to Maribeth


Hi Maribeth,

This was originally posted on a thread under "Ask Cathe" & got buried & wasn't on the topic at hand anyway since it only affects ME so I'm reposting in the hopes you'll feel pity on this old girl & educate me (not that I'm begging but PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!:))!! Incidentally I just read an article in "Health" mag that sort of recommended the things that I've now started doing so maybe I'm headed in the right direction except perhaps not doing quite so much?? Thanks! Leslie

I'd appreciate any input you could give me. I have currently worked some muscle training into my routine-power hour twice a week & sometimes Circuit Max in between for a "lite" hit on the weights. I also normally do 4 cardio workouts as well ranging from 30-60 minutes depending on whether I take on some weight work as well. I have been debating whether to add some "heavy weight" workouts for awhile instead of power hour, but I'm concerned that I will overbuild. I am one of those "fortunate" ones that builds muscle very easily & found out by a miscalculation of the weight I was using that I am lifting heavier than Cathe in Power Hour after only 4 weeks! So far I'm reasonably happy with my results but I think I'm hitting a plateau & I'm not quite where I want to be in terms of size & definition. I'm not so concerned about the weight on the scale since I'm not overweight or even close per the latest magic numbers as being able to fit into certain of my clothes!


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