Strength in Numbers

Last night DH had a headache and toothache. He tried to workout but barely made it past the warm up so I gave him the night off. I did X52 (low impact, cardio blast, and fat burning circuit). DH has a dentist appointment this morning so I hope they can get his tooth taken care of since that has been causing him problems for a week now.

Pam Wow you had a very busy weekend but sounds like a lot of fun. I would certainly need a rest after all that fun too. Great job on RWH LIH 1 & 2 + abs!

Janie No need to apologize for not posting. I am glad you were able to visit with your family and have fun. Great job on your heavy gardening! I love asparagus, especially roasted!

Have a great day!
Janie I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed your time with your family. Don't worry about not posting, it happens to all of us sometimes. Wow, I didn't know anything about growing asparagus but it sounds like it is quite the task.

We had a lot of fun at the concert last night. It's s a young guy from New Orleans named Trombone Shorty and he is so much fun. Really energetic and plays the New Orleans style jazz. We even got home just a little after 10 so it wasn't too late. Our CO2 detector went off in the middle of the night though - 3:40 am. We have an old truck that we keep in the basement and my DH had started it in the basement to pull out for me to drive to my mother's house today. I guess it took awhile for the CO2 to reach upstairs and the detector started going crazy. So we got to run around opening windows at 3:40 am. What fun. I did get up and do disc 25 chest and back. It was over and hour long but still seemed to go pretty quickly. Of course that one has all of those long breaks which is nice! Have a great day.

I missed you guys so much. No computer at all while I was with my family, but I had a good time seeing everyone. I had missed them more than I thought. Today was Total Body Sculpting. Is so nice to exercise again. I missed that very much! LOL!

Read everyone's posts. I'm so tired of not doing normal stuff. Going to bed to catch up on my sleep.

Take care everyone, there's truly isn't a better place than home,

Last night DH and I did NROL weights. He went to the dentist and found out he had a gum infection. A few weeks ago he had to have a cavity filled and the dentist had to cut into his gum to fill it and I guess it got infected. He got an antibiotic so hopefully that helps.

Pam Oh my what a way to wake up! I am impressed with you being able to get up and do STS D25! Way to go. I would be wanting to lay down and sleep during the rest breaks.

Janie Oh we missed you too but I am glad you had a great time. Great job on TBS! I hope things get back to normal for you. Yes, I agree there is no place like home.

Have a great day!
Janie Oh we missed you too, but I'm so glad that you were doing something you enjoyed. I'm also happy for you being home and getting back to normal. No matter how much fun I have, it seems I am always happy to get home too.

Julie Great job to you and DH on NROL weights. Maybe your DH should join our check in group :) That is a bummer about his bum infection. Ouch. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly. I'm not sure how I was able to get up yesterday morning, but the exhaustion did kick in later in the day.

This morning when my alarm went off I apparently turned it off and went back to sleep. When the cat woke me up later I realized that I had slept way late so I got up and just did a quick Hiit workout. It was RWH Plyo hiit 2. I can finally do the bunny hops over the bench at the same speed they do, but I have to do those on only 1 riser. The first time I tried to do that with two risers and tried to keep up with them didn't go so well! Have a great day!

Didn't trust the weather to walk on the beach, so I did the Wedding Video for 30 min.

Pam, Great job on RWH Plyo hiit 2. Really? The bunny hops? Good for you! I do it with a towel. LOL!

Julie, Great job you two on NROL weights. Awww, infections are awful. Glad he's taking care of it.

Take care everyone,

Last night DH still had a toothache but he made it through AB! I told him I was proud of him. Short post today. I am super swamped at work and really need to get some things done.

Pam Great job on getting in a quick RWH Hiit Plyo 2 workout. I cannot keep up with them on 1 riser. It is a disaster waiting to happen with those. You must have needed the sleep to have slept in that long.

Janie Great job on the WV! I haven’t done that one in so long. I remember liking that the step portion had the step long ways which was different.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on the WV. I hope you enjoyed it! I feel better hearing that about the bunny hops. The first time I tried them on 2 risers like they do and I thought I would break my neck!

Julie Great job to you and your DH on AB. Poor guy, I hope that toothache is gone soon. A gum infection sounds very painful! I hope that you are able to have a productive day!

This morning was STS Disc 26 plyo legs. Just LOVE those 1/2 turn jumps ;) My legs were really shaky by the end of the second set of those. I added in the abs from LIC because I was supposed to do abs yesterday. I just realized today is virtual Friday for me! I'm taking tomorrow off and headed to the beach for a girls weekend. So happy! Have a great day!

Last night DH and I did NROL weights. Another super busy day which is why I am late posting. Hoping for a nice long weekend with nice weather. Right now it is supposed to rain and my niece has her high school graduation outside Sunday. :eek:

Pam Great job on D26 and those super fun 1/2 turn jumps. Also, great job for adding in abs! Have fun at the beach!

Have a great day!
Saturday DH and I did Afterburn. DH even did a little extra. Normally he sticks to just the cardio section but this time he did a couple of the weight segments too. Then we ran some errands and visited my mom for a while. Sunday we did NROL weights and then went to my niece’s high school graduation. They moved it inside but the auditorium was so hot and muggy. I had to take another shower when I got home.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job to you and DH on NROL weights. I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend and that your nieces graduation didn't get rained on. Great job to you and your DH on AB on Saturday. That is awesome that he did some of the weight segments too. He is doing so well. Great job on NROL on Sunday too. I guess I could have read your post before responding to Friday! Yuck, that is no fun to be in a hot and muggy auditorium!

Friday morning for me was RWH CLB. I did the extreme version and then added in the abs from LIC. Saturday and Sunday was just long walks on the beach. The weather was gorgeous and it was just such a fun and relaxing weekend. I needed after having a very stressful week last week. We did a lot of eating and drinking though, so I will need to crack down this week! This morning was To the Max and it kicked my butt, it was great! Have a great day.

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Good morning ladies. This morning was supposed to be Step Moves for me, but it's not one of my favorites so I did Step Blast instead. It felt good but was definitely tougher than usual. Have a great day!

Last night DH and I did AB! He tried to do a few weight segments but is still working up to them.

Pam Great job on RWH LBC Extreme + LIC abs! That sounds tough doing the extreme version of LBC! So glad you had a nice relaxing weekend. Great job on TTM and SB! You really are cracking down with those two!

Have a great day!
Sorry I've been MIA. Been doing my workouts like cardio one day and weight lifting the next. Been busy with my jewelry (a friend photographer) has been taking photos of my work. And playing the guitar so I don't look like such a beginner when we have jamming sessions. ugh... I'll be better. Been going to sleep early 10:30 OR 11:00PM and don't know why and getting up at 8AM. Must be the exercises from not doing them for so long.

Julie, Great job with hubby for doing AB. He'll get there. But make sure it's slowly or like me, could hurt himself if the muscles aren't ready for the load.

Pam, Great job on Step Blast.

Take care,

Julie Great job on AB with your DH. So cool that he is still working hard and starting to add in some of the weight segments. I think he is doing such a great job of building up to the whole thing and not overdoing it. Overdoing it is one of the things that drives people away from working out. Of course he has a professional personal trainer so I'm sure that helps! The extreme version of LBC really isn't too bad. It's an extra 22 minutes I think and she repeats a few of the segments, but the repeated parts have more weights than blasts and it goes by quickly.

Janie Welcome back, you have been quite the busy lady! Great job keeping up with your workouts while also keeping so busy with your jewelry and guitar playing. It sounds like you are really enjoying yourself! That is funny that going to bed early is 10:30 or 11:00, that is late for me!

This morning was Great Glutes and I added in the core work from SJP. Have a great day!

Did yoga last night. Have to keep myself oiled up. LOL

A friend of mine wanted to donate crematory ashes for me to experiment with. She said this person would want to. She felt this would allow people to deal better with their grief when the person they loved could be close to them. I've learned much with these 4 pieces. There is NOT a lot of information on the internet, so what I know of glass and how it behaves in my kiln is how these results happen. Every time I fire up the kiln, I learn even more. There are a few more ideas I will try and think it will even be better. Will keep you posted on my process.

Pam, Great job on "Great Glutes and the addition of core work from SJP.

Take care,

Been really busy at work yesterday so no post. DH and I did do NROL weights on Tuesday. Wednesday, his back was sore so I told him to rest and I did Ride. I am really proud of him though. In the last 4 weeks, he has worked out 20 days so he only missed 4 days of working out. I am hoping he can keep it up.

Janie You have been super busy. Great job on getting your workouts in and finding time to keep up with your hobbies! Thanks for the advice. DH has been doing the weight sections of AB without weights but I still worry about him doing too much too fast. Great job on Yoga too! Love how you put that! WOW!! I love those pieces you made. I totally get and love the concept of having ashes of loved ones. In fact, I have a metal pendant with a picture of Oscar (my first dog) engraved on it and has his ashes inside. I wear it every day.

Pam Great job on GG + SJP core work! I wouldn’t call myself a professional personal trainer. Sometimes I worry that I am not doing a good enough job but I appreciate your vote of confidence. Oh that sounds good having more weights than cardio blasts for the Extreme LBC. I might put that on my list to try if DH ever wants to skip a Saturday.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on yoga and keeping yourself oiled up :D Wow, your glass pieces are such a unique and special momento! What a fantastic idea! Yes, the kiln is a persnickety thing and all glass is different so you never know what you are going to end up with. I guess that is part of what makes it interesting, huh?

Julie Sorry you are still so busy at work, but great job on getting NROL in with your DH. He is doing really really well. Has he seen any results from all of his work? I hope so! Great job on Ride too. I don't think you give yourself enough credit on the personal training, I bet you know a lot more about exercising than a lot of personal trainers out there!

This morning was supposed to be Hard Strikes but I didn't feel like doing kickboxing so I did RWH CUB instead. There is no extreme pre-mix on that one so I just made my own by doing the whole thing and then going back and doing the first 4 rounds again. That made it just over an hour which was perfect. Have a great day!

Did Total Body Sculpting today. Whew, love this workout!

Here is another photo of a memory stone or pendant. If you are interested in having one go to my FB for details on my page. Or let me know by email.

Pam, Great job on RWH CUB plus another 4 rounds again. Wow! You are inspiring!

Julie, Great job and your honey for doing NROL and you doing Ride on Wednesday. I'm really proud of him as well. He's inspiring me. Good for him! Tell him to keep up the good work and the inspiration for me to continue on as well.

Have to share this song with you all. Can't get it out of my head!

New song out sung by Avery Wilson. So amazingly wonderful! Enjoy.

Avery Wilson: "If I Have To"

Take care everyone,

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Janie Great job on TBS. I'm not sure I have that workout. Do you know what series it is from? Wow, that song is really good, thanks for sharing it, I was listening to it while I was writing this post.

This morning for me was Muscle Max. Always a good one. So ready for the long weekend, but I can hardly believe that it's already Memorial Day weekend!


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