
My workouts this month so far have been:
Cycle Sweat Pmx
Ramped Upper + Abs
Live Sweat Jump Pump

Now it's time to make some lentil soup and watch football!
Hi all - hope you had a good weekend. Bummer about the Super Bowl.
I really cannot believe it took me so long to get going with Cathe Live, but I have done two workouts so far and LOVE it! Yesterday was IMAX Live and today Smoking Lower Body.
My shoulder has been acting up due to this damp cold weather so I am going to not work UB with weights for the next few weeks.
Hi Ladies!

Shelley---I never thought anything of your post...actually never put your post and mine together. LOL We share so much info that it's not unusual for things to be shared more than once. I think of it is a reminder. :)
All of our friends that said there was nothing to do just went there to party, I think. We aren't interested in that--never have been. There is so much to do--so many water activities, snorkeling, boating, fishing, etc. and so many historical places to visit. The history of Key West is very interesting. But I'm good with just waking without an alarm, lounging over tea in the morning, heading to the beach for the day, going out to dinner in the evening. I'm pretty boring! LOL

Lisa---Sometimes the roads are cleared but if it's non-stop snowing like Mon and Tues the plows can't keep up. I'm the opposite of you......in the winter I'd love it if I never had to go out. I really really dislike snow and cold. :D
Illaria has some workouts that only use bodyweight. She has one that's all pushups and abs :eek: and I think one or two of her Athletica workouts don't use weights and focus on LB & abs. Bodystrikes work the LB with kicks, lunges, squats--tough workouts! Not sure if that's what you are looking for! :)

Kathy---Kudos for homeschooling AND having a job!!! ^5 ^5 Are most of Chris' courses done online now that he is in high school? After all these years, Abby has decided she would like to be homeschooled! There is no way I would attempt it now. :eek: We are doing the homeschool PE so she can take all the classes she needs and it's working really well. She'll be surprised to see how many extra hours over the required hours she has completed. LOL She has become a whip-cracking drill sergeant! ;)

Kiran---I love RUUB, too! How did you like the abs added in?

I am so glad to hear that everyone else is NOT getting this crazy snow!!! Be warned though, I may come to live with you!!! :D
Abby had a couple of days off school so we headed out of town again trying to escape the snow and gloominess. Fortunately, the hotel we stay at has an excellent gym and Cathe OnDemand works great!

Thurs---60 min TM incline walk/run
Fri---Xtrain Shoulders + 100 Rep lat Raises + 30 min TM + abs
Sat---Xtrain Chest & Back + Bonus Burn Chest & Back (tough add on :eek:)
Sun---Xtrain Legs + abs
Mon---Burn Sets
Lisa---We didn't watch the Super Bowl but Abby was hoping Atlanta would win.:( I read it was quite a game with first time in SB history, overtime. It was encouraging to hear that people were happy with Luke Bryan's & Lady Gaga's performances and neither got political.
Susan~ Thanks for the suggestions on the bodyweight workouts. I love Illaria. I cannot stand the cold and snow either but being in the house makes me NUTS. I have to be able to continue with my routine! We are suppose to get some snow on Thursday, its just unclear how much.

I am with you - when I go on vacation all I want to do is sleep in, lay in the sun and have a great dinner.

I too wanted Atlanta to win. The Patriots have won enough. I was thrilled no one got political during the Super Bowl either. I am a little tired of all these entertainers preaching. Do they really think I value their opinion in a higher regard since they sing, dance, act?? It's infuriating to me.
Another vote for beachy days and nitely dinners. Don't need another thing when on vacation. Sun / Sand / Surf / Supper and that's it.

Was that a football game or was that a football game!?!?! I didn't think the Pats could possibly recover. Wow!

I will probably not be very popular for my next comment but Lady Gaga just doesn't thrill me. I think she's terrific, I think she's beautiful, I think she is talented beyond measure, but she just is not someone I would follow or want to sit and watch for 13 minutes. I know - I know - I am showing my age. At least I recognize her talent though and I was thrilled at the beginning patriotic songs - wish they would have lasted the entire 13 minutes. She did a great patriotic rendition last year too, didn't she?

I felt the same about Prince and Michael Jackson. I totally respected their talent but just was not a follower.

I didn't care for the way Luke sang the anthem, nor the three girls who sang before him. Can't anyone ever in the world just sing the songs without the addition of rises and falls in their voices, or jazz-ups or harmonies? I long to hear our nation's most treasured songs sung just normally, not screamed or altered in any way, no extra syllables etc. Ok - rant is over.

Lisa I am chuckling to high heaven - what took you so long for Live - what took ME so long for Live? When you are ready, head on over to Jengolff's blog about Live - you can find it on Susan's post from page 10 here. Jen describes so many thoughts that resonate with me exactly, along with several Live rotations and tons of interesting info. I've printed out all her articles and I read them over and over. I am attempting to loosely follow her rotation #2. The only difference is she excludes the cycle workouts and I would like to exclude the kickbox workouts which I absolutely despise. I look and feel ridiculous trying to kickbox.

With the new workouts, I think PHA is extremely boring, yet on Live there are two peripheral workouts that I enjoy so much more. Ramped Upper is just ok but everyone else seems to love it. I am not conditioned enough to even attempt Cardio Slam as the holidays did me in this year. I'll work up to that one. Not thrilled about the ab workout. To me the ab-solute best ab workout is on Butts and Guts stability ball abs.
Shelley~ You could easily sub cycle workouts for the KB workouts. I don't love KB, but I try to mix up my cardio especially when I am not working UB as much. Too much cardio/LB workouts make my quad really thick with no definition. I feel like KB helps with that. That is why I would like to walk at least once a week for my cardio, but I cannot walk when it's this cold outside and I despise the treadmill. This is yet another reason why I need to move to a warmer climate year round. I think you should give Cardio Slam a try. I really don't think it's that hard.

I had no time to preview a Live workout for this morning, so I did RWH LI Hiit 1 & 2.
Lisa I have to confess I stumbled upon a kickbox workout that is the first and only one that I ever liked the looks of. It's Cathe's Knock Out Rock Out - it looks pretty good - but maybe because it seems Amanda is so fiercely into it. I just love her.

I am going to re-do the Live list to a fashion I can keep updated for myself. Like this I can keep the workouts updated but I will wait for the girl who does it every so often to add whether it contains abs/core, unless I do the workout myself first and then I can add my own info.

I am probably the only one who didn't know until recently that these workouts are viewable on youtube. That's what I do now rather than search for them on Cathe's forum. I read from the list, decide what type of workout I want to do, how long I have that particular morning, and whether I want to use a step or not. Then I view on my phone or computer from youtube. It helps to know if there is choreography or hiit or step involved since it is so early in the morning when I work out. I have to gear up for those with additional coffee :)

This morning was Ramped Up Cardio & Weights. It was my 37th live workout as I slowly work my way through the ones I want to do.

Lisa do you like to jog / run at all when it is nice out? I want to get back to some of that if my tendons can take it.
Shelley - How was Ramped Up Cardio and Weights? I like to separate weights and cardio but I am trying to change my mindset as recent research shows workouts combining the two are better. I have been lifting weights pretty consistently since I was in my late teens, so I have a lot of muscle under my layers of fat. :D
I don't job/run only walk. I have a large chest and it's not very comfortable.
Lisa - most of the 37 workouts I have done to date have been of the metabolic variety that combine cardio and weights. While I don't think anyone would ever be able to enter a body building contest doing only these workouts - as they are not heavy enough weights - still these workouts have provided greatly increased endurance for me. Also, prior to the holidays when I literally fell apart, I was enjoying a several pound weight loss in the month of November after starting with these.

I was very bad for the end of December and for most of the month of January. I am now back to these workouts and I know my endurance is going to ramp up again. If I get my eating back under control I think they'll help me take off my holidays pounds as well.

The best part of these workouts is that your heart rate is all over the place. There is no structure, you cannot prepare for what is coming next so your body is constantly shocked. You have to keep moving - there is no pausing like the dvds because you'd have to fiddle with your computer to do so, and it's just not worth it. I find that because of this very reason, I am able to make myself do a movement that I might otherwise have skipped or paused during a dvd. And my fitness became all the better for that reason.

There are so many workouts. I have decided that every week I am going to do the newest one, then on the other days I'll work through the older ones.

I really wish you would take the time to visit the following link, and dig through the levels of information this girl has provided. Based on what she has written, along with my own experience, the only thing more I'd have to do is add a full upper body heavy weight dvd every week. Aside from that, Cathe has taught us that the old-style steady state aerobics have been proven unhealthy for us, especially as we get older, as we end up canabolizing our muscles, rather than maintaining or increasing them. I have seen "when being good" that I am much more toned with the weight workouts and the HiiT and intermittent cardio that Live provides.

Don't get me wrong as I do not profess to be an expert, and dvds also provide the same benefit as I have described above, however for me personally, Live provides me with a more realistic way of working out because I am just as imperfect as the next person so if they can do it, so can I. Whereas even in my wildest dreams I could never perform at the level that her certain cast members do. Of course this could be my age talking!!!

I used to and still do love running but running did more for my mind and my self esteem than it did for my body. I still hope to get some running in this summer, but not nearly as much as I used to. Even when I was younger, running burned calories but gave me no definition and all it did was make me a smaller but still flabby self.

The link will bring you to Jen's site and her first Live rotation after having performed 66 Lives. She made a second rotation after having done 98 of the 127 live workouts as of December 1, 2016. The second rotation is 6 weeks long.

She lists all the workouts, whether they are strength or cardio or metabolic etc.

She has a wealth of info if you just keep clicking on whatever she shows.
Monday: PT + Upper Body blast Live
Tuesday: Long and lean sculpted legs live

I recently found out that a friend of mine was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer. I am heading out on Thursday to visit her and will be back Sunday.

Lisa, looks like we are having some snow on Thursday

Shelley, thanks for all the information. Will checkout the link.

Susan, how was whole30 ? Mine was only so so. I only lost 4lbs and I have 10 more to go. It has been a very frustrating month as far as weight loss.
Shelley ~ I have checked out her blog. She does have a lot of information. I have to step back sometimes and just workout. I tend to overthink it too much.

K ~ I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a terrible disease. Boo on the snow! It's now looking like 6-8 inches. Maybe it will blow over :)

Hello to Susan, Kathy and Saundra.

Today was Yoga Relax. I have the worst dread factor with yoga but once I do it, I feel great. I really need to incorporate more into my schedule. I am getting less and less flexible as I age.
Kiran---I am so sorry to hear that your friend was diagnosed with cancer. Please know that we will pray for her and for remission. Many hugs for you, too!!
I did ok with Whole 30 but didn't lose a single pound. I did cheat on my birthday with 2 chocolate covered strawberries and a 2 glasses of Prosecco. :D I am getting extremely frustrated with my inability to lose any weight--even 5 pounds would make me happy!

Tuesday -- Rest
Wed--RWH LIHI Ch/Sh/Tri + abs

Last night as I was doing the decline pushups, something popped in my wrist and I started to feel some pain. Finished the workout with lighter weights and put my brace on. My wrist throbbed all night and when I got out of bed this morning I could not move it without experiencing horrible pain. Not sure what I did but weights are out of the rotation for a few days. :( Not sure about cardio either as its painful just sitting still. :(
Hi ladies. My office was closed today due to the snow. I'd say we have about 8 inches so far.

Susan-I am sorry to hear about your wrist. Hopefully a few days of rest will do the trick.

I know this is a defeatist attitude but I am in just in maintenance mode as far as my weight goes. I cannot eat any less/better or workout anymore. My GYN told me at my last checkup I should be grateful for that. Some do the same as I am doing and gaining. It's frustrating for sure.

Today was Metabolic Conditioning Live and Barre Amped LB stretch.
Susan I am very sorry to hear about your wrist!!! My wrists have become so hurt from trying to do straight leg pushups. I hope you feel better quickly.

Lisa I wondered if the storm was affecting you. I know how much you hate it. I would love a snowed in day so I could stay home with no cause to have to leave the house. But the clean up afterwards is messy.

I have been tempted to try the Yoga Burn program advertised on FB. I would love to get involved in yoga but I do not care for the ones I have as they just don't seem like what I imagine true yoga to be. I have the complete Namaste series advertised on TV - so soothing and peaceful - but it's not instructional so I never know what is coming next. But I notice I too am losing flexibility. It comes back when I work out faithfully but lately I just don't have much ambition.

I am going to try to see the comet at 3AM tomorrow. The moon was gorgeous last night and is a full snow moon tonight. I have always loved the moon.

Yesterday was Muscle Max No Step Live. This morning I just did not feel like working out.

Lisa I truly admire your acceptance of where you are at. It is true that we need to do the best we can and not "sweat" the rest. We can be healthy and not be thin. It is what it is.
Shelley~ I don't love yoga, but I love yoga "type" stretches. Barre Amped has a great Stretch 2 disc DVD that I try and use at least weekly. I need to do more. After doing it yesterday, my lower body feels great.

I am SUPER happy to be out of the house today. It's really cold but the sun is out so hopefully some of this mess will melt. Ugh. It's incredible that I have made it this long in this area.

Today was Bun Burn Barre and Ball Live. I loved it!
Lisa I have done that workout. Out of the 38 Live's that I have done, I recall only not caring for one, but don't remember which one it was. I wish I had rated these workouts on my description list, for future use. Even something as simple as "do again" or "don't do again". Maybe next time around. I just love doing them because you never know what's coming. I want to do some of the latest ones - maybe this weekend.

It's snowing like crazy here today. And it's so cloudy I won't get to see the full snow moon or the eclipse or the comet :-(

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