Getting it done for July & December 2015

Merry Christmas,

Rock'm Shock'm Kickbox and Jessica Smith 15 min Calorie Burn + Stnading abs is done.

I will be back for personals later.
Merry Christmas!

So, this has been a rough week. I woke up Monday morning with a bad sore throat, and by later that day, it had blossomed into a full blown head cold. Between working and last minute things for the holidays, I've had no energy for wo's or to even post. Finally off work today and also feeling better - no where near 100%, but was actually able to take the dog for a walk. So far, no one else seems to have succumbed . . . and, we are ready for the holidays - everyone taken care of, so life is good.

New wo's are here - and are wrapped for under the tree, which is ok because I wouldn't have been able to do them yet anyway. Very much looking forward to trying them all! And need to get back on track with STS M3 - I've only done one of the wo's so far - still 11 more to go!

Heidi - Belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great day! Hopefully things slow down enough for you so that you can get your wo's in, too, amongst the festivities.

Belinda - You are doing so great to keep up with your wo's. How is DH doing? Hopefully the pain has subsided so that he can enjoy the holidays, though his mobility will take a while. Kids coming to your place?

Allee - Looking forward to the new wo's, too. Hope you get a chance to focus on yourself a bit this next week and try them.

Looking forward to a week of relaxing with the family. No plans to go anywhere, which is just the downtime that all of us need. Have a great day!
Merry Christmas Ladies! Have a wonderful and safe day. :)

Sherry: Get well soon wishes to you! I hear you on this cold keeps sneaking back in on me. :/ No energy to do much so we
decided on Chinese food Christmas Dinner. I am just not up for all the cooking etc. this time around.
We may do a trail walk later since the weather is soooo warm.
Enjoy your day and family!

Belinda: Great job on your workouts! Have a wonderful day too. :)

Allee: Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas,

We had a wonderful, relaxing xmas. I am glad it's over :)

I did Jessica Smith 30 Min Fat Blaster.

Heidi - how was your walk and xmas?

Sherry - hope you feeling better by now. How was your xmas?

Allee - hope you had a great xmas :)
Hello all!

Had a wonderfully relaxing Christmas here. Didn't go anywhere and no one in town, yet, so was very nice and quiet. However, now to clean up the house to get ready for guests coming tomorrow.

This cold has kept draggin on - not enough to stop me from functional things, but wo's have been nil other than dog walks. If it stops drizzling, I want to go out for a run. Then, maybe try an ICE wo. I've only done one M3, so need to decide if I want to do M3 or jump into ICE.

Belinda - Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Great job staying on top of your wo's throughout. Glad DH is doing better, too.

Heidi - Oh no, a cold's got you knocked down, too. Annoying how it jumps keeps hanging around just enough to irritate you, isn't it? Hope you get over it quickly, too.

Allee - Hope you enjoyed the holiday.

Housework is calling - don't really want to answer it, but . . . have a good one!
2 mile run done, plus dog walk. Not sure if the head can handle anything else - is clearer when I'm outside.

Hope you are all having a good day!
Good evening,

Today I did Jessica Smith 30 Day Walk Day 29 Toning walk + 15 Min Heathy Back. One more workout and I am done with her 30 Day rotation.

Sherry - glad you feeling better. Good job on that run and walk today. How long are you guest staying? Have fun.

Waving Hi to Heidi and Allee.

Have a wonderful Sunday and workout, everyone.
Hi everyone!

I decided to go ahead and finish STS - so this week while I'm still off, I'll be doing kind of boot camp style to get back on schedule, meaning compressing the schedule a bit. Today I did M25 plus the stretch. Want to figure out how to get in some ICE, too, while finishing STS, but that may be a bit too much.

Today we've had a nasty sleet/ice storm so stayed home most of the day, and should have been doing more clean up to get ready for the family, but they held off travel to do weather, so we have an extra day - aren't we good procrastinators? They'll arrive tomorrow night and stay until Friday.

Belinda - Yay! You are done with yet another rotation! And you are almost done with yet another STS rotation, too (which makes how many times?). Keep it up! I'm sure it's helping keep your sanity with the holidays.

Waving Hi to Heidi and Allee!

Time to relax - seriously worn out. Be back tomorrow.
Good morning,

Today I will do cardio, not sure what yet? I decided starting today, I will pick dvd's for the week rather following a rotation. I do need to reach my goal of *200*. I may do a week of Cathe, a week of Les Mill Pump, 21DF, 10PD.....a.s.o. Maybe I repeat that cycle until I done every dvd in each set? I will play with Ice but not a rotation at this time.

Sherry - it sure does :) I love doing STS during this time of the year. If I counted right it's my 8 round :) STS is my most used workouts.
Stay safe during the nasty sleet/ice storm. So far, we are lucky with this weather. It's getting colder and it's raining.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!
Hallo ladies,

ICE Metabolic Total Body is done :) Very fun and sweaty workout. Really liked it.
I also did Muscle Meltdown - Chest 15 min + Bizzard Blast = 12 min. I also did Jessica Smith Walk On 21 Day Cardio Core walk = 30 min.

I will be back later. I probably will add some ab workout later. Have a wonderful day and workout. BBL!
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D26 is done - what a sweatfest! Worn out - that after cleaning and shopping. Waiting for my parents to arrive - they got caught in some traffic but no where near as bad as if they'd been caught in the weather yesterday.

Belinda - High five on your wo's today. Love you list to keep track of getting all your wo's done. Quite ambitious to include all the premixes, too, not just the DVD's. Way to go!

Time to quickly shower. Be back tomorrow.
Sherry - thank you :) I have to stay on track with my workouts/premixes. Why not use this page as my note book. Plus it helps me to see what/which workouts are not done. Hope your parents arrive soon. Good job on D26 today. Few more D and we are done :)

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