Damage Control July

Today was the step portion only of Intensity. I couldn't get enough momentum going for the rest of the dvd. Major yard work in the heat yesterday beat me up. DH and I did LIHI BBS last night and he loved it. I'm so excited to have another series to add into the routine with him. This afternoon I'm going to the movies with my sister and niece. I see junk food in my future, HURRAH! :)

LL, happy anniversary! How many years it this?

Diana, I hope the weather is better for you today.

Beth, good luck on your CS exam. :)
Got in an hour long bike ride with Little K on the back! We have a lot of hills in my neighborhood and so I rode down to the trail that is 3 miles, flat, in the shade and next to a creek! Going back up was super hard! I had to walk up the path to my neighborhood and then walk up two more hills before if was flat to home house. I think it said something about 375 or 475 ft on the map my ride, so maybe that's how far down I went? 7.5 miles total I think and avg of 6 or 7 mph, can't remember. Anyway, it told me I burned 350 calories, which is great an all, but I think I can burn that Ina 30 min HiiT wo! But I wasn't ready for HiiT today. Maybe tomorrow I'll do burn sets chest, back, bis and tris since I did shoulders on Monday. It just all depends on how I feel.

Diana- I don't think I could do the green smoothie challenge if I it is time consuming!

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Today was STS TB. I did the bonus portion first, which I liked way better. Then DS and I did LIHI back. My arms are fried! I'm glad it's only cycling for the next two days. We're hoping for another 100 miles. Weather looks great for the entire weekend.

LL, nice job on the biking. Have you gone out for your anniversary celebration yet?

BBL to check in on everyone. :)
Hi Ladies,

We got back from vacation yesterday. I came home to tons of laundry plus I washed our bedding and the girls too. DH's uncle and cousin are visiting from Boston. They are actually here for my nieces college graduation party which is tonight. We had a wonderful family dinner at MIL's last night. My MIL wants to do a family vacation to Ireland next summer. I'm totally down with that. I'm not sure if DH wants to go or not. Either way, the rest of my family will need to get passports.

DS2 made it to California yesterday. My heart is breaking for him since I know he really loves this gal. We'll have to wait and see what happens. Her parents are supporting her and her daughter while she attends school for her second masters degree.

I braved the scale this morning and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was anticipating. I'm up 3lbs. I hope to start the herbalife 24 day kickstart challenge tomorrow (cleanse). I haven't connected with my coach yet, but I hope to get the details today. Yesterday was STS Disc 13-CSB and today will be disc 14 legs and day 1 of the BR fat burn challenge.

Tina-Yay for DH being game to try another series. I wish my DH would lift weights with me. I did a 4 mile run on Thursday, and it was brutal. I just never found mine mojo. It was a struggle to even get the 4 miles. What is the bonus section of TB? I don't think I've ever done that. I do the leg premix sometimes but I think that is the only one. Wow, a 100 miles...you are amazing. What did you see at the movies?

LL-sounds like you live in an amazing area. Our condo is near a river and reservoir that has a bike path and it is truly beautiful. I'm not enjoying the heat at home, it's much cooler in the mountains. The smoothie challenge isn't time consuming. With that, you get a weekly list of ingredients and recipes several days before the week starts. It's the 21 day cleanse that is time consuming. Fortunately almost everything can be made ahead of time so that helps. It's real food, no junk, no caffeine, no sugar etc. The food is delicious! I would make everything for the week on Sunday and it would take several hours but it made the work week much easier, just grab and go etc. I've done the 21 day challenge 3 times, and I'll probably do it again this fall. I'm happy to email some of the smoothie recipes. You can pm me your email.

Beth-what are you up to?

Quick update here: no wo yesterday but a bunch of running around for the kids activities. Hubby and I did get some time alone at the driving range for about an hour for our 16th anniversary during B's last tournament practice. Today is the tournament. I am still coughing and am full of "gunk" so I just this LLA premix with chair, firewalker and barre. It was very low key. But there was one exercise where the stretch. Was sitting Indian style and I could barely bring my legs in because it was so hard.

I can't do it all. My in laws are coming over in 20. She is going to say the house looks like a tornado hit it -again- but I don't have time to pick everything up. We need to get to B's game and then I am going out to dinner with Hubby for our anniversary. I don't have dinner ready for the kids, clothes and toys everywhere, I only got off 1/4 of my chipped off nail polish and no make on to cover my rosacea and red splotchy face from crying. CDawg and I yelled at each other about laundry and picking up. He put the cushions back in in the play room. And then went out to play saying he wished he'd never come inside. I can't seem to get it together today. Sorry for he vent.

But I need to pull myself together. They are going to be here soon and my splotchy face needs make up![emoji21]

Gotta go.

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Hi all,

LL, I hope you had a nice anniversary. It can get hairy at times with 4 kids, I'm sure! Try not to fret about the house. The games and quality time you all spend together far outweighs cleaning! I just close the doors of my kids' rooms and try to keep the entryway up. DS 2 goes fishing just about every day and his boots...the fish...his touching everything...it can get to me...but I don't say a word! He's only here for a short time now and I don't want him to remember me nagging him all the time.

Diana, your mountain condo sounds so nice! We finally have sunny days here-after my vacation of course! Your 21 day cleanse sounds good. I don't know if I have the energy to organize all that's expected. Maybe in Sept. after DS two goes back to school. I'm constantly fixing him things to eat and get tired of all the dishes!

Tina, hope you had a good ride today and have a good one tomorrow! I've fallen off the bike and with Body Beast have been walking more. Today I did Tempo Chest and Tri's which reminded me of S&H. It was a way to lower the weights and still get a good pump. I then did my first Cathe workout for the month! I did X10 Cardio Blast. It felt good. I want to start adding more hiit after the Beast and this was a test. I really didn't feel like doing anything, but said I would just start and see how it went.

Hi Ladies,

This morning was STS disc15-B&B followed by CCC. I never did do a cardio w/o yesterday, just wasn't feeling it. Actually, I'm having a hard time getting motivated for any cardio and am thoroughly enjoying weight training. We had a wonderful time last night at my niece's graduation party. So much fun to catch up with family and friends!

LL-{{{HUGS}}} I'm so sorry you had a bad day. I agree with Beth, life is to short to worry about cleaning all the time. You are an amazing wife and mother!!! Do what you can do and let the rest go, it's not worth worrying about.

Beth-Nice job with BB and X10....Whew!!! I really enjoy the weekends when I can do both a cardio and weight workout. I finally got the details on the cleanse and will start tomorrow. This particular cleanse is through my gym so it has supplements which I'm not really a fan of. I think we should get the nutrients we need through clean & healthy foods. I'm going to do it though and see what I think. It's basically clean eating, no condiments, staying within our nutrition guidelines etc. Giving up chocolate will be the most difficult for me. Oh, we are not supposed to have coffee either. I'm not giving up my 2 cups of black coffee each day.

Diana, I can't give up coffee either! I wasn't feeling cardio for the first 3 weeks of the beast. I just did the one day of beast cardio which is pretty metabolic. Yesterday and today I felt like short cardio. Today was build legs and then I did Rockout Knockout the premix of cardio and cardio with gloves. It was a good combo! I think we all go through lulls since we all work out so much!

Hi Ladies,

No workout to report, no surprise there! We had a wonderful wirlwhind of a weekend though so it's all good. This day of the cleanse. Days 1-4 is a shot of aloe, green tea, fiber pill and milk thistle within 30 min of waking. Eat a protein and carb for breakfast. Lunch is green tea, fiber pill, eat protein pluse veggie or fruit. Dinner is dandelion, fiber pill, eat protein and 2 servings of veggies. I need to stay within my calorie/protein goals each day. Eliminating the unnecessary snacking...chocolate...wine etc is what will be hard for me.

I'm getting braces tomorrow. I know it seems strange for someone my age, but I paid for my kids straight teeth and now it's finally my turn! I'm going with the Damon Braces since my jaw is so narrow. They will be clear on top which will be less noticeable than the metal brackets. The treatment time is 18-24 mos. I have 5 siblings and probably 3 of the 6 of us should have had braces, my brother especially. Since my parents couldn't afford it for all of us, not of us got it.

Beth-I really NEED my 2 cups of black coffee each day to function. Do you have the boxing gloves? I don't have boxing gloves or a heavy bag. I do use 1lb weighted gloves when doing KPC.

bbl to see what everyone else is up to.
Thanks for the comforting thoughts. It's been rough lately with the boys. Today wasn't better but it was, Hubby laid down some rules last night and I had to do my best to enforce them today, hard!

So no wo yesterday. Today I did super cuts premix 38 min first part with abs1. I do like metabolic workouts! GS Legs is on the rotation tomorrow, I'm might or I might not. I'm still coughing a lot so it might be good.

So I was wondering, is there a searchable listing of all her workouts and premixes? I started a spreadsheet years ago, but haven't touched it since XTrain. Because sometimes I want to search by time and type of wo. I would love to be able say I'm interested in 40 min max, hiit and abs, or total body 45 min, or metabolic 30 min, or upper body with abs 40 min max. But then what would go under hiit, tabatacise, interval training, or are those the same? I could get too complicated...

Gotta get to sleep!

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We managed another 100+ this weekend. Our ride on Sunday was a hot one. I don't think I've ever produced that much sweat in one day. This week will be the 2006 series (B&G, BM2, LIC, and DM) and GS at night with DH. Monday was LIC and GS C&T. I'm going to split up B&G and do standing today and floor on Thursday. If the weather holds, we may try for a bike ride tonight. Our 30th high school reunion is this weekend, so Saturday will be a rest day.

Diana, braces?? You poor thing! I hope it's not too painful for you this week. I almost had them put on a few years ago, when all of my teeth shifted and my bite went off. Thankfully my bite guard broke and my teeth went right back to their proper alignment. We went to see the new Pixar movie, Inside Out, which was fantastic. The STS TB bonus section is after the stretch and is a super set of chest/shoulders/back. There isn't a premix for it and you have to scroll through the chapters to get to it. I like it because is has tower pull ups for back work. When do you start the new job? I hope your DS is doing okay with the GF move. My DD just broke up with her BF this weekend. The whole family is crushed because we liked him so much. :(

LL, we've all had days like the one you had. As a mom, sometimes it's impossible to keep up with everything. You're a great mom, that's all that matter. :) Do you have the Cathe Compendium? http://www.themeasuredmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/CCC-TMM.pdf
I printed that off, three hole punched it and put it in a binder. It has a break down of all the premixes/times/calories/weight# and a place to write in your reps and weights. I use it just about everyday.

Beth, my DS used to fish just about everyday during the summer. This year he hasn't picked up a pole yet. I wish he would, I think it's such a great relaxing outlet, very Zen. Your Beast workouts sound great. I love slow and heavy training.

BBL to check in on everyone. Missy?? Are you out there??
Hi Ladies,

My braces were put on first thing this morning. It's not terrible, but trying to eat is proving difficult. I'm sure I'll adjust. Oh, and I'm not sure what's worse, the slobbering or lisping. LOL Both of those should go away in a day or so I was told.

At lunch time I did GS legs, my extra leg day. I planned on going to a class at the gym tonight, but DH needs me to pick him up from work. He took my car in so the repair shop could give their hail damage estimate. He thought they would be done with that today, but unfortunately they will not. That means I have to drive DH's big truck all the way to work tomorrow...on a busy highway etc. I don't mind driving it around town, but in rush hour traffic...no way. It'll be interesting tomorrow.

I start my new job on Monday. I don't have much to do at my current job. I'm just finishing up some loose ends and putting some documentation together.

LL-I feel for you. I often times had to get my DH involved because my boys wouldn't listen to me. It was so frustrating. I think the kids go a little crazy when school is out. They just don't have the same structure as during the school year. Nice job with Super Cuts!!

Tina-wow, another 100 miles...you are amazing!!! Drill Max and BM2 are awesome w/o's. I'm not a fan of LIC but do throw it in on occasion as well as B&G. I don't think I've ever done the section on STS TB. I do use the compendium also. It would be nice if Cathe offered the search with the premixes on her site. Oh, I tried messaging Missy but she hasn't responded. I'm thinking she may have had her surgery.

bbl to see what Beth is up to.
Quick update! Diana- I did GS Legs too! That is tough! The stretch after outer thighs was painful!

Thanks for the encouragement, Tina! I will check out the Cathe Comp. link. Is that the same one that I've seen on other Cathe forums? It lists all the info for Cathe's workouts. But I don't remember it being searchable.

Not sure what I'll do tomorrow. I'll check the July rotation and modify if needed. I don't think I want to do another hour plus workout. I'm thinking something HiiT/cardio plus abs.

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I forgot to add this! And I found that the grilled chicken market salad is he lowest calorie item at 406 including the salad (veggies, fruit, grill chicken and blue cheese, which I tried to remove as much as I could) granola, nut mix and half the apple cider dressing. I think I did pretty well! The wrap looked good but it was clocking in around 900 calories! No thanks! This way when we went out for ice cream I didn't feel guilty! Since that clocked in at 537 with hot fudge! MFP helped with all that! And thanks to the workout, I'm still under by 26 calories today. I've been trying to drink 8+ cups a day, sleep 7-8hrs, stay within MFP calories and no eating after 8pm. Sleep and no food after 8 are the hardest right now. But I'm tired of being fat and hating my belly and legs! I need to get back in my weight range at least which is under 169, but truly would like to be in he 150s, ideally 145 but I don't have enough discipline for that!!


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Oh yes missing B, he's staying with my step dad for a soccer camp at church.

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Hi Ladies,

No workout to report. DH and I have to carpool since he was able to get my new car in to have the hail damage repaired!!! Most places are booking repairs into October. So happy my DH has an IN!!! I will try to do the next STS disc tonight, but if not I will get it done tomorrow when I work from home. I'm still not feeling much like doing cardio which is so not like me.

My mouth is much more sore today than yesterday. I took some ibuprofen and that seems to be helping. I've been at work for an hour and a half, sat in one meeting, and it doesn't appear that anyone has noticed my braces. They are clear on top, silver on bottom. I do feel like I talk a bit funny still. F's and S's sound a tad lispy still. I'm so looking forward to straight teeth though! Only 1 of my 3 boys had/needed braces and his teeth are awesome.

My new company has contacted me to set up my new laptop, iphone, order business cards and corporate credit card. Meanwhile, my current company hasn't even scheduled an exit interview.

LL-what a beautiful family you have. How old are your boys? Wow, you have amazing shoulders. Keep up the good work, whatever you are doing is working. It really is all about the food and making nutritious decisions. My constant struggle is with food. I'm not a night eater, but an all day eater. I tend to eat probably every 2 hours or so. I start off with my protein shake, then have a piece of fruit, lunch, protein shake & apple or protein pudding, then dinner is usually a protein and carb. I love to exercise, but I also love to eat! 145 seems low to me for someone with your height. Perhaps I'm just jealous since that is my goal weight and I'm 5'5". This is day 3 of my cleanse and so far so good.

I ended up doing all of B&G yesterday because I thought it was going to be too rainy for a bike ride in the evening. It cleared up last night, so I did a quick 20 miler. I woke up with the most insanely sore glutes today. This morning was DM. I won't be joining DH tonight for GS because I'm going to look at a puppy with my DD.

Diana, I hope your mouth is feeling better tonight. How long do you need to wear them for? You must be excited to start the new job! :)

LL, I was going to say the same thing about your arms! Fantastic definition! Cute family too.

Beth, how did your test go? What have you been up to this week?

BBL to check in. :)
Diana and Tina, thanks! I don't do anything extra than Cathe's workouts and I try to get to every body part once a week with heavy weights, better two or more, last week it didn't happen even once for everything, this week I'll get my arms in once and I already did Legs yesterday, not sure if I'll hit them again or not. I'm loosely going by the July rotation. So tomorrow is supposed to be chest, tris and abs. I don't have that dvd, so I'll use RWH chest, tris and shoulders and maybe add abs and do no finishers? Not sure, I've not been loving the longer workouts lately!

Diana- JTrain is 14, CDawg is 11, B will be 9 a week from Saturday and Little K is 4. Do you eat many veg? Today I did a brown cow cream top yogurt for breakfast, protein shake for snack, whole wheat pasta with chicken sausage, broccoli and sun dried toms with a side of roasted cauliflower. All left overs, then I had a snack of a peach and a spicy turkey stick. Dinner will be beef nachos with cheese and salsa, sour cream for everyone else and salad. Depending on my calorie level, I may have some dark chocolate covered almonds before 8pm.[emoji6] I've only had 16 oz of water so far today, I need to work on that! And I've had a bunch of cough drops!

Gotta make dinner!

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Today is clean max, mow max, shrub trimming max, laundry max, and dog walking max. DS and I have been doing XT BS for our one body part per day routine. This morning will be triceps. I plan on meeting DH tonight for a short bike ride. This is what was awaiting us on our long trip to Maine last night:


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