Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 10/11


Getting us started.

Deb hope the plumbing repair is going Ok. plumbing is such a total PITA from start to finish. expensive! you could hire a Neurosurgeon for less.

glad we rode yesterday. raining off and on for the next stretch of days.

Carolyn thanks for the link.
I love those flavors. DH had a very bad migraine the other day and wants to blame it on soy products although I have used none, zero, zip lately. made asian chicken salad a couple weeks ago but that was the last time. I love asian food. I sub coconut aminos for any soy product to keep him placated. I do a lot of mexican inspired recipes but another "nationality" to move to is a good option. I havent done any greek for a while. the obstacle is he doesn't care much for feta, almost always a factor. I'm doing a mexican spaghetti squash dish tonight. he says don't make him "sick of" certain dishes by making them too often, but then tosses up sweeping groups of things he decides he wont eat because "it caused a migraine". I am not eating chicken noodle soup forever. I already make two options a lot of nights. it gets to be a lot of work. would rather make things we will both eat, even if I need to add some red peppers or chohula to my servings after.
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Today is a rest day for me. I had my monthly investment club meeting this morning.

Valerie, you could make the chicken and use another vegetable if you don’t want the salad with feta. The marinade is so flavorful and gave the chicken a great taste. I mixed it in a separate bowl and took out a small amount (about 1/4 cup) before adding it to the chicken. I drizzled that on the cooked chicken to help it stay moist. We had it with brown rice instead of pita.

Cathy, nice job with Live Cardio Boxing Bootcamp. The alternating push ups and sit ups are tough when going as fast as Cathe does. That’s wonderful that you had a distanced visit with your parents.

Hello to all and have a great day.
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tee hee.... I COULD but I love feta! I want it but DH will complain about the cheese. I like feta because you get a lot of flavor for not much cheese. I go very light with his portion, actually since WW both portions.
oh got I remember one of the workouts where she flies from sit up to push up at speed of light. made me feel ridiculously slow.
Yesterday I did my own IMAX workout. I used IMAX 2, 3, 4 and Low Max and made the whole thing Low Impact and there were plenty of MY favorite step moves. :D It was 55 minutes, ave bpm 130 and burned 293 calories. Definitely one I will be enjoying in the future.

Today was Live Fit Tower Tone & Tighten. I really liked it except for the pull ups, I freely admit to hating pull-ups. It just uses the tower, long band and loop band and you hit every area. 64 minutes, ave bpm 111 and burned 160 calories. She also did a lot of moves I hadn't seen previously. I believe she has endless ways to torment.

Valerie glad you got a ride in before the rain. My DH does similar things with food, but it's more of an out of the blue, I don't like that don't get it/make it again (after a long period of it being okay) and then months down the road, he'll go shopping and buy the item for himself. :rolleyes: I'm much more careful of what I eat, and so it's not uncommon for him to eat something different than I do, though some nights he just makes his own. I'm good with that. The last thing was that red peppers don't agree with him, so no colored peppers, but green ones are okay.

Carolyn that's a great premix! I have a hard time doing yoga for more than 1/2 an hour and found myself using that one instead of the full workout.

Hi to everyone else!
Good evening ladies!

Last week was mostly walking and sculpt workouts. Yesterday was a Lekfit bounce with upper body. I skipped through the leg portion due to all the sculpting I did last week. Also, took Gigi for three 30 min walks, plus Bob and I spent the afternoon in the pool. I use a noodle to constantly kick and work my legs. I love pool workouts, you don’t feel like you are working out! Today was two 30 min walks with GiGi and we went for a 40 min bike ride and more pool time. I think I mentioned, on a previous post, I bought a new bike...a Trek beach cruiser with only 7 speeds. We love to ride around leisurely and this bike is perfect. Will be bringing our bikes to Navarre when we visit and ride around the beaches, can’t wait. :)

Deb...yes, hope all the repairs are going well!

Valerie...great you got your ride in. I am like your husband with not liking feta...when I see it on something it ruins it for me. I have tried to like it, but nope not happening.

Carolyn..great substitutions. I have committed to do the new Cathe perfect 30 yoga workouts. Over the years I tried to like yoga so many times and the Perfect 30, well...are only 30 mins. So fingers crossed I stick with it. :)

Cathy...great job with making your own Imax workout. I bet it was fun. I loved the 1st when it came out. I remember thinking it was the toughest workout I ever did. When 2 came out I loved it even more. Didn’t care for 3 and for the life of me can’t remember if I ever did 4! Lol!!! Need to look it up. I actually like the fit tower pull ups and this is the only time I do pull ups.

Judy...the gym at our complex is amazing. My husband and I checked it out today when no one was there - the only time we will visit with covid. They have 2 peloton bikes that I can’t wait to try out. Will let you know when I do.

Hello to Diane Sue...hope you are feeling well!

Have a great night all!
Hi Everyone,

This weekend I've been focusing mostly on Peloton rides. We might try to get outside for a bike ride this week as it looks like the weather will be very nice.

Deb-I hope your repairs are going ok and not causing too much stress.

Valerie-I love Feta cheese too but Chris doesn't.

Carolyn-Nice job with Yoga Relax. That's one I need to revisit soon.

Cathy-Great job making your own IMAX workout. That sounds like fun!

Lori-Great workouts last week! That's awesome that your complex gym has Peloton bikes. I can't wait to hear what you think of them.

Hi to Diane Sue!
I did Cathe Live Step, sweat, and lift, # 237 53 minutes(48 actual) 194 calories, heart rate 107/144, 2,958 steps. I also did Raw Just Step 4 again since I love it so much, 30 minutes, heart rat 125/149, 3,091 steps, 159 calories. Total time was 83 minutes, 353 calories, 6,049 steps.
I think I may be using the step portion of this live workout without the rest for a shorter fun step cardio workout since it comes first and is 24 minutes with the warm up.

Step, Sweat, and Lift #237 2/21/19
Warm Up
Step Cardio I Max style, but not a super fast tempo. 4 combos done 6 times with blasts
squats 15# dumbbells, overhead press 12# dumbbells(I used 10's) , squat/curl/press 10's
side to side squats 15# dumbbells, snatches 8 # dumbbell 12 reps
10# dumbbell plie squat/pick up/snatch/ put down/ jack/ pick up (I did upright row instead of snatch)
push press 10# dumbbells
triceps overhead extension 12# dumbbells 8 reps , 8# dbs squat/press/triceps extension
15# dumbbells deadlifts , hip hugger 15# dumbbells, Combine hip hugger and deadlifts
bear crawl to plank then add push ups slow and singles

Today I just did Lindsey Samper Yoga neck and shoulder therapy and used my therapy balls afterward which was around 30 minutes total time spent. Still not sleeping. I am so tired. I even tried some Sambuca night that had passion flower and a bit of melatonin in it. I think 1 mg melatonin or something like that. I still did not sleep well. For one thing I spent hours after shopping and workout trying to get paperwork done and to find a mess up I did on my check book. My neck hurt so bad and when I went to bed I couldn't find my neck pillow and my husband was already sleeping so I just went to bed without it. Hence the need for the stretching and stuff this morning.
Whole Foods left out quite a few items yesterday. I realized when I went to make enchiladas for my husband today that I did not get the block of cheddar cheese that I had ordered. I ordered 18 oz of blueberries and got 16 for the same price, no potatoes or even the substitution, no water, and only 1 lb of the pastured lean ground beef instead of 4. So I had to go out to Sprouts. Sprouts had plenty of everything.

Valerie, I cook our meals separately most of the time. My husband has limited likes and does seem to get tired of the same old thing. It is hard to come up with something different. I just made a batch of chicken curry soup to put some in the freezer I picked up chick pea wraps and applewood organic turkey breast to make myself wraps with the Primal Kitchen chipotle avocado oil mayonnaise and/or avocado wraps. I just had one for dinner and tossed in some greens. Simple dishes or things prepared ahead work better for me to fix for myself. When I cook salmon, I cook double and use the rest on salad greens another day. I could never feed my husband what I eat.
I love feta too. I keep some feta crumbles and will sprinkle a bit in salad or on a wrap. The taste does go a long way.

Carolyn, I guess we both had a rest/yoga day :).

Cathy, never minded pull ups and used to be pretty good at them till I really hurt my shoulder doing Beach Body workout (I think from Hammer and Chisel) and I was going from burpees to grabbing the bar in the doorway and doing pull ups and back to the floor. I finally went to the doctor and fortunately I could still move it around, but she said that pull ups leave the shoulders rather vulnerable. She gave me some muscle relaxant and myloxican or something for pain so maybe I could stop taking so much Advil. I have issues now with my shoulders a lot anymore. They are easier doing it the way Cathe does with the fit tower though. I took my Fit tower down for now since my grandson keeps trying to climb on top of it and has left fingernail holes in the padded bar. I really wanted to try more of the Fit Tower workouts on Live though. Maybe on some of my free days this week. Cathe really does come up with some different ways of using equipment. I watched some previews of her on the workouts she did for Total Gym Streaming and I thought "who would have known you could do all of that with a Total Gym?" It was quite impressive.
How did you blend the different I Max workouts? Did you get on demand and use the workout blender? Or just pop in parts of dvds?

Lori, it looks like you are getting plenty of exercise even with just walking GiGi, swimming, and cycling. The gym sounds nice. I Max 4 is Cathe's latest workout series. It is low impact.

Judy, it is nice that you enjoy the Peleton rides so much. I hope the weather stays nice so that you can get out on a bike ride this week.
I ran on treadmill for 20 min then did pyramid pump upper. I increased most weights . At point where I can’t jump 5 lbs. 10 12 15 is ok but no way is 15 20 25. I like that PP workout ! Repeating top weight twice and thinking about increasing rep number proportionally to 10 12 15 reps . Think that will work?
Dh does that too .....suddenly announces he’s sick of “whatever” even if it hasn’t been on menu for months. He’d be out of luck if it was peppers! I adore them

driving to Montana today want a couple weeks before hunting season gets rolling and things get ugly.
we made the drive yesterday in record time. traffic was very light, most road construction is done or not active on sundays. 9.5 hours one way. most times its been closer to 11 hours. all was in order here. its only been 2 weeks. we plan on 2 weeks again, leaving right at beginning of hunting season. also the park starts shutting down roads for winter. we might go do a close in mt bike today to see conditions. two weeks ago it was summer, not anymore. definitely fall.
we need to be back to vote. we do ( Washington) all mail elections and I would not miss this one for anything. ballots get mailed out on the 16th. we can vote/mail back immediately or wait until closer to the 3rd. with all the threats to the postal system I don't want last minute.

my PP session was a good one, I got slightly sore all over. I've done PP before but was reluctant to jump weights by 5 lbs but it was a good move. I brought 12's and 15's along so I can repeat it several times here if I want. I've done Stacked Upper and Chiseled upper so many times I'm getting a little tired of them and don't feel well "worked" . need to leave them alone for another workout. Strong and Sweaty is good but Id have to transport too many weights.

DH also doesnt like curry , or so he says, but if I dont call it "curry" it seems fine to him. he is what I call a "supertaster", a very sensitive palate. I am not one!. I like strong flavors and a lot of heat but less salt and sugar. mostly we work it out. except for salmon. I'm done with that war. salmon is too good and too expensive to make it ways that don't taste like what it is. I cant have all the snacks he does, and keep my servings less.
Today I did Rockout Knockout, timesaver #3, for 43 minutes and 319 calories burned. My average heart rate was 135 and maximum heart rate was 170.

Cathy, the step workout that you created sounds like a good one. IMAX 2 is my favorite of all of them. I could never get into IMAX 3 for some reason. I have some longer Ultimate Yogi workouts that I like, but I need to be in a certain mood to do them. I usually want between 20-35 minutes for a yoga workout.

Lori, walking Gigi along with your sculpting sounds like a good balance of activities. That gym sounds nice if you can use it when there are few people around. I found that shorter yoga workouts were better for me when I was trying to find some that I liked. The Extended Stretches from Step Boss are a good way to go since they are not long.

Judy, good job with the Peloton rides. I enjoy Yoga Relax, but I haven’t done it much lately.

Diane Sue, nice job with your workouts this week. Rest days and stretching are very important for me to be able to work out better and avoid injuries.

Valerie, I’m glad that your drive was shorter yesterday. You planned your travel time well. Pyramid Pump is a good workout.

Hello to Deb.
This morning I did Live Ready, Set, Step. I got a good workout, but the music drove me nuts. The beat just wasn't syncing with the steps. 43 min. ave bpm 132 and burned 213 calories. I followed that up with Fit Tower Bonus Abs.

Lori sounds like you got in a good week of workouts! Enjoy the new bike-always fun to have new toys. :D I actually like IMAX 3 and 4, best. Though with 3 it's mostly that I like the step portions, some of those blasts just have too much impact.

Judy I hope you get in that outdoor ride! We are enjoying some of our last decent days here, as our temps are headed down.

Diane Sue nice workout combo you put together. Yes, I got On Demand, so I could play with the workout blender. It's actually quite easy to use. I'm already thinking of other things I can do. I certainly hope you find a solution to your sleep issues very soon.

Valerie glad you had a smooth drive to Montana. Road construction here is still in full swing, as they will push it into late November if they can. But, it makes such a difference when there isn't construction or traffic. Hope you are able to get in lots of rides while you are there.

Carolyn that's a great calorie burn you got from Rockout Knockout! I love the concept of yoga, but I just find it boring. It's so beneficial and I really need to change my mindset out it.

Deb I hope your repairs are moving along smoothly.
usually we don't do anything our first day here, but decided to do a 6 mile mt bike this morning anyway. not a hard one but the altitude takes some adjusting and it was nice except windy. about 48 degrees to start but that's fine for mt biking. I do better in cooler temps. this is a link to my bike. its like a little tank, unbreakable and tough.
I have 2, one in MT and one in WA. it seemed exorbitant at first but its nice to skip hauling back and forth. neither one was expensive. a hardtail bike doesn't have fancy suspension etc. and it's perfect for me. I have 2 Treks. the brand fits me best, being a short person, and our local bike shop sells mostly trek. people spend thousands of dollars but mine were less than $800. you get so much great technology for not much money.

Judy, get out there and ride before its too wet or cold. I go anyway but I know not everyone enjoys it then.

Lori hope you like your new bike. we tried out mt bikes at a beach but sunk into the sand too much to ride. maybe the sand and beaches are different in FL?
it was snowing during parts of our drive. I think a lot of hwy surfaces cant be laid down if too cold or wet so looked like most projects were finished. except for round-abouts. going in everywhere. life will be difficult for people who don't see how they work.

cathy I didn't appreciate yoga until I took some classes. they were strenuous and different from what I was used to. I don't do well all by myself. I thought DH and could do them together but he is hard to get interested in them.
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Today I did Cathe Live #284 Arms and Abs on the Ball. This is all of the upper body. I wonder why she called it Arms and Abs. I skipped shoulders and modified some moves. Total time was 59 minutes, (55 actual for full workout). I burned 114 calories, heart rate was 88/147 and 903 steps. That is all I had time to do. Calories really stink when I do weights. During some of the push ups I just did the plank off the ball and scapular squeezes.
Arms and Abs on the ball live # 284
warm up with curls, shrug, lateral raise, upright row, hip hinge flys, curl press 5# dumbbells
seated curls 2/2 count 12# dbs 16 reps
incline curls 10# dbs 16 reps
sweeper curls 12# dbs 8 reps
seated up 2 donw 6 curls 12# dbs
mix of all moves 10# dbs
Up 2 down hold middle own up 10# dbs

Shoulders skipped

chest flys 12# dbs 10 reps
flat bench press 12# dbs 16 reps
fly/press 12# dbs
push ups on ball down 2 and singles
isolated single arm fly 10# db (12# Cathe)
fly (Cathe 15's) me 12# dbs
fly/bench press 12# dbs (Cathe 15#) 8 reps
push ups on ball

lying extension 8# dbs (adds 1 1/2's) second round I dropped to 10's
close Grip bench press 12# single armand both
Repeat except no close grip instead she did seesaw push ups

1 arm row 25# db (Cathe two 12's) 12 reps
pullover 10# dbs (Cathe 12's)
1 arm rear delt raise prone on ball 8 # 8 reps 2 X

Core Ball
superman arms bent
superman arms extended
prone ball tap down foot all right then all left 10 reps each
supine holding ball with feet hip lift
seated side bend holding 2 5# dumbbells
This morning I did Lean Legs and Abs for 49 minutes and 185 calories burned. My average heart rate was 106 and maximum heart rate was 139. I’m already feeling different muscles in my legs and abs. I will probably be sore tomorrow.

Cathy, great job with Live Ready, Set, Step and Fit Tower Bonus Abs. I remember that Ab workout as very challenging and is one that I avoid. I haven’t done it since I finished the initial Fit Tower rotation.

Diane Sue, nice work with Live Arms and Abs on the Ball.

Hello to Valerie, Judy, Lori, and Deb.
This morning I did Live Low Impact Cardio Hiit, which was really good. Ave bpm 127 and burned 154 calories. Then I went and walked at the zoo. 2 hrs and 3 minutes. Finally broke that 2 hour mark. Burned 437 calories.

Valerie great that you got a ride in. Snow-not ready! The city where my boys go to college is very big on roundabouts. Not kidding there are at least 10-12 now. They are everywhere. A main highway goes through (as main of a highway as you get in the UP outside of 75 up to Sault Saint Marie, as they are all two lane except that one, and there are 4-5 on that stretch and then scattered around town. Population of about 20,000. It's a running joke up there.

Diane Sue it's hard to get a lot of calorie burn with weights, but aren't they supposed to have an after affect? The workout I did this morning used light weight and I opted for 3's and was very glad I did!

Carolyn that's one of my favorite leg workouts, though I think I usually do pre-mixes.
we hiked this morning in the park. pretty out and not ridiculously busy. about 2 hrs 45 min. will try another hike tomorrow with our neighbor. saw some of the usual critters this morning but nothing dramatic.
the snow is up higher more like 10,000 feet but driving there was some flakes in the passes tho nothing sticking at all, it was 40 degrees. might change here by the weekend.

WA has gone all-in on round-abouts, even intersections where it seems too busy for them. MT seems to have joined in especially around on-off ramps to freeway where there are FF restaurants and gas close by. I'm OK with them but there is a learning curve for drivers not familiar with them.

I'm always disappointed in the activity points I get for weight workouts ( on WW) and actually circuit workouts etc. some outdoor things are higher valued. every cathe ab workout I do ....seems like 1 activity point is not enough. same for circuit work.
I did not get to workout today. I got up and dressed for it, but things did not allow it. My husband went out for a doctor appointment and the garage door opener broke and the belt was on the floor. So he called around and got someone to install another since that one was really old. I got showered and dressed so he could go to bed and I would handle anything with the installer. Then there was school, so it just was not happening.
I got 6 hours of sleep last night which is much better than I have been getting in. Another day off probably doesn't hurt. I like to keep moving though.

Carolyn, nice work on Lean Legs and Abs today. It is always amazing how just a little different type of workout can cause muscles to be worked in different areas so that we feel it.

Cathy, nice work on the CL Low Impact Hiit. I wonder if I have done that one. It seems like I have. Yes, we do get an afterburn affect from weight training. My Fitbit stats have dropped though for weight workouts with the Versa Fit 2.

Valerie, my devices seem to give higher calories for circuit workouts and bootcamp type workouts, but for me they are usually right down there with other weight workouts.
Nice that you were able to get out and do a hike today.
Good evening ladies,

This morning I did a youtube kickbox bounce. Not difficult, but effective. I used 2lb dumbbells and really felt them. Then walked GiGi for 30 minutes and then again when I came home from work.

This is the workout from YouTube

Judy...yes I was pleased to see the bikes. The gym is really nice and the equipment is top of the line.

Diane sorry you are not sleeping especially when you have some pain. When we moved there was a tear in my padding on my fit tower. Was not happy about this. Not sure how it can be replaced so I did not complain about it. I probably should have. Did Cathe do a total gym workout? Must have missed this!

Valerie...great drive time to Montana. We are driving to Navarre on Friday for the weekend. It will be a 7 hour drive and not looking forward to it. Good for you doing a ride after that long drive! I totally understand having a bike in both places. Makes complete sense for you and I would do the same. Once we start going back and forth to Navarre more frequently, we most likely will do the same with some things.

Carolyn...I am looking forward to the yoga workouts. I think I agree with Imax2 being my favorite. The music was a lot of fun.

Cathy...agree on the not ready for snow!! I am so happy we are done with that!!!! We were in the pool on Sunday saying to eachother..October and we are swimming! Unheard of in New England!!! Not having the music sync would mess me up too!

Have a great night all!!!!
This morning was Live Total Body Band and Glide. She actually uses tubing and no band. I did use a band since someone has stretched my tubing to fit his height, and it worked just fine. Definitely hits all areas.

Valerie sounds like a great hike you had. I came to appreciate the roundabouts when I camped outside of Marquette, as it made crossing M-28 so much easier. The only roundabout I've ever had issues with was in Brighton MI and it's a double (though I think there's a name for those) and Nick and I went all the way around twice before I finally found where I was supposed to get off. Then on the way home I ended up going south instead of north, and was like to hell with it, I'm just going down to Ann Arbor and if it's a bit longer I don't care. I was so happy that the baseball tournament got rained out and cancelled the next day. LOL

Diane Sue, sorry your day got out of whack yesterday. I hope that today is going better for you.

Lori that looks like a really interesting workout. The boys killed my rebounder from playing on it too much when they were little and I never replaced it. Was a great energy outlet for them on days we couldn't get out.

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