Strength in Numbers

Last night I did Cycle Max Express. It was nice doing a spinning workout again. This morning our work email was having issues and we couldn’t get on to email for almost 2 hours. Funny how something like that freezes you up so you can’t function.

Pam Great job on 4DS HIS after the concert! That is amazing. This morning was so hard for me to get out of bed. I kept drifting back to sleep after the alarm went off for about 10 minutes. I am still looking for my kickstart to eating better before the holidays and then I am like why bother just wait until after the holidays.

Janie Great job on your walk! Oh my, an animal hoarder! How many animals does she have? I guess as long as they are all being taken care of that helps.

Have a great day!
Janie You are so funny posting your video without your face. You sounded really good though. When I started listening I realized I have never heard your voice before! You don't sound like I expected you to, but I'm not sure how I expected you to soudn ;) That is a great idea though to do recordings every so often and compare them. Great job on your dog walking. Oooh, a hoarder? I hope that she treats the animals well, that is usually the biggest concern. My personal thoughts are that animal hoarders are caring people with big hearts who are really trying to protect as many animals as they can. I think it just out of control for some of them. Of course, I have no actual experience to base this on :D That's right, it's good to keep the distance in perspective. Our good friends have a beach house that they go to in the spring and the fall. They came to that realization last year that they could come back here every so often for events since it is only 2 hours away. Well, I don't know if I'm more healthy or not, but at least I'm not feeling quite so bloated and icky.

Julie Great job on CM. I enjoyed my last rotation because it had a spinning day once a week. This one has some spinning in it too, but there wasn't any this week. That is so true that when email is down you feel like you can't do anything. I know what you mean about why bother before the holidays, but I just don't want to get to a place that is going to be hard to get back from. It used to be so easy for me to drop a couple of pounds and now it is just such a struggle. My DH and I were joking yesterday that we will get to a point where we can't eat anything but will still gain weight!

This morning yoga max was on the calendar. I looked and that and said, nope! o_O I decided to do To the Max instead. I didn't want to do the extreme version, but then I did add in the tabata on disks. It was fun. Have a great day!

Did 30/30 today. Walked Rolly on the beach for 30 min. Very cold and crispy out there with bouts of wind.

Pam, I was so nervous doing that video, I'd like to think I sound better. LOL! Thank you for your support. The hoarder does treat the animals well. They are mostly in cages, and she does feed them and give them water. Neighbors including me are getting vets to donate their time to give them exams and proper treatments, clip their nails, use frontline for fleas...Such a great community here. You are right when saying hoarders have big hearts. She does have that sincerely. It sounds like you are recovering with little improvements. It might be a good sign of you healing what ever you have. Keeping my fingers crossed. Great job on To the Max and the add on of tabata.

Julie, Great job on Cycle Max Express. Yes, we all rely on technology. Wouldn't know what to do without it. Kinda scary. I don't know exactly how many animals she has, but from what I hear, she has lots of dogs, rabbits, chickens, and several doves. Many of each, from what I gathered while I was there. People are helping her to help the animals. She is so kind, generous, and...I never expected that.

Take care everyone,

Last night I did a strength workout from Get Glutes. So happy it is Friday. It is really cold here though. We are getting hit by the polar vortex thing again. Yuck! Have you checked out the clips for the new workouts? The upper body one looks like a doozy!

Pam You are funny switching out Yoga Max for TTM! Not sure that’s an equal trade but if it makes you happy that’s what matters in the end. I am hoping that when the new DVDs come in, Cathe puts together a rotation that includes spinning once a week with them. I am going to keep doing Get Glutes until the end of the year and then do a rotation for the new workouts.

Janie I am bummed because I can’t get your video to work. I thought maybe I just couldn’t at work because sometimes they block things like that but I couldn’t at home either. I am sure Pam is right and you sounded excellent. Great job on 30/30 and 30 of walking! Wow that is a lot of animals and different kinds too. That is awesome though that people are helping her with their care.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on 30/30/30! cold, crispy and windy, ick! I hope you were bundled up! I think most of us would like to think we sound better when we sing ;) I have to share one of my favorite stories with you about my singing. I was sitting at the desk in our office and I started singing along to a song on the radio. My cat ran in from the other room, jumped up on the desk and swatted me in the mouth :rolleyes: That should give you an idea of what I sound like o_O That is very sweet that you were nervous about doing that video. Well, I'm happy to hear that the hoarder treats the animals well AND that they have all of you angels looking out for them. Living in a cage doesn't sound like a very good way to live though :( You and your neighbors are awesome to be helping out like that!

Julie Great jog on GG. I'm happy it's Friday too, but I have a lot of work that I need to get done today :eek: The polar vortex just arrived here today. Two days ago it was 76, today our high is supposed to be 44 :confused: I am not a fan of the polar vortex! I've seen some of the video clips but not the upper body one yet. Maybe I shouldn't watch it so I don't scare myself! TTM and YM both have the word max in them, so I figure that is a good swap ;)

This morning was LIS. I really didn't want to get out of bed and that one doesn't really excite me so it didn't help. It went by pretty quickly though and now I am halfway through Friday! Have a great day and weekend.

Walked around the Bazaar for hours it seems. When I got home with all my purchases, I was pooped. LOL No, I also walked the beach for 30 min. with Rolly and did a 65 min. Yoga as well. Now I really am pooped. Tomorrow night Joey will be playing in his band, so will be dancing for two hours. Can't wait!

Julie, Great job for doing a strength workout from Get Glutes. It's really cold here as well. Brrrrrrrrr. I love all the new workouts, I can't wait to get the new DVD's in my hot little hands. Awe Julie, don't be bummed, it's not really that good. LOL I'll get better though and the next time I video myself, will sound much better. That's plan anyways. LOL

Pam, You're kidding me! How funny about your cat swatting you while you were singing. Great job on LIS. Awe, but you did get out of bed and did it any way, even though you didn't want to. LOVE THAT about you.

Take care,

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Saturday I was going to do To The Max. I got about 2/3 of the way through the step cardio (so about 12 minutes in) and felt a pop in my right calf followed by pain when trying to walk or jump. So no workout on Saturday. After that, I had to run errands which is not so easy to do when you can’t push off your toes on one of your feet. I was able to rest it much of Saturday night and was actually able to get a weight workout in on Sunday morning. I had to be careful with the lower body stuff so as not to put too much strain on it but it felt nice. I am still having some stiffness so I might try to do some spinning tonight as I think that might be the only cardio I can do until this heals all the way.

Pam Great job on LIS even though you weren’t excited about it and would rather stay in bed. It is getting to be that time of year were I struggle to get out of bed too. That only lasts 3-4 months though so no big deal, right? I hope you were able to find some time to relax this weekend even with having to do some work and the terrible polar vortex. I laughed out loud about the cat swatting your mouth. Maggie has done that to me when I sing to her. I guess she doesn’t like being serenaded.

Janie Walking around the Bazaar sounds like a great way to get exercise in and have some fun! You are impressive to still do a 30 minute beach walk after all that plus an hour of Yoga, you go girl! I don’t know about you but I am already ready for Spring weather.

Have a great day!
Janie Oh, the Bazaar sounds like a lot of fun, I hope you made some great purchases. I can't believe that you alwso walked the beach for 30 minutes AND did 65 minutes of yoga. Wow, you are a superwoman!! That sounds like so much fun Joey playing in a band, I hope you had a ball! Oh yes, my cat let me know exactly what he thought of my singing!

Julie Oh NO!!! I hope that your calf heals quickly, that doesn't sound good at all. Good for you getting your weight workout in on Sunday anyway. Do take it easy and let it heal. Yep, this cold weather makes it totally unappealing to get out of that warm bed. I ended up getting enough done in the office last week that I didn't have to do any work over the weekend :). Hopefully I will get everything done this week that I need to so that I can take next week off.

Saturday was a rest day for me. I was glad too because we went out with some of our neighbors on Friday night and were out until 12:30 so I was moving slowly on Saturday morning. I did get up and make eggs benedict for breakfast, then did some errands and some cooking. We had friends over for dinner last night so I did some of the cooking on Saturday. I made homemade cannolis for dessert and they were soooo good. I will definitely be making that recipe again. Sunday morning was 4DS bootcamp. Another one that I haven't done for awhile that I really like. This morning was Part Rocking Step number 1. I think I like that one a little more every time I do it. Have a great day!

Yesterday I was able to do an express premix from Ride. No problems with my calf. It is still tender and while it is getting less painful and easier to walk normal again, I know I need more healing time. So looks like I will be sticking to spinning and weight lifting for a little while at least. I want to make sure I am completely healed up by the time the new DVDs come out so I can hiit it hard with those.

Pam Great job on your rest day after a late night out followed by 4DS Bootcamp and PRS1! I like 4DS Bootcamp. For some reason it reminds me of PE class in grade school which I didn’t really like at the time but I actually like the workout a lot which is weird. I am wondering if part of the problem with my calf was how cold it was. I workout in the basement and wonder if I didn’t get warm enough so my calf muscle wasn’t having it.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on the Ride premix. I'm glad to hear that there were no problems with your calf and that you are being smart about your healing time. Oh yes, you definitely want to be ready for the new DVDs. That's funny, I never thought about bootcamp being like PE class, but it kind've is. I never liked PE either, but I love that workout. :confused: I bet you are right about the cold being an issue for your calf muscle. Those muscles don't like being cold!

This morning for me was Great Glutes and an X10 segment of my choice. I did the Hi/Lo section. It was tough on my legs at the beginning right after GG, because it starts out with scissors and plyo jacks! I was very happy when that section was finished! Have a great day!

Am I bad or what? MIA sucks. I've been walking the beach with Rolly since the weather here has been fantastic. Cold but sunny. And no rotation just more Yoga. I really need to stick with yoga until the new DVD's come. It's working for me. Stretching, body strength...cardio. Been working on stuff to sell at the Gallery. They will

Pam, Great job on Great Gluts nad X10 segment of Hi/Lo section.

Pam, I can't believe I did so many exercises, I had a lot of energy, so took advantage of it. LOL Good job on Sat. rest day. You are so busy staying up late, making eggs benedict, errands and cooking again. Then entertaining friends, inviting them to come to dinner, desert. It sounds absolutely marvelous. Great job on on Sun 4 DS bootcamp and Sun. Part Rocking Step 1.

Julie, Sat. Oh no, it sounds aweful what happen to your right calf. But glad everything turned out OK. You are a strong lady. Then doing errands on top of that. Wow. wise to take care of it so you don't re-injure the calf. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for Spring to arrive. LOL

Take care,

I did a Get Glutes strength workout last night. I have my annual gyno appointment today. So not thrilled about that. It is in the middle of the day so I have to leave work and lose my nice cushy parking spot. Normally I wouldn’t care but with it being like 10 degrees outside, I like parking close. Ok, no more whining. I am getting really excited about the new DVDs. I really want Cathe to post the rotations she has planned because I am a planner and like to see those things early. Dare I ask SNM about it?

Pam Great job on Great Glutes plus X10 Hi/Lo! Oh boy scissors kill me every time. So does the scissor, scissor, wide tuck and that is only 6 times but believe me I am counting down on that one!

Janie Oh don’t worry about being MIA. It happens to all of us. Glad you are still enjoying nice weather. You should definitely stick to what you are doing as long as you enjoy it. Life is too short to waste on doing things we don’t enjoy.

Have a great day!
Janie Don't worry about being MIA, it happens! Glad to hear you have been out enjoying the nice weather. It has been super cold here, I just want to stay inside! Great job on your yoga workouts too, so glad that is working for you.

Julie Great job on GG. Yuck I hate the gyno appt. I am past due for mine too, I guess I better be making an appt. I don't blame you for wanting to park close when it is that cold out. I am such a wimp in the cold. Of course you should ask SNM about the rotations. Worst answer would be that there aren't any yet. I can't wait for the new workouts either. They look like they are going to be a lot of fun! Oh yea, I hate those scissor scissor wide tucks too. And of course there are always two rounds because what you do to one side.....It doesn't seem like it should count for those either because you are alternating sides :rolleyes:

This morning was GS Back Shoulders and Biceps for me. I felt it and I am still feeling the burn! Gotta try to remember to get some abs in later. Happy Hump Day!

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Yoga again today then a short walk 30 min. walk on the beach with Rolly.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes last night. What is an annual Gov. appointment? I've probably asked before, but have forgotten. Me too excited about the new DVD's. Ask SNM away! I'm interested as well to plan ahead.

Pam, Great job on GS back, shoulders and biceps. Congrats on the DOM's.

Take care everyone,

Since my calf is still tender, getting better but still tender, I did a premix from Pedal Power. Cannot believe Thanksgiving is in 1 week. This year has flown by. Well I asked about getting the rotations early for RWH and SNM said they would be released when the DVDs ship. Bummer but I guess I will practice patience and hope they ship them before Thanksgiving so my head doesn’t explode while I wait.

Pam Great job on Gym Styles BSB! You know it is funny about those scissor, scissor, wide tucks usually having two rounds because one of the segments in X10 (can’t remember if it is the Fat Burning Circuit or the Cardio Blast) only has one round. I do not complain though!

Janie Great job on your beach walk with Rolly and yoga! It was my annual gynecologist appointment. I wish I didn’t have to go but it is one of those annual exams you have to get done for health. Not fun but at least it is only once a year.

Have a great day!
Did 30/30 today. Sweet and fast.

Julie, Glad you are being careful with that calf. Great job on the premix from Pedal Power. I'm impatient as well about getting the new DVD's. I can't wait to incorporate them with my yoga. Good job Julie for taking care of yourself and getting the annual gynecologist appointment. I know... Good girl.

I did a Get Glutes strength workout yesterday. So happy it is Friday. I am hoping I have a good day at work and get a ton done so I don't have to bring anything home with me.

Janie Great job on 30/30! I do love how fast and effective it is.

Happy Friday!
Ooops, I totally forgot to post yesterday! Sorry about that!

Janie Great job on yoga and your beach walk.

Julie Sorry to hear you calf is still tender, but great job doing PP. I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving either, this year has just flown by! I know what you mean about not exploding while you wait for the new workouts. Is it just me, or is this set taking longer than usual? Sometimes I wish they didn't announce so far in advance. Yep, I just did that X10 that has only one set of the scissor scissor wide tucks and was sooooo happy there was only one set!

Janie Great job on 30/30. I love that it gets the job done in 30 minutes!

Julie Great job on GG. I am with you on hoping to have a productive day. I am supposed to be off all next week, but I'm already thinking that I will need to work at least one day.

So let's see....Wednesday night I did the core only pre-mix of Bootcamp. My obliques are still feeling it! Yesterday morning I did the other new spinervals workout that I got. It's called the pain cave and it was painful! Whew! This morning was Imax2. That one feels like it's all downhill once I get past those 128 jeannie hops! I hope everyone has a great weekend, Happy Friday!

Worked on stuff for the gallery, had no time to workout. It will be long hrs. tomorrow as well.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes strength yesterday. Hope you don't have to bring any work home. ug

Pam, Great job on last nights premix of Bootcamp on core only. And congrats on the DOM's. And for yesterdays spinervals. Hmm never heard of the pain cave. And for Imax2 this morning. Great job on those Jeannie hops. Those are tough.

Take care everyone,

Saturday I did Cycle Max Extreme! After that I spent some time at my parents planning for Thanksgiving this weekend. Sunday was Get Glutes strength and then lazy day! I don’t feel very rested this morning so I am glad it is only a 3 day work week this week.

Pam Great job on core from original Bootcamp plus the new spinervals! I hope it was painful in a good way! Great job on Imax 2! I feel like it is all downhill after interval 9’s plié jacks. This preorder does seem to be taking longer than usual. Of course, I am very impatient so that could have something to do with it too.

Janie Hope you got everything done for your gallery show and that you had a great time with it.

Have a great day!

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