What are you doing to prepare for the Body Blast Series?


I was wondering what you all are doing to prepare and "train" for the Body Blast Series? (Cathe's pictures have given me a "wake up call," so to speak, to prepare myself as much as possible for it). I suspect we will be receiving the DVDs sometime towards the end of October or beginning of November).

I am running and doing CTX UB, and in between Imax 2 and BM intermixed with as much other cardio/weights I can! :p

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
End of October or beginning of November?!!! I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!!!
I'm starting an Intensity Series rotation Sept. 1. That Timesaver #2 pics had my jaw on the floor!! Got to get in tip top shape!!
Shoe Princess, you crack me up! :p

Hopefully, the DVDs will ship earlier, but considering that VHS comes out towards either the middle of September, or the end, I believe the DVDs will take a bit more than a month after that to get into our grubby little hands; much like the Intensity Series DVDs. On the other hand, that gives us enough time to truly prepare ourselves for this new batch of workouts. Wouldn't you agree??

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon:)
I have never been ablt to let go of the Intensity Series from day one. I throw in S&H, CTX, Circuit Max, Step Fit, Step Heat, Rythmic Step and the PS series. Yet I do all or some of IS every week. But..Cathe's September rotation gives me chills.}( It has 3 videos that I dread doing the most...Body Max,(in its entirety) MIC and Leaner Legs + + + Running Sprints!!!! OH BOY!
I wonder if Cathe is trying to tell us something? Like, 'this is what it takes to get in shape for the new series.' LOL
Hey Runathon......you mentioned in the fitmoms site that you are thinking of having another baby....just a note....this is NOT part of the training for the Body Blast series, trust me on this one!!!! ;) ;) ;)

Unless of course you REALLY like a challenge.


Just a note.....I noticed she is doing lots of weight work on the stability ball which, on the flip side, could be considered ideal for prego's, now that's a nice thought, eh?
Briee-Did you pre order the Body Blast series?I want to but i think I am going to wait til I am done w/the pregnancy then use it to lose the baby weight.
I'm running, doing PS, Meaner Legs, BC/ME, and lots of core work. I'm still having trouble with the side planks, and I KNOW she'll have stuff much tougher than that in the new workouts!

I'm also praying. Hard.
OF COURSE I preordered the Body Blast series, the whole shebang.....all on DVD. And if you want to hear something even more insane...I don't even own a DVD player....but I have time.

Actually I picked one up at a garage sale the other day and it will play a DVD fine for about 50-60 minutes and then the picture begins breaking up. I'm sure I'll be dead by then anyway so this just may work!!

You should be well prepared for the BB by doing Aquajock's pregnancy mish mosh in it's entirety.....(I'm still giggling over this one.....you really did them all eh?). I've done many crazy things while pregnant and if you think I'm going to wait to do these body blast tapes until after the babies born then "I'll be a mouse stuck in AJ's workout room while she's doing "squat thrust *****"" (to be spoken with a southern drawl) (and I don't intend to be that mouse, heaven help him!!!!!).

RE: What are you doing to prepare for the Body Blast Se...

Step cardio including both IMAX's, Kickboxing, Yoga, Slow & Heavy and Boot Camp. I hope that's enough - I may need to post a note on the door saying "If it gets too quiet in here, call an ambulance!" and that's just for the preview :D

I am really looking forward to it nonetheless :)
- Lisa :)

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