Lifting like girls

Tom/ Lisa, arm doms- can get them in my tris, but never my bis. Wierd.

I've got a new move - sissy squats. Done with a straight body, they're a killer. I kind of recommend / don't recommend!

Turns out my dh has totally 'lost' his cruciate ligament. I'm not sure what they mean by that, but it's more surgery.
I actually think the missing ligament has morphed into extra vocal chords - ones that only say 'ow' 'ahh' 'urghh'

(I'm not a great nurse, can you tell?)

Killer leg day today - 6 sets of DB walking lunges (20-30 reps per set!), 5 sets of close stance squats, 6 sets of stiff legged deads and 5 sets of hip thrusters. Finished off with a zillion calf raises. This hypertrophy stuff is killing me!

(Karen, I apologise for any hurt I have caused you by suggesting these templates!)

Lib, I'm so jealous! I want the excitement of dating!!! Although I'm not so sure I'm up to the stress (or up to having to buy matching underwear :eek:)

I'm so looking forward to my vacation, I can't begin to tell you! But I've a couple of weeks yet....

This coming weekend is a long one in the uk. Don't you guys have labo(u)r day coming up soon?
Karen, Justine, I finally reformed myself and ordered Strong & Sweaty last night. I get Cathe's weekly email and they've added "Ending soon!" to the preorder description so I got scared and ordered right away, no more delay. Yeah, I know that they say "ending soon" waaayyyyy before it actually ends but it's a scare tactic and it worked on me! I just ordered the DVDs only. Including the cycling DVD.

Justine, your poor DH and poor you, too! We've had a lot of expensive, painful medical sh$t here this spring and summer, too, so I'm feeling a huge amount of empathy for both of you. Besides pull-ups, I think weighted walking lunges are my least favorite exercise of all. 6 sets??? Where are you going on your vacation (unless you already said and I forgot)? U.S. Labor Day is Monday Sept 5. yay! 3 day weekends are the best! I can't remember the last time my underwear matched...

Tom, uh-oh, you're liking this doubling up stuff...A true Commando loves the pain. The good pain, not the elbow pain, which I'm glad is behaving itself and staying far away right now.

Today I did a DIY Chest and Triceps. I channeled my inner Tom and went for volume!
Yes it is leg day today.
Sumo squats
Walking lunges
Stiff legged deadlifts
Stair calf raises.
I'm only at 2 sets of sumo squats, and walking lunges, 5 sets of stiff legged deadlifts, and 7 sets of stair calf raises. Thought about doing some HoCo, but not going to happen.
I guess I better get my order in for Strong and Sweaty.
Justine, I agree, never doms in the bis, but definitely in the tris. I love these templates. Thank you, thank you! My underwear never matches, that is on the days I'm wearing any. Think I stepped in it here. I do dress appropriately for work, but at home???? Ok, I'm going to stop now, talk to you tomorrow.
I want to report body abuse! Today started with great optimism, it rained hard last night and my basement floor is too slippery for leg day when wet. So I pranced down the stairs to confirm my suspicions ...and....DRY AS A BONE!! The great Iron Deity said "get your ar$$ to leg day son" and so I did! I did 7 sets of bench squats and actually used 245 for my last set x 2, This is the most I have attempted for at least 10 years and while I know it probably isn't quite parallel, it is probably deeper than I go without the bench. Next 3x15 gob squats, 2x10 static lunges, 2x8 vodka cranes (1 leg DL) 2x20 barbell calf raises (left the 245 on) ugh, always feel like I am wobbly racking after these. I finished with 2x20 single calf raises. Next I did shoulders, 7 sets of strict press, 2x12 side laterals, rear delt flys, and alternate front raise and dumbbell shrugs x30 x20. For abs I did 1x25 cable crunches. All in all it was about 34 sets and took 80 minutes. Justine, that w/o is BRUTAL! You and Karen and Roz are going to be ready for your photo shoots! Anyone who can do that program has got to be in tremendous shape. Congrats on surviving! Karen, I felt like I needed to hide while reading your post...put my computer in a bag and "sneak a peak" lol!! Killin me! Lisa, gotta admit this doubling up works, I actually have some doms everywhere!!, and haven't even hit the 2nd round yet! Lib, hope day 1 went well, sure it did but always room for nerves! Off to KC, no "cold steel and sunshine" cures for dental etiology pain today! Lift, sweat, swear, do ALL the fun stuff! Melissa, Roz, hope all is well!
Hey everybody!! Nice work, Tom. Evidently it needed to be leg day. Even the basement floor agreed. Today:
5 sets one arm row
5 sets BB bent row
2 sets Wide Grip pullup
3 sets incline DB curl
2 sets DB side lateral raise
3 sets V-up
This is my last week before a deload. I can tell it's all winding up, and at some point, I may be begging for mercy. Hope you are all well. I'm thinking we need a search party for some of our COMMANDO friends. Talk tomorrow everybody.
Justine! Matching them! Lmao! That's only when you decide to let them see them ;)
Dating sucks. It really does.

Lisa, teaching went well! The date was great, had a blast, we walked around the park, then he took me out in his Jeep (with the doors and top off) and we went down a lot of back roads and found a cool was a blast. Other than it was obvious he wasn't into me.

so, I went back to campus to print some things off. Only to discover my radiator cracked in my blazer and it was over heating my normal her drive home took well over four hours. I did get a lot of reading done for class.....but didn't get my workout in. :( I will tomorrow though.

Oh yes, doing STS again because it was so great last time. I remember meso 1. I feel it for sure.
Another chest/tri day and I "felt the burn"! 9 sets flat and 3 sets incline bench, 3 sets skullcrushers and 3 sets tri pushdowns and 2 sets of pushups to end the suffering (good suffering). I finished with 40 cable crunches. I have had a good case of upper body doms this week, not restrictive but nice! We are heading to St. Louis this afternoon to see son 1 and wife and to "dog sit" while they go on a float trip. I scheduled me to work this morning, had some ladies on abio that I needed to do some surgery on and didn't think it should wait till Monday. He does have some powerblocks and a pullup bar for back/bis, but leg day will be harder,guess some dumbbell stuff, shoulders will be ok. Lib, sorry about the date but they come and go, you can always find another one of those, BUT THE CAR....not so good!! Hope it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to fix. Karen, I'm "wid ya" on the search party! I think I may have heard they are in Hawaii....or the Caribbean!!! Go where "No Commando has ever gone before" my friends!! Have a great Thursday!!
Back and bi today. Son 1 had PowerBlocks and a pull up bar so pullups, 2x8, 2x6, 4x4.( felt harder than most days but 8 sets seemed PLENTY!) 3x10 powerblock pullover ,then for bis, 3x8 dumbbell curls, 3x8 hammer curls, and 3x8 conc curls and finished with a set of 21s, and a 1x12 lighter set of curls. For and I just did a short plank and called it a day. Great leg routine Karen, then hoco??? You are definitely a Commando General...5 star! Have a great weekend all!
Karen, Tom, your brutal leg workouts inspired me. Yesterday I did Butts and Guts Live. Not as hard as the DVD but still plenty hard, believe you me! Today I did a back and biceps and shoulder workout. Been busy around here, not lots of spare time so I have to get in and get out!

Karen, I think avoiding laundry might be the one thing on the planet that would inspire me to tack on a HoCo after a hard leg workout! You go, girl! Are you really going to Denver for a trip? Sounds fun, gotta go before the snow!

Tom, great workouts. You still feeling fried from your two body parts / day routine? I've always wanted to go to St Louis. I hear the BBQ is insane!

Lib, sounds like you're getting right into the groove of teaching. I bet you are a natural at it! Too bad about the date. I guess we can't hit it off with everyone. Super sorry about your car. Did you get it fixed? You're a better person than me. I'd probably be so mad that I couldn't concentrate on my reading while waiting for the car repair. ha!

Have a wonderful weekend, friends! I think that Justine should hop on a plane to the US and then the rest of us can go on that search party for our last Commandos. I miss them!
Legs and shoulders ended up mostly legs. 5 sets dumbbell squats, 3 sets reverse lunges, 3 sets straight leg deads and 5 sets single calf raises. I started to do dumbbell presses, but right shoulder wouldn't have it. I noticed it was sore after bench day Thurs, but I thought it was a temporary thing...guess not. I subbed a 100 rep challenge dumbbell shrugs, 5x20 with 85s to at least get in some trap work and finished with 100 rep stability ball crunches ( sit ups?). On the bright side, my bis are sore, I guess 19 sets of bi related work, between curls and chin ups, will do it! Off to a late lunch and I guess a couple of outlet stores...somebody save me!!
Merry Monday all! Today was chest and tris. Right shoulder was sore but seemed to work out of it ( hope I don't pay for this). I did 11 sets of flat bench, sets of 5 to 215x3 then a set at 195, and longer sets at 175 x 2 sets and 155, then 3 sets of incline at 145. For tris it was skc's 2x8 drop 10# and 1x12 and tri pushdowns 3x8 and my finish was close grip pushups and I know I pushed it this w/o because I only managed 1x10 and 1x8! (don't know whether to be sad or proud!) For abs I did 1x50 cable crunches. At least its a short week, gonna take off Friday and Monday...yay! Have a great start to the week Commandos!!

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