Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on Power Hour! That was one of the first weight dvds that I liked. Glad that you will be able to track your dvds, although hopefully it doesn't make you mad seeing how long they are stuck in customs!

Julie Great job on RWH Circuit Upper Body! That is so funny about sleeping with a drunk octopus! :D It is a great description! It turns out that I did get a shipping notice on Monday, I just somehow didn't notice it in my email! :confused: Mine doesn't say when they are supposed to arrive though. All I can tell is that they are in Wilmington Delaware at the moment. It's so exciting that they are on their way here!

This morning was Party Rockin Step 1. I did the Step Mix premix which does 3 of the combos from the main workout and then 3 bonus combos. I liked that the bonus combos seemed to be more like traditional Cathe combos and weren't as hard to follow, but the only problem is that at the end you do the finished product of all 6 combos from the regular workout. Since I don't do that one much I don't know the combos very well, so I was stepping all over myself (even for the ones that I had done o_O). Oh well, over all I enjoyed it. Have a great day everyone!

Julie Good work on RWH Circuit Upper Body. So funny about Ozzie and sleeping with a drunk octopus. I stalk my packages too and I am frustrated because it is still showing that it is in New Jersey. Hopefully they just haven't updated the system yet.

Pam Unfortunately they are still showing that they are still in New Jersey and haven't moved since yesterday. Great job on PRS #1 Step premix. I have never done that premix, I should try it sometime.

This morning was PRS #2 and then I went to get groceries. It was really crowded today with everyone getting ready for Christmas. At least all the checkouts were open so that was at least fast.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did RWH Circuit Lower Body. I am taking tomorrow off work. My family is doing their Christmas get together tomorrow evening. I have some desserts I need to make. I probably won’t be posting again until Tuesday when I get back to work (I hate getting on the computer at home). So have a very Merry Christmas and hopefully it will be Strong and Sweaty too!

Pam Great job on PRS 1! I have yet to try that one. Is it more choreography and dancey than PRS 2? I set up email alerts on the USPS with the tracking number. So I get an email every time it arrives or leaves at a post office. Mine left Indianapolis last night so I am anxiously awaiting where it arrives next.

Cheryl Great job on PRS2! I am going grocery shopping tonight and I am sure it is going to be packed. I am hoping it is better than what it would be on Friday and Saturday though. That is super frustrating when you see your package is just sitting and not moving. I hope you see some movement soon.

Have a Merry Christmas!
Cheryl Boo, I hope your DVDs get moving! That would be frustrating seeing that not moving at all. Great job on PRS 2. I haven't figured out what I'm making for Christmas dinner yet, so I need to decide and do my grocery shopping. I'm hoping it won't be as crazy in the middle of the day.

[JuLie[/B] great job in RWH CLB! I'm definitely hoping for a strong and sweaty Christmas. I did go to the usps site to track my package and it says it is supposed to be here tomorrow!! I didn't think about setting up alerts, you really ARE stalking them! I think PRS 1 is more choreography and dancy than PRS 2 from what I remember, but I find them both harder to follow than most of Cathes step workouts.

This morning for me was Cardio leg blast. I just did it last week, but it was still good. Now I'm trying to figure out my Christmas cooking and baking so I can go shopping. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on RWH CLB. Enjoy your time with your family. I hope you get your DVDs before Christmas.

Pam I hope your grocery shopping isn't too crazy. Way to go on Cardio Leg Blast.

So my DVDs show that they left New York this morning. Probably on their way to customs in Toronto. It would be nice to get them next week. This morning was ICE Lower Body Blast. I am glad that I got that done and out of the way because when I took out the garbage afterwards I slipped on some black ice :mad:. Now my back and neck ache. Hopefully it will be fine by tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl my grocery shopping wasn't bad at all, not much different than a normal day! I'm glad to hear that your DVDs are on the move and hopefully they don't get stuck in customs for too long. Great job on LBB, I sure hope you didn't injure yourself in your fall :mad:, post: 2386655, member: 105100"]Julie Good job on RWH CLB. Enjoy your time with your family. I hope you get your DVDs before Christmas.

Pam I hope your grocery shopping isn't too crazy. Way to go on Cardio Leg Blast.

So my DVDs show that they left New York this morning. Probably on their way to customs in Toronto. It would be nice to get them next week. This morning was ICE Lower Body Blast. I am glad that I got that done and out of the way because when I took out the garbage afterwards I slipped on some black ice :mad:.

i was so excited when my DVDs showed up yesterday. Today had a steady state cardio of my choice on the calendar, so I did cardio slam with the bonus abs. It was good,there were a couple of new moves,but they were pretty easy to pick up. The abs I thought were pretty tough, but not up there with weights and plates or stability ball abs. I can't wait to try out the rest of the workouts. Have a great day!

Pam I am glad that your grocery shopping wasn't too bad. My lower back is a bit stiff but otherwise I am OK. Good job on Cardio Slam. Enjoy trying out the rest of the workouts.

This morning I did Rockout Knockout. I did get my calendar today though. My DVDs aren't showing that they have cleared customs yet so who knows how long it will take for me to get them.

Cheryl Great job on RK, I'm glad to hear that you got your calendar quickly and hopefully the workouts will follow soon!

Chisled upper body was on the calendar this morning, so I did Strong and Sweaty ramped up upper body instead. I really like it. It has push-ups but not a crazy number and it moved really fast. I'm getting really excited about trying the PHA and boot camp workouts! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We had a very nice evening at Dougs sister and BILs on Chrismtas Eve. On Christmas morning we got up and made a nice breakfast and then just did some things around the house until the kids came in the afternoon and we had Christmas with them. After dinner we played One of the games that the kids got and then just hung out around the fire.This morning it was back to the routine with Hiit 40/20 and Pilates abs. I'm not sure what today will bring yet, probably cleaning up some of the mess! Have a great day!

Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!
I'm excited to start on my exercises. OOPS, Correction: I meant to say Blizzard Blast. Copied it wrong. LOL!

My Christmas was not what I planned. Joe went to Shelton (our other place) to fix my jeep. That's where the tools are. On the way there Sat. the day before Christmas, the roads were so icy he almost lost control of the jeep. He managed to get to Shelton. Shelton roads were ice, and top of that snow and on top of that ice! He tolled me to stay put. All the things I made and cooked was sitting in front of me. I've never been alone before, ever, on Christmas. Always had family with me. My neighbor wanted me to come over and celebrate with them. And I would have accepted but she has a bad cold. Last cold I got I felt literally I was going to die. I told her this and politely declined. She understood. Just mentioned it to another friend and she and her husband (husband is a jamming buddy) wanted me to come over and spend Christmas with them. I told them if the ice melts and dries I would love to come over. On Christmas day it was sunshine, the ice melted and dried. Shelton of course was still the same. I went there to my friends home and truly had a very sweet time. Another jamming buddy game to dinner as well. Had dinner, wonderful conversation. The food was to die for and then we jammed for a couple of hours. How sweet was that? I missed my husband of course, but it turned out very pleasant. Now I have all these gifts to deal with. I'll pack them up and when I see the kids and grand kids next time, will give them their gifts then. My hubby is still in Shelton and still stuck. But, tomorrow it's suppose to rain and he will be back here with me. Wow! I can't believe all that happened, but it was good. No one got hurt.

Pam, So glad you had a pleasant time with family during Christmas season. Great job on 40/20 and Pilates abs.

Take care,

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Pam You are so lucky that you have the new workouts. Good work on S&S Ramped Up Upper Body. I am glad that you had a nice Christmas with your family. Good job on Hiit 40/20 and Pilates Abs.

Janie Sorry that you couldn't spend Christmas with Joey and your family. I am glad that he made it to Shelton OK. It was nice of your friend to invite you over to spend Christmas with them. I hope Joey can make it back home tomorrow.

So Saturday I did Burn Sets Upper Body only. In the afternoon we dog sat our neighbours dog so they could go and spend Christmas with their family without Leo getting into everything. Sunday I did Stretch Max segments 1 and 3. In the afternoon we went and had dinner at my cousins. This morning was Imax 2 and No Equipment Abs. Then it was a lazy day. It was snowing and raining here today so I really didn't want to go out.

Have a great day everyone.

Janie Wow, you certainly had an unexpected Christmas alright! I'm glad that Joey made it to Shelton safely and that you had a nice day with your friends. I'm sure it was hard not being with Joey on Christmas Day, but the important thing was that everyone was safe!

Cheryl I hope you get the new workouts soon, I am really enjoying them so far and I still haven't tried the two that I am most excited about. Great job on BSUB,stretch max, IMAX 2 and NE abs! That was so nice of you to watch your neighbors dog so that they could have a peaceful Christmas! I don't blame you not wanting to go out in the snow and rain!

Yesterday I did most of the Christmas cleanup and then got a call from someone who wanted to see my moms dining room set. They ended up buying it so I was pretty happy about that. Now everything is out of the house and they are making great progress on the repair work. This morning muscle endurance was on the calendar so I subbed in Strong and sweaty giant sets. It's another winner. It moves really quickly and there is only 1 set of each exercise for the most part. I'm really happy with this series so far! Have a great day!

Long weekend but somehow it still managed to go by fast. Friday I did my own weights and metabolic workout and then went to my family’s Christmas party. It was fun but we got home so late. Didn’t get to bed until after 11:30 which is way past my bedtime. Saturday I got Strong & Sweaty in the mail so I did Cycle Sweat. I did the extreme premix which I am not sure I liked. It seemed to mainly repeat the tabatas 2-3 times and the chapters are cut funny so it will start in the middle of a song and they are already standing. Sunday I did PHA Training. It was good but I subbed back rows for the upright rows because I felt the back was skimped out on. Monday I did Boot Camp. I liked that one. Seemed like there were some new moves or at least twists on old moves. I even did the crossover on the step move with the barbell.

Pam Great job on CLB! Sometimes it is easy to do repeats when they are that good. You are so good doing the abs on the first day. I am not sure when or if I will ever do them. Great job on RUUB! I am trying that one tonight. Great job on 40/20! So glad you had a great Christmas with your family. Sounds like it was laid back and relaxed too.

Cheryl Great job on ICE LBB! Oh no! I’m sorry you fell on black ice. Glad it wasn’t too bad. Great job on RK! I hope your DVDs clear customs soon. I don’t know why it can take so long. What do they think they are that they need to look at them for so long? Maybe they are actually doing each workout? Great job on BS UB, SM, and Imax 2 and NE abs!

Janie What a wonderful Christmas wish! I’m sorry you didn’t get to spend Christmas like you were planning. It is good that no one got hurt especially Joey with all that ice. How nice that you had people close by that you could spend the day with and it sounds like you had a good time with them even if you couldn’t be with Joey. I’m sure that once he gets back you will make up for the lost day together. Great job on your Blizzard Blast!

Have a great day!
Joe got home this morning from Shelton. Whew! Nice to have him with me!
Today was S&S Boot Camp, 3 rounds. Wow! That felt really good. It worked every muscle with cardio. At least it felt like it.

Julie, Great job on your own weights and metabolic w/o. So glad you enjoyed family and Christmas together. Great job on S&S Cycle Sweat. Hmmm, Wonder if they know about the chapters being cut funny. Ugh... Also great job on PHA Training. Love your modifications to make the workout good for you. And for doing Boot Camp. I like that one too. I used weights and not the bar bell. Fun!

Pam, Glad you were able to get everything out of the house and sold the table. Great job on Giant Sets.

Cheryl, Great job on Burn Sets Upper Body only. Nice of you to dog sit for your neighbors. And for doing Stretch Max segments 1 and 3. Nice to enjoy family. And for doing Imax 2 and No Equipment Abs.

Take care everyone,

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Pam I am so happy that you sold your mom's dining room set and that the repairs are coming along. I know it will be great for you when this is all done. Good job on S&S Giant Sets. I am looking forward to getting mine and trying them out.

Julie Good work on your weights and metabolic workout. I am glad that you enjoyed your families Christmas party even if you were up late. Funny how when you work that 11:30 seems really late. Good job on doing Cycle Sweat, PHA Training and Boot Camp. My DVDs cleared customs yesterday morning. Some of my DVDs have been opened in the past by customs to inspect them. I think they are probably looking to make sure that there isn't child porn coming through the mail. My cousin works for customs and it is amazing what people will try to sneak through.

Janie I am happy that Joey made it home safely. Great job on S&S Bootcamp.

This morning was Flextrain then I decided to brave the mall and went to Pandora for a few more charms for my bracelet.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did S&S Ramped Up Upper Body. It was a good quick workout. I couldn’t do all the pushups on my toes like Cathe and there really wasn’t that many but it just seemed really hard for some reason. I actually thought this was one of Cathe’s more well balanced upper body workouts where she doesn’t over work the chest and shoulders.

Pam Looks like our posts crossed yesterday. Great job on S&S TBGS! I can’t wait to try that one. I think I was most excited about that one and PHAT. That’s awesome that you sold the dining set. One less thing to worry about getting rid of.

Janie Great job on 3 rounds of S&S Boot Camp! That one is fun isn’t it. I think Cathe did an excellent job and I like that she showed low impact options for the cardio.

Cheryl Great job on FlexTrain! How fun to get more charms for your Pandora bracelet. My boss has one it makes it so easy to figure out what to get her for her birthday, Christmas, and boss’ day. I would have never thought that someone would try to sneak something like that through the mail. Makes sense now why they would open the DVDs and even watch them maybe.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on S&S Ramped Up Upper Body. It does make things easy when someone has a Pandora bracelet. You would be amazed at what people try to sneak into the country.

This morning was Step Moves. A nice and easy workout this morning.

Last night I did Live Keep the Cardio Coming! It was a fun workout with lots of variety. At the end Cathe said there would not be a live this week because she was on vacation and I thought no she can’t go on vacation and not have a live class. I guess I shouldn’t be selfish. Anyway today is my Friday. I am taking another long weekend. So I probably will not post again until Tuesday. Have a wonderful New Year’s!

Cheryl Great job on Step Moves! Hopefully you will get your new DVDs soon.
Julie I sometimes think that long weekends go faster than short ones! Great job on your weight and metabolic workout.11:30 is past my bedtime too. Great job on Cycle sweat extreme premix. That will most likely be the last of the new DVDs that I try. I don't get in a cycling mood very often. Great job on PHA, that is the last one of the 5 main disks that I haven't tried yet. Great job on Bootcamp too, I finally tried that one this morning. I liked it, but did miss the abs and thought it could have used one more round.

JanieSo glad that Joey got back from Shelton ok, I'm sure you missed him! Great job on S&S Bootcamp!

Cheryl Great job on FT and braving the mall! I love those Pandora bracelets!

JulieGreat job on RUUB. I liked that she didn't go crazy with chest work like she usually does too. It seemed like there was a lot more focus on back than she usually has too.

Cheryl Great job on Step moves. Your comment about the child porn reminded me, did you see that some people got a church service video instead Of Ramped up upper body? Apparently there was a little mix up at the duplicator!

Julie Great job on Live Keep the Cardio Coming! That sounds like one I would like. That's funny getting mad at Cathe for taking a vacation! Enjoy your long weekend! Happy New Year!

This morning I did S&S boot camp and the bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts. I kind of missed the abs in boot camp, But I did like the compound exercises. Now I'm disappointed that I only have one more new workout to try, besides cycling of course. I wish there were more workouts in this series Have a great day!


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