Damage Control July

Boys are better. Just a case of too many sweets after movie buttered popcorn!!

Tina- I don't know how you have the energy for so many workouts!!

I was extremely unmotivated to wo today but I did GG Extreme 63 min. Not as bad as it sounded, I won't even attempt any cardio extremes! The ball on the floor was the hardest. I couldn't do single leg at all and the floor work after that was tough too! But happy it's finished. I'm trying to take it easy today. I'm not leaving the house except to go to the pool after I make my protein shake, make lunch and prep dinner! The only thing we have this evening is getting B to baseball practice!

And tomorrow is an easy day too: home all day unless we want to go to church to see Charlotte's Web outside. And JTrain comes home from Philly tomorrow for 2 night to rest before Adventure camp. I got an email from him youth leader and it sounds like he's having a great time. God is teach him a lot thru feeding the homeless, working at the church and giving him the courage to talk to people about the gospel and pray with them at the bus terminal where it is really a dangerous and drug filled area. I'm so proud of him and thrilled at what Jesus is doing thru him!

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Hi Ladies,

Sorry I've been MIA, just busy with my new job. So far I'm really enjoying it. I have a lot to learn, but the environment is great and the employees have been very welcoming. Monday they took me out to lunch, Wednesday was the building management catered lunch, today was birthday party for someone in the group. Plenty of celebrating. Today one of the gals invited me join her on a lunch time walk. It was really nice to help me get oriented with the area.

Workouts, Monday-off, Tuesday-CLB premix am, STS CST pm, Wednesday-off, Thursday RWH PH2 am, STS legs pm. If I can get off early enough tomorrow I plan on taking the Happy Hour class at the gym.

Tina-I wish I was motivated to get on my bike. I just don't feel like riding by myself. You are amazing! I too prefer to have a cup of coffee before my workouts. I did learn when I workout early enough, that I can get by without the coffee. Of course I'm not riding 40 miles and I could always drink my coffee on my long commute to work. You've been rockin' the workouts lady!!! Are you still looking for a job? I'm envious of your current schedule. :) Are you looking for something part time/flexible schedule? What do you want to do? Glad all your baby chicks arrived. Hopefully they all make it.

Beth-Hope you have fun at your book club! Nice job on the bike ride. Nice job staying on track with your rotation. I have plenty of time at night to do the 15 mile training loop, I just can't convince myself to do it. How are you liking the Bulk phase of your rotation? How do these w/o's differ from the Build phase? Do you have STS? Is it similar?

LL-whew, what a day. I hope everyone is feeling better now. How was the movie? What did you see? Glad you are finding premixes to fit your time.

Diana, happy you are enjoying your job, I bet that makes a huge difference. Looks like you got some good workouts in too! We saw Penguins of Madagascar, I had never scene it and neither had Little K. It was cute!

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Yesterday was 4DS KB, this morning is 4DS LIS and RWH HCUB. Lots of yard work again today. Tonight is my last day of work for three weeks. I have plenty of projects to do around here, like painting the outside of the house and fixing our fence. I'm sure the puppy will find all the loose boards for us. Our little chicken is still hanging in. We've name her Dory, as she walks backwards most of the time and lays out flat when she sleeps. We're thinking she may be deaf or blind. DS's first set of chicks from the spring that are almost fully grown, have turned out to be lap chickens.

Diana, your new job sounds amazing! You must be loving the commute. :) I've applied for a few jobs and haven't heard anything back. I only want part time right now. I'm sure once the college students go back to school, something will crop up. I'm still thinking hard about starting a pet sitting business. I want to work for an established pet service first before I take the program offered at our local university. Do you have a race coming up soon? I can't wait to get back to STS!

Beth, what book are you reading for your book group? I'm currently reading Remember Me Like This by Anthony Johnston. Excellent writing, but painfully sad, about a boy who goes missing for four years and his recovery from his kidnapping ordeal. It's more about family and reconnecting. I miss our book group, maybe I should start another this fall.

LL, don't you love GG? One of my favorites for legs. :)
Tina- no work for 3 wks! Awesome! How on earth are you able to do 4DS LIS AND RWH HCUB!! I'm in awe! I liked GG a lot but I'm not sure I love it. B&G so far is my "I'm ready for DOMS" workout!

X10 low impact today, I wanted something short and on the easier side, short yes, easy, no! My legs are a bit sore from yesterday but my arms are still very sore from the LIHI this week! Good wo tho! Tomorrow I hope to get in LLA.

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Today was a 50+ mile ride and HSC abs and stretch. Tomorrow looks like rain, so we'll probably do a leg workout of some kind. Today was also the day DD picked up her puppy. Here's Owen: (DD is really tiny, so he looks bigger than he really is in this photo)

Cute puppy! You DD looks very happy to have him!

I did LLA premix with chair/fire walker and barre, that all I had time for with B's bday today (Dunkin for breakfast, Minion movie, Papa Johns for lunch, pool party into the evening with grilled chicken pasta salad, my avocado dip, ice cream cake and my brownies, the pool belongs to a friend of mine's dad whose bday was yesterday so we celebrated both). Would it be bad do do the standing and abs parts tomorrow since I did legs today? Or should I just do abs and see if I can get in yoga since I worked out at least 6 days in a row?

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Hi Ladies,

I ended up doing STS legs on Friday morning instead of Thursday night. DS had a friend come over and they were down there gaming. Yesterday was STS Back & Biceps and BR Fat Burn Challenge Day 1. It was 12 exercises, 50 sec work and 10 sec rest. I should've done it twice but was already frustrated with trying to bring it up on DS's playstation...it took forever for me to figure it out. Going forward I may just use my laptop since the w/o's are short. My legs are still sore so I'm going to do the next STS disc-CST and the next BR w/o. This w/o only has 7 exercises. They may be short, but they are not easy. Usually you run through them 2 or 3 times.

Are you all on Facebook? I've been seeing all the postings from Cathletes on the Road Trip! I which I was there.

Yesterday I mowed the lawn and put some weed killer on too. I hate dandelions in my grass! Today I need to grocery shop, take the recycle and have a pedicure appt.

Tina-Owen is adorable, and DD looks really happy!! There's always something to be done around the house, it's never ending. We are going to be scheduling our cement work, close to 5K worth. UGH Not really how I want to spend my money. It needs to be done. I do have a triathlon coming up but I may not do it. I haven't been running, biking, or swimming. I'm not one of those that can just do it without training for it. I had forgotten about the pet sitting business, it sounds right up your alley. I hope it all works out. I would love to work part time, not sure if I will ever be able to manage that. I'm still trying to find a way to pay off the student loans I have on DS2. I think if I pay $250 every other week in addition to my normal monthly payment, along with our tax refund (if we ever get it), well one of them may be paid off this year. Now I just have to figure out how to cut back enough to get the $250. If I can get that one paid off, next year I will focus on the other one. Once DS 3 goes to university, we are having him take out his own loans in his own name. We will pay on them for 2 yrs (whether he graduates or not), then he will have to make the payments.

LL-I think you could do the standing legs section today. Sounds like you had a fun day! When my kids were growing up, I would take days off just to spend with them. We would go to a local waterpark, amusement park, movies, zoo, or whatever they wanted to do. I do miss those days. I do the same thing when my girls are here.

Beth-you must be busy working. Your civil service test is tomorrow, right? Good luck, I'm sure you will do great!

Yesterday was XT CLB weights only premix and PS abs. This week is the Intensity Series in the a.m. and XT weights on M/W with DH. I'm almost finished going through all the series. For all the workouts I missed, those will be the ones I sprinkle in first when I start another round of STS. I think this is the longest time span between STS rounds and I am so missing it. I think the first week in September will start the next round. DH has agreed to at least try the first few weeks with me. :)

Diana, you're making me so excited for the next STS round. BR and STS at the same time? Tough stuff!! :) I've been looking through the FB road trip photos too, someday I wish to make it there. Our house has so many projects that need to be done. When DH takes vacation soon, we will be painting, painting, painting, all week. The list of things that need to be repaired and replaced keeps getting longer.

Beth, I hope your test went well! Let us know how it went. Did you get some bike rides in this weekend?

LL, your DS's birthday celebration sound fantastic! He must have been exhausted! :)

Owen is sleeping on my feet as I type. He is a giant sweetheart! I've fallen head over heels in love with him already.
Hi all,

Yes, working 25 out of 36 hours does a number on me. I got no workouts in over the weekend. Today I plan to do Bulk arms and a cardio to get caught up. I also have yoga tonight so will get a good stretch in. The weight work in Bulk averages 30 minutes which makes it easy to add cardio on-sometimes! The legs left me with DOMS for 3 days! I do walk a lot at work-girls that wear the fitbit get about 8,000 steps a day average-for 8 hours. I'm just looking at the past weekend as a way of changing up my routine and shocking my body with two rest days in a row! I made it to cards last night so dinner was popcorn. We all can't get together again until 8/23 so it was hard to play tired, but good to visit and worth it.

I'm thinking about getting 21day fix extreme to give me some hands on food feedback. I tend to graze all day-especially when I'm not at work-a few grapes here and there, a handful of nuts, etc.... I tend to learn better doing things as opposed to reading about them-tactical as opposed to visual.

Next months book is The Human Stain by Phillip Roth. I've enjoyed other books he's written and am waiting to get it in the mail, soon!

I ended up canceling the civil service test. I just like my job too much and will have to figure out a way to deal with my coworkers. I'm so happy you've gotten a better job, Diana. You should enjoy going to work! It sounds like your workouts are starting to fit better into your new schedule.

LL, you are really working the lower body lately! Glad the kids feel better.

Tina, the puppy is so cute! Enjoy your 3 weeks off!

Hi Ladies,

No workout this morning, per normal Monday morning tiredness. My intention was to do Imax 3 tonight, even set up my step for it last night. Well tonight, DS is down there gaming with a friend. UGH... I did walk with a coworker at lunch, guess that's something.

The bodyrock program I just started are only 12 minute w/o's, short and tough! Depending on your fitness level, you can run through them 1, 2, or 3 times. I've only done the first 2 once through. I prefer the 30 day challenge format where we skip while we watch her do the exercise, then switch. The fat burn challenge are follow along and I find that I need to preview them once through to make sure I have my equipment ready and know what I'm supposed to do. I only have 2 discs to go before starting meso 3. Although I usually have amazing strength gains with meso 3, it is my least favorite of all the meso cycles. The workouts are long, I have to use my cathe tower (can't recall the name) and I have a hard time getting the bar on and off for the different exercised. Such a time consuming meso cycle.

When I'm done with STS I'm considering doing the RWH/Xtrain rotation or Insanity Asylum hybrid.

Tina-we are in the same boat as you, so many house projects and so little time, or money, or both. You've had a good run of workouts visiting all the series! I think that sounds like fun! I can't believe your DH hasn't tried STS with you. He seems to do the other weight training workouts.

Beth-you put in some serious hours. Good luck with 21 day fix. I do good as long as I plan and prepare my meals ahead of time. Taking out the guess work and having healthy snacks available are key for me. Although my mainstays of almonds and apples are off the table right now with my braces. It's been hard finding a replacement. I hope you enjoy your book too. It's sad to say, but I'm not much of a reader for enjoyment. I had to spend so much time reading...text book reading...for my degree, it's just not something I want to do.

LL-hope you are having a great day!

So I never got in a wo yesterday. I ended up taking the the kids except B to church and then to my mom's for a quick lunch before I needed them back at church to drop off for camp. The home after a trip to Whole Foods, I wasn't interested in a wo. B is still sick. :(

Today I did PRS1 premix 2 mix 1&2 and Pilates inspired abs. Tomorrow I'm going to try DM premix upper body and cardio, 60 min. I'm not sure if I will do 60 min, I'm just not up to longer workouts these days! And the humidity has been awful here on top of 90s temps!

B has still not been feeling well so we stayed home all day: little clean (powder room and swept the steps/front hall/kitchen), little schoolroom prep (boxed up CDawg's schoolwork from this year), played 3 games with the kids and read for about an hour total to B and Little K. Tomorrow I hope B's up for story time at the library, Muppets Take Manhattan and shopping for and mailing JTrain's and CDawg's care packages!

My first day back on 21DF eating:

Breakfast- 1 slice toast with 2t peanut butter and 1/2C applesauce (yellow, 1/2 purple and 2t)
Snack- 1C sliced cucumber with 1T hummus (green, 1/4 blue)
Lunch- 1/2C cashew milk, 1/2C water, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 scoop chocolate greens, 1T chia seeds, 1t peanut butter, 1/2C mixed frozen berries and 1/2 frozen banana (red, 1/2 yellow, 1.5 purple and 1t)
Snack 2- ground chicken and diced veggies with soy sauce, duck sauce, apple cider vinegar and spices (red, green)
Dinner- romaine salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, olive oil dressing (probably should have counted as an orange), 7oz steak, 3/4C sweet potatoes with olive oil (2 red, 2 green, 1.5 yellow, 1t)
Snack 3- 2T sunflower seeds, 3T cheese (Orange, 3/4 blue)

Hopefully tomorrow, will go just as well! Oh, I did have 1 dark chocolate chip because Little K gets 5 when he poops on the potty, yes, we are still having major issues here, and he gave me one.

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Hopefully tomorrow, will go just as well! Oh, I did have 1 dark chocolate chip because Little K gets 5 when he poops on the potty, yes, we are still having major issues here, and he gave me one.
LL, We used M&M's when my youngest trained! It was funny. He would pee a little bit into the toilet and then ask for his candy. Then he would pee a little more to get another one! Thanks for bringing back that memory.

Yesterday was C&W in the morning and XT CBS in the evening. This morning was PLB and LL no abs premix. I might go for a bike ride with DH tonight if it doesn't storm.

LL, your diet looks very clean and tasty. My DD took a long time to get over her fear of #2 on the potty. Don't worry, your DS will get there soon enough. :)

Diana, DH has tried STS with me once before and he injured his shoulder doing it. He's been doing GS, XT and RWH workouts, so I think he will be fine now if he tries it again.

BBL to check in on everyone.
Quick update: Drill Max premix cardio ant all upper body, 60 min. B still wasn't feeling well today. So we spent the morning at home playing clue Junior and I was able to pack up the other boys current school work and recycle a lot. And in the afternoon we wen to the library and then bought candy and junk and mailed it (care package) to CDaeg and JTrain at camp.

Tina- I don't know you you have the energy or interest to do 2 workouts a day! Do you just love to workout or what? [emoji3] I like it and find it a de-stressor, but 2 hour-long workouts, no way! I don't know how you do it! Little K isn't afraid of it, just often doesn't bother with it!

Today's diet has been good. I did have a Kind bar while we were out and I ate the skin from the chicken I baked for dinner! I still have some "containers" left to eat: 1 protein, 2 veggie, 1.5 fruit, 1t 1/2 starch and dressing or seeds. Kind of a lot for after dinner time! That's a whole meal! I'm thinking cucumbers and carrots with seeds/dressing for the veg, shake for protein/teaspoon/starch. Seems like a lot of food, I'm going to check and make sure that's right!

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Well, I checked and that was correct. But I'm going to bed and only got in cukes, carrots and sunflower seeds. I just am too tired to bother with the shake.

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Hi all! B is finally feeling better enough to go to the pool. I did Turbo Barre before we came and I forgot there was some shoulder work in there!! Thankfully tomorrow I have cardio and abs lined up. But they way I'm feeling I might take the day off!

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Hi all,

Today was Bulk Back-felt good. I popped in RWH plyo #2 and was dripping in sweat by the end. I can't even do that one move where you lunge on the step with a weight and then turn, change hands, and lunge again. I finally just did it not holding any weight and still couldn't keep up! Starting out with jumps over and over the step was super tough too. I got about 8 reps to their 12. This is definitely a workout to build up to!

Tina, have you seen the movie with Matt Damon about a zoo? I think you would like it! How are all your creatures? Are you enjoying your time off at home? Getting any projects going yet?

LL, glad the boys are having a good summer! You are really getting some good leg workouts in.

Diana, how is work going? They asked me to work an extra 2.5 hours today and I said no! After the weekend I had a sore throat Monday and Tuesday. I think I'm ok, but I need to work out not just work!

Hi Ladies,

Yesterday was X10-one of the shorter premixes. It was low impact and step. I walked at lunch too. This morning I did disc 23-legs. I may head out for a short bike ride tonight.

So one of the girls from the tri training class reached out to me and is doing the same tri on Aug 9th. She also works about 1/4 mile from me. We are going to try to do some runs or rides after work. We are also planning on carpooling to the event. I'm really happy she contacted me, I really am not up to doing it by myself. My lack of training preparation has me feeling unprepared. I'll manage the bike/run, the swimming is always difficult and will much more so this year.

Work is going well. Today I started doing all the new employee training. So much to read and accept.

LL-21 day fix seems to work for you, so keep it up. My youngest son sometimes "wouldn't bother" to go to bathroom. It's so frustrating, but he'll get there. I would work out 2 hours a day if I could, I love it that much. Most days I'm just too tired after work. Nice job with your w/o's!~!!

Beth-Your description of RWH Plyo#2 could've been written by me. I do my best, but am several reps behind cathe & crew...LOL. Sometimes I do that move but lunge straight on the step, step down, and lunge the other leg back, still facing the step. I don't know if that makes sense, but I can keep up with that move doing it that way. Taking the turning motion out works better for me since I'm on rubber mats. Glad you stuck to your guns and turned them down. No one wants to be taken advantage of.

Tina-Was it a particular exercise that caused DH's injury? I have a shoulder injury/issue...much better now. I can't do tricep pushups or dips, anything that causes my elbow to break the plane of my body. I stick to overhead presses, standing or lying tricep extensions. I haven't done PLB in a long time, love that w/o!

Wow Beth! Plyo after a wt workout?! I don't think I could do it! And way to go on saying no to extra hours! That must have felt good.

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