The Best Life Diet & Cathe


Has anyone tried this program? I work in a Wal-Mart SuperCenter in the grocery dept., and am amazed everyday at the stuff we have that is approved for this program. I thought I'd give it a try.

Thanks for your input!

Is that the Bob Greene program? Anything he did for Oprah didn't work - her weight goes up and down, so I am dubious about what he promotes.
Oprah really confuses me with her weight changes...

One day I see her on the cover of a magazine and she is really thing... Then I see her again some time later, and she looks much bigger... :9
My only comment about Bob Greenes program is the amount of highly processed foods. In my opinion... If a person is starting from scratch trying to lose weight and has dreadful eating habits then this is a step in the right direction.... If a person is trying to eat "clean" (er) and looking for healthy and a body that is in peak shape then I think its better left on the shelf. IMO- his program offers what many Americans need- an opportunity to eat processed foods and still lose weight... For me I would have been taking 3 steps backwards with my eating if I followed his plan. Just my thoughts

If it's on a cover then it's likely to be an airbrushed photo, that's why she looks slimmer. She always look slimmer on the cover of her magazines in my opinion.

I saw her program breifly on Monday and she was looking larger than what I expected.


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