Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Well yesterday I did upper body circuit and biceps added on from the back shoulders biceps dvd and day before that was plyo 2 with back and shoulders added I didn't go as heavy this round on back I guess the plyo drained me! Today was rest day tomorrow back at it with lift it HITt it legs. That on I won't be able to walk for a bit lol. I tell u those plyo 2 HIIT is hard on my feet so I got my little stepper out lol. It is not as long or as wide as the original steps! So I thought alrighty then I will do it this way dang it.. Start here with all the ones with a step use this Little one so I can KINDA do straddle shuffle and split squat jump back up and all that. Still kind of off beat and I look like I'm concentrating and afraid to hop up and off but I am gonna keep at it till that gets easy then I'll do the regular size and see if that helps me. I'd rather do that then jump on nothing. Or give up. I feel like I look silly trying to jump with two big balloons on my chest and a tummy that looks like a ball lol who cares right? I'm trying. I'm sore in my biceps and back yea I love it
hi girls! happy new year! today, after eating too much vegan blueberry pie with coconut whip cream last night, I decided to up the workout on my rotation. I did both low impact HiiTs plus abs 2. that was intense! on their own, they seem way more manageable, but that really kicked my butt today! not sure how I will do the plyo plus low impact on sunday! that still scares me!

renee-- switching the step was a good idea! those quick jumps on and off the side make me think I will fall on my rear and/or twist my ankle, too! maybe I will try with just one riser on sunday-- not sure. looks like you have been doubling up workouts, too!

ladylep-- hope you all are finally healthy! rik still has been just living the days out in bed. whatever it is hasn't spread at least.

bugsy seems to be healing, but still walks a little wonky. still watching him like a hawk since he isn't supposed to be jumping or running at all.

hope you all have a good start to 2015.

Katie good job on both workouts! I am trying to double up but haven't been able to complete them! Like I do a plyo and the half of the weight workout then the rest the next day and a plyo or HIIT of what was next on rotation. Then some times I am like today I did RWH chest shoulders and triceps all of it as my main one today and tonight my plain is to do low impact 1 RWH. I hope I have enough energy to do it. I don't have much energy latley but been taking a vit three days now hoping it will help soon lol.
Hope all of our new year will be better then the last!
Wow, Katie! 2 HiiTs!! I can't imagine!

So what is the benefit of doubling up do you really burn that much more fat and hike that much more muscle? I don't even want to think about it if it is, I would just depress myself! I have a hard enough time getting in lonesome days...

Got in XTrain Legs! I always liked that one, but I need to send it back as when I get to the discs I have to skip over the right leg side lunges as it stops. So I skip it and rewind to watch the left side while I do the right and then rewind again to watch the left while doing the left. Since the RWH/XTrain rotation doesn't use that one again, I'm going to try to mail it out tomorrow I hopes that I will get it back when I'm ready to do it again. I have to tell you I hate lunges!! I don't mind them on the discs,I kinda like those, but regular ones or the dixie cup ones!

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thanks girls! I got it done, but it definitely wasn't pretty! today was LIHI chest, shoulders and tris and it felt super intense again for whatever reason. I tried to do sun salutations when I was finished, and my arms were so fried that it was almost too difficult to jump back into chatauranga/plank. wondering if I will be super sore tomorrow, which is a rest day. then comes the crazy double hiit on sunday that I have been dreading, which I may decide to lower my step for. I don't know why she doubles the hiits in this rotation on the fourth week, as she never does it again. guess you are supposed to really crank it in gear at the half-way point.

ladylep-- it does burn about twice the calories, but I am not sure that it is ever necessary, as cathe says the short, intense workouts are all you need. guess it is just a test to your stamina, maybe? like I said, it wasn't pretty, but I made it through, and I bet you would, too! TTM always feels super intense for me, too! especially with all those risers in the step for the hiit! my least favorite move ever are those switch/jumping lunges that she does in the beginning of the hiit-- once I get through all of those, I am always grateful!

renee--did you get in your hiit? don't know that I could do one on a weights day, as these weight workouts really seem to fry my muscles out. I hope this year is better, too, though I am really dreading having alec move away in the fall:-(. especially if he goes to study in Italy again this summer, I will barely see him after july. so strange how the years fly by and the kids grow up so fast!

rik is still walking around here and moaning. whatever he has, I hope none of the rest of us gets it!


Hey ladies!
Ladylep to the max is a beast!!! I love it but it is a hard on to! I like how it changes the segments so you do not get bored. But boy it is hard! I think harder then intensity dvd!

Katie yes that is going to be hard to let him go to Italy if he is going to school in the fall! And yes oh how time goes by so fast! I was 36 going on 37 I think when ryan was 18! Rocky was 20 !! I was still young and boy i felt to young for them to be that age! Now I feel young at times but honestly I feel my body has aged more this one year. I look at my son rocky and my husband and wow we all have aged a lot this year! And looking back the past five years went by super fast that it's incredible! Strange
No I didn't do the HIIT at night cause we watched two movies together last night. It was nice so I didn't want to mess up R family time. So today I did plyo HIIT 1 on the rotation and tomorrow is low impact 2 the one that uses weights.
I'm getting scared my surgery is coming soon! It will be 14 th.
You guys know of any foods that are known as really good for you to eat before surgery for quicker recovery? Lol I just keep thinking surly I can eat super healthy and exercise super hard so I'll be strong enough to recoup at faster rate! Ha I hear the belly will be swelled for 6 months!!! What!! Say it any so!!!!??
Didn't get a chance to post yesterday but I did RWH Circuit UB, tough but good. I can do all the pushups wo the leg up and knee up! But I can do all the butt kicks and most of the push up/jack/air jack combos! I kinda like those!

I just don't think I can do 2 workouts! But good for you!

Today is one of the RWH low impact One abs 1. I won't get it in until late afternoon, if at all.

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hi girls! well, today was the two hiits on my rotation. I thought it was plyo step, but was wrong-- it was plyo 1 and low impact 2-- I survived them both! feel accomplished after that, that is for sure! I also did abs 1 and some gentle yoga. my hip started bugging me yesterday and wondered if it would be okay today-- all but a couple of the moves were fine, so that was good. I am going to watch it, though, as I have had hip flexor issues in the past that were no fun at all. I think tomorrow is upper body, so at least my lower b0dy will get a rest after today!

ladylep-- haven't done the UB circuit since the first week the dvds came, as the circuits don't show up on this rotation until late. I think I liked that one, though!

renee-- yes, the past 5 years feel like they just flew by here, too. and, wow, your surgery is coming soon! I will be sending good thoughts! I hope the recovery is quick for you.

last day of winter break and rik is still sick, and bugsy still has to be carried outside (up and down stairs) and it is just FREEZING! I think the temp tomorrow when I take the kids in at 6:30 is supposed to be 13 below zero plus windchills of more than 25 below. Minnesota winters suck:mad:.

be well,

Awe poor bugsy, I bet it is hard for all little dogs. Can't even walk good in snow. But I hate thinking of how many animals are out left in the cold. Big and small and young and old .. Just hate thinking of that stuff. Hope he is ok.
Katie I think that is awesome u can do two of the HIIT cardios back to back! I hope to try that one day. I really can feel my arms tightening up from the weighted workouts. But not sure how my cardio is doing by that I mean I don't feel like I am getting stronger in that area yet. I am getting ready to do a different dvd I think. Not sure what I'm going to do but I want to do a long steady state that in medium intense and not sure what one that is. I wish I can find one with NO HIIT or blast in them, it seems every workout I try has a blast or HIIT when I love that but I would love something less intense some days but not so less intense I do not sweat! I want it to feel like a light jog and do it for 45 to )0 minutes. Does that make sense?
Okay update I did a dvd I got cardio kick-box power I think from a Gomez dude. He is good and easy choreography but the intensity could have been a little bit more for me. I wanted something to elevate HR to about 60 to 70 percent and last 45 to 60 minutes I'd say my HR was at 45 to 50 percent like on scale of 1-10 I felt I was at 5 and 6 I want something about 7 and 8 because Cathe is 8 in some but then adds blast and it is too much some days. Hi it's to me are 10 lol but let's say IMAX without blast is 7 or 8 but add the blast it is then a 9 10 again I know there r premixes with no blast but that's only 35 minutes then. I will have to look at all premixes
Renee-sometimes I live by the premixes!!

LIHI Legs, complete!

My weight is way up! 174.2!! I'm starting my 21 days over, but part of me feels like since I don't have that "event" at the end as a motivator like I did with my reunion at the end of Nov, I'm not going to push myself. But I've gained back everything I've lost plus a few. :( I have my meals planned out for the week and no "special" plans for this month. The next "special" occasion is Little K's bday Feb 8, then Valentine's Day, then my bday March 5, then CDawg's bday March 14. Then Easter....and it goes on. So I feel like I need to get my wt down this month or I will really be in trouble!!
You can do it, just keep that in mind as a motivator , think about it if you feel like it is up now and you don't lose it , if u not careful it will be twice as much to lose so good to get ahold of it now. That's the motivator!!!
I am thinking of that for me before my surgery lol but next week is my surgery and I feel like a pig lol. I tell myself all kinds of stuff.
Quick update as I'm running behind: XTrain bis and tris complete! I think this might be my fav workout right now! I love working my arms!

Also down 1.8 from yesterday. I've decided that I can't stop sweets so I have to learn to control them and not let them control me. For starters, I'm going to say no sweets period, while I'm over 170. And I'm at 172.4. So in 2.4#, I'll allow myself something, probably a small piece or 2 of the Toblerone (sp?)Hubby put in my stocking. Then I may allow myself a small amount of chocolate every 3 days until I'm under 165. Then I'm not sure, I tend to like to plan way too much and then fail. Two small goals, trying to learn moderation. See how long I can make it last while still eating it rather than eat all of it to get it out of the house. What do you guys think?? I just can't not weight myself, it's too much of a motivator to give that up!!

Renee, thanks for the encouragement! Hope you get a workout in today!

Hi Katie!

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hi girls! sorry I didn't get on here yesterday-- too much work at the computer with Nygel and his schoolwork, so then forgot to mark my w/o's off or post. yesterday was back, shoulders and bis plus abs 2. i couldn't sleep at all sunday night-- literally up until 3 and then awake again at 4:10, but still got through the workout. last night i slept better-- almost overslept and missed my alarm-- but legs felt so brutal today! not sure why as i did UB yesterday, but wondering how the heck i am going to be able to do the double hiit that is on the rotation for tomorrow?? wondering why she has them back to back like that, as i thought you were supposed to have a day of rest in between, but there must be some reason/plan here. guess i will see how i sleep tonight and how my legs feel in the morning. trying to do two hiits with fried legs would really not be pretty!

ladylep-- i am so sorry about your weight:-(. i think that happens to a lot of us around the holidays, though. you will get back on track! i need to learn moderation, too! it is so hard to just have one chocolate-- instead of a whole bar! my new obsession is this coconut whipped cream that they sell at whole foods-- it is sooo good, i could eat it like candy! good luck with everything; i have no doubt you will do it, as you have done it before!

renee-- yes, this cold makes me worry about all the animals, too! tomorrow morning it is supposed to be -15 air temp and close to 40 below windchills! i wish they would call off school, but so far, it looks like they plan to run it. the kids won't be going if my car won't start, though! sorry you missed a workout. are you nervous for the surgery? i am hoping it all goes super smoothly. oh, and your dogs are all so sweet! love their little faces!

have a good night all,

hi girls! me again! just wanted to come on and say that I did, indeed, survive through plyo hiit 2 and low impact hiit 1 today! my legs felt so incredibly fried from yesterday's legs, that I really wondered a few times if I would make it, but I pushed on and got through! I am so happy, as that is the last time in this rotation that she doubles up the hiits, so hopefully from now on, just doing one won't feel so bad!

hope you all are having a good day! it is sooo cold here! school was cancelled, which was good, but our drains are frozen in the basement, so no laundry today for me!

take care,

Quick update, I started one this morning but didn't get to post it. But I got in RWH circuit lower body and wow was that tough! Good, but tough.

I broke down and bought Max30!!! Because of the free shipping that didn't show up in my cart buy my "coach" said she'd reimburse me if BB doesn't.

Getting to bed too late for a 5:30 alarm, I also rested for 20 min today, and not only am I teaching my class at 9 tomorrow, but I'm teaching the prek class from 10-12 because the teacher is sick and needs a sub. The other teacher is doing the 9-10 time.

Another 1.1 down today!

Katie I saw something on FB about Sunday night being a terrible nights sleep for many, I had a nightmare that woke me... ANd way to go on the double HiiT workout!! Which rotation is that? 2 months with ripped with HiiT?

Hi Renee!


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Hi girls!
Katie that's awesome u did the two in a row again! I'd like to know what rotation that is as well cause when i get cleared after surgery I want to try it.

What foods are you eating to lose the weight ? It seems when u r determined to lose it you do lose it very fast! I would love to do that! I mean to you it may not seem like it but to me it does you are down another 1.1 pounds that's great! It takes me two weeks to do that :( so it is frustrating big time! I am wanting to get T25 instead of Max 30 because I saw some of T25 and the music has nice rhythm lol and seems not as bad on my feet. But then again Michelle dozeah or however her name is spelled has new peak 10 system coming out and I LOVE those as well. So I have to get those as well. But they are hard in intensity as Cathes to. What I am going to need coming off surgery is med intensity so I guess I'll go back to Chalene extreme that will work I think. Then I'll go up gradually. I hear after this surgery u are tired for a long time and have a swollen belly for 6 months for some people!!! Yuk yuk yuk! I hope I'm not average and can be faster recovery.
Yesterday I did chest shoulders triceps and I love it again! I really think these weight lifting in this series are my favorite ever! I want to try MIC tonight if I get home in time. Tuesday I had to work till 7 and grocery shop got home at 830!! No way I could exercise see and I hate that cause I had a rest day already! Do that puts me behind. Maybe I should not plan on rest days? Cause seems I end up getting them anyway? This is my last week to exercise for a while! Not sure if I am to go all out or take it easy? What's best for the body to heal faster? Any suggestions!?
Katie do you know of any foods that work to boast immunity to heal faster after surgery? I truly think the way we eat makes a difference in recovery but not sure what to eat. Thanks. Have a wonderful day girls!!

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