What does this smilie mean to you?


Okay sorry if this has been asked before, but how do you interpret this smilie guy? Is he winking? Is he sneering? Is he crazy? I've used it and now think that maybe I'm violating some Smilie Code of Ethics by including him in comments that don't add to what I'm trying to say.

Can anyone help?? ;)
I use him as a wink as in... Got ya, OK, or- for something that may have a double meaning (usually kind of dirty):D;)
He's labeled as "Wink" (hold your cursor over him and the label shows up), but he does look a little like he's sneering. I liked the old "Wink" smiley better...and I miss the devil and the clown...I used those a lot.
i miss the smilie that looked like he was licking his lips I also miss the evil smilie

I love this:rolleyes: new smilie and mr. cool:cool:

I always use the wink smilie as a wink!

I think you're right about it looking a little dirty---kind of like a leer---a "hi-little-girl-I've-got-candy-for-you" kind of wink. At any rate there is something "not quite right" about it--it doesn't look like a normal "friendly" wink. Not to me, anyway. :p

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