Who cares? Falling into fall

Well done, Lisa. Thanks for getting us started!

KCM CB premix done. Work finally turned up! Hooray, I have a purpose. Of course, I've now forgotten all the posts from the previous thread so apologies ...

Oh, I remembered - Mary you're so busy (well your kids are) It's just a relentless round of stuff I don't understand! Keep sane!
Good Morning,

I did KCM Start Here Cardio only I and having TOM pain today. I am thinking about talking to my doctor about a hysterectomy but I want to make and informed decision so I need to do some research.

Lisa-perfect title.

Ronne-I wish work would slow down.
I did PRS1. Yesterday I accidentally took a nap on the couch for 1.5 hrs! I blame my dog! haha, still slept 7 hrs last night, I think my estrogen is finally building up again, I just feel it wearing off at the end of the patch now, sigh. Roxie, girl problems! I would ask about an ablation first, that's what I had for cramps and flow. I had Novasure. You'd think you'd be close to meno! Although my BFF and I went thru it at same time but she's 9 yrs older than me! So she was 55. Ronne, yes, some days I wonder what my purpose is with no work to go to. And I am not very inclined to clean house more than the bare minimum. And cooking, bleck. Too lazy and not enough calories to burn to do that. I did have fun taking pics of my dog on our walk yesterday. But honestly some days I don't know where I'd fit work in. It's nice to relax and not have to be anywhere at a certain time. I'm rambling. I've forgotten prev thread topics too. Funny story, I was talking with my sis yesterday, I'd start a topic and forget what I was saying, her the same. It was a very discombobulated convo. I think it's the low estrogen causing brain fog/memory. Worse for her as she won't do any supplementation. She doesn't even take advil. I'd be a complete mess without my patch, some days I feel I need 2! LOL
Hi all

Roxie - From the reading I've been doing, a hysterectomy isn't always a good solution. Your hormone production immediately ceases and the sudden stop as opposed to the gradual decrease over perimenopause can be really horrible. But every woman is different and what suits one may not suit another. I also read that it can take up to a year to get the hormone balance right with HRT, so perhaps you need that adjusted?

Lisa - I'll have no hesitation asking for any help I need if I start to get strong symptoms, so far there hasn't been much so I don't think I need to bother yet.

Did a Jessica Smith Legs workout. It was tough! I was very sweaty at the end. Our German visitor leaves tomorrow, so we're going out for pizza tonight for her last night.
No great weekend plans, relax a bit I think now we're back to the three of us. I think I might skip workouts, I just feel like I need a break.
Good Morning,

Another day of pain so just a walk later.

Lisa-I haven't had any sign of menopause just a hot flash at the age of forty and the flow this month is the worst it's been in a while.

Ronne-luckily I my boss specializes in HRT and I will be discussing all this with her on Monday its not something I plan to rush into. She did tell me once to make sure they take everything and not leave the ovaries.
I almost forgot to check in! Busy doing Costco and then grocery store runs. Ah, now we have food. I did XT bi/tri. Ronne, enjoy your weekend! Relaxing here too. I actually feel more energetic than I had been feeling. Yea! Roxie, you've been getting in a little of steps. That reminds me, time to sync up my fitbit. Mary, I'm sure you're doing workouts and more! Jody, it was a year ago we were getting ready for the road trip. Murphy, did you find our new thread?
Yep, I remember, Lisa. I'm was even thinking of running up to daytona Sat eve/Sun and doing a pop in at road trip. My cathlete T shirt shrunk, it was too small before, now it is useless so I could get a new one. There is also a Fl conference of La Leche up there this weekend , but I've let go my leader status so other than connecting w/ old sort of knew you friends/online acquaintances ..... it was just funny that both things were in the same area. Of course my dad is there and one of my besties from when my kids were babies. rambling, was up at 5A, home at 10, working in morning. Oh wait, who cares?? ha ha
RWH plyo 1 with total mods. Quit halfway through and finished some stretching on the reformer. My body needed it! Jody, I bet you could sneak in class! Lol, just don't go Fri night those were the ones you dislike, stretching and KB.
Hi girls! I survived Homecoming weekend! Kids had a ball, most important. I did workout, just no recollection of what I did! Today was barre tho. Ronne, thought of you, they are broadcasting an American football game from London today, looks so beautiful. Lisa, I do well at puttering around and the time flies by! Jody, all sounds perfect for a weekend get away, the Stars have all aligned! Roxie, hope they can help you feel better! Hi Murphy! Today is going to be a big day of nothing! With no guilt! Good day to all! Mary
I did XT BS ch/back /shoulder. I don't think I've done this one since it came out! I'm sticking with half the weight I was using pre-neck on most exercises. There are a few single arm and triceps ones that don't bother my neck. Mary, what fun!
Hi everyone

Jody - did you go and take a peek at the RT?

Roxie - sounds like a good idea to talk with your boss, that's really handy!

Lisa - at the moment, I'm finding that I just know what is right for me and what isn't. So if I don't want to do an exercise or want to modify or skip it or whatever, I do it without giving myself hassle. I know it's not laziness after working out so consistently for so long.

Mary - hope you had a nice relaxing day, you deserved it!

No exercise for me this weekend for various reasons. Our German visitor left on Sat morning - I think it's been a success. DD will be going out to Germany to stay with her next summer.
Went to a gig with my BFF last night - sang myself hoarse!
No workout again today - too many interruptions. I might do something a bit later but I'm not going to stress out if I don't!
Good morning! Today did a YouTube workout, legs are burning. Ronne, no lazy day! Dang itZ, we had to mow, rake, grocery shop, etc. No rest for the wicked! Lisa, be careful! What's everyone else up to? Not much here, beautiful day tho! See you Wednesday! Mary
45 min spinning. Ronne, I'm just hard headed, I think I've finally learned my lesson! Gotta get dinner, stayed busy talking with my brother today.
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Good Evening,

I did Afterburn Express Intervals 1-10 but had to stop after 20 minutes felt like I wad going to passout. Busy day at the pharmacy my legs are screaming.
Roxie, I hope you are feeling better. Ronne, rt is next weekend, but I'm working so I won't make it though even for a drop in unless I get cancelled well in advance. Sounds like the exchange student process was a hit! You are a singer, too?? Mary, I'm happy your kids had a great time at homecoming. My dtr went to a football game, first one ever and had no idea what was going on and said she was only one out of 90K not wearing school colors, ha ha. But she had fun, loved the band- they played Turned Down for What so I bet they were awesome. Go Gators. Lisa, are you looking forward to the new workouts? They will get a little preview at the rt next week I bet. I did kcm- shape up 2.
Just a short Jessica Smith workout today. Not difficult for a change! Went out for lunch with friend, had a good catch-up.

Jody - no, I was singing along with the band at the top of my lungs! Some of my favourite ever songs.
I woke up early with energy! XT BS bi/tri added on XT HS and then a 3.5 mile dog walk in the cloudy, cool, quiet morning. Off to massage and rested the rest of the day snuggled up with my dog (she snuggles when she wants to and when she does I make time to enjoy the snuggle!) Jody, I love that song! I bet she had a blast! Ronne, I can see (and thankfully not hear) you belting them out! Roxie, what did your boss say about TOM? Mary, your long day today?
Good Evening,

Cyclemax Express but only 33 minutes my legs started shaking so I stopped. Another busy day at the pharmacy.

Lisa-we haven't had a chance to talk she was gone and I have been swamped.

Jody-I am ok have a little cold but just out of shape been lazy.

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