Who cares? Happy new year

Ronne, your yoga and benefits sound appealing. I still have 30 for 3 0 and Perfect Body tabs open on my browser. I wouldn't function in a cool home, at least I don't think so.

Mary, I hope the glasses repair turned out ok. How do you like being cardio queen? I like looking at houses, too. I love House Hunters Intl on HGTV.

Lisa, I'm thinking about refi and mortgages myself. I wish I had someone who was vested in the outcome to hash out choices. My ex was great at stuff like that. Money is very important to him- he'll hate me for the rest of his life. Our divorce cost him $$$. Great hiit workout on the cycle, too!

I did PHA today- the whole thing! I cooled down with a 20 min bike ride to get some sunshine in. I've got 2 extra shifts this week so I probably won't do anymore w/o. Previously I did do the SnS CS tx premix and abs. That worked out well for me.
Today I'm doing budget type stuff with my end of year statement from my credit card. I waste a lot of money on eating and dining out so I'm committing to not buying food I don't eat and then throw out, and using up "staples" in the pantry (including all my powders and teas). This has lead to some interesting packed lunches.
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Hi all, 45 min of spinning, it was great, chart toppers from 75-80, bohemian rhapsody, I will survive, ymca ( you try doing that dance while spinning), time flew, that's always the best! Ronne, my house is set at 61 during workout time, I still sweat buckets. I wouldn't think you could relax enough with that cold to get yoga benefit. You do crack me up,with your cold house. Jody, how do you like the new workouts? It's been cold here, 25, warm sunshine sounds good. Mary, DS did find house in his price range in the preferred location. Fingers crossed for house hunting on Saturday. I admit, I just don't like change and would like life to settle down

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Jody - what did you think of PHA? We have a shopping list that is rigidly stuck to with all meals planned (I say we, DH does it!) so we don't throw too much food away.

Lisa - We were down to -1.5 last night (I looked it up, 29F) so pretty cold. No wonder I was cold yesterday. It should get a bit milder over the next few days. Good luck with the house hunting (something I hope never to have to do again!).

Easing off a bit with work today, that Friday thing. Ready for the weekend. I'm off to meet old uni friends tomorrow for the day. Should be fun. Then I've got Sunday to myself as DD and DH are out all day. Probably do a bit of work, cleaning and slobbing around!
Hi girls! Today did a Julia workout. Ronne, enjoy your day alone! I love those! Lisa, have fun tomorrow! I bet it will be a ball! Jody, we eat out too much also, just so busy. I know an excuse! I need to get better. Well, DD's frames are broken, we couldn't get an eye appointment until next Thursday, so a repeat next week! I did get to see her, so that was positive! Saw the doctor this morning, stuck in this dang cast until February 24th! One good thing, I don't have to wash the floor. Happy weekend everyone! Mary
60 min of spinning, then 4 hrs house hunting, I'm so over it already. Another day of it tomorrow. Such a big investment you hate to make wrong move but the good ones aren't lasting long on the market at all. I'm over it already, oh wait I said that already. Sorry for lack of personals . Ronne, please trade weekend with me! Mary, that s along time in cast, yuck.

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Mary - hope you're getting lots of help round the house! Not doing the cleaning must be killing you!

Lisa - sorry, there is no way on earth I'm going to look at houses ever again!

Had a really nice weekend. Great to catch up with friends. Then took it easy yesterday, did the cleaning in the morning which meant I could take the rest of the day off!
I've finished my yoga! Did the last session today. I've done 30 days straight (I even did it at 9pm on Saturday night when I got home after 6 hours on trains!) Feel such a sense of achievement. It'll be weird going back to Cathe.
HI girls! Today did a Chris Freytag workout. I'm so done with cardio! Lisa, did he find something??? Ronne, how was your day alone! I do miss cleaning, I'm becoming a really good supervisor! Hello to everyone else! Not much here, work tomorrow. Good day to all! Mary

Mary - I did Cardio Slam for the first time today to join in with your cardio party! I just did the first two sections, glad I previewed as the full thing is longer than it says on the disc itself and the box. That was more than enough for me! I enjoyed my day to myself, it went very quickly!

Went to book group last night and I'm out tonight to see a stand-up comedian with DH. Feel very busy!
Hi all!
Ronne, how was the show? I've been listening to amazon stand up comedy channel in the morning prior to work. I've enjoyed. Cardio slam hasn't been my fave from SnS but I'm a little cardio shy lately. Glad Mary is picking up the slack, Ha! What are you reading? Also, congrats on the yoga challenge completion.

Mary I thought the same, that you must be missing cleaning : ). Good luck w/ the eyeglasses this week and enjoy dd when you see her.

Lisa, I'd hate to make a house decision in such a short time. How is it going?

We've had chill here lately and put heat on at 74 last night, I am not cold tolerant! My fitbit broke again but they are sending a new one so I have say positive things about customer service has been great. I'm off today- I worked the last 4 in a row and work tomorrow and Thurs. I need to help dd find flight to Swaziland. Her professor is paying for flight but suggested they look for own flight w/ layover in Europe if desired and he will get that instead if it comes in at similar price. Suggestions???
HI all, I'm here! After a stressful house hunting trips on fri/sat, DH and I took a little bike ride Sunday, Monday was stressful again so only a dog walk (helped ease stress and get brain thinking, that was the purpose more than exercise!), today Started STS Meso 2 with CST and DH and I plan a little bike ride...it's gorgeous here, 65, no heat needed (JODY). House hunting: limited supply and what there is people over over bidding easily by 10K! It's especially competitive in the price range we need, those houses are selling in 3 days, ones that are too expensive for our price range can take a long 2 weeks to sell (being sarcastic here). And house are sooooo expensive here. He did put a bid in on one, didn't get it, it had some issues with it, then we did find almost th3e perfect one (and it being a new one that builder built and has been sitting there for 6 mths) but it's just a wee bit out of his price range, waiting to see if they take lower (realtor said could be a wait dealing with builder vs individual), but DS isn't worried it's still too expensive, it's only a decision he can make, he can qualify but will need to realize that he can't go out and buy new furntiture, etc. So, I've been trying to explain all the housing terms, property taxes, closing, escrow, how they figure limits for borrowing, gah. Add in that he's not here makes it tougher. I'm not sure how we'll find a place if it goes on market for instance on a Friday, I look to see how it is, then MAYBE if it's good he can drive out here to be here on Saturday then all bids need to be in on Saturday evening. It's crazy.
Mary, you just may get used to being the supervisor! Ronne, wow 30 days of yoga, and after that long train ride, kudos to you! Jody, I'm not heat tolerant (but you knew that)! How I managed for 21 yrs in Florida I'll never know! Good luck with DD, that'd stress me out, are you handling it ok?
HI everyone! Today did a step workout, can't remember the last time I did that! Lisa, would it be better for DS to rent for a bit? Or a condo or townhouse? Seems so stressful. Jody, that's a lot of work! The heat at 74? I think I would melt! Lol! Ronne, what book? The twins and I are reading The Hamilton Affair as our small book club. When you hey we're home we listened to the Hamilton music non stop! Hope everyone is well, have to get dinner going! Mary

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