
Good morning!

This morning I did Circuit Max...and it kicked my >>>>>>>!!!! :p Actually, I did really well...wasn't huffin' n' puffn' muscles/knees/joints are feeling all of the high impact and weight lifting right now, but I feel great!

Have a great day everyone!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]:p
Hope your day is wonderful.
Janice, take care of yourself. Have you seen your doc? Hope you feel well fast. Take best care.
runathon, thanks for starting the week's post.
Hope all of you are doing very well.

I did Gin's 29 min. step aerobics, 1/2 hr. sonic yoga Hanumanasana, & BTR. Will rebound later.

Have a great day. :)
Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
Bita, I'll be rebounding w/you everyday, what fun! Although, I don't have any videos/DVD's to workout to it yet, I tried kickbox portion of CTX w/it yesterday, and it worked out fine.
My focus for this week is intensity. For the past 2 weeks I've been coasting, it's time to put a little more energy into it, and this is the week.
Started this morning w/ a short yoga session, followed by 20 min's rebounding, okay there is no intensity here, but it will be tonight.
Tonight at gym, 1 hr wt. training, 1 hr cardio kickboxing, and 1 hr yoga. It's not that I want to w/o for this long, but I have no choice, since I go straight there after my day job.
Have a good day everyone!
Hi everyone. WOW! LA, that's a lot of working out. Don't injure yourself honey.

Thanks Bita, yes I'm taken a whole series of anitbiotics. They did nothing! Kinda scary to still be so sick after 2 weeks. I am a little better and I'm not about to even try to wrorkout til I'm completely over this stuff.

I hope to be better by week's end. Thanks for well wishes all.

Otisan-You're an old married lady now-right?:)

Hope you all have a great week....Janice
Hello ladies,
Did Total Sculpt with abs today after work.Went for a hour walk also.It is beautiful out.Going to enjoy this awesome weather before the dreadful snow comes.x(
Goldengirl,sorry to hear you are still sick.Take care of yourself.
LA,three hours of workouts.Good luck
Good morning!

Today was kickboxing for me.

I am sure I will feel it tomorrow. ;)

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]

Today is Intense Moves, Ashtanga, BTR, and rebounding for me.

Have the most beautiful day!
Hello everyone,
It's a good morning for me so far, and hope it is for all of you as well.
I really needed that little kick in the butt, I'm feeling fantastic today! I ended up doing about 40 min's of wt. training instead, ran out of time. So I only covered back and legs. Kickboxing was awesome!
Ladies, it's no wonder Bita rebounds every day, I love it! I received the Aerobics II rebounding video yesterday and Keep on rebounding. I w/o to Aerobics II this morning, so I'm feeling really good. Got in a sweat already and am ready to face the day. Tonight is PS CST, since I didn't fit that in last night, and my 1hr yoga.
Thanks guys for the little reminders, I don't workout like that everyday, but sometimes I need an extra push to keep me going again.
Have a great day!
I am exhausted and sore from yesterdays workout - it was that good and intense }(. My back, shoulders and calves are sore and tight. So I am taking a rest day tooooooday. Whew! I need it. :p

Have a great day ladies!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Good morning ladies,
This morning was Keep on Rebounding for me, just loved it:)
Tonight is same as Monday (wt. training, kickboxing and yoga). I'll be slowing it down for the rest of the week w/ the SS & rebounding.
Have a lovely and productive day!
Hi ladies,
Hope all is well.
I did bodypump, BTR, yoga, and rebounding.

LA, welcome to rebounding world!!:) Glad you like it.

FS, Congrats on getting the blast series. I got them today too!!

Waves to all.

So of course I start tomorrow with the kick, punch & crunch.
Check with you guys later.
Have a magical night.:)
Hope you are having a beautiful day!
I did Kick, punch and crunch (KP&C:p), hot yoga, BTR. Will do rebounding later.

OK, KP&C was heart pumping and great, about 63 minutes. 10 minutes was warm up, 20 minutes kickboxing, 20 minutes punch and kick 3 sequences, then abs for 8 minutes with the ball (not as hard as her previous series), 5 minute cool down. Generally, I liked it very much, but it was not at all as hard as it was told! But really a fantastic heart pumping and toning one. Lots of recovery time, not too many jumping but intense at times, it also would be great on the rebounder for those who prefer. Music is good too. Cathe and her crew look fantastic.

Have a great day!
Good morning ladies,
Bita, thanks for the review on KP&C. Sounds like a great w/o.
I can't believe you've done all of that already, more power to you!
I was only able to do the first 2 segments of Keep on Rebounding this morning.
Yesterday's w/o kicked my tush, but I feel fantastic this morning. Rebounding is it for me today, will be taking the night off. Have a long weekend planned out again, so I will not be in the office tomorrow.
Ladies have a fantastic day & weekend. For those of you who have the BB series, have a blast! I'm anxiously waiting for mine.
Until next time my fitness buddies,
Hi all. Bita thanks honey for wanting to help. I finally broke down and went to Dr. I had "early stages of pneumonia". No wonder I felt like crap. I'm a lot better today but not NEARLY ready to workout. Hope ya'll have a lovely weekend. Hugssss......Janice
Hey Bita, Janice, FS, LA, Runathon, Otisan!

Gosh I haven't posted regularly in ages...

Still working WAY too much... but I am SERIOUSLY going to get some sanity in my life soon. I've been interviewing and this week found the perfect person. Bringing her in early next week and hopefully it will work out so I can work a little less. Also just refinanced the house.. but not all the i were dotted and t's crossed so tying up loose ends now. Lots of kids fall sports.. my sr. daughter's LAST Field hockey game tonite <sigh>

You guys sounds like everyone is working out a lot. Janice hope you are feeling better :( Take care and rest up.

Well in te last 2 weeks i got the intensity series and body blast.. SOO I really MUST get back into things. See you all next week !

- robyn

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