What's AGE got to do with it?

Age has absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm 59 & teach hi/lo and muscle endurance classes and can run circles around some of the teens that come to my class. (I don't mean that unkindly, it's just the truth!) I have students in my class, that are in their 60's, 70's and one who is 79! She is amazing! I also have a male student that is 72 and he can do anything I can do! I learned from the best! Thanks Cathe for making me be the BEST I can be!

LOL at Repo!!! And, Kathryn, I agree...I'm fine until I look at myself in the mirror in the MORNING! Whew! Ha! :eek:
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Well, I am definitely a lot lighter, stronger, able to run a lot faster, and I can do step aerobics with ease now. I am so much better off than I was 10 years ago. I'm 33 too. I have another 60 pounds to lose, and you know what, I'm doing it. 10 years ago, I didn't know how and now I know its all about my math, my food journal, weighing my eats, and getting those workouts before breakfast. 10 years ago I wouldn't have been able to run a whole block let alone 3 miles before breakfast.
I will be 50 in January. The other day my 2 DD(ages 19 and 20) told me that I am in better shape then their friends moms :) Made my day! I try to work out 6 days a week: 3 cardio, 3 weights. My 19 year old tries to do Cathe, but can't quite keep up, she calls her a beast, but in a nice way! Thank you Cathe!
I agree with all of you, ladies. Age has nothing to do with it. I'm 34, became a mother a year and a half ago, and now I am in the better shape of my life ever: thanks to Cathe's workouts I have so much more endurance, stamina, strenght than I had before, and I feel like never before!!I wish I had found about Cathe 10 years ago!I've never had a backache due to nursing the baby, went back to my pre-preggo weight and lost even more inches, have more cardiovascular capacity....I am in better shape than many of my friends/colleagues....so can't be happier about what I do at home with my dvds and coudn't be more satisfied with the results!
My 19 year old tries to do Cathe, but can't quite keep up, she calls her a beast, but in a nice way! Thank you Cathe!

LOL! I gave STS to my oldest son (28) and he had a lot of colorful things to say about Cathe.:D Let's see....evil, because she smiles and is so nice when she's killing you.
My favorite...he thought a Cathe bonus was extra rest! :eek:
He then realized Cathe's bonuses mean, "The knife is in, now let's turn it!" Oh the pain, the pain! LOL
LOVE this thread ladies!

I turn 48 in a few months and have been an avid excerciser all my life (was a dancer in my youth). I am starting to hate the mirror because my reflection does not mirror how I FEEL!

I will say that although I was hating my reflection as I got ready for a neighborhood Christmas party on Sat. night and I was feeling pretty low, as soon as I stepped foot in that party my self esteem shot back up. Not to be a braggert, but I was in the best shape of any female at the party, including those that are 25 years younger!

My DH kept had been telling me I looked "hot" and that I was "rocking the red sweater dress" but I didn't "feel" it until I walked into a room full of people that were out of shape. (Thanks Cathe!)

I don't like getting older and I certainly see it in my face and feel it in my joints, but I shall continue to fight aging with Cathe and my inspiring fellow Cathletes and I will be the very best "older woman" that I can be. Thanks to all of you wonderful women with your motivating stories-----I want to be like YOU when I grow up!

Now tonight I'll be doing some INTENSITY! (or maybe something intense from the low impact series!!!!)
At age 66, I can DO all the exercises that I could do 20, 30, 40 years ago.

I just can't do them as fast as I could then.

And therein lies my problem with many of Cathe's workouts. I can't keep up with the fast pace. This is particularly true with the new LIS series... which is disappointing to say the least.

With weight workouts, it's not a problem. If Cathe and crew do 15 bench presses, I count the number they do, pause the DVD and do 15 at my own pace and so on through the DVD.

I do wish Cathe would do some slower paced weight workouts for those of us who are older and/or overweight and/or returning from injuries and/or can't keep up with the fast pace for whatever reason......

Perhaps SNM Video could just take something like Muscle Max or Pyramid or any of Cathe's weight workouts and issue a new version that is slowed down.... I'd buy them :)

Not different exercises.. not lower weights.. just slower pace.

or.. perhaps there is a way to slow down the DVD here at home ?????? I mean through the DVD player controls... hmmmmmm.... I haven't checked that out. Does anyone know?
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