Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Poor Gertie :( I hope the antibiotics work soon. Have you tried Costco organic can/dry food for dogs? I used to order organic food on Amazon for twice the $$. My dogs love the food. The ingredients are the same as the expensive ones. Brawler always been a bad eater, not with Costco dog food, he loves it. I buy the yellow dog can food and mix it with the dry food. Problem solved :) Every time I go to the vet, it cost me a lot of $$. Vets are expensive. Yeah, have been doing H$G for a while now. Love the workouts!
Good morning,

Today's workouts: Hammer Conditioning + Hammer abs. I also did Pure Barre 16 Street 1 (outch!). I also did Dance Hiit premix #4 Express = 19 min.

My plan is to add more barre, pilates to my mix of workouts. But first I need to finish all the dvd's I started a long time ago, lol!

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.
Today I did Cardio Core Circuit, 51 minutes, 386 calories. I then did Ab Circuits Med ball abs no partner and weights and plates no plates, 22 minutes, 83 calories. I had to run a urine sample to the vet and they called with my new reading glasses so I stopped on the way home to pick them up. My granddaughter has her graduation from the vo tech today. She has her high school graduation on Saturday and a celebration at the Masonic lodge. Sunday is a double birthday party for the two that will be 17. It is a busy week we have planned.
The vet called after I got home and said there was nothing that really stood out and to keep Gertie on the antibiotic for the week. He wanted to check to see if there was a ph problem or something like that, She ate last night with some urging and this morning I think she was hungry because I had no problem.

Belinda, you are getting through that long list of dvds that you had. Gertie had such problems with dog foods. We went through so many expensive brands. Tried I Love and You dog food somewhere in the vicinity of 70 dollars for 25#. I finally found Blue Basics grain free salmon and sweet potato works for her. No more loose stuff and vomiting. I make her dog treats with white rice flour, coconut, oil, salt, and a broth or water and sometimes a bit of pumpkin. She likes it when I put a spoon of organic pumpkin in her dog food. We have been getting this from Amazon. It is less than at Pets Mart. I have not changed since all of the problems and expense of trying different dog foods that I would end up giving away. I tried canned and dry. We just use dry. No cellulose or sugars sneaking into what we are using.
Diane Sue - lol, I have a lot more dvd's :) Just taking a break from it. I will add more starting next week. I am glad you found a dog for for Gertie. Those dog treats sounds yummy for the dogs. I have never made any dog threats.Nice job today.
Today I did Rock Out Knock Out premix 1, 38 minutes, 269 calories. I followed this with STS disc 3 legs, 54 minutes, 233 calories. I looked over disc 2's exercises and decided I was not ready for straddle push ups and superman again. I did superman again with cardio core circuit yesterday and more push ups after Monday's STS 1. I will do disc 2 on Friday. I am still sore from Monday. Total time was 92 minutes, 502 calories. I had to go to Walmart to get my curtain rods. Still waiting for the curtains, but I am loaning my grandson my car to go to school tomorrow so my husband can take his car to the shop. So far today I have 7, 295 steps. Not sure if I will get the 10,000 in today. You would think all of the running around and stuff I did in the yard would have done something.
weights today
walking lunges/plie squats; one leg touch down squats, firewalkers no weight
one leg elevated lunges 20# x 8 r
deadlifts wide stance 25# db's x 15 r
one leg slide back lunges 15#'s 16 r
side slide lunges 15# 16 r
wall squat with ball and leg extension body weight 10r
squats 20#'s 16 r
calf raises 20#'s 10r 4 times
front lunge same leg 20#'s 15 r
stiff legged dead lift on platform 25#'s 15 r
wall squats double leg 15#'s 8
lateral step ups 20# 15 r
drop side lunges stand with knee lift 15# 15r
sequential lunge into front kick combo 12#'s 15r
squats narrow stance 20#'s 15 r
calf raises dumbbells 20#'s 10r 4 times
deadlifts wide stance 25#'s 15 reps
bonus: pulse leg to side straight leg 24 r L&R; bent leg pulse to side balance paper plate 24 r; front/back fan kicks 12 r front and back 24r; calf raise body weight 25 r; tibialis press and pulls with stability ball 25r

Belinda, LOL on having a lot more dvds. When I first started making the dog treats I just cut them in squares. Then I purchased some dog bone cookie cutters. She loves them. My grandson comes in and nibbles on them. I keep telling him I have other food! My dog is somewhat spoiled. I found it interesting that the vet asked if I was giving her tap water and if it was city or well water. I generally give her filtered water from the refrigerator. She has tap water outside but she rarely touches it. She waits till we go back inside the house.
Diane Sue - I have to admit, I have a lot MORE workout dvd's :( I am having to much fun with H&G, that I don't want to do anything else. I am going through them and deciding which ones I will keep.So far, I am keeping a lot :( Since dvd's are almost gone soon, I better hold on to them a little longer. Nice job on your workouts. Where did you find the dog threat recipe?
It will be sad when there are no dvds because I am not so fond of streaming. They need to figure out keeping peoples internet running well first. Downloading takes up so much space. Next they will be selling us tons of space in the cloud to hold our dvds or something. We own movies on Amazon and Vudu and it really annoys me that even though we purchased it is hard to share them and they come back and say I have hit my limit on devices that I can have it on. I tried to download one of my Kindle cookbooks on my replacement cell phone and it wouldn't let me till I cleared out the app on the one I was sending back or another device. How can you own something but they tell you what you can do with it. Then there is the worry if the company goes under that holds your movies etc.. How do you get it all back? I just don't like thinking about it. I lost music I purchased from Music Match years ago. I lost music and books that I had on iTunes and I lost books and cookbooks I purchased on my Sony Reader. Sony moved it to a company called Kobo. I got the app on my apple devices and got some of my books like Tony Horton's Bring it on my old apple ipad. But I don't have it on my android devices so rarely use the ipad which is coming to the point of being non upgradeable and some of the apps do not even work anymore.
Okay sorry for the rant but I am not a fan of losing being able to get the dvds. I have started buying the downloads with the dvds though, just in case. I am glad that you are enjoying Hammer and Chisel. They are really a nice length for adding a bit of something else if you want or just being done sooner.
Today I did Party Rockin Step 2 Extreme premix 8 combos plus finished product, 62 minutes, 405 calories, 126 average/ 161 max heart rate. I then did STS abs circuits stability ball abs 20 minutes, 66 calories. 95 avg./117 max heart rate. I finished off with Barre Amped Advanced Active Stretch, since I wanted a good stretch. My legs are sore. I don't think I have had this much doms in quite some time. Maybe I need to do more rounds of STS meso 1. I watched the You Tube with Kelly Coffey and her brother doing the heavy bag workout. I saw that she did some stuff with light weights as well. I checked Meltdown and she has a mix on there that combines the weights and heavy bag in intervals that would be similar , but maybe heavier weights. I was contemplating doing that You Tube with STS dis 2 back and triceps. They are having tornados in out state. They haven't hit here yet. My husband is trying to figure out how to get my Chevy Spark in the garage with the Lincoln and motorcycle. It is such a big bike.
Today I did: Body Beast TB instead of Hammer Power. DH didn't wanted to do those clean and press with his shoulder. I also walked 2 miles and did Love your lower Body Total Transformation Disc 1 with Sadie Lincoln.

Diane Sue - I hear you on the dvd's and back up. I back up all my downloads to a hard drive. Safer this way, IMO! I really want to do another round of STS, but I still have so many other dvd's I need to do first. I think my husband would love STS or BB. Good job today.
Belinda, I agree that the guys would probably enjoy BB or STS more than some other workouts. Hammer and Chisel wouldn't be bad though. I can understand with the shoulder though. I injured my rotator cuff doing some of the Hammer work.
Diane Sue - I hear a lot of people get injured with H&G? I don't go very heavy on some of the moves. Better be safe than sorry, right :)
Belinda, Autumn doesn't go really heavy, I don't think. Sometimes when she is using 12's I will use 15's. My problem was partly with all of those pull ups. Also, what finished me off was the jump push ups. I like the Hammer Power workout format, but did discover I am better off not going as heavy as I started out going. Yes, it is better to go lighter than have an injury. My doctor says the rotator cuff is in a vulnerable position with pull ups. Actually I don't think Autumn did all of the pull ups in her workouts. I am liking my Fit Tower for doing them rather than using the bar in the door frame like I was.
Hi - Crazy busy the next couple days with end of school/family stuff. I managed a quick 20 mintues this morning but that was it. I did All In 18 - Metabolic mayhem. Its a good one for only 18 minutes. My brother-in law is here for a couple days so my son is sleeping on the air mattress in my workout room. I may try to do kickbox or something w/o equipment the next couple days.
This morning I did KCM raw you tube boxing, 29 minutes, 148 calories. I wore the gloves and used the heavy bag, but paused to pull off the gloves and do 3# dumbbell upper cuts etc with Kelly. Then put them back on for the next round(3 rounds). Her brother had gloves with the fingers out so he did do some other moves like overhead press alternating during the second set of weights. Anyway it made the workout a couple of minutes longer for me. I liked the workout. No jumping around, although I did some light jogging between moves. It is boxing and not lower body. She does some ab work at the end. I then did STS disc 2, it seems like the workout card is a bit off? Maybe I just missed something as the card has 1 arm row as the second move which I don't recall doing and is missing one arm row before the last set of deadlifts. Anyway, I started out with the wrong dvd and did that warm up which I did not count, then I paused to write something down and lost 10 minutes of the workout. Map My Fitness kept running though so I was able to come up with something. Although MMF had me at 311 calories with it set for STS. I chose the reading from my Calories burned based on average heart rate, so that took it down a lot. 56 minutes, 197 calories, heart rate 97 avg./135 max. I finished off with Kelly's Body Design Yoga, 13 minutes, 44 calories.Total time was 98 minutes, calories 389.

Doreen, Kickbox sounds like a good idea.
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Today's workout : Chisel Balance + abs + 5 mile walk.

Diane Sue - I had problems with my rotator cuff a few moth ago, not going extremely heavy on my shoulders/back. I also had a few slipped discs, that took me out for weeks. LOL, no! Autumn didn't do all those push ups in the dvd's. She talks a lot and gives for pointer. Nice job today.

Doreen - I love kickboxing. Great job!
Good morning,

Never checked in yesterday :( I sold more workout dvd's. I sold Jillian Michaels Body Revolution :)
Will post more dvd's today. Need to shrink my collection. I am giving away some Cathe VHS's. If you are interested let me know.

I did Chisel Balance + Chisel Abs + 5 Mile walk.

I will be back later.
Belinda- good job selling dvds. Ebay? I'm thinking I'll try to sell some soon too.

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Doreen - so far, I am selling them on FB. I have lots of fitness friends. Plus, I give them an opportunity to grab them up. Not trying to make a lot of money. I have no idea how Ebay works? I still have the Less Mill Pump set. Maybe I try eBay at one point. What are you selling? Sent me a pm :)

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