Sore legs Question


When I follow the weights on my workout card for the leg workouts, I am unbelievably sore. I'm talking about the kind of sore where you dread having to go to the bathroom because it hurts so bad to sit down! :eek: If it were a couple days like this, I wouldn't worry about it so much, but at lasts for a solid week. Usually I have just recovered from the previous week when my next leg workout comes up. I know I'm using good form when I lift using the weights my card says I should. It's not necessarily a question of whether I can do them with good form - I can see myself in the reflection of the glass on my entertainment stand so I know I'm doing them correctly- but I'm just so sore!

What I've done is lower my weights. I still get sore from the lower weights but not nearly as bad. However, I'm wondering if I should just "suck it up" and use the heavier weights so I get stronger.

Anyway, if anyone would be willing to give me their thoughts, I would appreciate it very much! And thanks for taking the time to read this!
This is how I felt nearly the entire time of Meso 1 and 2!!! As long as you have good form, I'd say keep the heavier weights. Just don't sacrifice form. The soreness will eventually start to ease up as you get stronger and get more used to the workouts. Just my very humble and non-professional opinion.

I felt EXACTLY the same way with Meso 1. Holding on to the sink helps with sitting!! Meso 2 hasn't been as bad. Try eating protein within 30 min. after your workout to help with muscle recovery and for the soreness............Motrin worked for me. With Meso 2, I'm not nearly as sore for as long. Hang in there, its worth it!!!
I totally agree - I have been JUST as sore after some of those killer leg workouts but have kept it up and the soreness does ease a bit as you get stronger. So stick to it and you will get through! I promise the urge to avoid sitting down in the bathroom will subside LOL
Thanks for everyone's advice!! I'm in the middle of meso 2 now, so I'll just up my weights for the remainder of the program! Well, at least this way I'll avoid being as sore as I would be from meso 1!! :p

Shoot...I was half hoping you all would say "it's ok! Just take it easy on yourself!" ;) No pain no gain sometimes!! Thanks again!
Sore leg question.

Are you doing the extended Stretch at the end of each workout? This has helped me with the soreness.
Honestly, I have not been doing the extended stretch consistently. I do, however, do a very thorough stretch of the muscles I worked after each workout out my own - about 5 to 10 minutes depending on how much time I have. I love the extended stretch, but since I workout in the morning, my time is limited. Do you think the extended stretch would be more beneficial than stretching on my own? I am very good about holding and breathing into stretches - it's one of my favorite things to do!

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