Hi Cathe,

Right now I am currently doing an STS rotation and I am currently doing Meso 2. One of the things I've noticed during the BACK/BICEP workout is after I am finished with all of the back exercises my arms are pretty much fried. When it comes time to start working the biceps my arms are so fatigued that I am having difficulty performing exercises at 70-75% of my 1RM. As a matter of fact, I am not able to perform anywhere near 70-75% of my 1RM after doing back work. I was wondering if it is best to do the back exercises and then rest up and wait about 1 hour or even wait until the next day before taking on the bicep work, in which case I could probably perfom at 75% of my 1RM? Or it is better just to go ahead with the bicep work and use a much lower weight that will still allow you to work to failure? Any suggestions/guidance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
I do agree! That was my experience this am when I did Disc 14 back & biceps I had to lower down my weights big time for bicep curls coz my arms were fatigue.
Cathe responded to this question in another thread. She said to perform however many reps you can with the original calculated weight you came up with when you were performing your rep max exercises and once your form goes, have a lighter set of weights on hand to continue with the workout. I'm going to give this a try and see how it goes. Hopefully, I will get stronger in the coming weeks and won't have to lower the weight so much.

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