Lifting like girls

Karen, are you still in St George? With how busy you and your DH are at work, I'm guessing you're back in the daily rat race again. Hope you at least feel rejuvenated!

Tom, oh yeah, I love the cardio. It's just addicting. I love weights now too, but it took me years to get to this point! How is your shoulder feeling the past couple days? You and I are on the same wavelength. I did back and bis today, too! It may not have been a Nia deload workout but it was slightly less Tom-kills-Tom-with-crazy-rep-counts than normal! Good work!

Like I said, back and bis for me, too. Great day to all! It feels like Monday, huh?
I'm home. It was nice to get away. Today was my Tuesday workout:
Leg Press
BB Walking Lunges
Stiff Legged DL
Smith Machine Calf Raises.
It was nice to get away. I think we need a COMMANDO R&R in St. George. Nice to see that you are finally deloading, Tom. What's up for you today, Lisa? Are the girls behaving? I know, some days are better than others, right?
See you all tomorrow!
The struggle was real today! Lousy nite sleep and when the alarm went off , it seemed I had just konked out! I did make it after 1 snooze punch, 3x8 light bench squat, 2x10 gob squat, 2x6 reverse lunges, 2x6 deadlifts (hadn't done those for awhile), barbell calf raises x 25 x20 and single calf raises 2x20. It's a sad thing, but as I am sitting here, my thutt is tired from a deload day...ugh! Do Wed right my friends!
I'm here! Sorry I went swole (it was at the point of vodka cranes (????) and full frontal nudity that I lost it!
I'm currently sitting by the pool in Portugal. It's unseasonably hot (40). I'm on deload week (intentional, I promise). I'm eating all the food (but it's the Mediterranean diet, so that ok, right?). And I've just realised how much I've missed you guys.
I've brought bands, sliding discs and a few of Cathe's downloads. I do 100 lengths of the (short) pool daily. But I feel like a slug.
I need you all over here now!
Karen, so glad you like fpt. I extended meso 3 to 6 weeks, so that I could deload out here. Wow. The body changes after meso 3! It was like the last 16 weeks hard work suddenly arrived at the same party all at once. First time I've had proper quad definition. Are you meso 2 yet? The volume gets crazy in that one.

Lisa, you ordered the new series! I may just have to press buy this afternoon. (Damn you £/$ exchange rate).

Tom - there have been some impressive squat sessions in there. Is it our bullying? Or do you secretly love leg days?

Lib - how's school? (What I really want to ask is how the love life is, but I'm being polite.)

Right you guys. Flights to faro. I'll come fetch you, we're only 45 minutes away?...
Wednesday's workout of Mesocycle 2:

Chest Supported Row 3 sets
BB bent Ros 3 sets
Overhand Pullups 2 sets
DB Hammer Curl 4 sets
DB Rear Lat Raise 3 sets
Hanging Knee Raise 4 sets
I'm taking this week off work. I have been working in my yard. There is a patch that has become an overgrown tangled mess. It has been cleared. Hope to plant daffodils, and tulips for some Spring color. Love not hearing that alarm in the morning. Yup, I could get used to this. Have a great day everyone. Justine, the more I think about it, Portugal sounds fantastic. So envious!
Spring bulbs! Karen, they're my favourite thing ever. Plant at the gloomiest time of year, and they smile right back during spring.

Portugal is lovely. We've had a house out here for years- before the Algarve became popular. It's back up in the hills, away from the coast (and all the golf resorts), and is just heavenly. Seriously, I'd have you guys here like a shot.

Workout today? Ahem. 100 lengths. A bit of messing around with resistance bands. Thought about my abs. Drank vinho verde. Ate sardines.​
Justine, yay! So wonderful to hear from you! Stop tempting me, I would join you in a second! Think of the damage a Commando party could do in Portugal? I'm pretty sure that each shot glass you down counts as one rep. It's all part of the Vacation WOD. How long will you be there? It sounds fabulous. Am I remembering correctly that you have to get home and start shearing sheep and all sorts of stuff before the Winter? Rest up while you can, girl!

Karen, yeah, Portugal sounds amazing but St George still sounds pretty damn good to me. I've gone to Nowheresville. Boring!!! I can imagine you tilling your garden, getting Zen with nature. I'm sure the results will be lovely and who wouldn't want a week off? Great workout.

Tom, what are you up to today?

I've been dealing with a major deprivation this week...NO Cathe Live because my HDMI Cable broke. And of course my Amazon Prime order is taking wayyyyy longer than 2 days so I won't be able to do Live again until Friday at the earliest. First World Problems. At least Amazon is giving me the cable for free because I complained! So, today I was relegated to a DVD. KCM's Shape Up. Good cardio!
Hey all, Justine needs us by the pool in Portugal....when a Commando needs us, well...we gotta go! Sounds beautiful Justine, wish we could be there. Hope hubby's knee is well enough that he can have some fun too! Karen, sounds like your program is ramping up,. From what I remember from Justine and Roz doing it, it is intense! You guys are tough! Today was shoulder deload, 5 sets of strictpress from45-125, side laterals(25s) 2x10, rear delt flys (35s) 2x12, alternate front raises (25s) 2x10. Barbell shrugs (205) x30 x25, standing shoulder press as a shoulder finisher (25s) 1x20, and 2x20 cable crunches. Shoulder felt great when I started, a little less great when I was finished, but I don't think any serious damage was done? Lib, Roz, and Melissa, hope all is well!
St George 2 weeks then Portugal the next 2???

Lisa, try to take big, deep breaths. Then binge on the live workouts when that cable arrives!

Tom, careful on the shoulders. You should stop before it feels bad. (Do I sound like my mother or what?)

More of the same for me today. Did both posterior and anterior chain (meaning I sunbathed on both my back and front). How am I ever going to get back to lifting????
A deload arms that wasn't! Man, I just cant seem to deload arm day, I did do a few less sets and did use less weight in some of the sets, but concentrated on the muscle being used and fried it!! 3 sets of tri pushdowns, 3 sets skullcrushers and 1 set of kickbacks to failure. For bis, 3 sets dumbbell curls, 3 sets conc curls, 1 set hammer curls and 1 set ez bar curls to failure. I read a Cathe post on her last email about using less weight to failure producing better results...thought it worth a try! Justine, you cracked me up on your posterior and anterior chain w/os!!! Enjoy this while you can because the rest of us Commandos are gonna see that you pay for it when you get back!!! Karen, my wife would love your tulip endeavors. She would help but says she has a "black thumb"! Lisa, come to the dark side, you don't need a cable to curls and squats!! lol! Hey all.......IT'S FRIDAY1111
Justine, I'm digging your current program. Have you considered downloadables? I would buy in an instant. Mmm, fresh sardines sound divine. Maybe I'm the odd one out but I really enjoy canned sardines so I can only imagine how delicious the real thing is! I'm glad you're balancing out your front and back sides. Nothing easy about a sun tanning session. You'll be happy to know I survived my Live withdrawals. Thanks for the support. :)

Gross. Just had to stop to kill a spider by my computer. Anywho...

Tom, I don't know what it is, I know all the other Commandos can rock out with a paper program but I need a screen with somebody talking to me, motivating me, and telling me what to do. Maybe I'm lazy and don't want to think for myself, or maybe I'm lonely and need the company. I should probably ask Dr. Phil about this, LOL! Well, you might not be deloading but you are definitely doing something different so that's gotta count for something, right?

Karen, yeah, I love the dips too. Especially when they are weighted! Enjoying Meso 2 so far?

Yesterday was a KCM interval workout, Trim Down. Today was Gloved Up & Ready Live (2/4/16). Cathe Live is baaaaaaack!!!!
Yes, yes please consider a download! I'm there as well. Lisa, I am loving Meso 2. Today was legs. Glute ham raises, forgot about these bad boys. What a great hamstring killer. Check out a You Tube video, and add them to your workout. You will be glad you did! I hear ya about the spider, it's that time of year. They're moving inside. Tom, I get the vibe that it is impossible for you to deload. Nice job, killer arm workout. Fresh sardines, Justine? I would probably never come home. Enjoy the time.
Today was:
Sumo DL 4 sets
Glute Ham Raises 3 sets (see above)
High Bar Squat 3 sets
Front Squats 2 sets
Stair Calf Raises 5 sets
That's it!! Have a great weekend!
Oh, Karen glute ham raises- killer. How do you do them? I have a different set up than the video shows. I really have to focus to use glutes rather than low back.

Lisa, I'm going to make a download...step son and his girlfriend coming out tomorrow, they can film my 'workouT'!

Today I did triceps endurance- 3 hours holding my kindle at just the right angle to finish a book....
Happy Saturday Ladies! Today was a little of lotsa things, 1x50 crunches, chin ups, x12 x10, deadlifts 205x5, 255 x 5, 295 x 2 and a single at 315 and it felt heavy! I haven't gone heavy on deads for awhile and I know's not fun! Next were goblet squats (50# kb), 1x25, 2x40 single calf raises, a long, light set of oly bar only curls and strict presses, 5 minutes of planks and 2 x 20 cable crunches. Justine. If I had to decide between sardines and leg day, I might take leg day,... but they make good bait!! Everybody's "crushin it"...well ALMOST know who you are!!! lol!
Happy Saturday indeed! Today's workout included:
Under Hand Pullups 3 sets
Parallel Pullups 3 sets
Row to Chest 2 sets
EZ Curl 4 sets
BB Facepulls 3 sets
V Up 4 sets
Justine, you're killing me here. Holding your Kindle at just the right angle to finish your book. LOL!!

Glute Ham Raises - I have space under my pull-up contraption. I can get my feet in that space and it's heavy enough to hold my feet, and not move. Then I bend at the knees, catch myself, then use my hamstrings to pull back up. My hamstrings are screaming. My squat rack has a very low position. I can put my olympic barbell on the lowest catch, and it will hold my feet. Load the barbell up, so it doesn't move, I'm good to go. So that's how I do it. Any other suggestions welcome.
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