'm struggling along with you. Congrats for not gaining any weight over the weekend. Great job on last nights Core Max Balanced core premix and for this mornings disc 26 legs. It's a tough one, but then all her legs (to me) are tough. LOL

Take care everyone,

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Last night I did the cardio only from Cardio & Weights. I wanted to start out light since I haven’t done much cardio in a few months. Man, am I out of shape. I made it through the whole workout without stopping but was spent when it was over and that was only a 30 minute workout. I definitely need to start doing more cardio. Tonight and one more week of month 11 on Get Glutes and then I am going to start doing more cardio.

Pam Great job on CM premix and disc 26! I think I can remember thinking Cathe takes a long time between exercises on that one too but I bet if I did it now I would love it. I am not really stressed about not posting, I just miss you guys. Plus I think it will help my mood and get me back into working out for enjoyment. Lately I feel like I have been chasing weight records and it is getting me down. I definitely cannot wait until month 11 is over and I can start doing new workouts.

Janie Great job on Aerobic Yoga! Oldies are still goodies. That was awesome of Joey to convert it to DVD for you. Sounds like you, me, and Pam are all right there needing to tighten up and buckle down to lose a little weight we gained. Hopefully we can all support each other in that struggle.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on your yoga workout, it's so nice that you enjoy it so much. I haven't found a yoga workout that I like yet, maybe I should try this one! :rolleyes: Hehehehe, great job on staying away from those cookies for a few hours :) keep up the good work!! I have done really well the last couple weeks on the eating, but I'm worried about this weekend. We are going to our friends beach house and there is always a lot of eating and drinking! I just have to try to keep it moderate and get some exercise in too! Help me be strong!!!! :D

Julie great job on the cardio from C&W. It sounds like you are definitely ready for some more cardio. It can be a great feeling hitting one of those goals, but very frustrating when you have one in your sites and don't quite make it. I think that your Cathe rotation sounds like just the ticket to help you get back to enjoying your workouts again!

This morning was supposed to be MMA Fusion, but I did Saturday's workouts instead which were Athletic step and no equipment abs. We'll be at the beach Saturday so I figured I'd do those since I like them more than MMA Fusion. Yesterday I signed up for something called Camp Gladiator. It's an outdoor workout thing and I can go as often as I want for a month, starting September 8th. The timing isn't great since I'm still doing my STS rotation, but they had a special for their 6 year anniversary that you get the whole month for $6, so I figured if I even just go once or twice it will be worth it. They have several locations at different times and you can go to any of the locations, so that is nice. We'll see if I ever get there :rolleyes: Have a great day (is it Friday yet???)


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