Hardcore check in for December 2016

Today I did Xtrain Burn Sets - Bi's & Tris. Had a great workout. Went a bit higher than last time.

Standing Dumbbell Curl:
20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Curl: 15's - 12 reps (to failure)

Simultaneous Rotational Curl: 16's - 2 sets/10 reps
Simultaneous Rotational Curl: 16's - 10 reps (to failure)

Concentration Curls: 16# - 2 sets/10 reps
Concentration Curls: 16# - 14 reps (to failure)

Hammer Curl Crazy 8's:

Tricep Pushups:
3 sets on toes (4x sequence, 2x sequence, 2x sequence) LOVE THESE!!!

Lying Triceps Extension: 12's - 2 sets/10 reps
Lying Triceps Extension: 12's - 12 reps (to failure)

One Arm Kickbacks: 8's - 2 sets/10 reps
One Arm Kickbacks: 8's - 15 reps (to failure)

Overhead Dumbbell Extension:
20# - 18 reps (was supposed to be with the band but I don't like those)

Then I did a mile on my treadmill.

Hope you all have great workouts!! It's only 12 degrees here. Yikes!!!
Today I did XTRAIN Biceps and I walked on the treadmill. Total time on treadmill was 40 minutes, 6.5 incline, 3.3 speed and I went 2.25 miles. Total workout calorie burn was 538 calories.

DB Bicep Curls-
20# x 10, x 10
15# x 20 TF

Sim. Rotational Bicep Curls-
20# x 10
15# x 10, x 12 TF

Conc. Curls-
20# x 10, x 10, x 10 TF

Crazy 8s DB Hammer Curls-
12# 24 (need to go higher

W Curls-
12# x 20 TF

Hammer Curls-
15# x 16 TF

I should have done Triceps as well but I was short on time.

Debbie, great job on your workout today. Funny, we did the same bicep workout today!

Running late, have a great day.
Today I did Cardio Coach 2, my version and had a great workout. I like this workout but the warmup on this is only 2 minutes so I do it twice. I also did the ab section of C&W.

Workout was 40 minutes, I ran 2.7 miles, burned 257 calories (TM said 363) and went 5456 steps.

Jolie - Nice job with that workout. That is a tough one. I hate concentration curls because they hurt my elbow so I have to go light on those. I love the Crazy 8's.

Hope you have great workouts!! Diane Sue, hope you are enjoying your break.
I am on my break. I had some surgery yesterday so will be taking it easy for a couple of weeks. They don't want me to do much of anything that will raise my blood pressure. I won't go into all of ot. Hopefully the lymph nodes quit showing up all over one I am healed. Funny they want me to eat a high protein diet and drink plenty of liquids. Not a hard requirement for me.
It sounds like we may be getting the workouts pretty soon. Before Christmas this time if things go well. I will probably have to start with llight lower body stuff from premixes and the cycle one. It depends on when I get the all clear.

Debbie, I am getting plenty of reading done. I imagine after the break I will have to work at not jumping back into things full throttle. It has been really cold here too. It has got down into the teens. Supposed to be in the mid 60s tomorrow and over the weekend snow. We hAve such odd weather sometimes. I have to check before I decide what to wear and if I need a jacket.
I like a decent warm up before a workout gets going. Nice work on the weights.
I don't mind the concentration curls but feel I have to work on the angle to keep from having discomfort with the elbow. My left arm is much weaker than the right with these.

Jolie, nice work on biceps too. I hope your day was a pleasant one. I like the w curls.

Roselyn, good job getting your workouts in.
Today I did Xtrain Burn Sets Shoulders. Upped my weights this time and had a great workout. Really felt it by upping the weights.

Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press: 15's - 2 sets/10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press: 15's - 1 set/10 reps (to failure)

Single Arm Lateral Raise: 10# - 1 set/10 reps
Single Arm Lateral Raise: 8# - 1 sets/10 reps
Single Arm Lateral Raise: 8# - 1 sets/12 reps (to failure)

Single Arm Rear Delt Flye: 8# - 1 sets/10 reps
Single Arm Rear Delt Flye: 10# -1 sets/10 reps
Single Arm Rear Delt Flye: 10# -1 sets/14 reps (to failure)

Scarecrow: 5's - 12 reps

Walked on my treadmill for 1.25 miles.

Diane Sue - I had no idea you were having surgery. I sure hope all went well, I will say a prayer for you. I am reading Dean Koontz's new book called Ashley Bell, it's good. I love his books.

Roselyn - Nice workout. I'm itching to do BB again.

Jolie - Hope you are doing well!!

Have great workouts everyone!!!! Have a great weekend as well!!
No workout for me yesterday. I had tooth pain and went to the dentist and found out that I have fractured my tooth underneath my crown! They want to pull the tooth and put in a implant. I am going to another dentist to get a second opinion first. Then I'm going to an Endodontist to get another opinion. Pulling out the tooth is my last resort. I am scared to get an implant because my dad got one and his body rejected it, so all that money for nothing. I am going to workout out this morning, I'm not sure what I am going to do yet. I will have to take an Advil because my tooth hurt when I move.

Diane Sue, I hope you are alright! I am praying for you to have a fast recovery.

Debbie, great workout today. I have to do Chest today so I might to XTRAIN too.

Roselyn, good job with Body Beast. I have done those workouts so many times that I am looking forward to try Cathe's new workouts.

I will be back later with my workout. It is raining here today!!!!!
Today I did Powerstrike 5 kickboxing using 1 pound hand weights. Workout was 52 minutes. Next I did XTRAIN Burnsets Chest only. Total workout was 1 hour and 15 minutes and I burned 621 Calories. It felt so good to kick box again, I had a terrific workout!

Chest Press-
25# x 10, x 10, x 11 TF

Chest Flies-
20# x 10, x 10, x 12 TF

Incline Chest Press-
25# x 10, x 10, x 12 TF

It is amazing how weak my legs have gotten since I have been walking on the treadmill. Having to do a lot of kicks was tough for me today. I definitely need to incorporate more variety into my workouts. I like to kick box because it works your abs well and god knows I need that!!!!

I went to a specialist today and I have to have my tooth removed, fractured! Monday morning will be the extraction and a bone graph. From start to finish for the implant will be four months and $4000!!!! My dental insurance doesn't cover the implant. Good times!!!! I'm in a lot of pain so getting it taken out will be a good thing before Christmas.

Have a nice day.
Oh Jolie so sorry to hear that, I had 2 root canals this summer and I know when a tooth hurts you just want it fixed

Today I worked back and bis, I am looking at a program from beach body called core de force, supposed to really help with the core it got good reivews, might get if for myself from Santa
Resting and another doctor appointment today. My doctor is going to Hong Kong for the holidays. I am doing good. He said to give it 2 or 3 weeks.

Jolie, I am sorry you are having tooth pain. It is a good thing they are getting to it right away. Do you have something to help with the pain over the weekend? I will keep you in my prayers. In
I think that we have to crosstrainer often to keep strength in all areas. I am sure my upper body will need some work when I get back into things.

Debbie, nice workout today and upping the weight I am not sure if I have read Dean Koontz before. Right now I am doing more studies than reading novels. I have a few books upstairs that I could read.

Roselyn, I have heard of that Beach Body workout.
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Saturday I did not workout, too much to do. Today I did 45 minutes on the treadmill, 2.5 miles traveled at a 6.0 incline. Then I did STS #13 Triceps. Total workout was 1 hour 10 minutes and I burned 529 calories.

Lying Triceps Ext.
DB 15# x 13, x 10, x 9, x 12 TF

Lying Cross Body Ext.
DB 12# x 12, x 10, x 8, x 13 TF

2 Arm Kickbacks
10# x 12, x 10, x 8
8# x 12 TF Drop set.

I am getting my back tooth removed tomorrow so I wont be working out. I am so sad to loose a tooth, but I guess that's the way it goes! I could have a denture put in but my dentist says I'm too active and it wouldn't stay put so an implant is my only option.

Diane Sue, I hope you are feeling better. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Roselyn, I checked out the Beach Body workout you are looking into getting, looks good. I couldn't do it with my broken foot, I wish I could . If you get it, I am very excited to hear about it and what results you will get. Great workout the other day.

Debbie, Great shoulder workout! I kick boxed the other day and boy are my legs sore! It is amazing how just changing it up just a little does wonders for the body.

I am taking my husband out for lunch today for his birthday. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I hope you are all ready for Christmas.
I have slept a lot the last couple of days. It was so cold last night. 3 degrees when I got up this morning with a small amount of snow. The sun is out now. I am working on a shopping list. My husband needs to do some shopping. I will probably go with him so we get the brands I prefer. I was going to do grocery pick up at Walmart but it appears they only have it at the Super Centers. I am sure they are going to be crazy busy today so it is probably not a good idea.

Jolie, I think it does sound like the implant is the best for you. Praying for good results. I always worry about the crowns and dental work holding up. I have had to replace old crowns and fillings quite a lot lately. It does seem like something that would not stay in place would drive a person nuts. I always wonder how they eat with those things. Enjoy lunch today with your husband :)
Today I did HiiT Chest & Triceps. Had a good workout. This is the workout that seems like Cathe just did to do. It looks like it was done quickly and with no thought to the sound track or how her movements go with the music, especially with the warmup. I hope the new workouts aren't like this one. It is still a good workout, though.

Dumbbell Bench Press: 25's - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Pushups: 15 reps (did 10 on my toes and 5 on my knees)

Incline Dumbbell Press: 25's - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Tricep Pushups: 15 reps on my knees

Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 25's - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Decline Pushups: 15 reps on my knees on the decline position

Overhead Tricep Extensions: 30# - 1 set/12 reps
Overhead Tricep Extensions: 25# - 2 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Dips: 40 reps

Lying Barbell Extensions: 30# - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Kickbacks: 5's - 20 reps

Also walked on my treadmill for 1.25 mile.

I will do personals later, I need to go back and read what you all did. Hope you all have great workouts!
I had my annual mammogram today, I hate going, but I went to a new imaging place that gives you on sight results so no waiting for a call or letter so all was good.

My son came home yesterday for winter break, YEAH!!

I worked chest today, I need to start posting my weights again

Diane Sue hope all is well, what kind of surgery?

Jolie keep us posted on your dental issues

Debbie great workouts
No workout today, I had my tooth removed and also had a bone graph. It is very painful, I have numerous stiches. I am not allowed to workout for 5 days so I guess I am taking a rest week. If it looks like it is healing in a few days I might try just lifting some weights, but they will be lite. The whole process to get an implant is 9 months. I wont have a crown put in until next fall believe it or not.

Debbie, great workout today.

Roselyn, I am sure your mammogram results will be good. I am so excited for you to have your son home for the holidays!

Diane Sue, I hope you are feeling better.

I will check in tomorrow. Have a nice day.
Today I was going to do a Cardio Coach but just didn't have it in me. Instead I walked on my treadmill on a 3% incline for 60 minutes. Got my HR up and broke a pretty good sweat.

Workout was 60 minutes, went 3 miles, burned 320 calories (TM said 396) and went 7320 steps. :)

- I'm having an implant done next Thursday I think. I hear there is no pain and no healing time. I find that hard to believe but I do want to get it done. They took out one of my large molers and the hole is too big to not fill it. I also have one other tooth pulled a long time ago that I'll get an implant done sometime next year. Hope you are ok, I know that hurts. I recently had on of my wisdom's pulled and it took over 3 weeks to heal.

Nice job with your workouts, everyone!!! Kicking butt in here as usual!!!

Have great workouts today!!!
Yesterday I had my granddaughter come over. She is staying at my house while taking her finals. It gives her time to come in and study before she goes back to work since she has a job doing after care for the lower school. My house is much closer than hers which is out of the city on 15 acres. She was done early with her finals yesterday so spent part of the day with me. We watched the BFG. I am watching way more movies than normal. I am not much of one to sit and watch television. Last night we watched Miss Perigine's House for Peculiar Children which was kind of disturbing. Not what I thought it would be. It is not a children's movie unless someone would want them to have nightmares. We watched War Dogs which is hard to believe is based on a true story. I am wondering how much was true? Then yesterday when I was by myself I wathc A Walk in the Woods with Robert Redford and Nick Nolte. It wasn't bad, but it is one of those movies that one time is enough. I need to find some other outlets for entertainment. Boredom is setting in. It is a week tomorrow since surgery. Hopefully I am healing well and they give me the go ahead for the spin bike and treadclimber. I got more sleep last night. I am sleeping in the recliner to stay elevated and my dog has a tendency to want to come and wake me up hoping for doggie cookies and once she tried to climb in. She is 70 lbs so not allowed to get in the chair with me. I have been doing good at getting my 100 grams of protein in a day that the doctor told me to get. I have to use protein powder though or I wouldn't be able t do it. I am not liking the flavor of the Tera's Whey though. I am tolerating it till it is gone. I normally would not bought that one but was looking for a cost effective good one.

Debbie, I have not done that Ripped With Hiit workout in awhile so am not remembering it very well. I think I have used the lower body and biceps and back more than the chest and triceps. I think it was because I do not like to do push ups. That was a nice amount of steps today. Walking is a really good workout anyway. I find it interesting that the treadclimber is so much harder at a walking pace that a treadmill. Mine has the highest speed of them and it goes to 4.5 miles. I often feel like I am practically running to keep up with the treadles and have to grab hold with one hand to keep up. I try not to hold the handles an I get a much higher calorie burn on it. I will be anxious to see how it works with the Fit Bit. I checked it out once and it does pick up the Fit Bit without me wearing the chest strap.

Roselyn, that is nice that you get the mammogram results right there. I guess they have someone to read them on staff? It would be nice to leave and not have to wonder what the results will be. I bet you are really enjoying your son being home. If my oldest granddaughter leaves the state for law school our family gatherings will be so much different unless she can make it home. There is talk of marriage and moving for that. I checked out the Core workouts on Beach Body. Not a bad price and no equipment looks good. I will be anxious to see your reviews of them.

My surgery is a bit complicated. I guess it does help you ladies understand why I am not posting workouts right now. It is related to another incident 8 years ago. 17 years ago I got breast implants. When I started working out hard I lost pretty much all that I had. It was not a good job and took two surgeries. Anyway, I had an incident with the lymph nodes 8 years ago that had me going through a bunch of tests and it ended up being silicone. I had surgery and they removed as much as they could as it was all over. The surgeon that I am now using was the one who did the repair. He put in solid implants that should not leak. This bunch of tests found silicone in my lymph nodes all over. He was doubtful they were leaking but said we needed to at least do exploratory surgery to make sure because he has not had a solid implant rupture. It ends up it was from the implants 17 years ago. He cleaned out more silicone that had moved around and I downsized. I contemplated getting rid of them but discussing it with the doctor decided to stay with them. He did more repair work fixing some old scar tissue from the ones 17 years ago. I had avoided going back for more surgery for that because I hate surgery. This was not what I wanted to do and the cost was a lot. Anyway, recovery time varies but I am listening to the doctor's orders and taking it easy. From what I read it may be 3 to 4 months before chest involves work can be done. It will be a gradual working back into things. I know this is something that many women do, but I can't help but feel guilty for doing it in the first place. Also, I am bummed because the new workouts are on the way and I will only be able to use the spin one at first. I guess, I can spin and preview.

Jolie, get some rest. I know those oral surgeries are very painful. I hope that all goes well and your recovery time is speedy. Holiday time and school being out should give you something to occupy your time a bit so you are not wanting to workout. I know it is hard to let it go. I am struggling with holiday treats. My granddaughter bought in some chocolates last night.
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Today I did the Ripped Hiit Lift It, Hit It Back, Bi's & Shoulders. This is a TOUGH workout. Wow, I went down in weights from the last time I did this (which was June 2) because my upper back left side is bothering me again. It's been hurting when I get up in the morning but once I start moving around it isn't so bad. Really weird.

This is what I did:

On Arm Row:
25# - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Barbell Underhand Rows: 25# - 15 reps
Finisher - Power Band Pulls - 20 reps

Pullovers: 25# - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Barbell Overhand Rows: 30# - 20 reps
Finisher - Supine Band Pulls - 20 reps

One Arm Angle Row: 25# - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - One Arm Band Pulls: 20 Reps

Rear Delt Flies: 12's - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - One Arm Band Pulls: 20 Reps

Prone Rear Delt Flies: Skipped
Finisher - T-Band Pulls: Skipped

Barbell Curls:
25# - 3 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Dumbbell W's: 8's - 20 reps

Concentration Curls: 15# -3 sets/12/10/10 reps; 15#
Finisher - Barbell Crazy 8's: 25#
You all know I do not like concentration curls, they hurt my elbows for some odd reason so I go light on them.

Simultaneous Hammer Curls: 15's - 1 set/10 reps; 12's - 2 sets/12 reps
Finisher - Barbell Crazy 8's: 20#
By the time I got to the Crazy 8's my bi's were toast. I will feel this tomorrow for sure.

This is one of Cathey's harder workouts, I liked it. :)

Also walked 1.5 miles on my treadmill.

Diane Sue - Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I know for the most part, that surgery for implants isn't a big deal unless something like you went through happens. My step daughter has implants and has also had to have them redone a few times. It's scary how that silicone gets into your body. How did you know something was wrong? Was it the mammogram that showed you might have something? I'm glad it was just silicone and not your lymph nodes. How scary. I hope they got all of it out this time, I wonder why it was still in there? Just take it easy and listen to your doctor. Those movies you listed I haven't seen yet. I want to see War Dogs but we haven't yet. Watch Snowden - good movie. We seen Suicide Squad and that a good action flick, we like those kinds of movies. Get Dean Koontz's "Ashley Bell" book - it's really good.

Have great workouts everyone!
Debbie, I probably would have blown the whole thing off , but when my I told my daughter I had a low grade fever and had several really swollen lymph nodes along my clavicle, she insisted I get to a doctor immediately. She said it is not normal to have lymph nodes that big in that area. Also, I had been to the doctor for tests a few months ago just to try to find out why I was so extremely fatigued most of the time. Even if I had slept and had naps. (probably the body fighting against the silicone even though they say it won't hut you) She later told me that they had postponed their vacation in February with the thought that I would be going through chemo or something because only 10% cases of lymph nodes that large in that area are from something than cancer. The first doctor found my white count was off and did a couple of tests for possibilities. My daughter was persistent and got me in to someone else. Hence, two ct scans, an ultrasound, a mri, and a core biopsy. Then off to the surgeon that helped before. The doctor that did the biopsy said that silicone never leaves the body once it is leaked like that. Then my surgeon said the same thing because he was doubtful at the leakage. I was one of his test patients last time and he had just written an article on these newer ones. So, I am lucky. He says he is willing to work with whoever does my mammograms and tests like that from now on so we can keep an eye on anything that might be off. I will have this problem pop up from time to time and there is no way around tests and just thinking it is probably the silicone again. But, the awareness will help in the decision making. He did clean out some more as best he could without moving things around too much.
I do those power band pulls but always worry a bit about whether they are going to hurt my neck and shoulder area. I noticed watching different instructors and the other women in the dvds and they seem to all have a slightly different form when they do concentration curls. I feel my arms turn a bit off and I started watching in a mirror and have tried to correct it and go a bit lighter since I also was not going full range of motion. I haven't had elbow issues in awhile. Only trying to hold a barbell for front squats and plies.

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