Training for Mud Run


Hi Cathe!! I will be training for the mud run on October 13, 2012( and I need some advice on what I should be doing. I was thinking of using STS for my strength, since I am always stronger afterward. If you have time,( I know you're always busy, don't know how you do it!!) you can check out the website to see what we'll be doing. My daughter asked me to do it with her. I said yes before I looked it up.:p I will be starting STS today. Thanks for all you do, & for helping me reach my weight loss goals. :)

The purpose of the mud run;

This biannual event was created to raise money, awareness and support for Marines, Veterans, and their families in the Columbia area,the state of South Carolina, and across the nation who have been wounded or killed while serving on active duty. Profits from the Mud Run have supported several local college scholarships which have been named in memory of Marines killed serving their country, as well as, local and National charities that support veterans causes and community leadership as well as events which promote the Marine Corps in the community
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I've done a few mud runs, so while you're waiting for Cathe's input I thought I would put in my two cents.

First of all, run! Your race is five miles long, but it will feel longer since you will be slowed down by so many obstacles. So run farther than five miles two or three times a week at a minimum. Run on trails if you have access to any. Run up and down stairs and steep hills at least a couple times a week. Your upper body needs to be very strong as well to prepare for hauling yourself over walls and up ropes. I think weight training is great, especially pull-ups. I also really like circuit workouts since in an obstacle course you are constantly going from one thing to another. Drill Max, Circuit Blast, Athletic Training, Afterburn, and Crossfire are all good ways to prepare for the craziness of an obstacle course.

I noticed that the website you linked has a page of training suggestions. Try those as well, of course!

Every obstacle course I have done has been insanely fun. Everyone on the course is always really friendly, encouraging, and pumped up with energy. You will have a ton of fun!
Thank you Tootles!! I was really nervous about it since I've never done anything like this before, but you've made me really look forward to it. I will take all of your suggestions & "run" with them, pun intended. :p Again, thanks & wish me luck, I'm sure I'll need it!! :D

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