Which Weight lifting DVD's Do I Start With?


Active Member
I have done serious weight lifting for years at a gym. I used to have a trainer at my gym that I loved, but she moved. Now I have no trainer-the gym has two but they don't even lift weights and I've Never seen them in the free weight room and you have to use their weight trainers. I love Cathe's step dvd's. I've done them for years; however, I've never done a weight lifting one. I want to buy some Cathe DVD's because I like the idea of doing different workouts everytime I lift weights-rotations. I was going to get just the STS series but so many of her other ones sound good too. I am pretty strong-I do a chest press of 95 pounds. What weight lifting dvd's does everyone recommend? Do I just get the STS series? Like I said, I'm pretty serious at weight lifting, I've done it for a decade or more, and for a lot of that I've gone to a trainer every month or so for a different routine. Thank you for your help.
Starting with Earlier Strength Tapes First

Most comments on the STS forum suggest starting with Cathe's earlier strength tapes first -- then go start the STS program. All of Cathe's strength tapes can be found here:

I made it through STS Mesocycle #1, but found the next cycle too tough for me. So I went back to the earlier DVDs, and are still doing these.

My favourite strength DVD's are the "full body" ones:
1. Maximum Intensity Strength
2. Power Hour

Some posters suggest the following to prepare for STS:
3. Slow and Heavy
4. Pyramid Upper and Lower Body
5. Pure Strength (some say that this is more of an intermediate DVD -- but it is still tough!)

One idea is to go to www.collagevideo.com and view the 3-5 minute previews to see what they are like. But of course I recommend buying the DVDs directly from Cathe!!!

I use other strength tapes (Coffey-Meyer, Bento) but Cathe's DVDs are my favourites by far.
-- David
I think I'd start with STS Mesocycle 3 and then purchase the others if you feel the need or desire. Meso 1 is more endurance oriented, Meso 2 is a happy medium btwn strength and endurance.
I would highly recommend the STS series. With STS you can work through all three mesocycles - endurance, hypertrophy and strength.
Define "serious weight lifting". Can you do 16 reps of bicep work with 10/12/15 or 25 #? Cathe's weight work is INTENSE - don't be fooled by her performance - she is a tiny woman but can curl big time!

If you are new to Cathe's weight work then I will definitely recommend Power Hour and Maximum Intensity Strength. These can be modified if you find the weights too light. I always like to recommend Cathe's earlier release for people who are new to any of her work.

I have been with Cathe since the late 90s and I personally hate STS Strength. I find it is just too much equipment and workouts are not as motivating as Cathe's Push and Pull (Step Blast Series) or even total Muscle Max which is oh my God, a great kick if you are new to it or are returning to it after a hiatus.

If you are looking for a total body weight because you are short on time then I would recommend Push & Pull. If you can spare 60 mins then go with Power Hour. The best split routine workouts are her gym style and 4 day split. Look at me recommending all of Cathe's workouts.

Listen, you can't go wrong with Cathe. I just strongly advise you not purchase STS until you are 100% sure you are seriously a "serious" weight lifter.

I frankly am not sure why I don't like STS - is it because of the equipment? Well, all Cathe workouts require lots of equipment - so it must be the fact that the format reminds of another workout (beachbody) and I was not too warm to accepting new crew on that video. I love to follow Cedee and Lorraine!
If you have done serious weight training at the gym I would say go with STS. I think it is a great program and more comprehensive than any of Cathe's other series. There is always Gym Styles to try also. But I think STS would be my first choice--if you are willing to make the commitment and it sounds like you are. Also don't forget there are many ways to use STS.
One of my all time favorites of Cathe's weight videos is Push Pull, which someone else mentioned here. You can choose to do it easier and in 45 minutes if you like, with 1 set of each exercise in a full body approach, which is the fundamental workout on the DVD, OR the great thing about the DVD is it has premixes for harder and longer workouts, so you can grow with it or just choose exactly what you want at on a particular day. That is, you can select 2 reps of each exercise, or 3 reps of each exercise. You can also select push muscles only or pull only, and upper only and lower only. So due to the premixes, the choices in this workout are awesome. I don't particularly like STS - I bought the whole thing, but mainly it sits on my shelf at home. Another great one is Slow and Heavy.
Gym Styles & Muscle Max are great also. Also you can go to fitfig.com to get the workout sheets to mark which weights you like to use, see what Cathe uses and and view which exercises are on the DVD's. P.S. I do not have STS (yet) but I have all of her others and they are all great ;)

Cheznaz: I usually do 3 sets of 15 reps. When I had a trainer she would switch me around-heavier weight 10-12 reps, pyramids, etc. I haven't done this very much since my trainer left.
With push ups I do a full push up of 3 sets of 20-30 depending on how I do them-slow, one full two pulses. Bench press 3 sets of 15 of 95 #. Chest fly with dumbbells 15 rep then immediately 15 rep of chest press and I'll do this combo 3 times with 20 # (I can't do more than the 20# because I have a rotator cuff problem on my right shoulder and for some reason doing a chest press with dumbbells where they come up and meet above the chest bothers the shoulder while a bench bress with the bar doesn't) Chest fly with the cable machine 3 sets 25 #'s. Inclined Chest press 85 #'s. Back stuff: Lat pull down 3/15/75 #'s, rows 3/15/65, both these on a cable machine. Single arm lat pull with a dumbbells with knee on bench 3/15/30, bent over lat row with bar 3/15/50. I can't do a pull up by myself so I use a weight assisted machine or use the Smith Machine so my legs are helping my out. Shoulders-over head 3 sets of 15 of 20-25 depending on if I do a regular one, Arnolds, or turn my hands toward my head on the down part, Lateral raise to the side 3 sets of 15 of 10 pounds with dumbbells or the cable machine. I use to do more but I recently pulled a shoulder muscle and I'm building back up. Biceps 3/15/15 with dumbells, 3/15/30 with a bar. I do varies kinds of biceps-hammers, 21's, ets. Triceps- 3/15/50 skullcrushers, 3/15/25 with the cable machine and the rope, 3/15 dips, 3/15/15 kickbacks doing both arms while lying on tummy on bench. Legs: 3/15/180 #'s added to the leg press machine (they just got new equipment at the gym and I don't know how much the platform on the new leg press weights. The old one was 50 # but the new one seems lighter to me), 90 #'s Smith Machine squat, 85# squat rack squats, both of those are 3 sets of 15 but sometimes I vary how slow I go or I'll do some pulses, things like that. Dead lifts, I'll do 3/15/50 both legs but really slowly. I like to do 40#'s one leg at a time. I do walking lunges of 40#'s of 100 sets-I do this around the basketball court, or the aerobics room if nobody is in it-the trainer I had didn't want me to have to turn around so I look for places I can do a circle. I do various lunges using the bench or static lunges. I always do 3 sets of 15 and usually 30 #'s but sometimes I use a barbell and sometimes weights. I do various different machines like the leg curl, the leg extenstion, ets. I don't push myself a whole lot on the leg machines because I do a lot of cardio, and I also tend to get bulky with weights and I don't want bigger thighs, they are already big enough.

I do other weight lifting exercises of course, but I already listed too much so I won't list more. I'd like to get some of Cathe's DVD's for the variety of exercises and ways of doing them. I'm happy with how strong I am and don't really want to get stronger. Plus, like I said, I tend to bulk up but of course I don't get defined muscles. People do say I look strong and fit though so that is good. I also work out alone at the gym and don't have a spotter (when I had a trainer she would spot me. We actually started to workout together because I improved until I was even with her load wise in how much weight I lifted) so it hard to push yourself too much without a spotter.
Time is only a semi factor to me. I have from about 7:30-12:30 to exercise and I usually use all that time for exercising.
Thank you for your help. I am hesitant about spending the money for the STS series. There are several reasons. One reason is equipment-I'd have to buy some, the push pull tower, etc. I have a step at home, band, stability ball, and a weight adjustable barbell.
I'd have to move the equipment around everytime I did the STS workout. If I did it at the gym they'd have the equipment but it would be difficult to watch the workout-Id have to use my ipod and catch glimpses of it when I could while wearing it on my wrist. If I did it at the gym, I'd have to put the DVD onto my computer then onto my ipod. I can do this but it takes up comptuer memory. I don't like the downloads because then you just have to back that up and that takes up memory in my external hard drive. I also like dvd's because a thief is less likely to steal them then my computer and my external hard drive. Another reason is that the STS series is very expensive.
OP, from what you've described with your depth of knowledge about weightlifting and your current weightloads, IMHO the STS series would be the best. Yes, it is pricier than a lot of other series including Cathe's earlier productions; however, you used to pay for training sessions, and with STS you could become your own trainer with the Workout Manager, the primer about establishing your 1RMs, and the various rotations that have been posted based on STS (the 3-month rotation, the 6-month rotation, the Undulating Rotation, etc.).

STS is very, very comprehensive, and for someone with your previous lifting background well worth the price.

Here's the deal: to get a gym quality workout at home, you will need to buy STS and all the equipment. If you are just an average exerciser STS will kick your butt without having to buy everything. But you sound like you've been using a lot of equipment at the gym and using 90# on your bench press you're going to have to buy equipment to do that. So I think you should decide if you want to do all your weight lifting at home. If so, then you need to invest really in some serious equipment like a REAL weight bench that inclines instead of using your step, squat rack stands, etc. I'm not saying that you can't get a good workout with just Cathe's equipment, but the heavier you lift the more sturdy and professional equipment you need.
As for DVD's, most all of them except Slow and Heavy are hi rep with little rest between the exercises. STS is completely different from the rest of her workouts in that she puts in a minimum of 30 seconds rest between sets and rarely goes over 15 reps in Meso 1. Meso 2 is 8-12 reps with one minute rests. Meso 3 is 6-8 reps with 3 minute rests. STS is definitely geared to lifting heavy like you are doing. Her other workouts, although hi rep, are really a lot of fun though, and don't require as much equipment. They would be a nice variety for you if you want to do heavy lifting at the gym and use Cathe for lighter days. However, if you want to do all your weight work at home, you will really need STS. The other DVD's I don't think will do the whole job for you.
I would agree that STS sounds perfect for you. I would also say that Cathe DVDs really lend themselves to customization. You can lift whatever works for you.

I would also suggest that, if you don't want to make the "BIG" investment right away - start with the Gym Style series just to make sure you like working out with her. You can always sell them or trade them later. . . .

But the GS series is the closest thing to a gym she has that is a pre-STS workout. I love them -they absolutely kick my butt.
I think STS is the ticket for you, based on your experience with trainers and lifting weights.
As Annette has already pointed out, it is so very comprehensive and the possibilities of rotations are endless. To me it was the best investment I ever made and my husband and son are very happy with all the gym equipment that now populates our exercise room.

If you already have an I-Touch or an Ipod with a decent size screen, you may want to consider digital downloads and take the workouts to the gym, rather than investing right away into the necessary equipment and STS.
Thank you

Thank you everybody for your help. I'm not going to start getting most of Cathe's DVD's. I already have all her step aerobics. I have Power Hour and have done that one and like it. I've also have and done her The Terminator and like that too. I am looking for something fun and different than the gym. Right now I'm doing Chest, Shoulders, and triceps on Monday, Legs and butt on Tuesday, and Back and bicep on Wed. and I work the muscles a lot. I want to do a full body workout on Friday's and Cathe's circuit workouts and her full body workouts sounds great! I'm also going to start rotating her other weight lifting DVD's into my workout. It is great to do different things and change things up. I do still love the gym though, they have all kinds of machines like the cable machines, the Smith Machine, the Leg press.
I don't have room for an exercise room in my house, so I can't leave the equipment out. I do have a great room so my main living area is open and big so I have plenty of room to exercise. I just don't want a weight bench, squat rack,weights, etc sitting out in my living room. So I don't know if I can get a weight bench. I like the idea of using the step bench because it stacks up. On the other hand, I do have a piano and maybe the weight bench can replace the piano bench......

lisab99: My user name is ilustartrej because of a typo. I meant it to be iluvstartrek but I can't figure out how to change it now. Voyager is one of my favorite Star Trek Series. It is nice to meet a fellow Star Trek fan. Do you go to conventions? I use to go to them all the time, but they've gotten too money hungrey and not as much fun with all the reserved seating and things like that.

Thanks again to everyone for their help!! Cathe: You are GREAT!!

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