What to do re joint pain?


Hi All!

I've been doing Debbie's (Fitnessfreak's) Jan. rotation & due to the heavy weight training I'm experiencing a lot of joint pain. More aches than normal. I'm 55 yo & suffer from sciactia (sp?). I've been living on Advils every day. I would hate to decrease the weights but may have to for safety sake.

What supplements can/should I take to help me with the pain? Kathryn perhaps you can help me. I take a multi-vitamin every day. Getting old isn't fun. :(

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Hi Kathy - Is this a new kind of joint pain than you've experienced before?

Also, do you usually follow 6 days on/1 day rest workout schedule?

Maybe instead of following the rotation exactly as rx'd, try spreading it out a little to include an additional rest day here and there. Instead of 6 on/1 off, try 3 on/1 off. The added rest day may give your joints/muscles/tendons the recovery needed to keep working hard.

FWIW, I'm 39 and have never gotten any benefit from a 6/1 schedule (unless it was all yoga). I work hard, and would see performance deteriorating on day 4...and that's just not a good thing.

IMO, more is not better, especially if you're putting forth maximum effort, which it sounds like you might be doing.

HTH :)
Omega Synergy by Designs for Health helped DH and me. DH took it in combination with a high-potency probiotic powder and one of those green powders that you add to a drink. I am not sure the green and probiotic powder had anything to do with it but the Omega Synergy is specifically for joint problems.


Rockwell Nutrition is were I get most of my supplements but I am sure you can find it elsewhere on the internet.

I heard good things about glucosamine and chondroitin but I have no first-hand experience with it.
I used this supplement when I had chronic neck pain for 6 months.

I was taking motrin everyday. I had a cervical steroid injection that didn't relieve the pain either. I can't say for certain it was the wobenzym, but my pain subsided completely within a week of using this.
Hi Gayle & Carola!

Thank you very much for all your advice & help. I'll certainly give it a try of 3 days on/1 off instead. I usually workout 6 days on/1 off. I'll also try the supplements that you advised Carola.

Again thanks ladies. Its much appreciated!

I forgot about the Wobenzym for joint pain, that stuff is REALLY good. I have been taking Wobenzym - N for the past couple of weeks after surgery and it is awesome! It is fairly expensive though.

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