STS first time!

Good morning! Ridiculously chilly on a Sept day! Need to make my brunch now.
Yes, talking about MC finale. We watched it last night.
Hiho. Finally you guys are back!
After a brunch of apple-buttermilk pancakes, bacon:eek:, hash browns, a fresh pot of DD coffee, we ran out to my town's farmers market. Boy, was it pitiful compared with the ones in CA. This was one square block! And widely-scattered at that! I wanted fruit but those were quite scarce. So we came home and later dh and I rode our bikes to a neighboring town's farm. Nothing exciting either. I bought some peaches and nectarines. It's more apple time but I'm not ready yet.:p It took us an hour round-trip. I could have been killed--we rode on the bike lane along heavily-travelled roads:confused:. What a gorgeous day for it though!

Ds2 hates track pants or tops or anything reminiscent of athletic! He used to hate jeans but that's all he wears in high school. No males like to shop.:p

Jean, whatever dh is doing is working for now because it's all new to his body. When he plateaus he'll also be more experienced and hopefully it will dawn on him to mix it up.
I remember when ds1 did some Cathe, I tried to keep my mouth shut (most of the time). He was more embarrassed than anything to be following her when she did the cardio or warmups so he skipped those parts.

Mary, need to hear from you!
Carolyn, what is your pain rating on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a gunshot wound? I imagine it's about a 7 or 8.:confused:
How awesome for your dvd holder! I get all fired up when thinking of Cathe. Even more when I watch her weekly live clips. This week's was waaay too high impact!
Yes, and the bike ride there was worse than the ride home. We passed sooo much traffic, wicked bumpy uneven sidewalks, high ones too. I just keep swearing under my breath. What on earth was I thinking? The terrain is horrendous. Give me flat and smooth any day.
Hey, balmy is ok! Near 80 is ok.
Anyone considering the iPhone 6? I am. I'm beside myself thinking about a smartphone. My first ever. I want to get it in NH tax-free.:eek:
Carolyn, could it be a herniated disc? (My dh had one.) It would have been easily diagnosed though. So baffling! I feel for you, my friend!:eek:
My dh has zero interest in anything too. No friends to speak of, just coworkers. Nothing he wants to do and go see. Or eat. Or....
If you have an iPhone 5 you're all set for,a couple more years.

Jean, Rolfing sounds so intriguing! I don't quite get it either. Seems as if there are not many places in the US, from the site anyway. Yet your friend goes to one.
My mgr goes to a local woman who trains her brain not to feel pain. There are all kinds of practices out there!
Good morning. Anyone out there? It's a mostly cloudy day. The sun breaks through, gets you worked up, then disappears.
Oh, Carolyn, now there's a post! It's so unfair you have rain. My grass is the worst I've seen it.
My dh had surgery by a neurosurgeon, not orthopedist. Don't ask me why. The pain was excruciating for a month till surgery. He couldn't have gone on any longer with that pain. My bro had surgery too.
Could you have progressed to a herniated disc with a different injury?
In the light of day nightmares seem, well, more in perspective, shall we say.
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Hiya. I NEVER have ginger in the house because I can't stomach the flavor, try as I might knowing it's good for you. But when I read this recipe, I thought I would give it a try; I ilked it. I cut back the cayenne to 1/8 tsp. I could go with even less. A pinch. I only used about 2" of ginger. I definitely added honey.:p

Jean, as we always say to you, your community is like paradise. Just perfect. Utopia.;)
I avoid gossipy people as well. Aren't they vicious sometimes?
Both my kids got smartphones before me. I want one badly but I'm going to wait for the frenzy to die down first.
I'm wondering if you mentioned that meatball recipe before because it sounds vaguely familiar.

Carolyn, I love homemade whipped cream. I can just eat it straight up.:eek:
I had ice cream last night and the night before.:eek:
Funny you mention seltzer. Dh has been bringing a lemon lime one home for the past year and the men have been using it to mix with grapefruit juice. It's quite delicious. And yes, what exactly are those natural flavors??
Good morning....I was swamped this weekend....yesterday I did zero cardio....nothing.....

I'm on treadmill now....

Jean....I'm super excited for big bang tonight....hehehehe....I'm also excited for ncis on tuesday....just love a few fall shows....

Saturday Tim and I rode the bike all day.....we had a blast....

Be back in a bit to catch up....must speed up this cardio!
Good morning, I've been feeling kind of blah lately so haven't come on to post. Don't know what's going on. And my hamstring is bothering me again, I think I pushed too hard and I haven't been doing my exercises. It seems like it never completely healed.

Carolyn I can't even imagine the pain you are experiencing, and how you are able to do anything at all. Are you able to continue with PT?

Jean I agree about your new community, it sounds perfect. It is so important to have social connections as we get older.

Betty my kids crave an iphone but we have androids. Oldest dd got an iphone last year but she paid for half. Seems like all the kids have them so it is a social status thing for them as well.

I feel like I need to get involved in something but I don't really have alot of free time. Anybody do any volunteering?
Hi Missy, I don't think we heard from you in a week! Mary, you too! Miss your voices.
Anyway, good morning! I'm cooking eggs for my egg salad right now. Talk about last minute. Have to leave in 35 mins. I'm not ready.
I did TTM this morning. Not one of my favorites at all. It had core though.
I woke around 6 thinking it was time to get up. By the time I realized it was still that early, I was already a goner.:confused: It was an uncomfortable night from the stinking humidity too.
better get going.
Hi girls. It is fabulous out! Strong dry coolish breezes with lots of sun. Super pleasant!
I managed to leave work at 2. Phew.

Mary, Carolyn, hit it on the nose. With dd being away in school, it's a big adjustment. You'll settle down a to the new normal. Give it some time. Couple that with your hamstring difficulty, it's no wonder you're feeling a funk. I'm sorry it is acting up again. Can a tennis ball or foam roller help?
That being said, volunteering somewhere can revive and nurture your spirit. A shelter, a food pantry, a newborn hospital ward (totally appealing to me), the elderly.... The possibilities are huge. Even once a month would do you some good.

Jean, the less dh rides the motorcycle, the safer he is.;). You too, Missy and dh.

I just snacked on Pirate's Booty. Doesn't even taste good.
I've never heard of snowflake rolls either! I need to google for a pic.
Jean, Nantucket is gorgeous, but I haven't been there in over 20 yrs! I bet the book will do it for you. You are at least not as far north as we are so fall won't be as chilly. Lucky you. Your decorations sound beautiful.
Egg salad was for lunch. Need to go make dinner.
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Good morning! Happy Fall. Not. If only we could skip the waning daylight hours.
No one has been here yet.:(
I just finished Core Max Total Core premix. I've never done the premixes! This is a hardly-used dvd, for sure.
I'm guessing that when the filming updates come out next week, Cathe has already finished filming. That's perfectly fine with me.
Making my millet quinoa oatmeal.
I just put ingredients into the slow cooker for a French lentils rice soup. Mmm. Out of carrots though. Getting it after ds' piano lesson and throwing it in then.
Earlier I spent 2.5 hrs at TJM/M looking for larger clothes for ds. All his jeans and long-sleeve tops are small on him. I'm mixing things up by getting cotton hoodie types too. He is so adamant he wants absolutely no prints, patterns, words, or anything on his tops. It's almost impossible to find plain tops!

Jean, that's a super early start! Does it take 3 hrs in no traffic? Have a safe trip.
Have you heard of Jo Jo Moyes' latest? One Plus One or something like that. I'm getting it tomorrow. Two of her books, actually. Enjoy your reading day. What a luxury!
I should take out STS TB. I've not touched it in years. I need to use super light weights though; I was oblivious that it is a high rep workout--no wonder I petered out quick.

Carolyn, did your first choice win Master Chef? Not mine!:mad:
Good girl for heeding your pain when working out. Much luck in your MRI tomorrow!!!
I just made ds try on all 9 items. They all fit, and he likes them all!!! Three of them were jeans, the rest tops. I only spent about $125! He had been wearing 3 or 4 Life is Good long-sleeve cotton tees for at least 3 years! I asked if all his classmates are wearing hoodie types of tops and he concurred.
Carolyn, what a funny story about your ds!:D. My ds hates anything that resembles athletic clothes. I love Nike clothes but he would have a nutty.
Merrells are so nice. Make him wear them! They're pricey too.
I still need to buy fleece tops for the bitter cold in the winter; not many options in plain. (There were plenty of Patriots fleece.) Cotton tops would be quite breezy then.:confused:
Will think of you in that MRI timeframe.

Jean, did you enjoy those stores as much as Carolyn and I do?:p

What a fabulous day today!
That's fantastic, Carolyn! How great for dd! It's such a beautiful instrument. So hard, it seems to me:eek: Is dd in 4th grade?
I love the violin though! Whenever I'm in CA, I attend my niece's lessons. The sweet thing gave me a lesson last October:D.
I wanted ds2 to try a string instrument and he wouldn't. I wish I could get him to join band in high school. He needs to join a club, any club.:mad:
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Good morning! It's a lovely one outside. I just finished FT with the interminable abs section. After Core Max yesterday it was tougher than normal. Can't do it all on a good day.:p
Enjoying a fresh cup of DD.
I've had anxious sleeps this whole week. I understand what you go through, Carolyn. The slightest worry or anxiety or stress can mess with your overnight rest.:confused: It will not improve for several more days, till past this weekend.
Work beckons soon.

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