Hardcore check in for December 2016

Today I did Cardio Coach 3 and really had a great workout. I think I did the best with this workout than I ever have. Upper back is almost 100% so I'm glad I didn't lift this week. I should be good to go by Monday.

Workout was 40 minutes long, ran 2.77 miles, burned 259 calories (TM said 369 - weird how it's almost exactly 100 calories off all the time), went 5573 steps.

Fitbit clocked me at the highest of 121 and believe me, I was way above that. TM at one point said I was at 155 which is more believable. Frustrating about the FB.

No time for personals, hope you all have great workouts!!

Today I did Ice Rock'm Sock'm mix with the Blizzard Blast, 62 minutes 480 calories. I then did Muscle Meltdown triceps, 15 minutes, 70 calories. Total time 77 minutes, 550 calories.
I went back and did Suzanne Bowen Barre amped Strength and Stretch Upper body stretch and relaxation stretch. I also did Yoga Tune Up Neck for more stretching and massage with the therapy balls.
I used 12's and 15's for Muscle Meltdown triceps today. I did not want to go too heavy.

Debbie, nice work. I would not rely on that calorie burn with the Fit Bit. You would think that it would do better with the treadmill than some other forms of exercise. I find that the Fit Bit is usually about half the calories on many workouts other than something like a steady state step. Today it was about a hundred less than what I got with the calories burned calculator and Cathe and Map My Fitness were higher. Again I went in between.
No workouts for me the last two days, my neck is still hurting as well as my right leg. I got adjusted but it usually takes awhile to feel better. Yesterday I had a college councilor meeting with my oldest son so that meeting ate into my workout time. Did you know to attend USC or a like school, it cost $65,000 per year and that does not included housing!!! WTF. My son was pulled out of class yesterday by the head football coach of Colorado State University to discuss a football career at that school!!! If he can get a full ride and leave college debt free, that would be amazing!

Todays workout I did cardio only. I walked on the treadmill uphill for 50 minutes and traveled 2.7 miles. Next I ran on the elliptical for 15 minutes, traveled 1.3 miles. Total workout was 65 minutes and I burned 658 calories! My elliptical and my fitbit were the exact calorie burn but my treadmill said I burned 138 calories less then my fitbit stated? (My legs are looking good from all of this walking, but my mid section is looking not so good. I can never erase the damage of what two C Sections have done to my stomach. If I could drop a few more pounds, I would definitely look a little better)

All of you have been doing great with your workouts this week.

Running late today.

Have a wonderful day!
Roselyn, that is great news. I know you have to be relieved.

Jolie, that would be great if your son got a scholarship and played football. My husband still follows USC and has his USC hats and shirts. That is an incredible amount of money for a year of college. Isn't it weird how all of these devices and equipment do not always coincide at least closely across them? I think I have Map My Fitness and Cathe's workout manager close more than anything else. There are just those times when you know you worked harder and longer than a little over a hundred calories. I can do a hard workout and get a low reading and turn around and do yoga or abs and get a higher calorie burn.
Today I walked on my treadmill for 2.5 miles and how weird is this, I burned walked almost 1000 steps more than my 2.7 mile run yesterday and burned more calories than my 2.7 mile run yesterday. How is that possible? Weird. Anyways, I walked on a 3% incline and broke sweat so I'm happy.

Workout was 50 minutes, went. 2.5 miles, burned 290 calories (TM said 310) and went 6029 steps.

Jolie - How exciting about your son and possibly getting a scholarship. I cannot believe how expensive colleges are now a days, just ridiculous. I hope your neck is feeling better today.

Roselyn - I'm glad to hear your mom's test came back negative, that is great news!!!

Diane Sue - Nice workout yesterday!! You workout for a long time sometimes, don't know how you do that!! Nice job!!!
Today my foot is very sore so I cannot walk on the treadmill. I decided to do ICE Muscle Meltdown Chest, 4 rounds instead of 3 because I did not do the pushups. Pushups hurt my right shoulder so much I just don't do them anymore. Each set was 12 reps.

Chest Press 20# x 12 (four rounds of this Giant Set)
Chest Flies 15# x 12
Incline Chest Press 20# x 12
Incline Chest Flies 15# x 12

I burned 102 Calories.
My neck still hurts but I'm dealing with it. I might have to go back to the chiropractor one more time to get it right! My insurance doesn't cover it so I hate to spend the money...

I have to say, I am starting to like my physique so much more lately. The cardio and light weights and high reps is really leaning me out and I don't look so big. Maybe my body responds better to this type of working out? Also, if I use the lighter weights and higher reps I will avoid injury and that makes me happy. I am still looking forward to the new workouts, I know she doesn't go too heavy in her newer workouts.

Nice workouts everyone!

Have a great day!
Today I did Urban Rebounding Extreme Patrick Goudeau Core Metabolic Cardio 53 minutes, 409 calories. I did not do the push up segments. Instead I did either more jumping and mountain climbers off the side. I did the plank stuff though. I also did plank jacks instead of the jumping up and down off of the rebounder push ups. That is one of the moves I did when I injured my rotator cuff. I followed this with Cathe's Push Pull premix lower body 3 times. I forgot that the times were not correct on the premix times. It said 37 minutes for 2 sets and 39 minutes for 3 sets. It ended up being 59 minutes:oops: I kept wondering when it was going to be done. My legs are feeling it now. With this one I have a hard time counting the reps. I am sure I have it written down in my notes.
3 sets (they used a barbell) I did two sets barbell and one with dumbbells
squat 40#
deadlift 40#
3 sets
lunge 12 # dumbbells
leg press 15# dumbbell 2 sets 12# 1 set 16 reps
3 sets stability ball
outer thigh lifts on the ball 3# ankle weights
supine ball inner thigh squeezes
1 set
calf raise body weight
seated shin work with ball

Debbie, that is odd. I do know that my Fit bit picks up some of the things that I consider lower intensity cardio giving me just as good, if not better calorie burns. I thought it was funny how many steps I get while riding the spin bike. Actually when I wore it to bed one night I got somewhere around 153 steps sleeping. I like working out a long time once in awhile. Today was not intentional though. At least not as long as it came out to.

Jolie, I am sorry about the neck hurting. I looked at chiropractic and physical therapy stuff. I am afraid a chiropractor could injure it more or make it worse. Particularly since I have the degeneration in my neck. It would be nice if you could just get a treatment and get relief. I would be inclined to not go back if I spent money and did not get help. From what I understand other areas can be some of the problem with the area that is painful. Anyway, I hope it gets better. Adding that to your foot has to make it difficult when you want to workout. I guess we all seem to find some sort of workout that we can still do. We are all tenacious in that respect. I get bulky in the arms and upper body and feel big . Then when I lean out and do lighter and high reps and it leans out and looks more defined I like it for awhile then I go back to wanting more bulk. I guess it is a balance of both types of workouts. I am seeing some nice definition in my legs since I have been kind of stuck in the rut of lower body, some abs, and cardio. I am trying to fit in some lighter upper that will not hurt here and there.
You must be really proud of your son:) I know I would be.
I forgot to mention my calories today was 708. That is great for me. I guess because pus pull ended up being so long.
Today was cardio. I walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes, 3.11 miles, 6.5 incline, max heart rate 176 and I burned 602 calories. My foot is feeling much better today so I went for it!

Roselyn, I am so glad to hear that everything is going to be ok with your mother. Great job on the workouts this week!

Debbie, I am glad to hear the upper body is feeling better. Sometimes we just have to give our bodies a break to get better. Good job on the cardio this week!

Diane Sue, Great calorie burn yesterday!!! Yes, I am so proud of my son, he tries really hard and never gives up!

My neck is feeling a little better today and my leg and knee feel good. My pillows my be the problem. They are old and broken down (down filled) and I might try getting new pillows and see what that does for the pain.

I must go Christmas shopping today, I hardly have anything done!!!!!!!!

Have a nice day!
Today I did older workouts again. I am really finding some of the older ones really pack a punch. I did I Max 3, 60 minutes, 484 calories. I then did Tracey Steahle's Core Blast , all standing segments, stability ball, bosu, planks, pilates, stretch. 39 minutes, 151 calories. There was 2 more floor segments and a step abs that I skipped. I used a 5# medicine ball and 5# dumbbells.
Total time 99 minutes, 640 calories. My 8 year old and 2 year old grandchild are coming in a bit to stay the night. Their parents are celebrating their anniversary and doing some Christmas shopping.

Jolie, I am glad to hear that your foot was better. I have tried so many different pillows. I wake up with neck pain and it gets better once I get up and move. Right now I have a Chiroflow water pillow. I also have a down and memory foam pillow. Having them too tall causes me issues.
Today I did ICE Muscle Meltdown Shoulders, 4 rounds, Giant Sets with no rest. I burned 184 calories. This is tough even though I used lighter weights, you really get a burn.

4 Rounds

1. Seated overhead press
15# DB x 12 reps

2. Upright Rows
15# DB x 12 reps

3. Lateral Raise
8# DB x 12 reps

4. Incline Front Raise 2 arms
8# DB x 12 reps

5. Rear delt flies
10# DB x 12 reps

Diane Sue
, I hope you had a great time with your grandchildren! Great job on your workout too!

Have a nice day.
I am back to lifting so today I did Xtrain Burn Sets - Chest & Back. Had a great workout. I went a little lighter than the last time I did this workout because I don't want to irritate my upper back again.

Dumbbell Press: 25's - 2 sets/10 reps
Dumbbell Press: 25's - 14 reps (to failure)

Dumbbell Flies: 20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Dumbbell Flies: 20's - 1 sets/15 reps (to failure)

Incline Dumbbell Press: 25's - 2 sets/10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press: 25's - 1 sets/12 reps (to failure)

Push-Ups: 16 reps

One Arm Row:
25# 2 sets/10 reps
One Arm Row: 25# 14 reps (to failure)

Double Arm Row: 20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Double Arm Row: 20's - 12 reps (to failure)

Seated Rear Delt Flyes: 12's - 2 sets/10 reps
Seated Rear Delt Flyes: 12's - 15 reps (to failure)

Skipped the burn set for back.

I also walked on a 3% incline on my TM for 1 mile.

Hope you all have a great workout! Nice job this weekend with your workouts.
Today I did 4 Day Split Kickbox and lower body weights. Total time 67 minutes, calories burned 438. I had to make adjustments because I stopped after kickbox and restarted with weights. That is because the Fit Bit and Map My Fitness have different selections for weights and kickbox workouts. I find it makes a difference in how it reads the calorie burn. I had to stop and restart a lot because I used to do much heavier and trying to be careful. I would have to keep adjusting. Plus I started with the barbell. I really did not find a better way of doing the front squats. Maybe I should have just held one dumbbell. I find the heavier squats are more comfortable with the bar on my shoulders than two dumbbells at the sides that seem to pull on my shoulders. I felt bit weak here. I used to do those low plane lunges with 25's. I struggled with 20's today.

warm up squats 24# (I used 12's)
Front Squats heels raised 35# barbell 2 sets
deadlifts on step 20's (why do they do these on a step platform. No one is going below the top of the step??) 2 sets
Plie squats on step 35# dumbbell 2 sets
leg press 20# 2 sets
low plane lunges 20's 2 sets
leg press outer thigh lift 12's with 5# ankle weights 1 set; 25# with 5# ankle weights 1 set
outer thigh with band seated on high step blue band
squats barbell 40#

Jolie, I have not used the shoulder workout for Muscle Meltdown many times Those are all pretty tough. So little rest time makes it difficult to go really heavy on many of the moves.

Deb, I think it is better to go with the side of caution. Being in pain is just not worth it. I will be taking a break for a bit after tomorrow. I might do something early Wednesday but will see if I have time. Nice workout today.
Today I walked on my treadmill, didn't feel like running. I walked 2.62 miles on a 5% incline. Had an ok workout, didn't break much of a sweat and it seemed my HR didn't get up that high. Oh well. I still burned some good calories.

Workout was 52 minutes, walked 2.62 miles, burned 289 calories and went 6296 steps.

Diane Sue - Nice workout, enjoy your break today if you take one. You're right, it really isn't worth being in pain to get a workout in. I think we've all learned this the hard way.

Jolie - Nice workout with ICE the other day. I have to check those out, they look like really good workouts.

Roselyn - I might be going back to Body Beast after the new year. I'll see how it goes with the new workouts if we get them.
Today I did XTRAIN Back, I did 12 reps instead of 10 reps. The last set was to Failure. Then I walked 30 minutes on the treadmill 6.5 incline. I burned a total of 512 calories. I put my Fitbit on workout mode because I don't put it on weights and then have to switch it to treadmill. My max heart rate was 170.

1 Arm Rows-
25# x 12, x 12, x 15 TF

BB Rows-
45# x 12, x 12, x 13 TF

Rear Flies-
12# x 12, x 12, x 12 TF

No burnset, I did and extra back exercise instead.

1 Arm Horizontal Row-
20# x 12, x 12, x 12 TF

I did not sleep well so I took it easy. I see so many people sick while I am out and about, not me this year!

Debbie, great workout. I read by Erin Stern, Miss Olympia, that steady state cardio can become very easy over time and your body gets used to it. She said you will constantly have to increase your time or effort to get your heart rate back up. I find that steady state is easier and there is less of a dread factor for me. With that said, I will continue to do it but might have to go longer or increase my incline to get a good workout in. If it is hard and there is a huge dread factor I tend to stop doing it over time. Also, my body reacts bad to high intensity workouts because of the dread factor and I release more Cortisol which makes me fat.

Diane Sue, great workout! I love kickboxing. It has been so long since I have done that particular workout. Was it good, I cant remember? Good job on the weights for legs, that's a hard workout!

Roselyn, I love Body Beast! Are you going to do the whole rotation or just pick and choose your workouts?

Have a nice day.
I did Suzanne Bowen rebounder workout, 23 minutes. That is a leg burner. I jumped harder than they did, jacks, tuck jumps, high knee running etc. for myself. This was a workout on her streaming. I signed up for a 2 day free use. I burned 141 calories doing this workout. I then did the X10 mix that just omits the circuit at the end, 63 minutes, heart rate 136 avg./168 max, 521 calories. I also did 10 minute ab chisel, 11 minutes, 55 calories. Total time was 97 minutes, calories burned 717.

Debbie the break will start tomorrow. I will still check in though.

Jolie, I use workout when it is a workout that I do not have a Fit Bit setting for. Like Step for instance. I use weights for weights. I did find that Stretch and Strength on my Map My Fitness App that I run along with the FIt Bit does better than the Yoga setting for calories doing yoga type workouts. Otherwise MMF is 3 times as many calories or sometimes more as the FIt Bit. I thought I should have just used workout yesterday when I did 4 Day Split instead of stopping and restarting.
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