Step dvd's are like the 4DS HIS/LIS?


I love the step workouts & music from the 4 day split HIS & LIS step portions. I don't have alot of the 'older' workouts, and would love if some Cathe peeps can give me some good ideas! TIA!

If there are other non-Cathe w/o too, that would be fine, I am open!
IMO Cathe's Intensity Series is the best choice for music and variety of workouts. Its my favorite series.
How about Step Moves and Athletic Step? Or Bodymax II has great tunes on the step premix (which is just over an hour.) And also the music on CW is great (on the same disc as Imax II).
Great, thanks for the responses. I was thinking of the Step Moves or Ath. Step. I do have the IM2 and C/W--which are great. I will check out the other Intensity stuff.
I also love the music in 4DS step. The other music I love is BM2, and then Step Blast and Step, Jump, and Pump. I also really enjoy the stepping in these. I prefer Step Moves to Athletic Step. Step Moves reminds me LIC with the former having more impact though.

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