Workouts with Medicine Balls


I have 6 and 8 pound medicine balls and only use them occasionally (Cathe's Ab Circuits with Med Ball). Any recommendations for other great DVDs that use the med ball to tone the core? I'd like to find some that also work cardio and total body toning. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Cathe's classic Bootcamp DVD (Muscle Endurance is also coupled with it on this DVD) uses a med ball for ab work and other weighted exercises. Bootcamp is one of my all-time favorites!
I like Paul Katami's Hardball workout. It is a circuit with medball cardio and hi rep weight work. The production and form are not up to Cathe's standards but it is a good advanced workout.
Mindy Mylrea: Medicine Ball Madness
Amy Bento: In the Ring (kickbox combined with medicine ball drills)
Amy Bento: Kickbox Surge & Core Training
Chech out collage video's website. On the left side of the home page you can search for workouts by "equipment used". Hope that helps.
Thanks for these recommendations. I forgot that Boot Camp has a med ball. Thanks for reminding me. I looked at Paul Katami's on Collage. It looks good. (He's not hard to look at either -- ha ha). I'll look at Mylrea and Bento's tonight. I have her Surge and Core and like it very much. Tic93, I tried that with Collage and just got confused with all the workouts, so I thought I'd get help here. A personal recommendation goes a long way with me. Thanks for that suggestion though.

Any other suggestions anyone???
The only disc I have that uses a med ball extensively is Christi Taylor's Ultimate Cardio Core Workout. I find it a challenge and I especially like the choreography and the music in the last section.

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