Why is life so hard?

what's got you down?

We have all felt overwhelmed sometimes. I hope you know that all the work is worth it and your life is special!!!! We all experience bad periods. I've been their myself but things work themselves out and you find peace and joy again.
I thought the same thing recently. I was in my hospital bed in pain after my myomectomy feeling sorry for myself for not only the pain but the thousands of dollars of medical bills I was going to have because of it. Then I remembered that I was on the oncology floor and on that floor, so many people would have changed places with me in a heartbeat. I don't know what you are going through but sometimes when things get hard, it might help to try to focus on all the wonderful things you have going for you! Lots of hugs and I hope things get better for you soon!
Just a bad period at work. Dislike my new boss a great deal, don't feel appreciated or fulfilled, being told I'm not doing enough or well enough, implied that I'm not the kind of person they want me to be (ha - where do I place my order for the kind of person I want them to be). Tired of always trying to be what other people want - giving and not getting in return. Just feeling very sad and lost right now.
Hi NY25, I'm sure most of us can relate to what you're feeling but like everyone has mentioned it does pass and some things we just can't change. What I found helpful for me was to change my outlook on certain things. It sounds to me that the people where you work are either very jealous of the great work that you do and it doesn't matter how they perceive you - that's totally not important. I've been in a position where I gave way too much of myself to others and yes it made me sad, depressed and just felt like giving up. What helped me, baby steps too, was just to admire the great things that I have accomplish and still do and to learn to say "No", it's hard sometimes depending on the person, but I've learned that they will get over it and still love you or be your friend, if that's the case; if not, well then it's clear how this person truly felt about you and it's time to no longer have them in your life as much or not at all. So try to look at all the great things that you have - all the women on this Forum care for you and have felt what you feel too. Hope things get better for you and I know they will - life is precious and yes it has its ups and downs, I know that you will be doing OK - let us know how we can help you, ok?
It sounds to me that the people where you work are either very jealous of the great work that you do and it doesn't matter how they perceive you - that's totally not important. I've been in a position where I gave way too much of myself to others and yes it made me sad, depressed and just felt like giving up.

I can relate to this.
Just a bad period at work. Dislike my new boss a great deal, don't feel appreciated or fulfilled, being told I'm not doing enough or well enough, implied that I'm not the kind of person they want me to be (ha - where do I place my order for the kind of person I want them to be). Tired of always trying to be what other people want - giving and not getting in return. Just feeling very sad and lost right now.
Is this the "old job, new boss" scenario? Is your company large enough for you to move to another department?
I have been asking that question a lot lately. Within the past 2 months my 16 year old nephew's cancer came back in both his head and lung (he was originally diagnosed when he was 9), my brother passed away from complications from a stroke at the age of 57, and we are dealing with our 18 year old sons drug conviction. Every night when I work out to Cathe, I picture cancer and drugs in front of me, and I kick and punch the hell out of it. Thank you Cathe for your kickboxing workouts! I have found this to be very therapeutic for the all negative thoughts that creep into my head every day. Therapy has worked for me, and I would encourage that option if you continue to struggle with your issues. I can cry, rant, get angry and leave every session feeling just a tab bit better!! Best of luck to you!

Wow, so many sad things I read.

I sure have been there in work with some so called friends and some who don't know me. I have a sense of humor lots of people don't get or care to get. I have a job where the boss HS stranger then me and distant can't smile it might brake her face, will blame everyone but herself. There is only one other in the office and she hardly talks. Well so much more I could say about my son n my past but I will spare u those things.
My point I guess is we have been there and like the others have said Ty hard to focus on what is right in ur life. What makes u smile and hang on to that for dear life! The funk will pass but till then do that and when u hear a negative thought come in your mind just stop it right there and change the words around to positive. Like I get Linley for friends before my friend came here from another state but I turned it around and thought well my husband is my best friend, or at least I don't have the drama that sometimes comes with friends! Lol
I also think I am happy to have my job, it sucks but in this economy I have to be glad I have one and I just talk to the patients more to make my day more tolerable.
My humor as I said is silly at times but hey I can make my own self laugh!! So what others call wired or silly I used to wonder if I was strange but I am embracing me by being myself and make myself laugh, not many can do that!
I hope u get what I am saying, try hard to see the beauty in everything, go for a Walk and look and feel the wind in ur hair and moving the leaves, the smells that are outside, I do that and it pulls me out of my funk!! Well most of the time. Of course I also take Prozac now !! So maybe that's what helps but I did all the above before the pills and it did help!!
I am praying for you. (((((Hugs)))
Thanks, Mary, for putting my "crap" in perspective!! All the best to you and your family!!

Thanks, Renee and everyone. I actually am feeling better already!! The upside is I'm on vacation after tomorrow so I have the opportunity to clear my head and recharge.

Thanks, again!!
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When I feel life is hard, I think of my best friend who was in a car accident last year and is now a quadriplegic at age 53. Somehow life doesn't seem so bad... A bad day is temporary...It's like I tell my kids, when you think life sucks, just remember...someone has it better than you, but there is always someone worse off.
Oh boy!! Vacation!! Love vacation because sometimes I can stay home a relax a few days, do nothing but enjoyable jogging or hiking !!
I hope u have a wonderful time!!

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