Damage Control July

Hi Ladies,

No workout to report, no surprise there! We had a wonderful wirlwhind of a weekend though so it's all good. This day of the cleanse. Days 1-4 is a shot of aloe, green tea, fiber pill and milk thistle within 30 min of waking. Eat a protein and carb for breakfast. Lunch is green tea, fiber pill, eat protein pluse veggie or fruit. Dinner is dandelion, fiber pill, eat protein and 2 servings of veggies. I need to stay within my calorie/protein goals each day. Eliminating the unnecessary snacking...chocolate...wine etc is what will be hard for me.

I'm getting braces tomorrow. I know it seems strange for someone my age, but I paid for my kids straight teeth and now it's finally my turn! I'm going with the Damon Braces since my jaw is so narrow. They will be clear on top which will be less noticeable than the metal brackets. The treatment time is 18-24 mos. I have 5 siblings and probably 3 of the 6 of us should have had braces, my brother especially. Since my parents couldn't afford it for all of us, not of us got it.

Beth-I really NEED my 2 cups of black coffee each day to function. Do you have the boxing gloves? I don't have boxing gloves or a heavy bag. I do use 1lb weighted gloves when doing KPC.

bbl to see what everyone else is up to.
Diana, My aunt got braces later in life, too. You will love them! I was in the same boat though as a child. My brother sucked his thumb forever...and got the braces! I have an overbite and that was considered ok. I've learned to live with it, obviously! That cleanse sounds tough! I take a sleeping herb pill from Dr. Christopher-it smells like hay or cut grass-I can't wait to use them up and just go back to the odorless melatonin. Good luck on the fast! I have 12 oz gloves and usually wear them for the whole workout now. I just keep them tight so I don't hurt my shoulder-like in sliding hamstring pull moves.

I forgot to add this! And I found that the grilled chicken market salad is he lowest calorie item at 406 including the salad (veggies, fruit, grill chicken and blue cheese, which I tried to remove as much as I could) granola, nut mix and half the apple cider dressing. I think I did pretty well! The wrap looked good but it was clocking in around 900 calories! No thanks! This way when we went out for ice cream I didn't feel guilty! Since that clocked in at 537 with hot fudge! MFP helped with all that! And thanks to the workout, I'm still under by 26 calories today. I've been trying to drink 8+ cups a day, sleep 7-8hrs, stay within MFP calories and no eating after 8pm. Sleep and no food after 8 are the hardest right now. But I'm tired of being fat and hating my belly and legs! I need to get back in my weight range at least which is under 169, but truly would like to be in he 150s, ideally 145 but I don't have enough discipline for that!!


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Today is clean max, mow max, shrub trimming max, laundry max, and dog walking max. DS and I have been doing XT BS for our one body part per day routine. This morning will be triceps. I plan on meeting DH tonight for a short bike ride. This is what was awaiting us on our long trip to Maine last night:

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Oh, my gosh...they are so cute! Did you get one? I'm still catching up on what you've all been up to!

Quick update here...

First: I want a new kitten after seeing those puppies! DH want a white one with a little black mixed in-I hope we find one soon!

Workouts: Finished BB build on Monday. Tues was a long 15 mile ride. Wed. was a rest day-11 hours at work. Today was the start of beast bulk-chest. It was lots of sets of flys, presses, a few push ups which were mostly on the knees at the end and russian twist for abs. It was only 30 min. which was nice. I worked today from 4:30 to 3:30 so am off to a bath and bed. Glad I finally got caught up with what everyone's been doing.

So yesterday ended up being PMS Max. My fuse was about this [ ------- ] long. Mower broke half way through the lawn we were mowing, the case of seltzer I took out of the back of my car busted open, rolled down the driveway, across our street, all while every can hissed out beautiful fizzyness. Today my yard looks like a tornado hit it, because I didn't have time to pick up all the discarded branches and leaves. I thought everyone would be a lot safer if I took all of this raging frustration out on the bike. I do enjoy an angry bike ride once in awhile, I'm much faster. BM2 is on the calendar for today and maybe MM upper body premix tonight. DD did put a deposit on one of those male puppies. She didn't pick one out, she's just going to take whoever is left when we go back up on July 26th.

Beth, this is the prime time for kittens. Our local SPCA is loaded with them right now. I hope you find one soon! :) Your work shift sounds dreadful! That's a LOOOONG day!

LL and Diana, what are you up to today?
Hi Ladies,

I finally got to the next STS disc (CST) yesterday at lunch. I had to take DH to work so I missed my morning workout. He did get my hail damage repaired and was able to bring my car home last night. No workout this morning as I didn't sleep very well and couldn't haul my self out of bed.

My mouth is a little sore, especially when I eat. Overall it hasn't been too bad. I need to wear them for 18-24 mos., not too long IMO.

Tina-wow, you had a very busy and not fun day. Sorry about that. The puppies are so adorable! One of my kids was bit by our dog when he was 10yrs old and we haven't had any animals since then. He had to have surgery on his eye/tear duct. Glad you were able to work out your pms/frustration on a bike ride!!!

Beth-So what's the next phase of Body Beast-Bulk? Do you have a week off like STS does before starting the next phase? I'm looking forward to having straight teeth for sure. Hopefully I'm done closer to the 18 mos mark. I do take melatonin if I go several days without sleeping. My problem is I fall asleep fine, I just don't stay asleep. Wow, you work some very long hours.

LL-What are you up to?

Good Morning, all. I was up at 4:45 today-a day off, but I can never sleep in! Last night was Bulk Legs. It was a good leg workout. I did pause it though and go at my own pace at times. It seems like he rushes the reps a bit. I feel like that's one of the great advantages to working out at home-can go at my pace! I'm not taking any days off between cycles in the program. I will just do daily workouts and skip when I need to. Already I'm planning on a rest day next Sunday since I'm working two twelves next weekend. It's prime bonus/overtime right now. Last pay period I did two extra shifts, this pay period none, and the next one will have two in it. It's really worth the extra money to help pay college costs.

What do you have planned for the weekend? Today is Bulk Arm, errands, and get ready for tomorrow. I'm having a family dinner for my family since my cousin and his wife are in town. Pasta salad, broccoli salad, and pulled beef are on the menu right now. I may look around the web for a dessert. DH is battling his cholesterol with diet so we're not grilling anymore-which would be so much easier! Oh well. The dinner will be fun!

Diana, I sleep the same as you-get to sleep, but then wake up and can't get back to sleep. Hot flashes have been a bit of a problem lately which doesn't help. Glad your car is fixed. Between the braces and the cleanse you are in line to drop some pounds! How is the cleanse going? Are you tri training this weekend?

Tina, any one of those pups is adorable! PMS...I remember those days. I don't think it ever really ends...the hormones just keep changing and new and different symptoms occur! I wonder if guys experience any of the same things? All I can see is that they get to have bigger muscles if they want to work a bit for them! Glad you could work it out on the bike. I will sometimes do a kickbox/boxing video with certain people's heads as the punching bag when I'm mad! Yoga starts again on Monday for 4 weeks and it'll be nice to relieve some stress with it. So far, I'm not able to really get into the yoga by myself at home. It's not like exercise for me and a video just doesn't seem to work. For one thing I keep my eyes closed almost the whole time during yoga!

Off to look for appetizer and desserts for tomorrow...

Yesterday was BM2 cardio only premix in the a.m. and MM upper body only premix in the p.m. We did the abs from MM as well. Today is a day off. DH and I both have to work this morning and it's raining out, which made us both very happy. We couldn't have biked this morning anyway. :) Tonight is our 30th reunion, the first we'll attend since graduating together. We started dating our junior year, and of the few couples from our class, I think we may be the only ones still married.

Diana, happy to hear your mouth is feeling a bit better. I'm getting so excited to start another round of STS. I only have a few weeks left before I finish my series rotation. Is it this Monday you start the new job?

Beth, I am not looking forward to hot flashes! I used to get them when I was in my 20's and on BC, not fun! Good luck with your dinner plans. :)

LL, what are you up to this weekend?
Hi Ladies,

Yesterday was STS legs and today was STS B& B (disc 18) and Tabatacise. I'm seriously lacking cardio on this rotation. I'm just not feeling like it. My mouth is feeling pretty good now, but there are few things I can't eat yet...almonds and apples. I had just bought both before I got my braces on. We got the estimate on the cement work-about $5500...UGH. DH and I need to sit down and figure what we want to do to the house and how we want to pay for it. If were not moving, I want to take a home equity loan and do everything I want. :) If we are going to move, I would prefer to just update and pay cash as we go.

I start my new job tomorrow. :) I'm hoping I can work here until I retire in 15-17 years. Changing jobs is not fun. My new company has contacted me several times to get my computer, work cell phone, company credit card and payroll all set up. They are on the ball!

Beth-did you find a yummy dessert to make? I love trying new dessert recipes! I know all too well about the college expenses...never ending as far as I can tell. Booh for hot flashes. I've haven't had those yet and hope I don't. Keep up the good work with BB! The cleanse is going well, it's just clean eating with some supplements thrown in. I've lost 2lbs and don't really expect to lose anymore. I'll take it if it happens though. Oh, I think the last week has doing 2 meal replacement shakes. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I like to eat my calories, not drink them. We'll see. Tri training...yep I should be doing that. I'm really struggling getting motivated to train for my next triathlon. No one is doing it with me, so I'm not motivated to train. I'm contemplating not doing it...even though I paid close to $100 for it.

Tina-BM2 cardio is super fun IMO! Great job! How was the 30th reunion? I haven't been to any of my high school reunions. I think we went to 1 or 2 of DH's.

LL-what are you up to?

No workout for me Thursday. I just couldn't get it in. Friday morning I did RWH CUB. I was going to do abs mixed in but I didn't have enough time and actually after the first set I changed the premix from entire with abs to no blasts. I just didn't have the energy!

Yesterday morning I did TTM less impact premix. And boy oh boy was this hard. I was dripping thru the stretch! This was the most cardio I've done since my cold 2 weeks ago. I still have a cough and some junk in there but getting better!

Friday I'm glad I got a wo in early because I left with the kids before noon for food shopping, B ambassador camp World Cup championship game at church (he lost[emoji20], but made it to the last game) and ceremony, then to a pool party, then back to church for JTrain's commissions dinner. Only to get home and make the next night's dinner for the Philly team.

OK all that is above here is from yesterday never sent. I guess I just forgot to hit the send button! But I changed the days to make it more understandable!

Today no wo in. Crazy day: 9:30 tournament consolation game for B, unfortunately he lost again. Then home for a quick lunch only to dash out for my niece's LX game in 95° heat and humidity, heat advisory here in Philly. Then Rita's for ice cream since it was so hot. I had a kiddie sundae. Then home for a quick shower and then out again to Whole Foods and to the evening service at church then out to ice cream again, where I had a double scoop sundae! I think I might need to do something crazy drastic with my food this week, but I'm not sure what, I actually sneaked under 170 by the end of the week, just by increasing my water intake and not snacking after 8pm. But I didn't step on the scale all weekend and may not until Tuesday.

I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. The rotation says RWH BBS, but I don't know. If I follow the rotation this week, there no abs until Saturday! And only 1 leg day and Imax 3 on Tuesday, which I don't have and while I could do imax 2, I'm not sure my body is up for that yet.

Diana, good luck tomorrow at the new job! Braces stink, but I still have 3 boys to see if they will need them, before I might get them -again-. So far CDawg is only the yearly visit plan and he might get away w/o them!

Tina, I love BM2 too! But I can never find the time for it. And I don't like the premixes, I don't like to double up on something I've just done. But I have just started from the beginning and done each section just skipping the ones I don't want to do.

Beth, your doing Body Beast right? I found out on another Cathe thread that Sergi and Autumn Carese are coming up with a Hammer and Chisel wo this December. Looks like it could be interesting! But I hope the. Language, meaning the Lord's name in vain is non existent (does he do that in BB?) and that Autumn doesn't have her boobs hanging out. I have "I've breast fed 4 boys" boobs and don't need to look at her perfect possibly fake ones and compare myself to to her during the whole workout, I have enough of a hard time doing comparisons without her help. Angry bike ride, funny! I hope it relieved some stress for you. I have listened to all of Autumn Cabrese's q&a YouTube videos and when someone asked here how she gets motivated if she doesn't want to wo. Here answer was that it was her therapy and more. I totally feel the same way, while I may not do 60+ min per day, that 30-45 is very therapeutic for me!!

Ok, I really need to be to sleep! Low key day tomorrow: Little K's speech, head to a friend's quickly to pick up some of here overflowing zucchini (hopefully it won't all turn into bread!!) then to the library for Messy Monday's (craft) then home for the rest of the day. Which I hope to workout and make and take dinner to the pool. But I do have some bill paying/budget work to do too.

Ok that was one super long post that took me 3 days to write!!

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Hi all!

Diana, I hope you had a great first day at work! I know you had a good commute anyway! I feel you on the cardio. Looking at my cathe calendar I ended up doing 3 cardio last week-one bike ride, x10 step, and Rockout Knockout. It feels like too little, but my legs are getting sore after the weights. Yesterday was cardio and abs so I did Xtrain Hard Strikes. Today was Bulk Back and then hopefully getting a good stretch tonight at yoga. Back Bulk was too easy the way I did it today. It's my first time through though so hopefully next week's better. I also don't like how he does deadlifts and will do them how Cathe does next time.

LL, it sounds like you're getting at least 30 minutes a day plus all the walking/running around with the kids! I heard about the Hammer and Chisel and will probably buy that new. I've never done any of the 21 day but Sagi is great. I really don't recall if he's swearing-I'm too busy figuring out the weights to use, writing stuff down, guzzling water, and trying to keep up!

The dinner went well. I ended up not finding any appetizer or dessert...and still was up two pounds this AM. One "cheat" type meal and I'm up. Oh well. Drinking lots of water today and trying to eat very clean. DH and I are on our way out the door for an eye exam for him. We have to drive an hour to see a specialist about his retina. The exam is supposed to take a few hours. I'm praying we're home in time for yoga!

did RWH BBS but I did the premix with abs instead of finishers. 47 min. I was really not in the mood to wo today. 90s again here. I'm walking to the pool as I type, hoping to get my 10,000 steps in. I'm at about 8000. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow. Since the rotation says IMAX 3, which I don't have, I could do IMAX 2 since I didn't do it last week and it was on the rotation or I was thinking about making it a RWH week. I never know how to fit them all in because are always more workouts then days left in the week when I decide to do something like that. I'm still not up for anything super high impact like the plyo hiits. I want to try to hit my legs at least twice this week and get more cardio in. So that means I probably need to do legs tomorrow whether that's RWH legs or circuit upper body legs or something entirely different. I don't know I guess it all depends on how I'm feeling when I'm ready to put in the DVD!

Beth, it sounds like you have been getting in tons of cardio in! I can't imagine doing that much cardio! I'm not sure about the H&C new wo. But I've got time!

Hi to all that follow!

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Hi Ladies,

I had a great first day at work. The commute, if you can call it that, is only 15 minutes each way. :) This will I'll be busy with computer and phone setup, online training and enrolling in benefits. My team took me Benihana's for a welcoming lunch! How nice is that! I will have some travel coming up, but probably not until September. My hours are very flexible, just be to work by 9!

No workout to report for this morning, just too much nervous energy for my first day on the new job. Once I check laundry and make my lunch for tomorrow, clean kitchen etc. I may have time for the next STS disc. It's CST, the longest of the w/o's.

I made...and ate brownies yesterday and today. I'm sure the fried rice isn't going to help me at the scale much. :(

LL-I'm exhausted after reading your post. You are a very busy lady. I do not miss the rushing around. The only time I could fit it a w/o when my kids were little was to do it first thing, or forget about it. I looked at H&C and can't wait to see previews. Have you tried making noodles with zucchini? It's a nice substitute for pasta. We -slice and bake it with a little olive oil, garlic, and parmesan cheese too. I'm about half way done with STS and adding in the extra leg/glute w/o each week. I'm seeing some positive changes in the back side, more curvy and lifted. It's a problem area for me and I should probably always add extra glute work. I've been slacking on my steps this week....bad.

Beth-glad your dinner turned out great! I weigh daily so I'm very familiar with the ups/downs of the scale and how my eating impacts that. Tracking on MFP has been a real eye opener. I simply just eat too much. :( How does he do deadlifts? Does he do the Bend the knees and put the bar down and pick it back up? Those really work the glutes!

Tina-waving hello!!!

Diana- it exhausts me too! And it sounds like you had a great first day! It's funny you should mention zucchini noodles, as I just made some tonight! I found a zucchini shrimp scampi on Pintrest and loved it. Hubby thought it was good but too garlicky. Little K was the only one who didn't complain about the zucchini! I've had my spiral slicer for 15 years or so. And just started pulling it out again last summer. [emoji4]

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Sunday was a long, hot bike ride. This morning was 4DS HIS/B&C and LIHI chest. Tonight was XT Burn Sets CBS. I'm going to do the rest of the 4DS series this week. Kickbox/legs will be either tomorrow or Thursday. I might bike in the a.m. as it has been so hot in the evenings. I totally wilt when its muggy out, especially on the road.

Diana, your new job sounds fantastic! What a nice welcome on the first day. Happy to hear your mouth is feeling better. :)

Beth, how did your DH make out at his eye appointment? I hope you were able to make it to yoga.

LL, have you tried the new DVD's you ordered yet? How did you like them?

We just got an email saying our last shipment of baby chicks are on the way. Hopefully they all make it this time. Puppy comes home on Sunday. At our class reunion they had prizes for who had been married the longest, who had the most children, the most grandchildren, the most tattoos, and the most pets. The person who one most pets had 44 animals, made me feel almost normal. ;)
I just got in AOLIH premix step and discs 25 min. I had a long day that was frustrating in the afternoon. Morning was out but we ate too much movie popcorn and B threw up at home about the same time the Little K pooped in his pants! And the talking to FiOs. Ugh!

Tina- I tried a premix of LLA last week. It was perfect for when I'm recovering from being sick. I haven't tried the others yet. I wish there were shorter premixes.

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RWH LIHI Chest tris shoulders premix 10 abs instead of finishers. My shoulders were on fiya!!

Hope you all are having a great day!

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Yesterday my 20 mile bike ride turned into a 40 mile. I brushed my teeth, put on my cycle gear and was out the door by 7. I had the worst headache for the rest of the day. No more biking before at least one cup of coffee first. Today was 4DS BC which ended with bi's and tri's. Tonight will be XT BS b&t and pilates abs. All the chicks arrived alive yesterday, although one isn't looking so good. They refund your money if the chicks perish within the first 48 hours. Crossing our fingers she makes it, she's a blue crested Polish breed, one we were excited for. We are going to pick up DD's puppy on Saturday at 3. I'll be bombarding you all with chick and puppy pictures soon. :)

LL, I hope everyone is feeling better, that's one heck of a day you had! What movie did you see?
Tuesday was Bulk Shoulders and yesterday was our longer 15 mile ride. It was supposed to be a rest day, but with taking Sunday off I'm trying to stay on schedule. Today is Chest, finish reading my book club book (meeting tonight), the dentist, and probably a walk.

So glad you had a great first day, Diana!

Tina, I can't work or workout without coffee, either! Hope you're having fun with the chicks. I can't wait to see the pics.

LL, I hope the boys are feeling better today!


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