Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Hi all!

Sorry I've been mia, I've been busy but also had trouble logging in for some reason.

School is in full swing, only piano hasn't started due to the teacher being ill. I've been butting heads with JTrain with prealgebra.

Workouts were low key this week:
Sunday- off
Monday- slide and glide muscle conditioning premix 30 min I think
Tuesday- LIS UB express 19 min
Wednesday- turbo barre lower body express 52 min
Thursday- yogamax express 2 30 min?
Today- tabatacise 1-2 with core 2 37 min

Does anyone use table talk app for this?i was using the cathe app, but now that I'm logged out on my iPad, I can't get back on because I forget my password! Then I couldn't get on from the websites, checked the FBpage to see if there was something wrong, but nothing. So I searched for Renee on FB but then there was no button to message her! But now it's working. And I hanent gotten an email update in forever it seems. But maybe that's because I was having trouble getting on. And I couldn't get there time wise on another device...

Happy Friday!
hi girls! so hard to get on here these days! I am running around like crazy with work and the kids' music stuff. I am also watching a little 3 1/2 year old PT, which means I have to drive and pick her up from preschool at noon on Tuesdays and Thursday. Wednesdays I take Nygel to the U of M for string quartet practice, Thursday nights he has cello choir, Friday he has lesson at midday and then string quartet rehearsal at the U of M. Saturdays have been taking the kids to their other chamber group and imala's lesson, and then I rush home to get ready for work. add to that driving imala to school each morning and picking her up each afternoon, and I truly am a taxi service, it seems! it has just been crazy! the one thing I am grateful for right now is that at least it is the fall and I am not driving in snow!

so, I have still been mixing in lots of other workouts lately to see if I can shake things up a bit. I just bought four more of tracie long's dvds. I did one today that did not feel intense enough, but the other ones may be moreso. I added in 20 minutes of ab circuits with Jackie warner and 25 minutes of yoga. yesterday I once again did the reboot dvd of tracie's. I really like that one! the Hiit moves are different from cathe's usual ones, and it feels like it really works my legs. I am missing heavy weights for my upper body right now, but will probably throw in some of cathe's soon. right now, it is nice to be doing workouts that I don't have memorized:p;). I am looking forward to the ripped with hiit, though!!

ladylep-- great job on still getting workouts in! you might like some of the ones I am doing, as they are each about 30-50 mins long. that way, I can do more than one if I have the time, or just be satisfied with the one. hope school continues to go well!

renee-- how are you doing? hoping the birthday celebrations were good! how are your furbabies? can't believe our little henri is hanging on still-- I worry about him having to go through another winter:(.

hello Caitlin! hope you are well!

alright, better get moving!


Hi Katie and Renee-

My week of workouts:

Monday-CF- fire walker tabata 18 min
Tuesday- Burn Sets: bis and tris (and still feeling it!) 37 min
Wednesday-I just couldn't get up!
Thursday- yogamax timesaver #1 32 min
Today-HiiT 30/30 30 min

Tomorrow will either be nothing or Burn Sets CBS or Super Cuts or CF or TTM or AB, depending on timing and mood! We have 3 sports games to get to and shop for a bday party Sunday afternoon (and 2 games and a practice). I will probably end up taking the younger 3 and stay local (9-soccer, 11:30 baseball) because the oldest has an away game 30-45 min away, not really sure where it is yet.

Today volleyball practice for the older 2 30 min away in the afternoon.

I'm really struggling with eating. :( My weight is making me feel down and out it and I'm PMSing so that doesn't help....
hi girls! still at it here, but barely ever at home! too much running with the kids. today we leave at 3:30 and are stuck down at the U of M until 8pm, then will still have to come home and figure out dinner and do homework.:p anyway, I have still been taking a slight break from cathe and doing lots of tracie long and also Jackie warner. I really like tracie long-- her workouts don't feel as tough as cathe's necessarily, but I think it is good to mix it up once in a while. I did a focus tape of hers today and repeated one of the cardio blast secions-- she has some tough toning-- plyometric pushups-- that are great. then I did 30 mins of Jackie warner, some intense time crunch workout that really made me sweat. followed that up with some yoga.

renee, ladylep and Caitlin-- I hope you all are doing well!! we need to get busy on this thread again. I guess everyone is probably crazy busy like me.:eek:

ladylep-- I hear you on the bad eating. I have had too much junk lately!

alright, better run! didn't sleep much last night and may try to catch a nap before I am off running again!


Hi girls,
Just dropped in to say I have been at it still as well. Just not as intense because no time! I am hoping to get more in once the other girl comes back from maternity leave. I will have more time then I think.
I had a big post about five days ago. It kept loading for two hours yet it didn't post anything! Well by then to tired to do it lol.
Headache and dark days have made it harder
Went for a fast 2 mile jog after work is all today. Yesterday was muscle max and I was proud to say I did Finally match Cathes weights in all of them except maybe one or two but I started off with her poundage but did as much as I could do then went down in weight but only for about two exercises! I have never done that! STS really did help make me stronger!
So today was a headache man I wish I can get control of those. All day at work I was sick with it! Hard to listen to the suction and drill and smile and talk and think with a headache! I was without my meds for three nights so I think that was the problem. The package had no refills but my doctor was to call it in and kept forgetting!
Geez I hope i get back on track now.
Okay hope u all have a great day and night
hi girls! checking in quick before some time with the kids. I have had horrid insomnia for about a week now:(, so will try to turn in early-- if I can. today I did a tracie long workout, I think it's called break through, then 20 minutes of Jackie warner ab circuits and then 35 minutes of yoga. I also took bugsy for walk. it finally cooled off some-- has been pretty steamy around here the past few days-- especially for September! yesterday was imala's 16th birthday! I still can't believe how the time flies by! I baked her a vegan chocolate cake and have eaten too much of it!

renee-- way to go on the gains in strength! that is fantastic! I hope your headaches are giving you a break:(. so sorry to hear you have been dealing with those again! hopefully you have your meds again and all is well!

hello ladylep and Caitlin! miss you all!

will try to check in again soon!;)

Okay this weekend I did a Run again on Saturday and a full body on Sunday I decided to do what I have put off for a while thinking it was going to be to easy was Chalene Extreme.. I did day one It was mostly 35 minutes of lifting compound movements. It was heavy as you can go for 12 reps doing like a lunge with a rear delt lift if you will. It was not to bad, it was not a long workout so that was what I needed. I went heavy as I thought I could to start off with since i was not sure how it was going to work out.. I wanted to get to know the workout first. Next time I really think I may go heavier then I went so i was proud of that. I did sweat pretty good, so that was good to. I think it could have been a little harder so it was what I expected I guess. But that is good because I dont Need to go so hard all the time. I think if i go heavier It will be a great little workout then. So i know the next time. today the calender calls for a rest day but I may do a step or something cardio then tomorrow it calls for another workout of the same thing basically I guess DVD 2.. So I will say how that is tomorrow. I ordered Piyo also. I really like Chalene I know a lot of people dont but I dont know why not. She seems fun and charming to me. I like that she isn't always to hard yet she does make you sweat. I think she is hard but not as hard as Cathe. So some times I need that. I think switching between her and Cathe is good for me.. I like turbofire, but cant do it every day cause it is same thing basically, i do wish she would do more cause the music she would do would be a new track lol. So I was thinking I will do Extreme and piyo with Cathe in there here and there to kick my butt hard. Till her Ripped with HiTT comes to me!! PIYO may be what i need to stretch me out and get my yoga in yet not make me feel bad taking a day off cause I hear it is really workouts.
How are you girls doing?? hope all is well
Wow not sure what's going on. I have been able to read on my phone on taba talk at Cathe forum. But had to delete my Cathe app from my phone where I usually go to read and check in. I am not used to taba talk. Had to register to be able to say a comment so that's y I haven't been on. Just not wanting to do all that again I guess lazy. I wanted to update u on what I am doing. Giving Cathe a brake, so I can be pumped for her at the time of release for the new workouts. What I am doing is chalene extreme and I probably said I was thinking of doing this well tomorrow morning is my second week. It isn't bad so far ! It is three weight workouts and two metabolic or circuit workouts with a light weight a week and I added a run or step workout last week. One rest day. Actually I took extra rest day this morning with a stretch this morning. I think the workouts a perfect time for when I have to work! Like since I took day off today I will need to double up tomorrow and it looks like I can since the workout tomorrow is only 30 minutes! I am sore as well! In a good way without being overly tired! If that makes any sense. So these workouts are not as hard as Cathe but honestly if if you go heavy you can make them just as hard! I am sweating and the only reason I think they may seem easier to a lot of people might be because there shorter. The cardio is for sure easier then what Cathes is but really I need this cause I am not on that level yet. Maybe this will help me get confident enough to finish Cathes cardio stronger ! I do hers but still take 10 seconds to catch a breathe or I cant jump as high as I know I can in order to have enough steam to complete them and so on. So I'm hoping I can use this to get better. And the step I add in is Cathes older DVD like step jam low max and that kind so I can get more endurance in there once a week. I can't wait for the new workouts!
I hope to here from u all soon. I don't like this taps talk thing. I can't really see much of the forum like I did before. I mean idk it is different
Dare I say hello, Katie, Renee, and Ladylep. While you have all been working hard, I have been busy packing on the pounds. Did great until June, I was able to do all tabatas without getting sick, and was able to fit into some older clothes. Now, can't fit into anything and haven't worked out all summer.

Time to get back at it. I am focusing on diet for a few days. So far so good.
Dare I say hello, Katie, Renee, and Ladylep. While you have all been working hard, I have been busy packing on the pounds. Did great until June, I was able to do all tabatas without getting sick, and was able to fit into some older clothes. Now, can't fit into anything and haven't worked out all summer.

Time to get back at it. I am focusing on diet for a few days. So far so good.
welcome back! How do you like the new forum? I love how you can just hit reply to who you want to reply to and all the new things it has. I did go back to the classic blue look. I wish we had the old app back but from my understanding it was not Cathes app anyway! hum.
I have put on some pounds the past two weeks i feel like as well. I am not real sure. I am working out and all but I am doing something other the Cathe till her new DVDs come in so I can be graving her by then even more then I am now. I really can not wait for new ones!! I am not eating good at all. I am stuck on the same fav food I guess. I mean it isnt really bad food per say just not great food, and It needs to be more veggies I think.
Any way I have missed you on here you have always gave the forum some tickle bone! I love it when you check in at least once in a while!!
Thanks. Too bad I can't change my user name from 2121. I couldn't use tapatalk, it wouldn't let me register, and I thought it was confusing. Well, I am going to try to ckeck in for some accountability. cottage cheese tonight.
Allright, pants are almost able to button comfortably. Last night I gave myself a few cheat foods. Today, I am going to come uo with a "get back into it" workout plan. I had a subscription to cathe live, but cancelled to save money. 10 bucks a month sometimes is alot to spend on something I am not using. I think I will start with either ctx or 4 day split.
Thanks for letting me jump back in after being mia for over a year. Melissa
hello girls! welcome back Melissa!

crazy busy here, or would have posted sooner! this week is just nutty with all sorts of performances and then imala's bday party (finally, her bday was 9/28!) this sunday. anyway, I have been back at cathe more this week. sunday was crossfire, which actually felt rather tame?? not sure how! Monday I did 30 mins of tracie long fitness and then burn sets back, tris and shoulders. today was party rockin step 2. I have been so awful with my insomnia lately, that I cannot tell you:(. it has been three weeks of around 3 hours of sleep a night:confused:. anyway, I am hoping that I get off of this bad pattern soon.

Melissa-- you already are buttoning your pants comfortably! go you! that is great! I had to wear my old dress pants to an outdoor wedding on sunday, and they felt snug in my gut as well:eek:. no fun at all. my eating has been crappy. the foods I eat at meals are all healthy, but then I make pumpkin bread/bars and end up eating way too many. this always happens every fall/winter. blech.

renee-- I am super excited for the new workouts as well! wonder when she will start posting video clips?

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

will try to check back in tomorrow---

Hi Renee and Katie and all!

I'm still around, I have been busy but I've also stopped getting notifications from here and have had trouble getting on, I used to use the app all the time and finally d/l tapatalk today. But I'm trying the web from my iPad now.

Workouts have not been regular, working on sleep but that hasn't been great at all I worked out last Satuday and that was the first one in a week! To The Max And still struggling with eating!

Hopefully I'll have some good workouts to report soon!
hello girls! welcome back Melissa!

crazy busy here, or would have posted sooner! this week is just nutty with all sorts of performances and then imala's bday party (finally, her bday was 9/28!) this sunday. anyway, I have been back at cathe more this week. sunday was crossfire, which actually felt rather tame?? not sure how! Monday I did 30 mins of tracie long fitness and then burn sets back, tris and shoulders. today was party rockin step 2. I have been so awful with my insomnia lately, that I cannot tell you:(. it has been three weeks of around 3 hours of sleep a night:confused:. anyway, I am hoping that I get off of this bad pattern soon.

Melissa-- you already are buttoning your pants comfortably! go you! that is great! I had to wear my old dress pants to an outdoor wedding on sunday, and they felt snug in my gut as well:eek:. no fun at all. my eating has been crappy. the foods I eat at meals are all healthy, but then I make pumpkin bread/bars and end up eating way too many. this always happens every fall/winter. blech.

renee-- I am super excited for the new workouts as well! wonder when she will start posting video clips?

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

will try to check back in tomorrow---

Tame? Crossfire? Way to go!! That's great!
Hi Renee and Katie and all!

I'm still around, I have been busy but I've also stopped getting notifications from here and have had trouble getting on, I used to use the app all the time and finally d/l tapatalk today. But I'm trying the web from my iPad now.

Workouts have not been regular, working on sleep but that hasn't been great at all I worked out last Satuday and that was the first one in a week! To The Max And still struggling with eating!

Hopefully I'll have some good workouts to report soon!
Hi!! I think the losing the app on phone maybe messed us all up? It did me! To the max is hard!! Hope to hear from u again soon
Allright, pants are almost able to button comfortably. Last night I gave myself a few cheat foods. Today, I am going to come uo with a "get back into it" workout plan. I had a subscription to cathe live, but cancelled to save money. 10 bucks a month sometimes is alot to spend on something I am not using. I think I will start with either ctx or 4 day split.
Thanks for letting me jump back in after being mia for over a year. Melissa
Wow that is awesome you have already lost enough to button ur pants! I want to get Cathe live but I can't do it every month. I'd love to get the kickboxing ones and her ful body weight one on there!
Okay I am on last third week of chalene extreme so then I'm suppose to do four weeks but I want to hurry on to phase 2 cause I want to finish before the new workouts come in plus I'm getting tired of doing the same ones lol ready for phase 2 different DVD "s I have ADHD it guess with workouts !! I can do same ones for three weeks not four !! Just hard to. That's y I liked sts! It didn't seem like the same thing over and over. Cathe makes everything.. In boring!
Oh Katie I been having trouble sleeping again also. But on YouTube I been listening to Jody Whitely I hope I'm spelling it right but she has 2 hours 1 hour or even 8 hours of bedtime hypnotic stories lol some can be just stories others can be for depression or whatever I listen to it and fell right asleep! It really works! Her voice she make it kind of monotone so it makes u sleepy. And I have to use my ear phone cause randy snores so loud I can't hear it. If I turn it up then it's to loud to go over his snores! Sometimes he is so loud even with earphones it don't drown him out so I put ear plugs in and ear phones over that and turn her up to hear her and that drowns him out to where he then sounds like a distant noisy fan or something. That works better. You should try it. Tonight I'm listening to one called rainy night hypnotic bedtime fairy tail lol. Hope it helps!!
Well, I am still on track with eating. I haven't gotten in a workout yet, blech!!!
I have been having insomnia too. I think I only sleep three hours, and not in a row.
I too am looking forward to the new workouts.

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