
Good morning!!

Saturday's workout was Step My Way by Patrick Goudeau. It's been so long that I had to relearn it!! Well sort of, it came back to me quickly. Sunday's workout was Fire 30 that morning & STS Meso 1 wk 1 that evening.

Katie: as you see I am joining you for STS. Last time I complained about all the push ups. This time it wasn't so bad. I weigh less this go round so I guess that makes pushups easier? :p

Wendy: Good job on TBT, I have got to give them another chance, the music sort of made me lose interest in it. Which Les Mills Combat did you get? I was looking at it & thinking about ordering, I have the Pump set & love it!!

Have a great day!!
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Just posting again so the new thread can remain visable. :p

Wendy: Sorry about the job incident this am, love your attitude about it!!:D
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Hello Ladies. :)

Just finished my work out...S&G Cardio premix + a 40 min Kundalini yoga premix.

Wiggie:: Great job jumping right in on STS with Katie! I really should follow suit but I am enjoying this LIS rotation so far so I don't want to stop! :rolleyes: Probably a better fit for me right now anyway since the holidays are here AND I have a couple pounds of hurricane "fluff" to shed on top of it! Maybe I'll join in on the next round! I am pretty sure that Miss Katie won't be able to hold out all too long in between rounds! LOL ;) I ordered the basic LM Combat set. Yeah the Body Pump set was apparently a big hit. I don't have it. Didn't have much interest in it believe it or not! :p I STILL need to get my hands on Asylum but some how XTrain and Combat snuck their way in front of Asylum! IDK how that happened!? LOL :p I think TBTS is great. I don't recollect the music that's in it...I guess I don't pay much attn! LOL If it were really bad to me though (like the music in SS), I would remember it! LOL

Hi girlies!

Busy day at work so late check-in for me. I was bad and didn't workout yesterday. :eek: Bad Katie! :D To make up for it, I did Imax 2 this morning. Except for two blasts (blast #5 and blast #9) I don't find Imax 2 to be that bad.

Wendy: Boo on the job situation. That's frustrating!! But yay on more time to workout. ;) I see you've been getting in some nice workouts too. How are your lower body DOMS? Any better? I find when I go heavy on TBTLB I get intense DOMS too. Are you sure we can't sweet talk you into joining STS with us???

Wiggie: YAY!!! I'm so glad you are jumping into STS with me. I felt like the push-ups were worse this time around. For example, on the three opening push-up sets, I did the first 2 sets on my toes but only 19/30 on the last set. Grrrrrr! I was mad at myself. Oh well! How was the Patrick step workout? One I should consider checking out??
Katie:: Do you own any of Amy Bento's step work outs? Apparently they aren't for the choreo-crippled crowd such as myself :rolleyes: so you might want to consider them if you haven't already!;) I don't think STS is a good plan for me right now but I appreciate your wanting me to join in on the fun! I need to keep up with a more cardio-intensive, lighter lifting plan then what STS can offer me in order to battle the bulge of Sandy AND of the holidays. Plus the fact that once XTrain comes in I will want to give that a shot so STS is just not gonna work for me right now. Sorry. :( After XTrain though, it just might work so check back in with me next year, ok?! :p:D IMAX 2 is a goody. You are right-with the exception of a few of the intervals, it's NOT that bad but it sure is fun and a good sweat nonetheless! Now IMAX 3 is a totally different story! :eek:

STS is about to kill me. I feel so weak! I think it's because I went from slow & heavy which, as the name implies, uses relatively heavy weights and low reps and straight into Meso 1 which is all high rep, endurance workouts. Whew.

Oh, BTW, today's workout was M1, D2 (Back and Triceps) + functional core from CCC. :)

Wendy: I tried a couple of Amy Bento workouts I got off Netflix. I liked them, but didn't love them. There was something about her style I just didn't connect with for some reason. I may give her step workouts another shot in the future. Okay, okay. Your reasons for not wanting to do STS right now make complete sense. ;) Actually, once I get Xtrain in my hot little hands I may put STS on hold for a month and do that. Maybe we can plan a few "group classes" then. Imax 3 makes me sick just thinking about it! :eek::p;)
Good Morning. :)

I did Athletic Training as per the rotation this morning. Good stuff. That work out always kicks my azz something fierce! I find it tougher the Afterburn!!!!:eek: Same with the sequels-I find TTM harder then CRF! I would think it would be the opposite in both cases but not so! Wierd!:confused:

Katie:: Hey, remember what Cathe always says-Change is GOOD! Your body is reacting to the change from S&H to STS M1 and sayin' "Whoa! Hold on a second! What's goin on here, woman!? Just when I was getting used to one thing you completey changed it on me!!!" and that's exactly what you want, right? ;):) LOL A "group XTrain class" sounds fab! Now that I broke down and ordered it I am super excited to get it! :D Did I tell you I also ordered Les Mills Combat basic set from Beach Body like THE NEXT DAY!?! :eek::eek::p If you want intricate step choreo instructor ideas get in touch with LauraMax here on the forums. She loves that stuff and is always searching for (and finding) good ones apparently! :)

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Got the email this morning saying I passed the personal training cert exam!

With flying colors too I might add! ;)

89% on the written and scores ranging from 91% to a couple of 100%'s on the practical portions! WOO HOO!!!!!:D

Just scheduled a cpr cert class for Dec 16th. Once I get that I can start applying for my internship! :)
Good Morning Ladies! :)

Today's work out will be a run and yoga.

So yesterday I ordered myself 50 free (just paid shipping) business cards for personal training b/c unemployment said it's a good idea! It's advertising! Can't wait to get them! :cool:

Not much else goin' on around here right now so I guess I'll BBIAB!:cool:
Good morning!!

Monday I didn't workout since I had a to work 2 basketball games. the girls followed by the boys. Tuesday I went to the gym & ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes chased by weight work on various machines.

Wendy: congrats on your pt certification!! You rocked it!! In this instance I love saying I told you so!! :D I agree with you about TTM & CRF, but I find AB to be harder for me than AT.

Katie: I agree with Wendy, going from S&H to STS was a shock for your body, always a good thing!! Lauramax usually finds good step workouts, that's how I discovered Rebecca Small's Step 2 Success which I love.

Today's workout was CrossFire: Fitness Blast + Triple Tabata along with 1/2 of AC: Weights/Plates. I intended to do all of ab circuits, but was just worn out after the "weight" section so I called it a morning. I enjoyed my CrossFire cardio blast! I was breathing like crazy and, even though I didn't sweat that much during the workout, the second I started the cooldown the sweat started pouring off my face. Workouts like that catch up with me after I get done. :rolleyes::p

Wendy: Congrats again on passing your PT cert. That's so freaking exciting! Double woot woot on the business cards too. I agree, definitely great advertising! I did NOT know you ordered Les Mills Combat basic. What's that entail?? Wait, maybe I don't want to know, lol! :p;) Athletic Training is one of my favs and another one that catches up with me at the end (well, after that first crazy step and then shoulder segment). Enjoy your run and yoga this morning.

Wiggie: Cardio and weights = perfection! :) Hopefully you weren't needed too much during the basketball games on Monday. So do you have an STS workout scheduled for today?? My body is definitely reacting to the change in pace; you and Wendy are both spot on there. Fingers crossed I see some results!

Got my run in and added an interval walking work out to it as well so ITread 20 mins #1 (run) and 30 mins #21 (walking intervals) are done! Gonna eat lunch and do yoga in a little while...and 20 squats too b/c I was supposed to start the Holiday Squatathon Challenge from FB on the 1st and haven't yet. :eek: Today is the day though!!!! I SWEAR!!!!:p

BBIAB for personals!:cool:
Wiggie:: LOL re the I told you so comment. My DH basically said the same thing!:p Great gym work out!

Katie:: I have yet to do Weights and Plates in full so I don't blame you for not finishing it!!!:eek: Great job on your work out! COMBAT seems to be similar to the BB Insanity series but using all styles of martial arts for the cardio. Ofcourse you don't have Insanity so how would you know what that means, right? :confused: DUH! I'm such a dork!:rolleyes: IDK...go on over to BB and check it out. I stink at describing stuff like this. Sorry! :p LOL
Good morning Ladies!!

I forgot to mention when I got home from the gym I did Fire 30. Wednesday I did STS M1 D2.

Wendy: I preordered LM Combat on the last day to get the free shipping. From the preview I know I'll like it, & they believe in pumping music!! :D I have got to follow your example & increase my time spent running, April 6th will be here before I know it!! :p & what is this squatathon? Business cards, so excited for you!!

Katie: Great job on CRF!! I tried weights & plates abs when I first got it & it was so hard I never tried it again!! :eek: For some reason, I always forget about Ab Circuits, I've barely used that dvd. At the game I had to check out one of the players, nothing series though. Both games were very good the girls won in overtime, the boys lost but it was a close game.

Have a great day!!
Good Morning. :)

A nap is an order today for sure. I was awake for about 2 hours in the middle of the night last night and I have no idea why...:confused::(

Today's work out will be Turbo Barre as per the rotation and 25 squats as per the Squatathon I am participating in. :)

The scale isn't moving much these days but I'm happy to report that my abs are back so IDC what the scale does!:p

Wiggie:: I am currently far from a good example for running. I have run 2x in over a month IIRC! That's awful!!!!!:eek::confused::(:eek: Congrats on the Combat purchase and I'm sorry if I was the one that enabled you!:eek: Well, okay fine..not REALLY sorry!:p LOL

Ok, off for that nap and then on to my work out!!!!

BBIAB!!! :cool:
I am getting my hot lil' hands on Asylum very soon! I just ordered it tonight from Ebay for a great deal! I couldn't pass it up and don't feel bad coz I'm busy selling lots too! ;)

I'm going to get X-Train, Les Mills Combat, Asylum and this dvd that my FIL is getting me ( NikkiFitness Slimnastics Workout: Movies & TV )to play with all this month (assuming X-Train isn't delayed!)! Woot! :D

Soooo excited for all of my "toys" to arrive! Just had to share!!!! Out with the old and in with the new as they say!:)
Good morning!!

I hit a deer this morning on the way to work!! I'm fine, my car is messed up but I was able to drive it on to work. Bummer!!

Thursday's workout was STS M1 D3. There were several moves I used to have trouble with but no more!! The moves that you have to put the weights on the floor & alternate picking them up weren't so hard this time. In the past I just kept them in my hands.

Wendy: Yay for new toys!! I am always so excited to receive new dvds & preveiw almost immediately!! In fact I always bring my portable dvd player when I'm expecting them!! :p I really want to hear about Slimnastics.

Hi Katie!! :)
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Good Morning. :)

I'm at work. They called me back to cover for the day...

No work out for me this morning. Definitely will do my squats later and MIGHT add S&G cardio from the rotation on as well but that remains to be seen....

So I have a confession to make...I put STS up for sale y'day. :eek: *closes eyes/guards face and ducks to avoid flying fists* I've hemmed and hawed over it for a while and I know I promised to give it one more shot before I sell it but I just don't realistically see myself finishing another rotation or even using the dvds individually enough to bother keeping them...Sorry Katie for breaking my promise!:( It's a top of the line program for sure but I can't get into all of the time consuming equipment set up/break down and changes. Plus I work out in a small space so I have to continually move my step and/or the tower in order to make it work and it's just too much. :(

Wiggie:: OMG! Deers are so dangerous when they are in the road! TG you are ok! Sorry about your car and the fact that it wasn't messed up enough to get the day off of work! ;) Great job with your STS leg work out! If I could just keep the extended stretch and some of the leg work outs from STS I would but IDT that will work. :p The only way I could do that is to keep the squat rack routine but those are not the leg work outs I want! Figures! :rolleyes: I will let you know how Slimnastics is...I think some of the yoga moves will be too advanced for me but I like the premise of the work out so I'm giving it a shot!

Ok, I guess that's all for now but I'll be back!:cool:

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