Lifting like girls

Good morning lifter ladies! Today was shoulder day for me and I started with military press. 45x5 65x3 75x3 95x3 105x3 x3 x2 95x6x4 75x12 Next was side laterals 27.5x8 x8 x8 x8 barbell front raise 55 x 8 x8 x8 and rear delt flys 40's x 10 x10 x10 1 set of dumbbell presses 45's x 9 and one set of dumbbell shrugs 90's x 20. Total was 22 sets. I have been cramming in about 3000 calories a day and feel so much better! My appetite has increased and I am able to eat more at a setting. Really I think I was slowly starving myself and didn't realize it,couldn't make gains because I couldn't eat enough to build or even stay the same. I am really hopeful I can start to make some serious strength gains now, we will see! Loves me some ZINC!!!
Tom. Why did you go and lift so much on a shoulder day, just as I was feeling pleased with myself? You've put me to shame. I'm emarassed to confess today's weights now! Seriously, though, I'm so pleased you're gaming weight and strength. You sound so much happier, too.

I moved onto phase 2 of Nia's 10 phase bw programme. Much, much tougher than phase 1 . It's called flip flop, and there are only 2 workouts, but you switch between 3x10 and 10x3 each week. Today was a triset of 1 leg squats to a box, close grip push ups and inverted rows. 10x3, so hard variations required. I did the squats like a pistol, down to a 12" box (I can see that Nia's training us for proper pistols), then feet elevated close grip push ups, slow down, pause and quick(ish) back up. The inverted rows I did from lying (will add my weight vest next time). I then did the bonus work, which was amrap for 10 minutes of glute bridges, leg raises and plyo jacks. Phew. For reasons I still can't work out, I went on to do Jill Coleman's delt domination (lwf2). Using 10kg for curls into oh presses, but dropping to 6 kg for front raises (see what I mean Tom?)
I was fried. I had planned on hoco (honest, Karen), but I could barely move. DOMs set in after only an hour!

Roz, hope you're feeling a bit better. We're all allowed to feel down for no reason, even if we think we shouldn't. Hopefully the lovely meal worked its magic.

Karen - gsf DOMs? Lisa, what unscheduled fun have you been having? I've decided it's biofeedback - just doing what feels good. There. I can cope now
Hi all,
Feeling somewhat better today -- thanks, Justine! :)
Tom, HOORAY for your weight gain and increased appetite! That's outstanding news!

I needed something quick and dirty today so I did Hot Wheels (LWF1) -- one BB back squat, one breath, two squats, two breaths, continue on up to fifteen then back down to one. That's 225 back squats at 85#. (According to Adaptifier, it was a 158% PR on my back squat.) My legs are fried. I added 20# to the last time I did this one and shaved off 12 seconds -- yeah! I thought about adding something after but once I started to do the next thing I just thought -- nope. I'm done for the day. Finito. 225 back squats is sufficient for a day's work. (Unlike Tom, who would probably go tack on some heavy singles to the end of the workout, or Justine adding Delt Domination, or Karen doing a HoCo, or Lisa tossing in the LIS step bonus as icing to the proverbial cake. Nope. I'm just a lazy ol' mama. ;) But I'm at a point where sometimes that kind of 'lazy' is the right choice for me. Sometimes.)

OK, folks, that's it for today! TTFN! Have a great one!
Tomorrow is chinups... :eek:
My recent chinup stats aren't getting me Adaptifier PRs, but Adaptifier doesn't account for rep quality (and it's hard to quantify), but my chins are definitely getting stronger. Resist the urge to imagine me with double or triple chins, lifting heavy objects with them. ;)
OK, I'm really saying bye this time!
Good morning everyone! Tom, congrats on your weight gain and workout. Again, you're killing it.
Justine, I now have to check out Nia's bodyweight program. Sounds very interesting. Good job! Box squats to pistols. Nice work!
Glad you are feeling better, Roz. Some days are like that. Great workout, and hoped the dinner helped.
Lisa, hope you are NOT planning something great today.

Yesterday morning was EFX2. Just couldn't get into it. Think I'm going to drop it for awhile. Think I'm burnt out on that one. Last night was my second workout of GSF2. Overhead presses 60 lbs 6X6, I'm feeling like a slacker, Tom. But for some reason, my shoulders get capped, broad and defined. But I haven't been able to lift heavy. That will be one of my goals. Bench press, bicep curls, inverted rows (jungle gym) and cable tricep pressdowns. Bench 95 lbs 8X6, bicep 25 lbs. 8X6, pressdowns 30lbs 6X15. So far, so good with GSF2. This morning I did Cathe Live. Very good workout.

Make today a great one!
Good gracious, I've been running around like a mad woman. Sorry for the unplanned absence yesterday. Despite the craziness I'm still managing to get my workouts in. My workouts are the only thing that keep me stark raving sane (Rosencrantz for the win). Justine, it's all about the bio-feedback. The workout dabbling and rambling is necessary for my scientific experiment. ;)

Yesterday I did Cathe Live, All About Legs. It was the second or third live, and I've done it a million times. It's fun and I love how Cathe seems "nervous" since it was one of the first. Karen you mentioned you just did a Live. Which one?

Today I did KCM Shape Up, which is her cardio + UB tabata-ish workout. One of my fave KCMs. She's just so easy to workout with.

Lying down to do presses isn't being lazy! So, I'm going to concentrate on proper 'bro' stuff - the muscles I see in the mirror.

Justine, you are so in tune with your body. I admire the way you are always reevaluating and switching things up when you find a "weakness" (as if you have any). BTW, chest presses are only lazy when you snack on TJ's PB cups in between sets. I may or may not have done such a thing.

Lisa, I have a feeling you're a little partial to step?

I LOVE me my step. Queen Roz was right: LIS Step Challenge Bonus is one of my fave 20 minute add-ons. I would do step every day, but unfortunately my Achilles doesn't love me when I do and there are only so many legit workouts. I have some dance experience from dance lessons as a kid and a lot of musical experience, so step is a good fit for me. It's the one area of life where I'm not a klutz.

When it happens, Roz and Lisa, please post a picture of your DD spotting your bench. Love it.

My DD1 does a wicked down dog. She knows the difference between Cathe and Kelly and loves previewing Cathe Lives with me. It's only a matter of time before she's squatting with the rest of us. :) I'm amazed you've lasted so long with EFX and with HoCo. Your commitment is impressive. I think you can successfully call yourself an EFX grad. ;) (Add that to your list of many many degrees.)

Grip is definitely the limiting factor on getting more reps in a set on this lift (for me). Loving it.

I can't remember, did you buy any of those grippy-assist thingies? (I use only technical terminology.)

I needed something quick and dirty today so I did Hot Wheels (LWF1)
Glad your loving GSF1 (thanks for clarifying). Since it's holiday season, your workout really should have been called Hot Cross Buns. And woman, if I lifted the way you do, I would have nothing in the tank to give to any kind of finisher. You rock!

Tom! Congrats on the weight gain. I laughed out loud, imagining you cursing Karen and Justine and Roz during that wicked leg workout. ("Grrr, what are these women trying to do to me? Kill me?!) Way to go, and once again you annihilated your shoulders. Keep it up, bro!

Sorry for the novel. High fives to all, and to all a good night!

Wow ladies,great work!! Roz..I couldn't do 225 squats with HELIUM bells, Justine, 1 leg squats to a 12" box...couldn't do it..Karen, I'm so jealous of the shoulder thing, I would kill for them! I am trying to get there, but I have sloped shoulders and get some trap hypertrophy, but hard for me to get the "Boulder shoulders"! are exactly right! I found myself saying "are you kidding me"..You girls KILL me on the lower body stuff,(ain't to proud to admit). Gives me something to strive for!! I have DOMS everywhere, but it feels great!! Lats are sore,.. legs are shot,.. My thut hurts,.. I'm not quite crippled, but pleasantly debilitated!!! Tomorrow is arm day...can't wait!
Ok, I've broken myself. Yesterday's workout has left me spent. I managed 9x4 100kg dl this morning, some push presses with 15kg, slam ball tosses, plank pull throughs, then a triset of curls, triceps and lateral raises. I can't move.

Hope you're all feeling better!

(And just thinking about Roz's 225 squats at 85# might just push me over the edge.)

Karen, much as I love efx, it has to be an occasional thing for me. I think you'd love Nia's bw workout- you bought it, didn't you? It's mainly using the suspension trainer, so lots of core-bracing moves. The workouts are quick (20 mins), so I've been following them with a met con. Very different to gsf2, so a good compliment.

Roz, good thinking on chatarungas. Next week, when my shoulders have recovered!

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Arm day yay! I did a total of 24 sets (12 bi 12 tri) and 3 sets of abs (seated knee ins??..don't know what to call them) I started with barbell curls 75x5 85x5 95x5 105x2 95x6x4 85x7 75x9. Next was conc curls 2 sets 40# x4 35# x8 finished with 21s with 25s 7 count 5 count (15s??) For tris I started with tricep exts 35s x 8 40s x 8 45s x 8 50s x 8 45s x 8 40s x 8 35s x 10 x 8. Tricep pushdowns 70#( I have a pulley system on squat rack that I can add weights to) x 8 x 6 and finished with dumbbell kickbacks 35s x 15 x 15. Today took me well over an hour, but I took time needed between sets and didn't have to work so wasn't in a hurry! Got grandkids coming in today, so I am PUMPED!!! Justine.. when you "manage" 9 sets of deads at that weight on your "off" days, you give me a complex!!! Hope all the commando sisters have a great weekend and stay safe!!
Hello, Commandos!!!

Justine knowing you, you will grab some tape or glue, put your "broken" self together and be hitting it again tomorrow. ;) Excellent work work today, esp with those deadlifts!

Tom, yay! Grandkids! Have fun and flex your muscles for them, which are likely bulging after today's lifting. And yes, seated knee ins makes sense. :)

Karen, Roz, hey!!!!!!! Anything going on for you today?

I did a mish mosh of KCM boxing and a couple segments from Cathe's RK. Needed an excuse to put on my pink Everlast gloves today.

Have a good one, y'all!

Hi everyone!
Great job, everyone, on your workouts!

Lisa, I don't have those grippy assist thingies (I'm all about such technical terminology, too) -- lifting straps? I'm actually not 100% sure how they work. And my grip is generally OK with regular ol' deadlifts.
Woman, you are just going non-Stoppard! :D Keep up the amazing work. I look forward to cracking back into Cathe live (at a time when I feel like I can get some use out of it). I'm pretty frustrated with Vimeo (which hosts Ilaria's On Demand). It's not very user-friendly. Unlike the Workout Blender!

Tom, enjoy your time with the grandkids, and congrats again on your weight gain!

Justine, I forget do you have LWF1? And how's Phase 2 of GSF2 treating you, a couple weeks in?

Karen, still enjoying Phase 1 of GSF2?

Today was chins -- luckily I didn't need my legs much because they're pretty useless today! I think I did 10 or so sets of mostly 4 reps (plus a 5 and a 6 or something). Then cleans. Mostly sets of two at 115#, then some triples at 110#. However, I used a BB that's tougher to clean for most of the sets (it only goes as low as 115# -- a 15# bar and 2x50# plates) -- I'd actually never been able to clean it until today! Woo! My daughter was in her chair in the room and she said, 'that's a heavy barbell for mommy's set!' :D Finally a superset of seated double DB OHPs, 2x20# for 3x15 then 3x12 with 6x15 hanging leg raises (first three sets with a wide grip, hanging, final three on the power tower with arm support).

Tomorrow's a well-deserved rest day with friends visiting.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Good morning! Ok, yesterday was gsf2 workout 3. Conventional deadlifts 8X6. Chins 8X8 with the last four sets band assist. (these need help) 8X10 one arm bent over row, resistance band standing crunch. I have a nice soreness going on. I'm enjoying gsf2. Need to add in some other "stuff." Trying to figure out what!
Looks like you are all doing great! Keep it up, and have a great weekend.
My daughter was in her chair in the room and she said, 'that's a heavy barbell for mommy's set!'

Roz, sounds like your little pumpkin is keeping track of your PR's. Does she have her personal training certificate yet? Nice weights and enjoy your friend time!

Karen, props to you as well. Look forward to hearing the routine you set up, adding stuff to GSF2.

I did Strong Total Body Live on Karen's suggestion. It had a major fun factor and I loved that Cathe counted out everything and told us how many reps/sets were coming. Perfect for us neurotic numbers Commando Sistas!

Shout out to Tom and Justine! See you all on Monday!

Roz, your dd was right - those are heavy cleans. You've got amazing upper body strength. (And lower, but I'm particularly envious of the Ub strength!)

I don't have lwf1. Sort of feel I need to get through most of lwf2 before I can justify the purchase. But it wouldn't take much to persuade me!

Karen, alongside gsf2 I did lwf2, and some Mark Lauren. Then I decided to do Nia's 10 phase bw system. I'm liking it. I can see where it's headed ( handstand push ups and pistol squats).

I had a walking day yesterday, but managed 30 minutes of Nia first.

Not sure yet about today. (Nb Lisa [emoji14])

Hope everyone's had a great weekend (with the grandchildren Tom?) take care all.

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Good morning Commandos!!! Today was chest day..I moved things up a day because I will be out of town Wed. I could tell when I crawled under the bar that it wouldn't be a great day from a heavy standpoint, so I thought I would try to do more volume. I started with bench and did really short sets on the way up, planning to do longer sets on the way down. I never got past bodyweight and did 4 sets x3 x3 x3 x2 then dropped to 135 and did x8 x8 x6 x6, Next I did dumbbell inclined bench 50's x15 x10 x8 and finished with a 5 sets of inclined barbell bench, and I have dropped clear down to 105 and did x8 x8 x7 x7 x6. Whew!! I finished with abs and did 3 sets of hanging knee raises x8 x8 x8 and finally a 5 minute plank 1 min 0n both elbows 30 sec right, 30 sec left, back to 1 min both etc. Roz, Justine is right, you are a little "Powerbot" Congrats on the heavy cleans! Got to take a shower so Grampy doesn't smell bad for progeny!!! Have a great day everyone!!
Hi everyone!
Hope you're all enjoying your weekends!
We had a great time with friends yesterday -- just the rest I needed! :D
Roz, sounds like your little pumpkin is keeping track of your PR's. Does she have her personal training certificate yet?
Yeah, she's a CSCS (cute n' sassy cheering squad)! ;)
Roz, your dd was right - those are heavy cleans. You've got amazing upper body strength. (And lower, but I'm particularly envious of the Ub strength!)
I don't have lwf1. Sort of feel I need to get through most of lwf2 before I can justify the purchase. But it wouldn't take much to persuade me!
Thanks, Justine. But your OHPs and chinups/pullups are way stronger than mine! I've got enough healthy 'jealousy' of each and every one of you to keep me trucking! :D
Re: LWF1, If there's a sale, I say go for it. There's some nice variety. Sorry to be an enabler... :p

Geez, Tom, you only benched your own body weight? I'm SO disappointed in you! Better balance a couple grandchildren on top of that barbell next time! :)

Karen, great work, and nice volume on those deadlifts!!

Lisa, the new total body workout sounds like fun! Did it have more of a strength or metabolic feel to it? I'll add it to the (long) list!

Today was GSF1 squats. Front squats x6 x5 x5 at 120# then x8 x8 at 110#.
Then supersets of BB hip thrusts and one-arm bent over DB rows. I started with the supersets but then decided to max on hip thrusts, as I have never done low rep work on this lift. (It's usually prescribed in a very high rep range, I find.) I started with some sets of 10 in the 175-225 range, dropped reps and upped weights, ending with some heavy doubles and singles at 300, 315, 325, and 335. That's all I could fit on my barbell without overhauling my whole setup, LOL. I maybe could have worked up to 350# -- maybe. Total of 11 sets (including singles). I'd dropped the supersetting early on so I added some straight sets of one arm rows at the end. Total of 52 reps over 6 sets at 55#.
Finally two rounds of valslide push aways and Turkish sit ups (2x5 at 20#).

Not sure what's on the menu for tomorrow -- Justine, should I bust out Nia's bodyweight program soon? Do you recommend?
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend with your families/grandkids/etc!
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Justine, Nia is insane with her skills on body weight moves. I watch her blog videos of pistol squats, headstands, and pull-ups in absolute awe. She is a machine. I'm glad my "winging it" approach is rubbing off on you. Just remember that you don't need to be too nervous without a plan. You can always throw your Nia book up in the air and do whatever workout happens to open up when it hits the ground. ;)

Tom, my girls call their grandpas "Grampy" as well. I thought we were the only ones! Glad you are showering for those kids. Don't want their memories of Grampy to be "pee-yew!" You may have been feeling weak this morning but your loads were nothing to sneeze at.

Roz, speaking of loads, did I read correctly? 335#, whaaaaaaat? I bow to your greatness. The Strong TB Live was more metabolic-y in the sense that there were compound moves like squat presses, walking plies, so the heart rate got up but the overall feel was endurance (at least for me). I really liked it. ZERO dread factor in this workout.

Waves to Karen! No workout for me today! Be back tomorrow.


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