Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Rest day today. No family brunch since a good portion of the family is in Haiti right now. I am tired anyway. I am going to try to not take a nap. I read that taking naps cheat you out of a good night sleep which is what is really essential to health and not getting sick. We use up all of our bodies energy levels working into the night hours and wee hours of the morning to accomplish things and that is why many people get sick when they get the time to vacation or rest. The body is depleted and once you rest the illness hits till you recover. Something like that, which sort of makes sense to me since the cortisol and everything has been working through the roof through all of the stress with not enough down time. I need to figure out how to relax and sleep.

Belinda, you really should take the opportunity to try Hammer and Chisel. They are not real long workouts and I could see some extra definition in my legs doing them. I just injured my rotator cuff before I got in the very last workout of the rotation. Eventually I will try again. Maybe one of the individual Hammer or Autumn rotations. With Hammer I would not do the plyometric one every week though. That was the one that pushed my shoulder over the edge going from burpees to grabbing the pull up bar and back I think I was working so hard and fast I just over did it. I should have stuck with the tubing and door anchor except I found grabbing the handles quickly was not always easy. Also the jump push ups. I did them on the rebounder with my hands on the rebounder. The Tempos were a favorite. I like the incorporation of Abs in these workouts.
Good morning,

5 mile Walk outside and BB Bulk: Chest = 30 min is done.

Diane Sue - now I have to give H&G a try soon, lol. They sound like great workouts. OH NO, on your shoulder. I have to modify burpees and mountain climber. I really don't want to through my back out. Been there, done that :) Sounds like they high impact, hah?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Today I did Ripped with Hiit Legs, minutes, 224 calories. I then did Lean Legs and Abs mix of chair firewalker, and bonus barre, 35 minutes, 113 calories. I used the band for standing work and pink for floor, I held a 12 # when Cathe used the 8 and I added holding the 8# on my thigh while doing the bonus barre work. I finished off with an older Kelly Coffey that I forgot how much I enjoy, Cardio Kick Stepboxing mix of step horizontal combo 9, 10, and kneeling core using 1 # handweights for the kneeling work. The dvd says 37 minutes for this premix but it was 43 minutes and that was after I skipped the 4.5 minute warm up. I think it was not counting the time of the core work if I remember right.Calories burned for this was 278. Total Time ended up being 2 hours which I had not expected to do, and calories burned 615.
Legs weights
squats 25's 24 reps
plié squats 40# 16 reps
static lunge right 25's 16 reps
static lunge left 25's 16 reps
Squats 30's x 24 reps
plié squats 45# x 16 reps
wood chop side lunge10# 24 reps
explosive side lunge 12# 20 reps
cross back lunges 12's not sure on the reps I think I counted 40 ?
low pulse lunges 20# right then 20# left
Deadlift 30's 16 reps
wide stance deadlift 30's 16 reps
walking lunges 15's

Belinda, some of them are higher impact than others. I have to be careful with them and I do use my rebounder for some things. Just like I did for those flying angel air jack things on my leg workout today.
I meant to mention that my library has started some new digital stuff. I am able to check out magazines using the zinio for libraries app. I have been looking at Muscle and Fitness Hers and Paleo magazine. Some others as well. There are a lot and they even have this months magazines available. They also have a digital video check out but all I saw so far is stuff that I would think would be for educational stuff. I will have to look into it further. I am really not much of a movie watcher so, I would only be interested in fitness and maybe cooking, gardening videos.
Good afternoon,

My internet wasn't working this morning:( I did BB Bulk: Legs = 39 min and did another SoulSweat dance workout w/Lucy.

Diane Sue - our library (we just found that one) offers digital magazines too. I should take advantage of this :) I am kinda debating, if I should sell all my Cathe's high impact stuff? I hardly do them anymore?

I will be back tomorrow.
Today I did Kelly Coffey Shape Up, both workouts which included the cardio and the weights in tabata rounds. This is pretty fast paced at times and I used 8's for the lows and 12 and 15's for the heavies. This was 54 minutes, calories burned 321, heart rate avg. 114/ max 153. Most of the time I just do the weights only mix on this which is all upper body. It seems to skip biceps (not that they aren't fatigued) so I did Ice Meltdown biceps, 15 minutes, 76 calories. I started with 20's and soon dropped to 15's. I guess the muscles were not up for an all out workout. The tabata weight rounds are done in 8 rounds and rests I finished off with both Ice Core 1 and 2 and the stretch from Upper body, 29 minutes, 94 calories. I really had a hard time getting much of a calorie burn today. I would look at Cathe's workout manager and my burns ran about half what theirs were. Total time was 98 minutes and calories burned 491.

Belinda, I would have a hard time letting go of my Cathe workouts. I have not done an I max in forever though. I guess I would have to think about it really hard because I have discovered which moves hurt the most and ways to modify a bit more. Today when doing Kelly's Shape up when she was doing the jump heel click with the bench between her feet, I tried hopping forward and back like Cathe does in some of her workouts. Actually I think it felt harder. My thighs were on fire after all of those tabata rounds. Some of Cathe's workouts do have some pre mixes that make them more doable as well. I noticed Ice lower body had a mix that left out the jacks.
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Hello again!

I hear you all on the impact. What I've found myself doing (because I love some of those HI workouts) is do a few of the impact moves and then modifying for LI. So for example when its a series of tuck jumps I will do one or two tucks, then do alternating knee smashes then catch back up and maybe do another tuck or two at the end of the interval. Harder to do modifications on some of the HI step workouts where you are jumping up on the box though! I think watching the modifier track on Insanity Max 30 gave me a lot of great ideas on how to modify moves!
Good morning,

Bulk: Back and PiYo Strength Intervals is done.

Doreen - thanks! I need to pull Insanity Max 30 out and check out the modifier tracks.

Diane Sue - going through my dvd's made me realize how many dvd's I have :( I have more than I can do, I doubt I will make it though them any time soon. Let's be real :p I am not getting any younger :) Yesterday I went through some of my dvd's that I bought 2011. I still haven't done them. WTH? I am already doubling up on workouts. It would take me a few years getting through my collection :( WTG, on your workouts yesterday.

My internet is causing a lot of trouble. I try to check in later if not, tomorrow. Happy Hump Day, everyone
Today I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Kick Step boxing total workout horizontal and vertical step with the kneeling core which I don't think I will do again. Too uncomfortable kneeling on one knee for that long. I ended up standing in a lunge position doing the punches and twists with the 3# weights. 71 minutes, 418 calories. My heart rate monitor really gave low readings the last couple of days. My average heart rate was 113 . I then did Ice Low Impact Sweat workout 1, 28 minutes, 162 calories average heart rate 112. I really felt I was working harder than this through both workouts and this was with the watch. I finished off with Amy Ross Rumble Dynamic stretch 14 minutes, 45 calories. Time was 1 hour 54 minutes and calories burned 625. I did a lot just to get in my goal calories for the day. I am probably burning more calories than that because I am consuming more calories than burned according to My Fitness Pal. My weight has dropped a little.

Doreen, good ideas on the impact. I don't have Max 30. It would be interesting seeing the modifiers and how they do them. I have gained ideas from other workouts too. Then sometimes I just do something else.

Belinda, I have an awful lot of workouts too. I do not have any that I have not done at least once though. I am revisiting a few though. The Kelly Coffey today is an old one. Before the 30 minutes to fitness. A bit more turns and stuff to pick up on. It had been so long it was almost like doing a new workout.
Diane Sue - I still have unused dvd's when College Videos closed :( That was when? I still have some KCM older dvd's, never done any :( Slowly but surely I am working my way through them :) Nice cal burn on your workouts today. Is that an older KCM dvd? If so, I have that one, lol.
Belinda, yes it is an older Kelly Coffey. It has 3 premixes on it. It is not a 30 minutes to Fitness workout. I believe it is about 5 dvds up from the bottom of her list. I looked today because I was wondering if they had the first step boxing workout still. They do. I had it and cannot find it. I don't even know where I had got it from originally but, I loved it. It is what got me started using Kelly's workouts. I just looked at Amazon and the one I did today was released October 2007. I got Cardio Sculpt Fitness at the same time. The first Step Boxing was released a little before the second one.
So I got mom moved into a nursing home/rehab facility today. The doctor thinks she pulled a groin muscle. She is in severe pain. She of course, didn't really want to go, but every night she wants to go to the hospital because of the pain. She keeps asking me to come take care of her, but I've tried to explain that I can't help with the pain. I am at my wits end at this point. Dad is upset because he didn't want her to go, but she needs professional help.

This is a stressful time for us all here. Some day, I hope to actually return to working out again.
Laura, I am so sorry. I can really understand how you must feel. I am sure your mom is feeling like she would beg for anything to stop the pain. The care at the facility will be so much more than you can give. You can only give your love and touch. Your dad is probably distraught and that is understandable. I will keep praying for you and your parents. I hope that this mends as quickly as possible under the circumstances.

Belinda, that is the first step boxing workout that I am misssing. The cardio kick stepboxing that I did yesterday was released only a couple of months later according to dates on Amazon. I have all of those other workouts that you mentioned. I found the step boxing ones a lot of fun to do.

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Good afternoon,

Today I did BB Bulck : Arms and Beast abs is done. I also walked 5 miles.

Laura - so sorry to hear about your mom. Must be tough for everyone. ((HUGS))

Diane Sue - ok, now I have to pull those out and will do them soon. Thanks for reminding me.

I will be back tomorrow.
Laura- So sorry to hear about your parents. Hang in there!

This morning I did the Combined premix of Amy Bento ASC 4. Fun premix 42 mintues I think. I had to be in my basement to do it and almost bailed because I got so sweaty. I need another fan down there!

I ordered the Hammer & Chisel deluxe videos from the library. Funny that they don't have the basic set... just the deluxe add-ons. Hopefully they will come soon. I've been really curious to try. Last week I found the Tony Horton 10 minute trainer DVDs at the thrift store for $1. I'll have to give those a try soon. I've never really heard much about them!
Today I did a quick workout. I have my grandson here and wanted to go out early to used our community pool. It was not too hot since we have a bit of cloud cover and actually had a short shower while in the pool. No one else was there, That is the advantage of a mostly elderly neighborhood and going early on a weekday. My workout was Ice Low Impact Sweat workout #1, 28 minutes, 180 calories followed by Muscle Meltdown Back, 22 minutes ( I added a couple of extra stretches) 91 calories. I love the giant sets on these. I got Ice lower body blast today. It has the muscle meltdown for shoulders on it. For some reason there are two dvds with shoulders on them and two different workout cards. I am wondering if they are the same workouts or not. My workout was 50 minutes and calories burned 271. I did get a bit of paddling around in the pool. I am a lousy swimmer. Paddle and float on my back is about it. I try to do a breast stroke and everything is off and my legs start to sink.

Doreen, the deluxe videos do not require a lot of equipment. They are all on one dvd. I like them. I like the Hammer Build up a lot. Power Chisel has some plyometrics incorporated. The 15 minute leg hammer and 15 minute glute chisel are good and use a medicine ball. They will get your heartrate up a bit and are actually around 18 minutes. I think I have used these more than some of the others. Nice way to be able to try them out.
Good morning,

Today I walked 10 Miles and did BB Bulk: Shoulder. Shoulders are fried. I really like the plate twist move, never seen that one before.

Doreen - wow, your library has H&G? That's amazing. I hope they get the basic set soon.

Diane Sue - at least you know how to swim :) I used to know how to swim, but I am to afraid of the water. My brother let go of me in the deep water. I am afraid ever since :( Nice job yesterday.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout.
Today I did Ice Lower Body Blast basic premix #6 which is 95 minutes, warm up, main routine, blizzard blast, muscle meltdown shoulders, core #2, and stretch. I burned 560 calories, I was hoping for a bit more since I used heavier weights throughout and the workout manager has 828 calories listed. I did not expect that much though. I can be working what feels really hard and it always has my metabolic rate at 5.5 or 6 . Rarely more than that. I also did 19 minutes of the 36 of TRX tv flow and mobility. This was 46 calories. I had to mess with my computer a bit to get the dvd to work. It is one I had purchased the download to and made a copy. Windows media would not play it so I had to go back through Real Player. I forgot how much harder down dog and up dog is with feet suspended :0 I also found that when my 2 year old grandson had a nap here the other day and ransacked the workout room. He had my lap top out and my dvds and key board. I found Cathe's Intensity shoved up and over the drawer for the dvds in the laptop. It has some nice scratches across it so I will check it out tomorrow and hopefully it all plays well. I realized the other night after I got in bed that I had just ordered a workout :eek: I felt guilty. I thought I could get up and go to Amazon and cancel right now but I stayed in bed. I really had planned on waiting till next month when birthday funds came in. Anyway, I got Ice Lower Body Blast in the mail yesterday. Sorry!!

Belinda, I love that twist twist move with the plate. As far as swimming I stay in water that I can stand in. If it is over my head I panic. In Az they made us take swimming lessons in junior high. I had to do it every year and I took lessons with my mother one summer. She panicked and hit her toes on the bottom of the pool somehow and broke some of them. I never learned much.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Just more continuing drama here. You always hear that at a certain point there is a role reversal with your parents. It has officially happened. I am so stressed out. Today mom has decided that she must have cancer. The woman she shares a bedroom with has cancer, so now she does. The other day, she decided she must have an infection, and her leg was going to have to be amputed. She has been diagnosed with mild dementia and the pain meds have been making her worse.

I need help on getting together a workout plan. My diet has gone to ****, I have put on weight. I am stressed to the gills. I eat when I'm stressed. It has been so hot here that I can't get any sleep upstairs. I bought an inflatable mattress and put it in the basement. (Which is about 12 degrees cooler). I've been able to sleep the last 4 nights, as much as I do, but now the mattress is on my puzzle mats for working out. I would have to work for a week straight to clear out space in the basement, which needs doing, but I'm on the phone every 30 minutes with my parents or doctors.

What do you gals suggest? Need something easy, simple, and not a lot of stress. Thanks as always.

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