Showering right after workout.

I have never heard of such a thing! I usually workout, eat breakfast and then shower.

Kathryn, that is bizarre as I got a rash on my right leg during my P90X rotation last summer. Hmmm...very weird.

Your welcome, I just hope I didn't bore anyone with my babbling, I love trying to figure out how exercise myths get started or what their basis might have been. I and usually try to work them out while I'm explaining to see how the real info relates and how someone could take it to an extream.

I'd hate to have to wait an hour after I workouted out to shower. I don't think anyone around me would be all that happy either. But also another way to look at it. What would an hours difference make? Your motablism is still burning a lot faster in an hour after a workout then normal it takes usually 3 or 5 hours after a good cardio workout to go back to it's normal burn rate. So using the myth, you'd only get two hours worth of burn time max, if a shower actually made your motablism slow down. One hour you worked out and then the hour you waited before you took a shower. So to me that myth just really doesn't make much logical sense. As I'm sure most of us, would not be happy if the only benifit we got was for 2 hours from doing all that hard work. Granted I'm sure we'd all do it anyway, as Cathe is great, but luckly it doesn't work that way. And I'm glad, as it's bad enough with the few who don't shower after a workout at the gym. I'd hate to have everyone doing that. Yucky!

Reece I always hop in the shower after a workout. Boy if I had to wait I would be getting up in the wee hours of the morning and even then my personality would come out. Impatience would win. I would take the shower. I have heard this before but chose to ignore it because it is not something I see a lot and figure that is is one of those ideas that is minor in all of the studies that I have seen come out.
Diane Sue
>Kathryn, that is bizarre as I got a rash on my right leg
>during my P90X rotation last summer. Hmmm...very weird.

Jo, I'm sorry, but that's really not as macho as jock itch. LOL! (though I wasn't at the time).

(Are you sure your rash wasn't plant related? I get poison ivy in the summer if I'm not careful.)
That's a new one! I always hop in the shower after my workout. In fact...if you sit around in your sweaty will have a higher risk of a yeast infection. And that's a whole new thread to start! Giggle...

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