Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Good afternoon,

I walked this morning, than I did 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training Upper Body HiiT = 10 min and BB Build Back/Bis = 50 min. I do the 10 MS workouts as a warm up for BB. The warm up in BB is a little short for my likings.

The 10 Minute Solution dvd is very high impact. I will add that one to my For Sale box:p Way to much on the floor moves. I am too old nor do I want to crawl around the floor anymore :D

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day.
Today I did my workout and we went to see the new Independence Day movie. I have 3 grandchildren tomorrow so I will try to get a short cardio in tomorrow before I pick up two of them. I had plans to take them to the park. I saw a man with his children today when I drove by and it was 101 outside. We may not be there long. It is humid and I was out in the garage trying to get the car seat all strapped in for the two year old. I was drenched in a few minutes.
My workout today was Amy Ross KB2 or Kettlebell Squared? I think the box says KB2 though. 63 minutes, 360 calories. This is another one that I have not done in a couple of years. I need to do it more, I almost forgot some of the turns and kicks on the kickboxing but I kept moving. The kettlebell intervals are not real long. I never noticed that there is a mix of all modified intervals on it. I had to lighten up on the get ups. I am glad she goes slowly and explains it as she goes. I then did Kelly Coffey Muscle Up workout #2 lower body and arms, 42 minutes, 169 calories. I finished off with the bonus stretch on Kelly's Boot camp, 18 minutes, 36 calories. That was always a favorite for a good lower body stretch. Total time 1 hour 57 minutes, 565 calories.
Muscle Up weights 2 sets each superset
Sumos 25's 8 reps
bridge 25# 16 reps

lunges 20's alternating 8 reps
deadlift 30's 8 reps

curtsy squat 20's 8 reps
frog squat body weight 16 reps

Biceps 15's flip curl
pledge curls 15's

side curls 15's 8 reps
alternating hammer curls 20's 8 reps

skull crushers 17.5's 8 reps
? I am lost on what I did

Overhead extensions 25# 8 reps
triceps kickbacks both arms 15's 8 reps

Belinda, I always did some extra warm up for Body Beast. I used to use my 10 minute solution workouts for a warm up or add on to others. I got rid of a couple of them. I kept some of the Amy Bento Ross ones. And a kettlebell one where the instructor uses a dumbbell. gave a friend Two of the Amys with the sort of figure 8 tubing and a band. I found I have so many other options with premixes and stuff and X10 so I just do not use them anymore. They were pretty good though.
Diane Sue - wtg, on your workout yesterday. I have all the 10MS workouts you mention. I did the Amy Bento (1o min) and found did very tough. Never touched that dvd again :) I think, I will start using all my 10 Min. Sol workouts as a warm up.

I will be back later.
Good morning! This morning it was overcast and everyone was still sleeping so I did a short walk and the did Ruthless DVD #10 total body circuit for 20 minutes. I'm ready to get back home to my weights and try to get back into a good rotation...
Good morning,

Went for a 4 mile walk with DD (we talked on the phone). It was so hot and humid outside :) Trying to get my walk in earlier. I also did 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training :3 - Hit Explosion = 10 min. I am so happy when I am done with that dvd :( All that high impact isn't for me. She does show modification, still not for me. I also did Body Beast Build: Shoulders = 39 min. Really liking BB :)

I have a close friend she lives in DC, she was my next door neighbor in Germany (we were stationed in Bamberg). She had knee surgery done a few month ago, can't workout besides walking. Jessica Smith just had her newest dvd's released last week, I wanted to buy the set for my friend but missed the sale. The last day of the sale was July 4 :) I am reading great reviews on VF on the 4 dvd's. Jessica deal was buy 3 of her newest dvd's and get the yoga dvd for FREE :) I thought it was a great deal for $44. Each dvd came out to $11, not bad:) Well, like I said I missed out on the deal for my friend. She done so much for my DD and us. I wanted to give her something nice. Today a friend put up her new set for sale :) So, I bought the set for $35. Came out cheaper than Jessica's deal a few day's ago. I hope my friend likes Jessica as much as I do :) Eventually I will buy the set for myself :) I do have to go through my dvd's first :)

Off to shower and clean house. I will be back later.
Today was not a great calorie burn day. I started with the plan to do a premix from Tracey Staehle's High Intensity Step that is 36 minutes. I was using the Bluetooth heart rate monitor and it started going crazy 7 minutes into the workout. It has been working fine all week till now. I did not have time to keep messing with it so switched to the watch and regular transmitter and decided to do 4 Day Split Higher Intensity step workout premix, (I was having problems with Tracey's choreography since I have not done this in a long time and there is no breakdown on the mix) Workout ended up being 46 minutes because I did the segment that combines all of the combos with higher intensity bursts twice. I only burned 263 calories. I have grandchildren here so will check back later.
Diane Sue - sorry your HR monitor gave you trouble today. I hate when this happens. I hope it was just a one time thing :( My dvd didn't play for some reason the other day. Drives me crazy when I get ready to workout and nothing is working right. I haven't done that Tracey step workout in ages, lol. I need to pull this one out. Haven't heard anything from Tracey in a long time. She went on a Cathe Road Trip a few years go, DD and I got to hang out/met her. She is very nice lady :) Amazing job on your workouts. Have fun with the grandchildren.
Hello ladies, my illness started up my IBS again. I usually have it under control (had to give up wheat and anything from cow's milk due to allergies, along with not eating meat). Whenever I get the flu or go on antibiotics, it kicks in again for a while. I was getting ready all day again to go to my parents. Mom called hysterical this morning. She had to go the ER last night due to the hip. The xrayed everything and all is well. I made her call her surgeon this morning and they were ok since the pics were ok. Dad was upset that she called me to come. So i'm holding off for now.

I did find a rebounder (brand new, still in box sealed) at garage sale for $10. Can you remind me again how you use in a Cathe DVD? Even with my extended time off,my knee still acts up. I'm resigned to low impact from now on. Any pointers on how to incorporate it would be great. Thanks in advance.

I hope everyone else is doing well. Even though I haven't been posting a lot, I've still been following you for encouragement.
Belinda, one of my favorites of Amy's 10 Minute Solutions is the 5 Day get fit one. It is so hot and humid here too. They were saying in some areas of the state the heat index felt like 115 today. I took the 3 younger grandchildren to the park this morning when it was 91.

Doreen, being away from home makes it a bit difficult to get in regular workouts. You are getting in something though. I bet you will love it when you get back to the usual workouts :)

Laura, I am sorry that the IBS has returned. I know diet is huge. But things like flu that would affect gut health are definitely going to be a setback. I usually have the rebounder out and for moves that require jacks, tuck jumps, high knee running, turn jumps, I get on the rebounder and do them. I hope that you can get it under control before you go take care of your parents. I am glad that you found a rebounder for a good price. I would like to have a Bellicon but they are like the Top of the line rebounders. I believe around 900 dollars. You can get different levels of give for them because it uses bungee cords instead of springs. From what I understand they are a bit taller than the Urban Rebounder that I have and it takes some getting used to at first.
Good afternoon,

Just finished my workouts. I went with DH this doc appointment this morning. I did 10 Minute Solution 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training #4 - Rock Botton HiiT = 10 min. I like this one :) + Body Beast abs = 11 min and Body Beast Build: Beast Total Body = 38min. I really like Sagi workouts. I am sore all week long. Tomorrow I is rest day from BB. Starting up on Sunday with Tempo :)

Diane Sue - I have Amy's 10 Minute Solutions is the 5 Day get fit and the one with the bands (which I really like for travel). I usually like all the 10 MS workouts. Just the one I am doing is very high impact. I also have a lot of other Amy Bento dvd's which I have to revisit soon. So said the other day that you got rid of a lot of workout dvd's? What did you do with them? I probably donate them to our public library once I am done sorting them out?

Laura - you don't get a brake, hah? I am sorry that the IBS has returned. Hang in there it will get better. Take care!

Doreen - you are doing great getting your workout in. Keep it up, girl!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Today I got in a better workout even thought I woke with headache and my husbands alarm at 5 am. I did Rapid Fire 4 Sweat, Susan's favorite mix that alternates the boxing and kickboxing segments and ends with the core, 72 minutes , 486 calories. I have no done this one many times because I purchased it around the time of my knee injury. I followed with Kelly Coffey Muscle Up Workout #2, 29 minutes, 136 calories. Total time was 1 hr. 41 min. and cries burned 622. I wore 1.5 # gloves for the kickboxing and 8# for the core.
Muscle Up weights
Underhand rows 30's, 8 reps
bench press 20's, 10 reps
3 sets
Lawn mower 30# 8 reps right then 8 left
fly 20's 8 reps
3 sets
pullover with shoulders on step 30# 8 reps
push up 20 reps
2 sets
seated Arnold press alternating 22.5#; 20#
knee in 20 reps
2 sets
lateral raise 12's; 15's
lying toe touch 20 reps
2 sets
reverse fly 15's;12's
superman prone across bench 8 reps with 3 count hold
2 sets
Belinda, I think I only have two 10 minute solutions left. One is the 5 day get Fit and the other is a kettlebell one without out the kettlebell. I like them both. I gave a lot of dvds to my daughter to sell to help raise money for her Haiti Trip funds last year. They really did go pretty quick and she made a decent amount of money out of some like Insanity. I just kept the Deluxe portion of Insanity with the Sports drills and upper body workouts along with Insane Abs. It was my favorite. All of my Turbo Jams except the two that used the stability ball that I gave to a friend. Funny thing is my daughter and I tried to donate boxes of books and videos to the library and they refused them. I guess they would rather use City money and buy them. When they first started coming out with workouts on dvd I sold a bunch of VHS workouts on Ebay for 80 dollars. I hung on to a few but finally got rid of them over the last three years.
Diane Sue - I have a lot of 10MS workouts, which I have never done :( I do have to get better sorting/getting rid of workout dvd's. Our library take workout dvd's but no videos. I love Turbo Jam, it's low impact. I couldn't do Cathe's high impact a few years ago, I injured my back(slipped disc) and had a really bad case of PF. PF took me out for almost a year. I couldn't walk and had to give up running. I not a big fan of Insanity, way to much jumping. That is cool your DD sold your dvd's for a good cause. WOW, on your VHS on Ebay for $80:D That is amazing! I still have a VHS player and workouts on VHS :( I need to get rid of them as well. I am getting better getting rid of stuff I don't use anymore. We donated a lot to Goodwill a few weeks ago. We had a house in El Paso, TX and one in Germany. I still have a lot to get rid off. Kids do not want anything, so it goes.
Belinda, we moved from a much larger home European style two story home with a huge garage to a detached condo with a tiny attic. I had to get rid of a lot. Funny thing is I have two dvd/vhs player combos and two vhs players. I actually got rid of two dvd players when we moved. I think that I had one in every room in our last house. I guess it was nice when family came to visit and they had their own stuff in their rooms. But then we had the "man cave" with arcade games and karaoke along with the large screen television so everyone pretty much hung in there. Those games and aquariums and stuff all had to go.
Diane Sue - we plan on moving in about 4 or 5 years. I am already downsizing. I realizes we are holding on to so much stuff, that we don't use? Everything is going. DH is really good getting rid of stuff too. I really don't want to wait until we actually move, lol. We moved from Germany 5 4.5 years ago...there are things we just have don't use/or need anymore. Everything is going! That will make my live much easier by the time we move.
Belinda, I found we would drag stuff from one house to the next and stuff it in the attic. After I lost my Dad and saw how much stuff there was to go through and decide what to keep and what not to keep, we got rid of even more of our stuff. We were hanging on to a lot of stuff our family would not want. We had them look and see if they wanted anything we had laid out before we got rid of it. I even had to downsize kitchen items. But, even there, there was things that I would forget I even had. We had a whole fifth wheel trailer of stuff that we never got rid of when we did not have it anymore. I had plantar facsiaitis before and it was a long battle to get rid of it. We have had 4 homes. The first one my son has, then the other moves was one. Job changes moved us away a 100 miles and back again. Then to something smaller with less care. Homeowners association maintains the front lawn. I cringe at how much high impact is in some workouts. I think they go through so many phases and more recently everyone wants to throw plyo in. I can get away with a little but, my joints do not handle that much.

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Today I started with Ice Bootcamp Circuit scrambled mix 1 with blizzard blasts mixed 57 minutes, 345 calories. Avg. hr. 115/ 146 max. I used heavier weights for things that did not involve upper body. I then did Ice Low Impact Sweat Blizzard blast 11 minutes, 88 calories, 133 avg./ 154 max heart rate, finished off with Kelly Coffey Slim Sculpting Core Abs Mix 31 minutes, 151 calories. I used a 20# kettlebell for most of this workout. Total time was 99 minutes and calories burned 583.
Good evening,

I did Jessica Smith 5 mile walk and 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training :5 - Ab HiiT = 10 min. I am so glad am done with the 10 MS High Intensity Intervals Training :D Body Beast is a different kinda of weight training. Very different from STS. You can read up on the BB site. And yes, I will keep the set :) WTG, on your run and dog walk today.

Diane Sue - fantastic job on your workouts and 20# Kettlebell workout today. I think we all drag to much stuff through our lives around :( I am guilty :) I really have to go through my mom's and dad's stuff. Both passed away a long time ago :( I just drag it around from house to house. Small steps!! I had a bad case of plantar facsiaitis a few years ago. I had 3 cortisone shots in my heal, with no relieve. Believe it or not...once I started backing off high impact my legs started to slim done. Go figure! Walking does wonders for my body. I don't think it's necessary for all that high impact these day's.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Belinda, I have done several rotations of Body Beast. I really do like that set of workouts a lot. It is because of that one that I bought Hammer and Chisel which is not the same at all. More total body stuff.
Good morning,

This morning I did SoulSweat (dance workout) w/Lucy = 55 min. Nice sweat fest! Haven't done her workouts in a long time. Body Beast Tempo: Chest & Triceps = 49 min is done.

Diane Sue - I love Body Beast. Wished I pulled it out sooner. Different from STS, which I like. I am on the fence about H&G. My neighbor is a BB coach, she is willing to let me try H&G. I think, she hopes I would like it and order the set, lol. Maybe I give it a try soon.

I will be back later or tomorrow. Have a great day/rest day or workout.

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