Lifting like girls

Call the paramedics! Karen and Tom can't walk! Holy moly. You two really slapped yourselves in the backsides! Nice DOMS!

Tom, your shoulders are used to the abuse of higher reps but I think Karen is right. Head on back to STS Meso 2 legs when you are really looking to punish yourself, perhaps on a day when your DW puts you in the doghouse. It's those slide disc moves that get me the most in Meso 2, but odds are that I couldn't even hold the weights that Karen uses. Let alone do lunges and squats with them!

Karen, no doubt that homemade cashew milk would be superior but I just buy Silk brand Vanilla Unsweetened Cashew Milk. It is crazy creamy and thick for an alternative milk. Maybe one day I will pull out my Vitamix for the DIY version but for now convenience wins the day.

I did Cathe Live Upper Body Express. At this point I am just trying to get in movement and not atrophy. I am happy with what I have done (personal pep talk time). Lol
Amd day!! Had some water in the basement but, ya know, not like it was leg day and I could say ot was too was ARM DAY! Had a good one, 6 sets pushdowns/ ez bar curls, 3 sets skullcrushers/ hammercurls and 2 sets kickbacks/ conc curls. I have been slacking some on core, seems I never have enough time but just an excuse. I will try to hit core hard at the hotel gym because it is a really good one. Karen, my thutt still hurts, how you surviving? Lisa, love the pep talk..we all need that sometimes and, by the way, you ARE doing great...I cant even imagine! Make your day great friends!!
Tom, we all know by now that pretty much nothing stops you from doing arm day! Nice job. I go through phases where I neglect my core too, but hey you aren't totally slacking because all that lifting you do definitely activates those core muscles.

Karen, what's up today? Last day of the work week for you, probably already dreaming of your weekend. :)

Today I had a really fun workout. For whatever reason the weight workouts continue to agree with my body, even though I do lower the weights and have to move more slowly. I found a great 50 min Fitness Blender You Tube workout for legs. Loved it and it had a nice loooooong stretch at the end.

Thanks for keeping me going, friends. And for also cutting me slack and showing me grace as I waddle through these final days. ;)
This morning was Pilates by Mari Winsor, 20 minutes. I hope Pilates will help me get a rock hard core, because to be honest, it's not a favorite. But, everyone tells me that Pilates instructors have the greatest abs. It's not bad, just not my favorite.
I am going to give cashew milk a try. I love Califia Farms Almond milk, so if cashew milk is better, I'm in.
Nice arm work, Tom. Like Lisa stated. nothing keeps you from arm day.
Great work, Lisa, keeping it going. I can't imagine you waddling, but, even if it is true, you waddle in style. Have a great day!
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Happy Friday ladies! I got some lifting after classes today and did a sort of total. body workout. I did some pullups, pulldowns, curls, pushdowns, leg extensions,inclined sit ups, core crunches, bench press , kettlebell swings and calf presses...sounds like a 3 hour w/o but wasn't at all....just feels good to push things around a little! Have a great weeke,d friends!
I didn't hit delts yesterday so I did shoulders today. Some dumbbell presses, side laterals, rears delt flys, and did 2 more sets of pullups, and a long set of pushups, with 1 set of inclined sit ups for abs, and 2 sets of obligatory machine bicep curls. I just couldn't let a good gym go bye I guess! I am going to TRY to take tomorrow off but who knows? Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Tom, going to the gym after your "classes." Sounds like you are back in school! Yeah, good gyms are like the school playground. Hard to not want to run, jump, play on the toys. Great job!

Karen, anything good going on?

Yesterday was rest and today was a prenatal cardio workout from YouTube. Kinda metabolic, which I enjoyed.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Yesterday was a bust! I tried a Stott Pilates workout. Sheesh. Too fast for this beginner, and a little too many dancer moves. I will definitely need to preview this workout, it's hard to follow if I can't see what they are doing. It was labeled beginner, but, not this beginner. Think I will stick with Mari Winsor, and other "beginner" dvds.
You certainly can't pass up a good gym, at least I never did. So good onya Tom.
And good for you Lisa, working it till the big day!
Well friends, that's about it for me. Talk tomorrow!

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As you can see my friends, by the time of this post, that not much sleep was going on! After looking at the clock for 4+ hours I finally said "f@#K it (really sorry), and hit the basement cause I wasn't doing myself any good just laying there! It was chest and tri day so 13 sets of bench and I did go heavy anf long sets at the lower weights...lotsa work!! For tris, 4 sets of pushdowns, 2 sets close grip pushups, and a long set of kickbacks. I finished with a set of cable crunches. Now I am going to TRY to get a couple of hours in, I reset the alarm, and we will see what happens! At least workout DOWN!! Hope you ladies have a better start to your week!! Karen, speed is why I have to do video programs on paper...sts, bodybeast, just takes to long for me to adj and rep speed seems to vary....I know its not pilates but until you know whats coming it is hard to keep up. Lisa, I hope our favorite child transporter is doing well!!
Tom, so sorry about your horrible early morning. Nice workout, though. I had the same thing sleep so I got up to workout. I felt better after that. I did a YouTube Fitness Blender total body workout.

Karen, I admire your new yoga and Pilates routine. Guess it's like every other type of exercise. ..gotta keep searching until you find the instructors and the style that you like best.

So, sadly, this is probably going to be my last check in for a month or so, until the get my medical clearance postpartum. Got a lot of stuff going on and baby boy will be here this week. I am sorry to leave our check in down to 2 Commandos but I do plan to come back, ready to lift and sweat!

Until then, take care my friends!
Lisa, prayers for you and the new male Commando! Good luck and hope to hear from you when the time is right! Today was back and bi, 3 sets pullups, pullovers, 1 arm cable pulls, 4 sets ez bar curls, 1 set hammercurls, dumbbell curls and conc curls. Did sleep well last night and glad about that. Went to the local bar and pizza place, drank a couple of beers and couldn't keep my eyes open after 9 lol! Today is day 1 of the new dentist so guess I am back to part time...happier DW anyway and more time for other stuff but kinda going to miss it! Karen, pretty lonely huh?
Hey everybody! Lisa, good luck to you!!Let us know. This morning was a Pilates workout. Really liked this one. Trim and Tighten, something like that. Yesterday was Chest, Shoulders and Triceps from STS. Good workout, but long. I need to pause the DVD to change my bar, makes it even longer. A good night sleep, does a body good, right Tom? Happy to hear about your part time status. Keep it that way, so much better. Lisa, come back when you can. Like Tom stated, it's gonna be pretty lonely around here. Take care everybody, talk later!
Oh WOW leg day is torture! Did it on time but I know why I postpone sometimes. Did 5 sets of bench squats, 3 sets heavy gob squats, 3 sets reverse lunges and 3 sets straight leg dumbbell deadlifts 3 sets barbell calf raises and 3 sets single calf raises. I raised the weight on both gob squats and reverse lunges a boy could I tell it!! My prediction for me is PAIN!! Have a great Wed Karen!
Today was also my leg day. Week three Meso 2. These leg workouts are brutal. Cathe knows how to work it! Tri sets. By the end, you are screaming for mercy. All the usual, squats, lunges, those damn paper plate sliding things, OMG. Make it a great day, Tom. I think by tonight, walking will be difficult, and getting out of a chair will be impossible. We can compare notes, about who is hurting the most! Why do we torture ourselves, this way. Maybe we need therapy.
I wanted to let you both know that baby boy is here! A healthy little guy and I love him more than words. He was born yesterday and we are driving home from the hospital right now. Excited to be his mommy. I feel great, and strong, and healthy. The nurses told me that I look like I have so much energy. I attribute that to good makeup, lol, but also physical fitness like we crazy Commandos love.

I will pop in as time permits. Keep rocking it you 2!
Today was Lower Body Tightening from Trim, Tighten and Tone. Good workout, I like these two instructors. Not too fast, not too slow, just right. Kinda like Goldilocks. Hope you are able to sleep at night, Tom. Lisa, I'm sure you're not sleeping that great, with the little guy wanting to be fed and all. I sleep ok, until about two or three in the morning, then I'm wide awake. That is until about nine o'clock in the morning, and all I want to do is nap. Like I expected, my butt and legs are on fire. Take care guys, hope you are getting your rest, Lisa. With three kids now, probably not. Tom, hope you are getting more sleep. Until later.
Confession, I missed 2 days!! I left at 5 Am for meetings Thursday and Friday I had to be at work early and even no showed arms!! So here's my week...did legs and no showed shoulders and arms????? Do wonders never cease! Basically 3 hours sleep to go with the previous short night...I'm going to TRY some Tylenol pm tonight. Lisa, hope the newbie is thriving and Karen, you are a LOT braver than me doing a lower body w/o after legs!! True COMMANDOISM!! Have a great weekend ( guess I got some lifting to make up or I'll have some " splainin" to do!!
Well I made it! I combined shoulders and arms, 5 sets strict press, 3x10 side laterals, 3x12 rear delt flys, 3x10 front raises and 1x40 dumbbell shrugs. For arms I did 3x10 pushdowns/ 3x10 ez bar curls, skullcrushers x10 x12/ hammercurls 2x10/ and finished with kickbacks x25 and conc curls x12. Tomorrow I will try to do a core day and be back on sched for Monday. I seem to require more breaks lately and I take them. Probably should do more cardio but.......well I have a million excuses!! Have a great weekend!

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