STS and mp3?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

Just ordered STS, and was wondering. I previewed a lot of the videos and realized that I have everything I pretty much need in my house (which is the point og home exercise videos). But I realized that for some of the exercises like bench presses, I could probably go heavier if I have a bench press bar above me (I know they're pre-selling the push pull bar but Im not interested in purchasing it). Also some of the other exercised in Meso 2 have no break in between and multiple weights changes. The type of weight I have are screw lock (like spring lock but they take much more time to change since you have to unscrew the dumbells to release the weights). Basically, it's going to take me about a minute and a half to change the whole set (or 2 weights)

So, my question is, is there a way to burn the DVDs to an avi file that I can put on my mp3 player so I can do it at the gym instead. I've tried to do it with some others before but I can never get the sound to play for some reason. Or would it be better to just take the break in between which kinda defeats the settings of the program? What do you think?
I was concerned about the screw locks causing a delay when I first started. I bought a set of spring locks for under $5 at a sporting goods store. Once I got started on STS I decided the best way to set up my equipment to minimize lag time between sets.

I can't say much about burning the DVD's to a file as I don't have any software that allows for this.
Hopefully Vee will see this, she knows everything about burning dvds, and all things IPod too.

You might want to try doing some searches, I recall a post that suggested some software programs that helps convert dvds to other formats.
So, my question is, is there a way to burn the DVDs to an avi file that I can put on my mp3 player so I can do it at the gym instead. I've tried to do it with some others before but I can never get the sound to play for some reason. Or would it be better to just take the break in between which kinda defeats the settings of the program? What do you think?

There's a terrific little program called SoundTap ( that will suck the audio off of anything you play on your computer. I've used it to capture the audio off of DVDs.


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