Lifting like girls

I did get son 2 to the gym last nite...normal time...11:45 pm. Did 11 sets of shoulder db work and 6 sets of bis and 6 sets of tris. We got home about 12:50, took his Anatolians for a walk and the female got loose and we chased her until 1:30 until she made the mistake of getting between 2 houses and a fence and decided, after looking at son 1, that she better cool her jets! I would call it cardio, BUT, I was driving the SUV! Had a pinapple beer, went to bed,and don't think I slept more than 5 min the rest of the night! That may be my last workout because after the kids get out of school we will go to their condo in gym, but maybe some sleep! Have a great weekend friends!
Lisa, I haven’t seen this! I will definitely look for it! I’m just getting used to the taste of cashew milk in my coffee. I do love Califia Farms Almond Milk. I use it on my “Big Bowl” morning cereal. Homemade almond milk is also delicious. To be honest pea protein doesn’t sound all that good. But, I’m definitely going to look for it.

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Hey guys! Tom, hope you're enjoying Florida. Lisa, looks like we're both stuck in the cold weather. We haven't had much snow this winter, and other winters have been colder. So far, it has been fairly mild. I better stop posting this stuff, possibility of jinxing the whole thing, and we get the blizzard of the century. So I will just post my workout. Yesterday was a stretch day, and today was workout 3 of my kettlebell program. The production may not be the best, but this woman kicks some KB butt. Very metabolic, mixing it with RIPT90 has worked out very well. Tomorrow will be Ups & Downs from RIPT90. Until then. Take care! (Tom, you gotta be enjoying the sunshine) Later! Tom, is an Anatolian a dog breed? What do they look like? Sounds very exotic!
OK, looked it up. Very nice dog.
Tom, laughing myself to tears picturing you and your DS in the "Great Dog Chase of 2018." What a memory. Pineapple beer is a tasty reward for your efforts. Hope you caught up on your sleep.

Karen, no no no! Don't jinx the winter. The East coast is getting pummeled. Not fun for anyone. What is your big bowl of morning cereal? I can't eat processed cereals but I do love the taste of them, especially Puffins. I stick with oatmeal now. Still haven't tried the pea milk BUT I do actually use Plant Fusion Pea Protein Powder and like it better than most whey powders that I have tried. Your DIY rotation sounds like great variety. I really really need to invest in kettlebells.

Guys, I need an intervention. I did Pump Party Live for the 3rd Saturday in a row. Is admitting there is a problem the first step to recovery for a vidiot?!

Be back Monday! Cheers!
You guys make me ashamed to be an omnivore!! Today was bacon and eggs and pancakes for bfast, popcorn, milk duds, ice cream taco and diet coke for lunch and fried chicken and a chocolate fountain ( all kind of stuff, marshmellows, strawberries, rice crispy treats, Apple's...all in chocolate) and bundt cake!! NOT GONNA MAKE IT AM I??? I'm so depressed about it I'm gonna get a cherry guys sure know how to ruin a guy's life with guilt!! Lol! I will try to get son 2 to the gym Monday...if I'm still alive! Pea powder...oatmeal....blah blah blah!!!!! Now....where's that beer!!!
Still in Daytona soooo, time for some bwt stuff, 100 reps of pushups, squats and single calf raises. When I was doing all those pushups at work, they were! Felt good to do something....besides eat.,...POORLY!!! Gonna try to rededicate myself when I get back to Missouri....even eating wise! Enjoy your Sunday friends.
Today was back breaker from RIPT90. Lots of pullups, chinups, rows, all the back stuff. I love working back, it's an easy muscle group for me, and easy to grow. I need to be careful, because it is so easy my clothes become tight through the back. I buy my shirts to fit through the shoulders, and back, and then the rest of the shirt looks like I'm wearing DH shirts. Like Roseanne Roseannadanna stated, "It's always something."
Frankly Tom, your food for the day sounds really good. Later all!
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Karen, sounds like you should put that mega back work on hold until tank top season. Then who cares about how the sleeves fit? But yeah, always something. ..

Tom, agree with Karen...yum! You're on vacation so you've got some wiggle room.

Today I tried KCM's Tabata Legs from her new DVD series Build & Burn. I liked the moves and the format, but it was short (26 mins including warm up and stretch) so I did it 2x through and used slightly heavier weights than Kelly. A good workout for when you want to do legs but don't have a lot of mojo to go heavy heavy heavy...yes, Tom, some people like Karen and I want to do legs :)

Happy Monday!
I weenied, reset my alarm and put lifting on hold until tomorrow and I will try to get chest and back tomorrow, legs I will probably do Sat and , of course, arms Friday. Karen, I was thinking about doing some different stuff next week and one of those was thrusters! Not sure I will make the leap to that type of program, but I really need to do some more metabolic stuff, I just think I will HATE IT!! I don't think I can give up strength training but may try to insert SOME metabolic work into it! (to be continued)! Glad you ladies have been "representing" and covering for this slacker! Keep up the good work!!
I reintroduced myself to the dungeon this morning for chest and back. I did 11 sets each, all the chest work was flat BB bench, and for back, 3 sets of chins, 3 sets of deads (225), 1 sumo 2 conv, 3 sets of pullovers and 2 sets of 1 arm cable pulls. I will still need to get shoulders in sometime this week, may combine with legs Sat. Still cold here, but supposed to warm up and be 50s by the weekend...have to find by swimming suit!! Just DO IT Ladies! Have a great Thursday!
Hey friends. Today was Fitness Blender mass building upper body. Don't get too carried away, thinking I was lifting semi trucks. It was 10 reps per exercise so only somewhat heavy but it was a nice change. Change is good, prevents boredom, so go for those metabolic moves, Tom! You can do it! Even if you suck at it...which I do with all things barre and all things's still good for you!

Sounds like we're all enjoying good weather...don't let ME go and jinx it. I'm most happy about the extra moments of sunlight we are getting everyday. That is, until the Feds take it away from us when we Spring forward with our clocks in a couple months
Tonight was “Minute By Minute.” Three exercises: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats done in succession, starting on the minute. The faster you do them, the more time you have to rest before you start again on the minute. 20 rounds, so 20 minutes. This is the second time I’ve done this one. It was the first workout of the RIPT90 program. At that time my upper body was so sore from a previous workout, and it was very difficult. Much easier this time. Over all a very good workout, and very metabolic. We will be having a heatwave tomorrow. Lower 50’s. Maybe I will work on my tan.

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Wow Karen, 100 pullups in 20 the push ups and squats?? BRUTAL!! Gonna need new shirts!! Congrats on being able to do it!
Today was tough not to hit the 2nd alarm, lousy night AGAIN, but didn't BECAUSE ITS ARM DAY!! 20 sets, 10 sets tri followed by 10 sets bi. 3 sets of skullcrushers, 4 sets of pushdowns, 3 sets of kickbacks. For bi's, 3 sets ez curl bar curls, db curls and 2 sets conc curls and decline curls. Definitely felt worked and it was worth getting up for. Tomorrow will be probably legs and shoulders for me, trying to catch up and make it a full week. TGIF friends and have a great weekend!!
OK, today was "Arm Annihilator." The usual, biceps, triceps and some abs thrown in for good measure. Biceps to overhead press, dips for triceps, push-ups and jumping jacks to elevate the heartrate. A good workout, just not feeling it today, kinda dragging. Hope I'm more into it, the next time this particular workout is on the agenda. I'm in a cleaning out mood, so I am attacking the basement. Everything going to DI, Goodwill or trash. Forty-three years of "stuff," just needs to go. That's about it, Starting to rain-snow here. Nice this morning, this just blew in. Until later guys, take care.
Today was shoulder/leg day and my upper body is really fried! Doing chest/back Thursday, arms Friday and shoulders Sat after a week off seems to really be tough. I am sore in all upper body parts (kinda luv dat!). I did 8 sets of seated military press, 3 sets of side lats, rear delt flys and alt front raises and finished with a long set of BB shrugs. I usually use db's for these but I decided to use the BB today so I got 1 deadlift in also!!
For legs, still having knee issues, but did 3x15 gob squats and sumo squats and 3x20 kb swings, then 3 sets of DB calf raises and 3 sets of single leg calf raises. I'm depressed that leg day cant be much of a mass builder, but gonna do the best I can! Tomorrow will hopefully be a ab/core day and next week...who knows...still thinking on that one!! Beat up ole guy OUT!!
After much pondering I think I have come up with a game plan. I was fascinated with some of the stuff Karen was doing and thought maybe I could incorporate some of that into my normal strength routines (which I know I cannot give up). So, instead of trying to hit some bodyparts 2x/week, I would really fry them 1x/week but they would get some work with the metabolic time. I thought I would use pullups, pushups, deadlifts, thrusters (in some form), bwt squats, knee to chest planks, kb swings and clean/pushpress etc. I also decided I would not use a metabolic lift that was hit on that body part day i.e. no pushups on chest day, no pullups on back day, no squats on leg day etc. I thought then, over the weekend. I could hit a part that was slighted along with some core stuff. Anyway, that's my plan and I'm stickin to it! least till I try it!
Today was an ab/core day, I did a circuit of inclined sit ups/ cable crunches/ inclined leg lifts and repeated 4 times. Next I did 5 minutes of side planks and finished with 1 min of alternate knee to chest planks. I think with the incline work I left my hip flexors in the basement , I will see if I can find them tomorrow!! Enjoy your day friends!

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