About Cathe's Core Fusion Workout


Staff member

Learn More About Cathe's Lift, Move & Restore: https://bit.ly/42tRZZ6

If you were to ask someone to point to their core, they may, without hesitation, point directly to the rectus abdominus, the stomach muscles that we think of when we hear the word “abs”.

It’s true that the core includes these muscles, but the core is so much more than the elusive “six-pack”. The core is the central portion of our bodies which includes the abs, but also includes the pelvis, lower back, and hips. The core plays an extremely important role as our body’s prime stabilizer.

All body movement requires work from the core, and in fact, the only time your core gets a break is when you’re fast asleep! So, what is the core doing all day when we aren’t on the mat doing traditional ab exercises? Well, it’s helping you to sit and stand tall. It’s keeping you balanced as you stand, sit, walk, jump, climb. It’s protecting your spine from the excess force as you perform daily tasks. It helps the other muscles of the body to move properly so that they’re protected from injury. Pretty big job, huh?

Seeing as how the core is so important to our overall body function and well-being, we need to ensure that we train the entire core and not just the abs.
The Core Fusion workout in my new series Lift, Move & Restore: Functional Training for the Actively Aging Lifestyle, will train the entire core from front to back with exercises that have been chosen to work on core strength as well as core flexibility.

Training all the muscles in the core to fire and work together will aid in better balance, stability, and mobility, all of which are key to a healthy, functional lifestyle.
Wonder exactly what that move is? Kinda looks like a swing up with the plate with the
leg swinging back on an angle?
There is a balance move that looks just like that except Cathe puts a greater challenge on it by swinging the disc. The greatest challenge would be to use a balance disc to stand on ... that would take me a long while to master ;)

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