Slipped on black ice last week!!!!! MAJOR PAIN!


and my right knee is still really swollen & sore. I'm talking a HARD fall! My leg literally went out from under me- somehow I caught myself with my arms (forward) , but I still slammed down onto my right knee. It's still unbelievably tender to the touch, but I can walk on it- not without pain, however.

I think I'm going to get it x-rayed tomorrow just to be safe.

I know what ligament & muscle tears feel like - this is much different & super tender to the touch.

Anybody else been through this??

Pam -

I don't have any helpful advice, just wanted to say I hope you aren't seriously injured and are feeling better soon!
I hope you have good news after the x-ray. Hopefully, it is only a bruise, but it sounds like it could be a bone bruise. Fingers crossed that you will only need rest.
Black ice terrifies me .. . let's just say black ice and I are not good buddies.:eek:

Take care.
Hi gals,

I wrapped my knee last night and woke up with it MUCH less swollen and a lot less painful. If it is still doing okay tomorrow, I will skip the x-ray. The bruised bone thing is interesting. I'll keep you all posted.

Thank you very much for your concern & well wishes. Ugh- we are getting yet another storm. Hopefully it won't be quite as wicked as this last one.

You guys are awesome!


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