Who's in for Chicago?


It's on! So thrilled that Chicago RT is happening. :D What a ball it was in 2012.

Chime in. Are you in?
I'm in

I'm in. But you probably guessed that.

Can't wait to see you all. New and renewed. Some much fun to be had.
I'm in! Excited and nervous all at the same time. My first road trip and I am a bit (ok a big) introvert that takes awhile to come out of my shell.
I'm in. Welcome to all the first timers. You are going to have a blast. Can't wait to reunite with friends and make some new ones.

I'm in and can't wait. 2012 was my first Cathe Road Trip and it was AMAZING!!

Hi Melissa - I met you in 2012. I'll see you in April. :)


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